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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jdo.tck.api.persistencemanager;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.jdo.Query;
import javax.jdo.Transaction;
import org.apache.jdo.tck.pc.mylib.PCPoint;
import org.apache.jdo.tck.pc.mylib.PCRect;
import org.apache.jdo.tck.util.BatchTestRunner;
*<B>Title:</B> Only one instance of persistent object in cache per
*<B>Keywords:</B> cache
*<B>Assertion ID:</B> A5.4-10.
*<B>Assertion Description: </B>
JDO implementations must manage the cache of JDO instances such that there is
only one JDO instance, associated with each <code>PersistenceManager</code>
representing the persistent state of each corresponding data store object.
public class OneInstanceOfObjectPerPersistenceManager extends
PersistenceManagerTest {
/** */
private static final String ASSERTION_FAILED =
"Assertion A5.4-10 (OneInstanceOfObjectPerPersistenceManager) " +
"failed: ";
* The <code>main</code> is called when the class
* is directly executed from the command line.
* @param args The arguments passed to the program.
public static void main(String[] args) {;
* This test creates objects in one transaction and commits.
* The important object is p1.
* Then, in a second transaction, it gets an object p1a by id,
* gets another object p1b by navigation, and a third object p1c by
* query. All of these represent the same datastore object and
* therefore must be identical in the same PersistenceManager.
public void test() {
/** The getPM method is declared in a superclass.
* This is the standard way to get a PersistenceManager.
* The method automatically gets a PersistenceManagerFactory,
* gets a PersistenceManager, and puts the PersistenceManager into
* the field pm.
/** This is the standard way to get a Transaction.
Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction();
/** Any values for these flags should be set before
* beginning a transaction.
/** This is the standard way to begin a transaction.
/** Create new objects to be persisted.
PCPoint p1 = new PCPoint(10, 20);
PCPoint p2 = new PCPoint(20, 40);
PCRect rect = new PCRect(0, p1, p2);
/** This test relies on persistence by reachability.
/** This is the standard way to commit a transaction.
/** Begin a new transaction so that the navigation
* uses the object id to load the target object into the cache.
* The RetainValues flag false guarantees that the object fields
* are no longer loaded.
Object p1Id = pm.getObjectId(p1);
/** Retrieves the field values from the datastore.
PCPoint p1a = (PCPoint)pm.getObjectById(p1Id, true);
/** Navigate to the point.
PCPoint p1b = rect.getUpperLeft();
/** Query for the point by its values in the datastore.
PCPoint p1c = findPoint(10, 20);
tx = null;
/** Use a StringBuffer to collect results.
StringBuffer results = new StringBuffer();
/** Compare the original object with the object obtained
* by getObjectById.
if (p1 != p1a) {
results.append("getObjectById results differ. ");
/** Compare the original object with the object obtained
* by navigating from another object.
if (p1 != p1b) {
results.append("navigation results differ. ");
/** Compare the original object with the object obtained
* by query.
if (p1 != p1c) {
results.append("query results differ. ");
if (results.length() != 0) {
fail(ASSERTION_FAILED + results.toString());
/** The standard way to end each test method is to simply return.
* Exceptions are caught by JUnit.
* The tearDown method ends the transaction and closes
* the PersistenceManager.
/** */
private PCPoint findPoint (int x, int y) {
Query q = getPM().newQuery (PCPoint.class);
q.declareParameters ("int px, int py");
q.setFilter ("x == px & y == py");
Collection results = (Collection)q.execute (new Integer(x),
new Integer(y));
Iterator it = results.iterator();
PCPoint ret = (PCPoint);
return ret;