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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package javax.jdo;
import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.jdo.metadata.JDOMetadata;
* Interface for a JDO Enhancer.
* @since 3.0
public interface JDOEnhancer extends ClassFileTransformer
* Return non-configurable properties of this JDOEnhancer.
* Properties with keys "VendorName" and "VersionNumber" are required.
* Other keys are optional.
* @return the non-configurable properties of this JDOEnhancer.
Properties getProperties();
* Whether to provide verbose output
* @param flag Verbose?
* @return The enhancer
JDOEnhancer setVerbose(boolean flag);
* Mutator to set the location where enhanced classes are written.
* Mutator to set the location where enhanced classes are written.
* If this method is not called, classes will be enhanced in place,
* overwriting the existing classes. If overwriting classes in a jar file,
* the existing files in the jar file will be written unchanged except
* for the enhanced classes. The directory name can be absolute or relative.
* @param dirName Name of the directory
* @return The enhancer
JDOEnhancer setOutputDirectory(String dirName);
* Mutator to set the class loader to use for loading classes.
* @param loader ClassLoader to use
* @return The enhancer
JDOEnhancer setClassLoader(ClassLoader loader);
* Add a persistence-unit to the items to be enhanced.
* @param persistenceUnit Name of the persistence unit
* @return The enhancer
JDOEnhancer addPersistenceUnit(String persistenceUnit);
* Add an in-memory class to the items to be enhanced.
* The class name should be of the form "mydomain.MyClass".
* @param className Name of the class
* @param bytes The bytes of the class
* @return The enhancer
JDOEnhancer addClass(String className, byte[] bytes);
* Add class(es) to the items to be enhanced.
* The class names can be absolute file names, relative file names, or
* names of CLASSPATH resources.
* @param classNames Names of the classes
* @return The enhancer
JDOEnhancer addClasses(String... classNames);
* Add metadata file(s) to the items to be enhanced.
* The metadata file names can be absolute file names, relative file names, or
* names of CLASSPATH resources. They should be JDO XML metadata files.
* @param metadataFiles Names of the files
* @return The enhancer
JDOEnhancer addFiles(String... metadataFiles);
* Add a jar file to the items to be enhanced.
* The jar file name can be absolute, or relative or a CLASSPATH resource.
* @param jarFileName Name of the jar file
* @return The enhancer
JDOEnhancer addJar(String jarFileName);
* Method to enhance the items specified using addJar, addFiles, addClasses, addClass,
* addPersistenceUnit.
* @return Number of classes enhanced
* @throws JDOEnhanceException if an error occurs during enhancement. If multiple
* errors occur then the nested exceptions provides this detail.
int enhance();
* Method to validate the items specified using addJar, addFiles, addClasses, addClass,
* addPersistenceUnit.
* @return Number of classes validated
* @throws JDOEnhanceException if an error occurs during validation. If multiple
* errors occur then the nested exceptions provides this detail.
int validate();
* Method to retrieve the (enhanced) bytes of the specified class.
* Only applies to the classes enhanced in the most recent enhance() call.
* If no enhance has yet been performed will throw a JDOEnhanceException.
* If the specified class hasn't been enhanced then will throw a JDOEnhanceException.
* @param className Name of the class (of the form "mydomain.MyClass")
* @return Enhanced bytes
byte[] getEnhancedBytes(String className);
* Method to register metadata with the enhancement process managed by this
* <code>JDOEnhancer</code>.
* Metadata can be created using the method {@link #newMetadata}.
* If there is already metadata registered for a class contained in this metadata
* object then a JDOUserException will be thrown.
* @param metadata The Metadata to register.
* @since 3.0
void registerMetadata(JDOMetadata metadata);
* Method to return a new metadata object that can be subsequently modified
* and registered with the enhancement process using the method {@link #registerMetadata}.
* @return The metadata
* @since 3.0
JDOMetadata newMetadata();