blob: a4e43c10396c1b7402410eb9bdc639448ffe0335 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jdo.impl.fostore;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.jdo.JDOFatalException;
import javax.jdo.JDOFatalInternalException;
import javax.jdo.JDOUserException;
import javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException;
import javax.jdo.spi.JDOImplHelper;
import javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable;
import org.apache.jdo.state.StateManagerInternal;
import org.apache.jdo.util.I18NHelper;
* Represents the identity of a JDO object in the File/Object store. This
* implementation uses application identity. The identity is based on the class
* of the object and a byte[] buffer that represents values in the user
* object Id instance which creates a unique identifier within that class.
* These ID's are unique only within a single datastore.
* <p>
* @author Marina Vatkina
public class AID extends OID {
// These bytes represent user ID:
private byte[] buffer;
// Hashcode uniquely identifying this AID via UID.
private int hashCode;
// CLID for the superclass that corresponds to the user defined
// key class.
private long sCLIDBits;
/** I18N support. */
private static final I18NHelper msg = I18NHelper.getInstance(I18N.NAME);
/** JDOImplHelper instance */
private final static JDOImplHelper jdoImplHelper =
(JDOImplHelper) AccessController.doPrivileged (
new PrivilegedAction () {
public Object run () {
try {
return JDOImplHelper.getInstance();
catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new JDOFatalUserException (msg.msg(
e.getMessage()), e); // NOI18N
* Default constructor.
public AID() {
sCLIDBits = getCLID().getId();
* Creates an AID with the given value.
public AID(long oid) {
sCLIDBits = getCLID().getId();
* Create and return a new instance of AID.
* @return a new instance of AID.
static AID create(Class pcClass, PersistenceCapable pc,
Object userOid,
PersistenceManagerInternal pm,
FOStorePMF pmf) {
boolean fromPC = false;
if (userOid == null) {
fromPC = true;
userOid = pc.jdoNewObjectIdInstance();
AID rc = new AID();
rc.createBuffer(userOid, pcClass, pmf, fromPC, pc);
rc.setSuperCLIDBits(pcClass, userOid.getClass(), pm, pmf);
return rc;
* Determines if this AID is equal to another.
* @param other The other AID in the equality comparison.
* @return True if they are equal, false otherwise.
public boolean equals(Object other) {
boolean rc = false;
if (other instanceof AID) {
AID o = (AID)other;
long uidBits = this.oid & UID_MASK;
long o_uidBits = o.oid & UID_MASK;
// It is enough to compare super class CLID bits,
// as there are no 2 subclasses with the same uid.
rc = Arrays.equals(this.buffer, o.buffer) &&
(uidBits == o_uidBits) && (sCLIDBits == o.sCLIDBits);
return rc;
* Returns a String representation of this AID. Includes whether or not
* the instance is provisional, and its reserved bits, if they are set.
public String toString() {
StringBuffer rc =
new StringBuffer(
"OID: " + // NOI18N
((oid & CLID_MASK) >> CLID_SHIFT) +
"-0x") ; // NOI18N
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
if (isProvisional()) {
rc.append(" (provisional)"); // NOI18N
long res = oid & RESERVED_MASK;
if (res > 0) {
res = res >> RESERVED_SHIFT;
rc.append(" (reserved=" + res + ")"); // NOI18N
rc.append(" (super CLID=" + sCLIDBits + ")"); // NOI18N
return rc.toString();
* Returns the id itself in String form, for debugging.
public String oidString() {
return "" + oid; // NOI18N
* Provides a unique hashCode for this AID.
public int hashCode() {
if (0 == hashCode) {
hashCode = new Long(oid & UID_MASK).hashCode();
return hashCode;
* Returns true for application identity type for this OID.
boolean isApplicationIdentity() {
return true;
* Returns false for datastore identity type for this OID.
boolean isDataStoreIdentity() {
return false;
* Returns copy of the requested oid to be accessed by the user.
Object getExternalObjectId(PersistenceCapable pc) {
// Create and return user Oid value from persistence-capable
// instance.
Object rc = pc.jdoNewObjectIdInstance();
return rc;
// Serialization
// We provide the {write,read}Object methods for, so
// that we know exactly what's being written and read. We also have
// methods used elsewhere in the fostore package that don't rely
// ObjectOutput stuff.
* Writes this AID to the output stream.
public void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
* Reads this AID's value from the input stream.
public void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException {
boolean applicationIdentity = in.readBoolean();
oid = in.readLong();
* Writes this AID to the output stream.
void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("AID.write: " + this + " oid: " + oid); // NOI18N
* Reads AID buffer's value from the input stream.
void readBuffer(DataInput in) throws IOException {
try {
sCLIDBits = in.readLong();
int length = in.readInt();
buffer = new byte[length];
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FOStoreFatalIOException(
AID.class, "read", ex); // NOI18N
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(" " + this); // NOI18N
/** Replaces provisional oid with real oid (datastore identity only)
* @param realOID as OID instance
* @param pmf as FOStorePMF
* @param sm as StateManagerInternal
void replaceProvisionalOIDWithReal(OID realOID, FOStorePMF pmf,
StateManagerInternal sm) {
// Construct oid from new CLID and existing UID.
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("AID.replaceProvisionalOIDWithReal: " + // NOI18N
this + " with: " + realOID); // NOI18N
OID oldOid = this.copy();
long clidBits = realOID.oid & CLID_MASK;
long uidBits = this.oid & UID_MASK;
this.oid = clidBits | uidBits;
if (sm != null && sm.getPCClass() != null) {
// Calculate superclass version of this OID for future lookup.
setSuperCLIDBits(sm.getPCClass(), null, sm.getPersistenceManager(), pmf);
} else if (oldOid.isProvisional()) {
// else just sync the values.
sCLIDBits = getCLID().getId();
* Returns copy of the requested oid.
OID copy() {
AID rc = new AID();
rc.oid = oid;
rc.sCLIDBits = sCLIDBits;
rc.buffer = new byte[buffer.length];
System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, rc.buffer, 0, buffer.length);
return rc;
* Copy key fields from OID into PC instance. No-op for the
* datastore identity type for this OID.
* @param sm as StateManagerInternal
* @param pmf as FOStorePMF
* @param pcClass Class of the PC instance.
* @param pkfields array of PK field numbers.
void copyKeyFieldsToPC(StateManagerInternal sm, FOStorePMF pmf,
Class pcClass, int[] pkfields) {
FieldFetcher ff =
new FieldFetcher(new FOStoreInput(buffer, 0, buffer.length),
false); // do not skip other fields
sm.replaceFields(pkfields, ff);
// Internal methods.
private void createBuffer (Object userOid, Class pcClass, FOStorePMF pmf,
boolean fromPC, PersistenceCapable pc) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("AID.createBuffer: " + // NOI18N
" for userOid: " + userOid + ", pcClass: " + pcClass.getName()); // NOI18N
FOStoreModel model = pmf.getModel();
CLID clid = model.getCLID(pcClass);
long clidBits = clid.getId();
clidBits <<= CLID_SHIFT;
if (clid.isProvisional()) {
clidBits |= PROV_CLID_MASK;
FOStoreOutput out = new FOStoreOutput();
AIDTranscriber aidTranscriber = new AIDTranscriber(out, pcClass, pmf);
try {
pcClass, aidTranscriber, userOid);
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
if (fromPC) {
throw new JDOUserException(msg.msg("EXC_MakePersistentKeyFieldNull",
npe.getMessage()), pc);
} else {
throw new JDOUserException(msg.msg("EXC_GetObjectByIdKeyFieldNull",
npe.getMessage()), userOid);
// Read the field values part of the block.
int length = out.getPos();
byte[] temp = out.getBuf();
buffer = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, buffer, 0, length);
long uidBits = computeUID();
oid = clidBits | (uidBits & UID_MASK);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("AID.createBuffer: " + // NOI18N
this + " oid: " + Long.toHexString(oid)); // NOI18N
* Sets CLID bits for the superclass that corresponds to the user
* defined key class.
* @param pcClass the class of the persisntence-capable instance or
* null if not known.
* @param keyClass the class of the user defined key or null if not
* known.
* @param pm the PersistenceManagerInternal that requested the operation.
* @param pmf the FOStorePMF that requested the operation.
private void setSuperCLIDBits(Class pcClass, Class keyClass,
PersistenceManagerInternal pm,
FOStorePMF pmf) {
long rc = getCLID().getId();
if (pcClass != null) {
if (keyClass == null) {
keyClass = jdoImplHelper.newObjectIdInstance(pcClass).getClass();
try {
Class cls = pm.loadPCClassForObjectIdClass(keyClass);
if (cls != null) {
rc = pmf.getModel().getCLID(cls).getId();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("AID.getSuperCLID: " + rc); // NOI18N
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore - will set superclass to the pcClass.
sCLIDBits = rc;
* Compute unique user Id from the buffer.
private long computeUID() {
long rc = 0;
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); // NOI18N
byte hasharray[] = md.digest(buffer);
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(8, hasharray.length); i++) {
rc += (long)(hasharray[i] & 255) << (i * 8);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
throw new JDOFatalInternalException(
msg.msg("ERR_Algorithm"), ex); // NOI18N
return rc;
* Covert byte into 2-digit hexadecimal String.
private static String toHexString(int b) {
char a = (b < 0)? 'F' : '0';
return "" + a + hexDigit[(b & 0xF)]; //NOI18N
/** A table of hex digits */
private static final char[] hexDigit = {