Delete HowToReleaseJDO.html
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-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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-  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
-  -->
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
-  <head>
-    <meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
-    <title>JDO Release Process</title>
-  </head>
-  <body lang="en-US">
-    <ul>
-      <li><a href="#procoverview">Overview of the process</a></li>
-      <li><a href="#procdetail">Detailed process steps</a></li>
-      <li><a href="#site">Site updates</a></li>
-      <li><a href="#postrelease">Post release modifications and
-          documentation</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    <h1>How to Release an Apache JDO Distribution</h1>
-    <p> A distribution of JDO is built from a branch of svn. It is
-      copied into a release directory, from which it is staged and
-      tested prior to release. Once released, it is propagated to mirror
-      servers around the world. </p>
-    <p> The process is performed by a release manager with cooperation
-      from testers in the community. </p>
-    <a name="procoverview"></a>
-    <h2>Overview of the process</h2>
-    <p> The community first decides on the name of the release. The
-      format of the name is <i>spec-number</i>.<i>major</i>.<i>minor</i>.
-      A trailing <i>minor</i> number with a zero value is right
-      trimmed, so there might be a 2.0.1 but not a 2.0.0. </p>
-    <p> Interim releases prior to final release are identified by a
-      suffix on the release number. Common suffixes include: -alpha,
-      -beta, -beta2, -rc1, -rc2. Generally, the suffixes are part of the
-      release plan, and the contents of each suffix release are agreed
-      by the community. There might be significant changes in
-      functionality between the suffix releases. Each suffix release
-      goes through the process documented here. </p>
-    <p> The release manager makes a branch from the trunk (for a major
-      release) or from another branch (for a minor release) to create a
-      branch with the source of the distribution. </p>
-    <p> The release manager follows the Apache process detailed below 
-      to build and deploy a release. </p>
-    <p> The release manager calls for the community to test the release.
-    <p> The community tests the release. If necessary, cycle until all
-      issues are resolved. </p>
-    <p> The release manager closes the staged repository</p>
-    <p> The release manager calls for a vote to release by sending a
-      message to the community and forwarding the message to the pmc. </p>
-    <p> The community votes on the release. If necessary, cycle until
-      issues are resolved. </p>
-    <p> The release manager notifies the pmc of the successful vote
-      outcome. Note that a successful vote includes three +1 votes from
-      PMC members. </p>
-    <p> The release manager notifies the worldwide community of the
-      availability of the release. </p>
-    <p> The release manager updates the JDO web sites
-      (, </p>
-    <p> If bugs are found or test challenges are sustained after the
-      release is approved and distributed, the release manager creates a
-      new branch to address the bugs found. </p>
-    <a name="procdetail"></a>
-    <h2>Detailed process steps</h2>
-    <p> </p>
-    <ol>
-      <li>You might want to run <a href="">Apache Rat</a>
-      to check the sources for any lisence issues. 
-      <pre>mvn apache-rat:check</pre>
-      <li>Create a branch from the trunk and increment the spec or major
-        number. For example, create a 3.1 branch from the trunk.
-        <pre>cd jdo
-svn copy \
-      </li>
-      <li>In trunk, update version numbers in the following files in
-        preparation for the next release:
-        <dl>
-          <dt>trunk/README.html </dt>
-          <dd>File names and version references in the Overview section
-          </dd>
-          <dt>trunk/tck/RunRules.html </dt>
-          <dd>Update version number and date</dd>
-        </dl>
-	Use the maven version plug-in to update version numbers in the 
-	pom.xml files at the root and subproject levels.
-      </li>
-      <li>If needed, update the dependency to the RI, DataNucleus, in
-        the tck pom.xml.</li>
-      <li>If needed, apply patches from the trunk or branches to the new
-        branch.</li>
-      <li>Update version numbers where necessary in projects to be
-        released, if these changes haven't been made previously. Check
-        the following files:
-        <dl>
-	  <dt>branches/<i>version</i>/README.html </dt>
-          <dd>File names and version references in the Overview section
-	       (for a major release only.)
-          </dd>
-          <dt>branches/<i>version</i>/tck/RunRules.html </dt>
-          <dd>Update version number</dd>
-        </dl>
-      </li>
-      <li>Check the scm settings in the pom.xml files in the new branch and
-      make sure they refer the new branch (instead of the trunk).
-      </li>
-      <li>Follow the instructions at <a href="">
-      Publishing Maven Artifacts</a> to set up your development environment.
-      </li>
-      <li>Copy the JNDI implementation jars (providerutil.jar and
-        fscontext.jar) to the branch lib/ext directory. This is needed
-        to test the tck before distributing it.<b><br>
-          Do not check these in to SVN</b> </li>
-  <li>Build the distribution with the following command:
-  	<pre>
-	 mvn clean install -Papache-release
-	</pre>
-  	This creates the .jar and .pom files
-	in the target directory of each subproject.
-	Be prepared to enter your key passcode when prompted. This happens multiple times.
-      </li>
-      <li>Run <a href="">Apache Rat</a> on the release. </li>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-      Do a dry run prepare and deployment of a snapshot release.
-      You might want to do this in a fresh workspace, since you cannot have local modifications
-      when preparing a release. The files in lib/ext and lib/jdori count as local modifications.
-      Be prepared to enter your key passcode when prompted. This happens multiple times.
-  	<pre>
- mvn release:prepare -Papache-release -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DdryRun=true -Dresume=false
- mvn deploy -Papache-release 
-	</pre>
-      Check the artifacts at <a href="">
-      the Maven release repository</a>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-      Prepare and release the artifacts. There are interoperability issues with the maven release plugin and cygwin, so if on Windows, use a Windows command window for this step and the following one.
-      <pre>
-mvn release:clean -Papache-release
-mvn release:prepare -Papache-release
-      </pre>
-      Note: If you're located in Europe then release:prepare may fail with 'Unable to tag SCM' and ' svn: No such revision X '. Wait 10 seconds and run mvn release:prepare again.
-      </li>
-      <li>
-      Stage the release for a vote.
-      <pre>
-mvn release:perform -Papache-release
-	</pre>
-      </li>
-      <li>Go to  <a href="">the Nexus repository</a>,
-      login with your apache account, click on Staging Repositories in the menu on the left
-      and close the staged repository. Press the refresh button to see the new status 'closed'.
-      See <a href="">
-      11.4.1. Closing an Open Repository</a> for details.
-      </li>
-      <li>Send an announcement to test the release to the
- alias. If problems are found, fix and
-        repeat.</li>
-      <li>Send an announcement to vote on the release to the
- alias. The message subject line contains
-        [VOTE]. Forward the [VOTE] message to
-        Iterate until you get a successful vote. Mail the results of the
-        vote to, cc:, and
-        include [VOTE] [RESULTS] in the subject line.</li>
-      <li>After testing and voting is complete, 
-          follow the instructions at
-          <a href="">
-          11.4.3. Releasing a Staging Repository</a>
-	  to release the artifacts.
-	</li>
-      <li>Update the distribution repository at
-        by adding the new release directory to the svnpubsub directory.
-        Check out the repository at 
- and add the
-        new release with all artifacts under the new directory. Make sure
-        that the key used to sign the artifacts is included in the KEYS file.
-        Committing the new directory will trigger an update to the mirrors.
-      </li>
-      <li>If the release is a bug fix release to a maintenance release,
-        update README.txt in the parent branch, adding the following
-        line: "This release has been deprecated. Please use version
-        2.x.y.", with a link to the svn web interface for that version.</li>
-      <li>After updating the site (below), announce the release to the
-        Apache community via email to This must be
-        sent from an email address. *** Be aware that by
-        sending to this address you will be bombarded with piles of
-        emails from people with "I'm out of the Office" as if you really
-        cared ***</li>
-    </ol>
-    <a name="site"></a>
-    <h2>Site updates</h2>
-    <ol>
-      <li>Update the Apache JDO web site to point the downloads page to
-        the release.
-        <ol>
-		<li>In site/src/site/xdoc/releases create release-<i>N.n</i>.xml. Edit the
-            release numbers and the link to the release notes. You will
-            need to change the '&amp;'s in the URL to "&amp;amp;"</li>
-	    <li>In site/src/site/resources/releases create release-<i>N.n</i>.cgi. The .cgi
-            file contents are identical to the other .cgi files in the
-            release directory; only the file name differs.</li>
-          <li>Edit site/src/site/xdoc/downloads.xml to link to the new release
-            page .cgi document.</li>
-          <li>Build and test as described in the site/HOWTO document.
-            Note that the cgi page will not be active until it is on the
-            server, so can't really be tested.</li>
-          <li>Add the new files to the subversion repository.
-	    <pre>svn add site/src/site/xdoc/releases/release-<i>N.n</i>.xml 
-svn add site/docs/releases/release-<i>N.n</i>.html 
-svn add site/src/site/resources/releases/release-<i>N.n</i>.cgi 
-svn add site/docs/releases/release-<i>N.n</i>.cgi 
-    </pre>
-          </li>
-          <li>Set the svn properties svn:eol-style to native and
-            svn:executable to true for the .cgi files.</li>
-        </ol>
-      </li>
-      <li>Change the link to RunRules on the <a href="">TCK</a>
-      page to link to the RunRules.html file of the latest release.</li>
-      <li>Update the news list on the site home page to announce the new
-        release.</li>
-      <li>Update the specification page to link to the new specification 
-        pdf document. If the release has been approved by the JCP, link
-        to the documentation page of the JCP web site. 
-        If the release has not been approved by the JCP, 
-        link to the .pdf in the JDO source repository.</li>
-      <li>Add the javadoc for the release to the site.
-        <ol>
-          <li>Make a new directory under site/docs for the release, e.g.
-            api2.1. We'll call it <i>docsdir</i>.</li>
-          <li>Download the javadoc artifact from the repository and copy it to <i>docsdir</i>.</li>
-          <li>Unzip it in <i>docsdir</i>.</li>
-          <li>Do svn add on <i>docsdir</i>.</li>
-          <li>Edit xdocs/javadoc.xml and add links to the new javadoc.</li>
-        </ol>
-      </li>
-      <li> Build and test. Follow the instructions in site/HOWTO to push
-        the site changes to the Apache web site.</li>
-    </ol>
-    <a name="postrelease"></a>
-    <h2>Post release modifications and documentation</h2>
-    Follow this procedure if a significant bug is found or if the TCK
-    must be modified because a test challenge is found to be valid.
-    <ol>
-      <li>Create a new branch from the release branch, incrementing the
-        minor number. For example, create a branch named 2.1.1, from the
-        2.1 branch. </li>
-      <li>Merge bug fixes or other modifications into the new branch. </li>
-      <li> In the new branch, modify trunk/README.txt to include a
-        section on bug fixes since the 2.1 release, and to suggest
-        checking out the source from a bug-fix branch to get the fixes
-        listed. </li>
-      <li> Link to this README in the web interface to svn from the .cgi
-        download page and from </li>
-    </ol>
-  </body>