blob: 7f2a60380cbde7d82668a4788348029ebab07673 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
* limitations under the License.
package javax.jdo;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.jdo.pc.PCPoint;
import javax.jdo.util.AbstractTest;
import javax.jdo.util.BatchTestRunner;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
* Tests class javax.jdo.JDOHelper.
* <p>TBD: implementation of testMakeDirty, TBD: testing interrogative methods for persistent
* instances TBD: getPMF for valid PMF class
public class JDOHelperTest extends AbstractTest {
/** */
public static void main(String args[]) {;
* The purpose of this test is simply to call some of the methods on a constructed instance of
* JDOHelper and verify that they do not throw exceptions. It is not a functional test.
* @since 2.1
public void testConstructor() {
assertNull("getObjectId(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.getObjectId(null));
"getPersistenceManager(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.getPersistenceManager(null));
"getTransactionalObjectId(null) returned non-null",
assertNull("getVersion(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.getVersion(null));
assertFalse("isDeleted(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.isDeleted(null));
assertFalse("isDetached(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.isDetached(null));
assertFalse("isDirty(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.isDirty(null));
assertFalse("isNew(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.isNew(null));
assertFalse("isPersistent(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.isPersistent(null));
assertFalse("isTransactional(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.isTransactional(null));
* The purpose of this test is simply to call some of the methods on the static instance of
* JDOHelper and verify that they do not throw exceptions. It is not a functional test.
* @since 2.1
public void testGetInstance() {
assertNull("getObjectId(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.getObjectId(null));
"getPersistenceManager(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.getPersistenceManager(null));
"getTransactionalObjectId(null) returned non-null",
assertNull("getVersion(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.getVersion(null));
assertFalse("isDeleted(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.isDeleted(null));
assertFalse("isDetached(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.isDetached(null));
assertFalse("isDirty(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.isDirty(null));
assertFalse("isNew(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.isNew(null));
assertFalse("isPersistent(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.isPersistent(null));
assertFalse("isTransactional(null) returned non-null", JDOHelper.isTransactional(null));
/** */
public void testGetPM() {
PCPoint p = new PCPoint(1, Integer.valueOf(1));
if (JDOHelper.getPersistenceManager(p) != null) {
fail("JDOHelper.getPersistenceManager should return null pm for non-persistent instance");
// TBD: test for persistent instance
/** */
public void testMakeDirty() {
// TBD: test JDOHelper.makeDirty(pc, fieldName);
/** */
public void testGetObjectId() {
PCPoint p = new PCPoint(1, Integer.valueOf(1));
if (JDOHelper.getObjectId(p) != null) {
fail("JDOHelper.getObjectId should return null ObjectId for non-persistent instance");
// TBD test JDOHelper.getObjectId(pc) for persistent instance
/** */
public void testGetTransactionObjectId() {
PCPoint p = new PCPoint(1, Integer.valueOf(1));
if (JDOHelper.getObjectId(p) != null) {
"JDOHelper.getTransactionalObjectId should return null ObjectId for non-persistent instance");
// TBD test JDOHelper.getTransactionalObjectId(pc) for persistent instance
/** */
public void testIsDirty() {
PCPoint p = new PCPoint(1, Integer.valueOf(1));
if (JDOHelper.isDirty(p)) {
fail("JDOHelper.isDirty should return false for non-persistent instance");
// TBD test JDOHelper.isDirty(pc) for persistent instance
/** */
public void testIsTransactional() {
PCPoint p = new PCPoint(1, Integer.valueOf(1));
if (JDOHelper.isTransactional(p)) {
fail("JDOHelper.isTransactional should return false for non-persistent instance");
// TBD test JDOHelper.isTransactional(pc) for persistent instance
/** */
public void testIsPersistent() {
PCPoint p = new PCPoint(1, Integer.valueOf(1));
if (JDOHelper.isPersistent(p)) {
fail("JDOHelper.isPersistent should return false for non-persistent instance");
// TBD test JDOHelper.isPersistent(pc) for persistent instance
/** */
public void testIsNew() {
PCPoint p = new PCPoint(1, Integer.valueOf(1));
if (JDOHelper.isNew(p)) {
fail("JDOHelper.isNew should return false for non-persistent instance");
// TBD test JDOHelper.isNew(pc) for persistent instance
/** */
public void testIsDeleted() {
PCPoint p = new PCPoint(1, Integer.valueOf(1));
if (JDOHelper.isDeleted(p)) {
fail("JDOHelper.isDeleted should return false for non-persistent instance");
// TBD test JDOHelper.isDeleted(pc) for persistent instance
/** Test null String resource with no class loader. */
public void testGetPMFNullResource() {
try {
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory((String) null);
fail("Null resource name should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test null String resource with good class loader. */
public void testGetPMFNullResourceGoodClassLoader() {
try {
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory((String) null, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
fail("Null resource name should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test bad String resource with no class loader. */
public void testGetPMFBadResource() {
try {
fail("Null resource name should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test null String resource with good class loader. */
public void testGetPMFBadResourceGoodClassLoader() {
try {
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory("Whatever", this.getClass().getClassLoader());
fail("Null resource name should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test null File resource with no class loader. */
public void testGetPMFNullFile() {
try {
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory((File) null);
fail("Null file should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test null File resource with good class loader. */
public void testGetPMFNullFileGoodClassLoader() {
try {
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory((File) null, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
fail("Null file should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test bad File resource with no class loader. */
public void testGetPMFBadFile() {
try {
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(new File("Whatever"));
fail("Null file should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test bad File resource with good class loader. */
public void testGetPMFBadFileGoodClassLoader() {
try {
new File("Whatever"), this.getClass().getClassLoader());
fail("Null file should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test null JNDI resource name with no class loader. */
public void testGetPMFNullJNDI() {
try {
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(null, getInitialContext());
fail("Null JNDI resource name should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test null JNDI resource name with good class loader. */
public void testGetPMFNullJNDIGoodClassLoader() {
try {
null, getInitialContext(), this.getClass().getClassLoader());
fail("Null JNDI resource name should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test bad JNDI resource name with no class loader. */
public void testGetPMFBadJNDI() {
try {
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory("Whatever", getInitialContext());
fail("Bad JNDI resource name should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test bad JNDI resource name with good class loader. */
public void testGetPMFBadJNDIGoodClassLoader() {
try {
"Whatever", getInitialContext(), this.getClass().getClassLoader());
fail("Bad JNDI resource name should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test null stream with no class loader. */
public void testGetPMFNullStream() {
try {
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory((InputStream) null);
fail("Null JNDI resource name should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test null stream with good class loader. */
public void testGetPMFNullStreamGoodClassLoader() {
try {
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory((InputStream) null, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
fail("Null JNDI resource name should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test null ClassLoader. */
public void testGetPMFNullClassLoader() {
try {
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory("Whatever", (ClassLoader) null);
fail("Null ClassLoader should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test both null ClassLoaders. */
public void testGetPMFBothNullClassLoader() {
try {
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory("Whatever", (ClassLoader) null, null);
fail("Null ClassLoader should result in JDOFatalUserException");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test missing property javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass. */
public void testGetPMFNoClassNameProperty() {
try {
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(new Properties());
"Missing property PersistenceManagerFactoryClass should result in JDOFatalUserException ");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test bad PMF class does not exist. */
public void testBadPMFClassNotFound() {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass", "ThisClassDoesNotExist");
try {
fail("Bad PersistenceManagerFactoryClass should result in JDOFatalUserException ");
} catch (JDOFatalUserException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test bad PMF class no method getPersistenceManagerFactory(Properties). */
public void testBadPMFNoGetPMFPropertiesMethod() {
Properties props = new Properties();
"javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass", "javax.jdo.JDOHelperTest$BadPMFNoGetPMFMethod");
try {
fail("Bad PersistenceManagerFactory should result in JDOFatalInternalException ");
} catch (JDOFatalInternalException ex) {
if (ex.getCause() instanceof NoSuchMethodException) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
} else {
"Bad PersistenceManagerFactory should result in "
+ "JDOFatalInternalException with nested "
+ "NoSuchMethodException. "
+ "Actual nested exception was "
+ ex);
/** Test bad PMF class no method getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map). */
public void testBadPMFNoGetPMFMapMethod() {
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>();
"javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass", "javax.jdo.JDOHelperTest$BadPMFNoGetPMFMethod");
try {
fail("Bad PersistenceManagerFactory should result in JDOFatalInternalException ");
} catch (JDOFatalInternalException ex) {
if (ex.getCause() instanceof NoSuchMethodException) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
} else {
"Bad PersistenceManagerFactory should result in "
+ "JDOFatalInternalException with nested "
+ "NoSuchMethodException. "
+ "Actual nested exception was "
+ ex);
/** Test bad PMF class non-static getPMF method. */
public void testBadPMFNonStaticGetPMFMethod() {
Properties props = new Properties();
try {
fail("Bad PersistenceManagerFactoryClass should result in JDOFatalInternalException ");
} catch (JDOFatalInternalException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test bad PMF class doesn't implement PMF. */
public void testBadPMFWrongReturnType() {
Properties props = new Properties();
try {
fail("Bad PersistenceManagerFactoryClass should result in JDOFatalInternalException ");
} catch (JDOFatalInternalException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test bad PMF class getPersistenceManagerFactory throws Exception. */
public void testBadPMFGetPMFMethodThrowsJDOException() {
Properties props = new Properties();
try {
"BadPMFGetPMFMethodThrowsJDOException.GetPersistenceManagerFactory "
+ "should result in JDOUnsupportedOptionException. "
+ "No exception was thrown.");
} catch (JDOUnsupportedOptionException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test bad PMF class getPersistenceManagerFactory returns null. */
public void testBadPMFGetPMFMethodReturnsNull() {
Properties props = new Properties();
try {
"BadPMFGetPMFMethodReturnsNull.GetPersistenceManagerFactory "
+ "should result in JDOFatalInternalException. "
+ "No exception was thrown.");
} catch (JDOFatalInternalException ex) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + ex);
/** Test that an unknown standard property cause JDOUserException. */
public void testUnknownStandardProperty() {
Properties p = new Properties();
p.setProperty("", "value");
try {
"testUnknownStandardProperties should result in JDOUserException. "
+ "No exception was thrown.");
} catch (JDOUserException x) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + x);
/** Test that unknown standard properties cause JDOUserException w/nested exceptions. */
public void testUnknownStandardProperties() {
Properties p = new Properties();
p.setProperty("", "value");
p.setProperty("", "value");
JDOUserException x = null;
try {
"testUnknownStandardProperties should result in JDOUserException. "
+ "No exception was thrown.");
} catch (JDOUserException thrown) {
if (verbose) println("Caught expected exception " + thrown);
x = thrown;
Throwable[] nesteds = x.getNestedExceptions();
assertEquals("should have been 2 nested exceptions", 2, nesteds.length);
for (int i = 0; i < nesteds.length; i++) {
Throwable t = nesteds[i];
"nested exception " + i + " should have been JDOUserException",
t instanceof JDOUserException);
private Context getInitialContext() {
try {
return new InitialContext();
} catch (NamingException ne) {
fail("Could not get Initial Context");
return null;
public static class BadPMFNoGetPMFMethod {}
public static class BadPMFNonStaticGetPMFMethod {
public PersistenceManagerFactory getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map<?, ?> props) {
return null;
public static class BadPMFWrongReturnType {
public static BadPMFWrongReturnType getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map<?, ?> props) {
return new BadPMFWrongReturnType();
public static class BadPMFGetPMFMethodThrowsJDOException {
public static PersistenceManagerFactory getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map<?, ?> props) {
throw new JDOUnsupportedOptionException("GetPMF method throws JDOUnsupportedOptionException");
public static class BadPMFGetPMFMethodThrowsJDOFatalInternalException {
public static PersistenceManagerFactory getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map<?, ?> props) {
throw new JDOFatalInternalException("GetPMF method throws JDOFatalInternalException");
public static class BadPMFGetPMFMethodReturnsNull {
public static PersistenceManagerFactory getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map<?, ?> props) {
return null;