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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
* limitations under the License.
package javax.jdo;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.jdo.query.BooleanExpression;
import javax.jdo.query.CharacterExpression;
import javax.jdo.query.CollectionExpression;
import javax.jdo.query.DateExpression;
import javax.jdo.query.DateTimeExpression;
import javax.jdo.query.Expression;
import javax.jdo.query.IfThenElseExpression;
import javax.jdo.query.ListExpression;
import javax.jdo.query.MapExpression;
import javax.jdo.query.NumericExpression;
import javax.jdo.query.OrderExpression;
import javax.jdo.query.PersistableExpression;
import javax.jdo.query.StringExpression;
import javax.jdo.query.TimeExpression;
* Interface for a type-safe refactorable JDOQL query, using a fluent API, based around expressions.
* Note that a JDOQLTypedQuery only supports named parameters, and the values of these parameters
* should be set using the relevant setter methods prior to execution, and that the values for the
* parameters will only be retained until the subsequent query execution.
* @param <T> candidate type for this query
public interface JDOQLTypedQuery<T> extends Serializable, Closeable {
public static final String QUERY_CLASS_PREFIX = "Q";
* Method to return an expression for the candidate of the query. Cast the returned expression to
* the candidate "Q" type to be able to call methods on it. This calls the method
* "Q{type}.candidate(null)" The preference is to use the "Q{type}.candidate()" method for real
* type-safe handling.
* @return Expression for the candidate
PersistableExpression<T> candidate();
* Method to return a parameter for the query. Cast the returned parameter to the right type to be
* able to call methods on it. The preference is to use the "xxxParameter(String)" methods for
* real type-safe handling.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @param type Java type of the parameter
* @return Expression for the parameter
* @param <P> type for the parameter
<P> Expression<P> parameter(String name, Class<P> type);
* Method to return a string parameter for the query.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @return StringExpression for the parameter
StringExpression stringParameter(String name);
* Method to return a character parameter for the query.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @return Expression for the parameter
CharacterExpression characterParameter(String name);
* Method to return a numeric parameter for the query.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @return NumericExpression for the parameter
NumericExpression<?> numericParameter(String name);
* Method to return a numeric parameter for the query.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @param type Type of the numeric parameter
* @param <N> Type for the numeric parameter
* @return NumericExpression for the parameter
default <N> NumericExpression<N> numericParameter(String name, Class<N> type) {
return (NumericExpression<N>) numericParameter(name);
* Method to return a date parameter for the query.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @return Expression for the parameter
DateExpression dateParameter(String name);
* Method to return a time parameter for the query.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @return Expression for the parameter
TimeExpression timeParameter(String name);
* Method to return a datetime parameter for the query.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @return Expression for the parameter
DateTimeExpression datetimeParameter(String name);
* Method to return a collection parameter for the query.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @return Expression for the parameter
CollectionExpression<?, ?> collectionParameter(String name);
* Method to return a collection parameter for the query.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @param elementType Element type of the collection parameter
* @param <E> Element type for the collection parameter
* @return Expression for the parameter
default <E> CollectionExpression<Collection<E>, E> collectionParameter(
String name, Class<E> elementType) {
return (CollectionExpression<Collection<E>, E>) collectionParameter(name);
* Method to return a map parameter for the query.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @return Expression for the parameter
MapExpression<?, ?, ?> mapParameter(String name);
* Method to return a map parameter for the query.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @param keyType Key type of the map parameter
* @param valueType Value type of the map parameter
* @param <K> Key type for the map parameter
* @param <V> Value type for the map parameter
* @return Expression for the parameter
default <K, V> MapExpression<Map<K, V>, K, V> mapParameter(
String name, Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType) {
return (MapExpression<Map<K, V>, K, V>) mapParameter(name);
* Method to return a list parameter for the query.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @return Expression for the parameter
ListExpression<?, ?> listParameter(String name);
* Method to return a list parameter for the query.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @param elementType Element type of the list parameter
* @param <E> Element type for the list parameter
* @return Expression for the parameter
default <E> ListExpression<List<E>, E> listParameter(String name, Class<E> elementType) {
return (ListExpression<List<E>, E>) listParameter(name);
* Method to return a variable for this query. Cast the returned variable to the right type to be
* able to call methods on it.
* @param name Name of the variable
* @param type Type of the variable
* @return Expression for the variable
* @param <V> type for the variable
<V> Expression<V> variable(String name, Class<V> type);
* Method to set the candidates to use over which we are querying. If no candidates are set then
* the query is performed on the datastore.
* @param candidates The candidates
* @return The query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> setCandidates(Collection<T> candidates);
* Method to remove subclasses (of the candidate) from the query
* @return The query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> excludeSubclasses();
* Method to include subclasses (of the candidate) to the query
* @return The query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> includeSubclasses();
* Method to set the filter of the query.
* @param expr Filter expression
* @return The query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> filter(BooleanExpression expr);
* Method to return an "IF (...) ... ELSE ..." expression for use in this query.
* @param type The type returned by the IfElse.
* @param cond The if condition
* @param thenValueExpr Expression for value to return when the if expression is met
* @param elseValueExpr Expression for value to return when the if expression is not met
* @param <V> type for the IfThenElseExpression
* @return The IfThenElse expression
<V> IfThenElseExpression<V> ifThenElse(
Class<V> type,
BooleanExpression cond,
Expression<V> thenValueExpr,
Expression<V> elseValueExpr);
* Method to return an "IF (...) ... ELSE ..." expression for use in this query.
* @param cond The if condition
* @param thenValue Value to return when the if expression is met
* @param elseValueExpr Expression to return when the if expression is not met
* @param <V> type for the IfThenElseExpression
* @return The IfThenElse expression
<V> IfThenElseExpression<V> ifThenElse(
BooleanExpression cond, V thenValue, Expression<V> elseValueExpr);
* Method to return an "IF (...) ... ELSE ..." expression for use in this query.
* @param cond The if condition
* @param thenValueExpr Expression to return when the if expression is met
* @param elseValue Value to return when the if expression is not met
* @param <V> type for the IfThenElseExpression
* @return The IfThenElse expression
<V> IfThenElseExpression<V> ifThenElse(
BooleanExpression cond, Expression<V> thenValueExpr, V elseValue);
* Method to return an "IF (...) ... ELSE ..." expression for use in this query.
* @param cond The if condition
* @param thenValue Value to return when the if expression is met
* @param elseValue Value to return when the if expression is not met
* @param <V> type for the IfThenElseExpression
* @return The IfThenElse expression
<V> IfThenElseExpression<V> ifThenElse(BooleanExpression cond, V thenValue, V elseValue);
* Method to return an "IF (...) ... ELSE ..." expression for use in this query.
* @param type The type returned by the IfElse.
* @param cond The if condition
* @param thenValueExpr Expression for value to return when the if expression is met
* @param <V> type for the IfThenElseExpression
* @return The IfThenElse expression
<V> IfThenElseExpression<V> ifThen(
Class<V> type, BooleanExpression cond, Expression<V> thenValueExpr);
* Method to return an "IF (...) ... ELSE ..." expression for use in this query.
* @param cond The if condition
* @param thenValue Value to return when the if expression is met
* @param <V> type for the IfThenElseExpression
* @return The IfThenElse expression
<V> IfThenElseExpression<V> ifThen(BooleanExpression cond, V thenValue);
* Method to set the grouping(s) for the query.
* @param exprs Grouping expression(s)
* @return The query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> groupBy(Expression<?>... exprs);
* Method to set the having clause of the query.
* @param expr Having expression
* @return The query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> having(Expression<?> expr);
* Method to set the ordering of the query.
* @param orderExprs Ordering expression(s)
* @return The query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> orderBy(OrderExpression<?>... orderExprs);
* Method to set the result of the query.
* @param distinct Whether results are distinct
* @param exprs The result expressions
* @return The query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> result(boolean distinct, Expression<?>... exprs);
* Method to set the range of any required results, using expressions.
* @param lowerInclExpr The position of the first result (inclusive)
* @param upperExclExpr The position of the last result (exclusive)
* @return The query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> range(NumericExpression<?> lowerInclExpr, NumericExpression<?> upperExclExpr);
* Method to set the range of any required results, using long values.
* @param lowerIncl The position of the first result (inclusive)
* @param upperExcl The position of the last result (exclusive)
* @return The query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> range(long lowerIncl, long upperExcl);
* Method to set the range of any required results, using parameters (expressions).
* @param paramLowerInclExpr Expression for a parameter defining the position of the first result
* (inclusive)
* @param paramUpperExclExpr Expression for a parameter defining the position of the last result
* (exclusive)
* @return The query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> range(Expression<?> paramLowerInclExpr, Expression<?> paramUpperExclExpr);
* Method to return a subquery for use in this query using the same candidate class as this query.
* To obtain the expression for the subquery to link it back to this query, call "result(...)" on
* the subquery.
* @param candidateAlias Alias for the candidate
* @return The subquery
JDOQLTypedSubquery<T> subquery(String candidateAlias);
* Method to return a subquery for use in this query. To obtain the expression for the subquery to
* link it back to this query, call "result(...)" on the subquery.
* @param candidate Candidate for the subquery
* @param candidateAlias Alias for the candidate
* @return The subquery
* @param <S> Candidate type for subquery
<S> JDOQLTypedSubquery<S> subquery(Class<S> candidate, String candidateAlias);
* Method to return a correlated subquery for use in this query. The candidate collection of the
* subquery is defined using a collection relationship of the outer query. To obtain the
* expression for the subquery to link it back to this query, call "result(...)" on the subquery.
* @param candidateCollection Expression defining the candidate collection for the subquery
* @param candidate Candidate for the subquery
* @param candidateAlias Alias for the candidate
* @return The subquery
* @param <E> Candidate type for subquery
<E> JDOQLTypedSubquery<E> subquery(
CollectionExpression<Collection<E>, E> candidateCollection,
Class<E> candidate,
String candidateAlias);
* Method to set the named parameters on this query prior to execution. All parameter values
* specified in this method will only be retained until the subsequent query execution.
* @param namedParamMap The map of parameter values keyed by their names.
* @return This query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> setParameters(Map<String, ?> namedParamMap);
* Method to set a parameter value for the specified (parameter) expression when executing the
* query. All parameter values specified in this method will only be retained until the subsequent
* query execution.
* @param paramExpr Expression defining the parameter
* @param value The value
* @return The query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> setParameter(Expression<?> paramExpr, Object value);
* Method to set the value for a named parameter for use when executing the query. All parameter
* values specified in this method will only be retained until the subsequent query execution.
* @param paramName Parameter name
* @param value The value
* @return The query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> setParameter(String paramName, Object value);
* Method to execute the query where there are (potentially) multiple rows and we are returning
* the candidate type. Any parameters required should be set prior to calling this method, using
* one of the <cite>setParameter</cite> methods.
* <p>Calling this method with a result being specified will result in JDOUserException being
* thrown.
* @return The results
List<T> executeList();
* Method to execute the query where there is a single row and we are returning the candidate
* type. Any parameters required should be set prior to calling this method, using one of the
* <cite>setParameter</cite> methods.
* <p>Calling this method with a result being specified will result in JDOUserException being
* thrown.
* @return The result
T executeUnique();
* Method to execute the query where there are (potentially) multiple rows and we are returning
* either the result type. Any parameters required should be set prior to calling this method,
* using one of the <cite>setParameters</cite> methods.
* <p>Calling this method with no result being specified will result in JDOUserException being
* thrown.
* @param resultCls Result class
* @return The results
* @param <R> result type
<R> List<R> executeResultList(Class<R> resultCls);
* Method to execute the query where there is a single row and we are returning either the result
* type. Any parameters required should be set prior to calling this method, using one of the
* <cite>setParameter</cite> methods.
* <p>Calling this method with no result being specified will result in JDOUserException being
* thrown.
* @param resultCls Result class
* @return The result
* @param <R> result type
<R> R executeResultUnique(Class<R> resultCls);
* Method to execute the query where there are (potentially) multiple rows and we have a result
* defined but no result class. Any parameters required should be set prior to calling this
* method, using one of the <cite>setParameter</cite> methods.
* <p>Calling this method with no result being specified will result in JDOUserException being
* thrown.
* @return The results
List<Object> executeResultList();
* Method to execute the query where there is a single row and we have a result defined but no
* result class. Any parameters required should be set prior to calling this method, using one of
* the <cite>setParameters</cite> methods.
* <p>Calling this method with no result being specified will result in JDOUserException being
* thrown.
* @return The results
Object executeResultUnique();
* Method to execute the query deleting the affected instances. Any parameters required should be
* set prior to calling this method, using one of the <cite>setParameter</cite> methods.
* @return The number of objects deleted
long deletePersistentAll();
* Get the effective timeout setting for read operations. If the timeout has not been set on this
* query explicitly, the effective datastore read timeout value from the persistence manager is
* returned.
* @see PersistenceManager#setDatastoreReadTimeoutMillis(Integer)
* @return the effective timeout setting (milliseconds).
Integer getDatastoreReadTimeoutMillis();
* Set the datastore read timeout (millis).
* @param interval The interval
* @return This query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> datastoreReadTimeoutMillis(Integer interval);
* Get the effective timeout setting for write operations. If the timeout has not been set on this
* query explicitly, the effective datastore write timeout value from the persistence manager is
* returned.
* @see PersistenceManager#setDatastoreWriteTimeoutMillis(Integer)
* @return the effective timeout setting (milliseconds).
Integer getDatastoreWriteTimeoutMillis();
* Set the datastore write timeout (millis).
* @param interval The interval
* @return This query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> datastoreWriteTimeoutMillis(Integer interval);
* Return the current value of the serializeRead property.
* @return the value of the serializeRead property
Boolean getSerializeRead();
* Set whether we to lock all objects read by this query.
* @param serialize Whether to lock
* @return This query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> serializeRead(Boolean serialize);
* The unmodifiable flag, when set, disallows further modification of the query, except for
* specifying the range, result class, and ignoreCache option.
* @return the current setting of the flag
boolean isUnmodifiable();
* Set to make this query unmodifiable hereafter.
* @return This query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> unmodifiable();
* Get the ignoreCache option setting.
* @return the ignoreCache option setting.
boolean getIgnoreCache();
* Set whether we to ignore the cache with this query.
* @param flag Whether to ignore the cache
* @return This query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> ignoreCache(boolean flag);
* Specify an extension for this query.
* @param key The extension key
* @param value The extension value
* @return This query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> extension(String key, Object value);
* Specify a map of extensions for this query.
* @param values The extension map of keys and values
* @return This query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> extensions(Map<String, Object> values);
* Save the query, as it is currently defined, as a named query under the specified name. If a
* named query already exists under this name (either defined in metadata, or previously saved)
* then it will be overwritten.
* @param name Name to save it under.
* @return This query
JDOQLTypedQuery<T> saveAsNamedQuery(String name);
* Accessor for the PersistenceManager for this query
* @return The PersistenceManager
PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager();
* Accessor for the FetchPlan for this query
* @return The FetchPlan
FetchPlan getFetchPlan();
* Method to cancel any executing queries. If the underlying datastore doesn't support
* cancellation of queries this will throw JDOUnsupportedOptionException. If the cancellation
* fails (e.g in the underlying datastore) then this will throw a JDOException.
void cancelAll();
* Method to cancel an executing query in the specified thread. If the underlying datastore
* doesn't support cancellation of queries this will throw JDOUnsupportedOptionException. If the
* cancellation fails (e.g in the underlying datastore) then this will throw a JDOException.
* @param thread The thread to cancel
void cancel(Thread thread);
* Method to close the specified query result.
* @param result The result
void close(Object result);
/** Method to close all query results from this query. */
void closeAll();
* Method to return the equivalent String form of this query (if applicable for the query
* language).
* @return The single-string form of this query
String toString();