blob: f4b8dcc5aae25ec346834350013db2e1e4d35ee5 [file] [log] [blame]
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# ResourceBundle properties file for model messages
# key consists of: enhancer.<subpackage>.<description>
# <subpackage> - is optional, package under model
# <description> - short description (use _ to represent space)
# all keys should be in lowercase
# Global Enhancer Metadata messages
# {0}=detail message
enhancer.metadata.message=JDO ENHANCER: Metadata: {0}
# {0}=error message
enhancer.metadata.error=JDO ENHANCER: Metadata Error: {0}
# {0}=warning message
enhancer.metadata.warning=JDO ENHANCER: Metadata Warning: {0}
# {0}=missing resource file
enhancer.metadata.cannot_read_resource=Cannot read directory or jar file: {0}
# Detail Enhancer Metadata messages
# {0}=exception message
enhancer.metadata.jdomodel_error=A JDO model exception has occurred: {0}
# {0}=exception message
enhancer.metadata.io_error=An I/O exception has occurred: {0}
# {0}=filename
enhancer.metadata.using_properties=using properties file: {0}
# {0}=filenames
enhancer.metadata.using_jdo_files=using jdo files: {0}
# {0}=path
enhancer.metadata.using_jar_files=using jar/zip files: {0}
# {0}=path
enhancer.metadata.using_source_path=using source path: {0}
# {0}=
enhancer.metadata.using_no_metadata=no JDO metadata source was specified
# Global enhancer messages
# {0}=detailed message
enhancer.message=JDO ENHANCER: {0}
# {0}=detailed message
enhancer.error=JDO ENHANCER: At least one error occurred while enhancing input class for Transparent Persistence; detailed message(s): {0}
# {0}=error number, {1}=detailed message
enhancer.enumerated_error=JDO ENHANCER: Error ({0}): {1}
# {0}=detailed message
enhancer.internal_error=JDO ENHANCER: An internal error occurred while enhancing input class; detailed message: {0}
# {0}=detailed message
enhancer.warning=JDO ENHANCER: Warning: {0}
# Enhancer core messages
enhancer.class_format_error=I/O error while reading input stream or input stream does not denote a valid Java class.
enhancer.io_error_while_writing_stream=I/O error while writing output stream.
# {0}=dir name
enhancer.unable_to_create_dir=Unable to create the directory named {0}.
# {0}=class name
enhancer.class_previously_annotated=The class {0} was previously annotated.
# {0}=boolean
enhancer.class_implements_jdo_pc=implements the JDO PersistenceCapable interface: {0}.
enhancer.class_has_default_constructor=has default constructor.
enhancer.class_has_not_default_constructor=has not default constructor.
enhancer.class_has_static_initializer=has static initializer.
enhancer.class_has_not_static_initializer=has not static initializer.
enhancer.class_has_clone_method=has clone method.
enhancer.class_has_not_clone_method=has not clone method.
enhancer.class_has_writeObject_method=has writeObject method.
enhancer.class_has_not_writeObject_method=has not writeObject method.
enhancer.class_has_writeReplace_method=has writeReplace method.
enhancer.class_has_not_writeReplace_method=has not writeReplace method.
enhancer.class_has_readObject_method=has readObject method.
enhancer.class_has_not_readObject_method=has not readObject method.
# {0}=class name
enhancer.class_missing_default_constructor=The persistence-capable class {0} does not provide a default (no-argument) constructor.
# {0}=boolean
enhancer.class_has_generic_jdo_fields=has the generic JDO fields: {0}.
# {0}=boolean
enhancer.class_has_generic_jdo_methods=has the generic JDO methods: {0}.
# {0}=boolean
enhancer.class_has_generic_jdo_members=has the generic JDO fields and methods: {0}.
# {0}=boolean
enhancer.class_has_specific_jdo_fields=has the specific JDO fields: {0}.
# {0}=boolean
enhancer.class_has_specific_jdo_methods=has the specific JDO methods: {0}.
# {0}=boolean
enhancer.class_has_specific_jdo_members=has the specific JDO fields and methods: {0}.
# {0}=boolean
enhancer.class_has_oid_handling_jdo_methods=has the ObjectId-handling JDO methods: {0}.
# {0}=boolean
enhancer.class_has_callback_jdo_methods=has the instance-callback JDO methods: {0}.
# {0}=class name, {1}=method name
enhancer.class_defines_jdo_method=The persistence-capable class {0} defines a JDO method called {1}.
# {0}=class name, {1}=field name
enhancer.class_defines_jdo_field=The persistence-capable class {0} defines a JDO field called {1}.
# {0}=class name, {1}=member name
enhancer.class_has_jdo_like_member=The persistence-capable class {0} defines a member {1} whose name starts with the reserved jdo prefix.
# {0}=class name, {1}=method name,
# {2}=expected signature, {3}=found signature
# {4}=expected modifiers, {5}=found modifiers
enhancer.class_has_illegally_declared_jdo_member=The persistence-capable class {0} has an illegally declared JDO member: {1}; expected signature: ''{2}''; found signature: ''{3}''; expected access modifier flags: {4}; found access modifier flags: {5}.
# {0}=class name, {1}=found method names, {2}=missing method names
enhancer.class_has_inconsistently_declared_jdo_members=The persistence-capable class {0} has an incosistent set of declared JDO members; found: {1}; missing: {2}.
# Other Enhancer messages
# {0}=filenames
enhancer.using_jdo_files=using jdo files: {0}
# {0}=path
enhancer.using_archive_files=using jar/zip files: {0}
# {0}=path
enhancer.using_source_path=using source path: {0}
# {0}=resource file name
enhancer.using_file=using file: {0}
# {0}=resource path element
enhancer.using_path_element=using path element: {0}
# {0}=class name, {1}=file name, {2}=file name
enhancer.class_already_entered=The class {0} from {1} is already entered from {2}.
# {0}=dir name, {1}=dir name
enhancer.destination_directory_already_set=Attempt to set the destination directory to {0}, but it has already been set to {1}.
# {0}=dir name
enhancer.destination_directory_not_exist=The destination directory {0} does not exist.
# {0}=resource name
enhancer.found_resource=found resource: {0}
enhancer.not_found_resource=not found resource: {0}
# {0}=resource name
enhancer.cannot_read_resource=resource does not exist or cannot be read: {0}
# {0}=resource name {1}=exception message
enhancer.io_error_while_reading_resource=An I/O exception has occurred while reading resource: {0}, exception: {1}
# {0}=resource name
enhancer.io_error_while_reading_resource=An I/O exception has occurred: {0}
# {0}=resource name
enhancer.illegal_path_element=illegal element source path: {0}
# Enhancer exception messages