blob: 26d43f7be9ce2bd9cf5b7896ed2fee7f4f8b91c5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jdo.impl.fostore;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable;
import org.apache.jdo.util.I18NHelper;
* Represents a class id. These are in no way visible to clients, but are an
* integral part of an OID. Each distinct CLID represents a different class.
* In this sense, a 'different class' is one which is structurally distinct
* from all others. Two classes with (e.g.) different fields with the same
* name will therefore be considered different and hence have different
* CLID's (methods, however, are not considered by structural equivalence).
* @see OID
* @author Dave Bristor
// XXX TBD Remote: Allocate provisional CLID's per-PMF w/ remote store.
class CLID {
private static final int PROVISIONAL_MASK = 0x01000000;
// Indicates if this CLID is provisional.
private final boolean provisional;
// The "value" of this CLID.
private final int id;
// Value used to create the next provisional CLID
private static int nextProvisional = 0;
// For synchronizing access to nextProvisional;
private static final Integer lock = new Integer(1);
// Hashcode uniquely identifying this CLID within this JVM.
private final int hashCode;
// Minimum value for a CLID that is created by code that is a client of
// this class. See the knownCLID table below, and make sure that it has
// less than this many elements.
private static final int MIN_USER_CLID = 100;
* We reserve the first 100 CLID's for internal use. We have no purpose
* for them (yet) but this allows for future expansion.
public static final CLID firstCLID = new CLID(MIN_USER_CLID, false);
private static I18NHelper msg = I18NHelper.getInstance(I18N.NAME);
private CLID(int id, boolean provisional) { = id;
this.provisional = provisional;
this.hashCode = new Integer(id).hashCode();
static CLID createProvisional() {
CLID rc = null;
synchronized(lock) {
if (nextProvisional <= OID.MAX_CLID) {
rc = new CLID(nextProvisional, true);
if (null == rc) {
throw new FOStoreFatalInternalException(
CLID.class, "createProvisional", // NOI18N
msg.msg("ERR_OutOfProvisionalCLIDs", // NOI18N
new Integer(OID.MAX_CLID)));
return rc;
static CLID create(int id, boolean provisional) {
if (id > OID.MAX_CLID) {
throw new FOStoreFatalInternalException(
CLID.class, "create", // NOI18N
msg.msg("ERR_InvalidRange", new Integer(id), // NOI18N
new Integer(MIN_USER_CLID), new Integer(OID.MAX_CLID)));
return new CLID(id, provisional);
// These are to be able to get the class of an array of a type. They're
// not private, in order to allow FOStoreTranscriber.ObjectTranscriber to
// share them.
static final OID oidArray[] = new OID[0];
static final boolean booleanArray[] = new boolean[0];
static final char charArray[] = new char[0];
static final byte byteArray[] = new byte[0];
static final short shortArray[] = new short[0];
static final int intArray[] = new int[0];
static final long longArray[] = new long[0];
static final float floatArray[] = new float[0];
static final double doubleArray[] = new double[0];
static final Boolean BooleanArray[] = new Boolean[0];
static final Character CharacterArray[] = new Character[0];
static final Byte ByteArray[] = new Byte[0];
static final Short ShortArray[] = new Short[0];
static final Integer IntegerArray[] = new Integer[0];
static final Long LongArray[] = new Long[0];
static final Float FloatArray[] = new Float[0];
static final Double DoubleArray[] = new Double[0];
static final String StringArray[] = new String[0];
//static final TreeMap TreeMapArray[] = new TreeMap[0];
static final BigDecimal BigDecimalArray[] = new BigDecimal[0];
static final BigInteger BigIntegerArray[] = new BigInteger[0];
static final BitSet BitSetArray[] = new BitSet[0];
static final Locale LocaleArray[] = new Locale[0];
static final java.util.Date utilDateArray[] = new java.util.Date[0];
static final org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Date scoDateArray[] = new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Date[0];
static final java.sql.Date sqlDateArray[] = new java.sql.Date[0];
static final org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.SqlDate scoSqlDateArray[] = new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.SqlDate[0];
static final java.util.ArrayList utilArrayListArray[] = new java.util.ArrayList[0];
static final org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.ArrayList scoArrayListArray[] = new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.ArrayList[0];
static final java.util.Vector utilVectorArray[] = new java.util.Vector[0];
static final org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Vector scoVectorArray[] = new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Vector[0];
static final java.util.HashSet utilHashSetArray[] = new java.util.HashSet[0];
static final org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.HashSet scoHashSetArray[] = new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.HashSet[0];
static final java.util.TreeSet utilTreeSetArray[] = new java.util.TreeSet[0];
static final org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.TreeSet scoTreeSetArray[] = new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.TreeSet[0];
static final java.util.LinkedList utilLinkedListArray[] = new java.util.LinkedList[0];
static final org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.LinkedList scoLinkedListArray[] = new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.LinkedList[0];
static final java.util.HashMap utilHashMapArray[] = new java.util.HashMap[0];
static final org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.HashMap scoHashMapArray[] = new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.HashMap[0];
static final java.util.Hashtable utilHashtableArray[] = new java.util.Hashtable[0];
static final org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Hashtable scoHashtableArray[] = new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Hashtable[0];
static final java.util.TreeMap utilTreeMapArray[] = new java.util.TreeMap[0];
static final org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.TreeMap scoTreeMapArray[] = new org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.TreeMap[0];
// Table mapping instances of java.lang.Class to CLID. Represents CLIDs
// that are compile-time known.
private static HashMap knownCLIDs = new HashMap();
// Table mapping CLIDs to instancs of java.lang.Class for those CLIDs that
// represent classes for which we have both a java.* class and an SCO
// class (such as Date).
private static HashMap scoCLIDs = new HashMap();
// For numbering knownCLID's
static int nextCLID = 1;
// The CLID's for some classes are considered to be well-known, and
// are given below. We provide a special method for writing out the CLID
// of a known class. The "null" CLID gets special treatment.
static final CLID nullCLID = new CLID(0, false);
// CLIDs for special, well-known kinds of objects.
static final CLID forOID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
static final CLID forOIDArray = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
static {
// Used only for inserting into knownCLIDs, scoCLIDs tables.
knownCLIDs.put(OID.class, forOID);
// Primitives
knownCLIDs.put(boolean.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(char.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(byte.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(short.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(int.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(long.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(float.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(double.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
// Immutables
knownCLIDs.put(Boolean.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(Character.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(Byte.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(Short.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(Integer.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(Long.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(Float.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(Double.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
// String
knownCLIDs.put(String.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
// Collections for which we don't have an SCO equivalent
// Maps for which we don't have an SCO equivalent
// Numbers
knownCLIDs.put(BigDecimal.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(BigInteger.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
// BitSet
knownCLIDs.put(BitSet.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
// Locale
knownCLIDs.put(Locale.class, new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
// Note: util and SCO CLID's
// We use the same CLID for the util and SCO classes. Consider the
// case in which application code creates a field of a util class for
// which JDORI has a corresponding SCO class (e.g. Date). When the
// field value is fetched, FOStore instantiates an instance of the
// SCO class regardless.
// So, we use the same CLID for each util/SCO pair. And we make an
// entry in scoCLIDs from the CLID to the SCO class.
// Simple SCO's and their non-SCO equivalents.
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(java.util.Date.class, tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Date.class, tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Date.class);
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(java.sql.Date.class, tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.SqlDate.class, tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.SqlDate.class);
// Collection SCO's and their non-SCO equivalents.
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(java.util.ArrayList.class, tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.ArrayList.class, tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.ArrayList.class);
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(java.util.Vector.class, tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Vector.class, tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Vector.class);
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(java.util.HashSet.class, tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.HashSet.class, tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.HashSet.class);
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(java.util.TreeSet.class, tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.TreeSet.class, tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.TreeSet.class);
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(java.util.LinkedList.class, tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.LinkedList.class, tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.LinkedList.class);
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(java.util.HashMap.class, tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.HashMap.class, tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.HashMap.class);
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(java.util.Hashtable.class, tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Hashtable.class, tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.Hashtable.class);
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(java.util.TreeMap.class, tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.TreeMap.class, tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, org.apache.jdo.impl.sco.TreeMap.class);
// Arrays for all of the above
knownCLIDs.put(oidArray.getClass(), forOIDArray);
knownCLIDs.put(booleanArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(charArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(byteArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(shortArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(intArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(longArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(floatArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(doubleArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(BooleanArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(CharacterArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(ByteArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(ShortArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(IntegerArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(LongArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(FloatArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(DoubleArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(StringArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
// Numbers
knownCLIDs.put(BigDecimalArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
knownCLIDs.put(BigIntegerArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
// BitSet
knownCLIDs.put(BitSetArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
// Locale
knownCLIDs.put(LocaleArray.getClass(), new CLID(nextCLID++, false));
// Arrays of simple SCO's and their non-SCO equivalents.
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(utilDateArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(scoDateArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, scoDateArray.getClass());
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(sqlDateArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(scoSqlDateArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, scoSqlDateArray.getClass());
// Arrays of collection SCO's and their non-SCO equivalents.
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(utilArrayListArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(scoArrayListArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, scoArrayListArray.getClass());
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(utilVectorArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(scoVectorArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, scoVectorArray.getClass());
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(utilHashSetArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(scoHashSetArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, scoHashSetArray.getClass());
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(utilTreeSetArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(scoTreeSetArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, scoTreeSetArray.getClass());
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(utilLinkedListArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(scoLinkedListArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, scoLinkedListArray.getClass());
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(utilHashMapArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(scoHashMapArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, scoHashMapArray.getClass());
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(utilHashtableArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(scoHashtableArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, scoHashtableArray.getClass());
tmpCLID = new CLID(nextCLID++, false);
knownCLIDs.put(utilTreeMapArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
knownCLIDs.put(scoTreeMapArray.getClass(), tmpCLID);
scoCLIDs.put(tmpCLID, scoTreeMapArray.getClass());
* Indicate whether a Class is known, that is, has built-in support
* @return true if known, false otherwise
static boolean isKnown(Class cls) {
return getKnownCLID(cls) != null;
* Get the CLID that corresponds to the given Class. Return null if there
* is no such CLID.
static CLID getKnownCLID(Class cls) {
CLID rc = (CLID)knownCLIDs.get(cls);
if (null == rc) {
if (cls.isArray()) {
Class componentType = cls.getComponentType();
if (PersistenceCapable.class.isAssignableFrom(componentType)) {
rc = CLID.forOIDArray;
return rc;
* Writes the CLID for the given class, which *must* be a known class
static void writeForKnown(Class cls, DataOutput out)
throws IOException {
CLID clid = (CLID)knownCLIDs.get(cls);
if (null != clid) {
} else {
throw new FOStoreFatalInternalException(
CLID.class, "writeForKnown", // NOI18N
msg.msg("ERR_Unknown", cls.getName())); // NOI18N
* Get the java.lang.Class that corresponds to the given CLID.
static Class getKnownType(CLID clid) {
Class rc = null;
// If the CLID corresponds to a java.* class for which we have an SCO
// equivalent, return the SCO Class. This test is separate because
// the knownCLIDs HashMap contains, for those cases, both the java.*
// class and the SCO class mapped to the *same* CLID.
rc = (Class)scoCLIDs.get(clid);
if (null == rc) {
Set entries = knownCLIDs.entrySet();
for (Iterator i = entries.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
CLID ci = (CLID)entry.getValue();
if (clid.equals(ci)) {
rc = (Class)entry.getKey();
return rc;
* Indicates whether the given CLID is provisional or not. A 'provisonal'
* CLID is one that has been allocated within a JVM, but for which the
* corresponding class is not yet known to have a correspondence in the
* store itself.
* @return True if this CLID is provisonal, false otherwise.
boolean isProvisional() {
return provisional;
// hashCode and the public equals are required for HashMaps, such as the
// provisional CLID map.
public int hashCode() {
return hashCode;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
boolean rc = false;
if (other instanceof CLID) {
CLID clid = (CLID)other;
rc = id == && provisional == clid.provisional;
return rc;
// Serialization. Not serialization, just what we
// need for the store.
void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
int writtenId = id;
if (provisional) {
static CLID read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
int id = in.readInt();
boolean provisional = (id & PROVISIONAL_MASK) > 0;
if (provisional) {
return new CLID(id, provisional);
* Provides a new CLID whose id is one greater than this one's.
* @return A new CLID. */
CLID next() {
return new CLID(id + 1, false);
* Provides the id part of a CLID.
* @return The CLID's representation.
int getId() {
return id;
// For debugging
public String toString() {
StringBuffer rc = new StringBuffer("CLID: " + id); // NOI18N
if (provisional) {
rc.append(" (provisional)"); // NOI18N
return rc.toString();