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<h2 title="Class QuickSelect" class="title">Class QuickSelect</h2>
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<li><a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">java.lang.Object</a></li>
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<pre>public final class <span class="typeNameLabel">QuickSelect</span>
extends <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">Object</a></pre>
<div class="block">QuickSelect algorithm improved from Sedgewick. Gets the kth order value
(1-based or 0-based) from the array.
Warning! This changes the ordering of elements in the given array!<br>
Also see:<br><br>
See QuickSelectTest for examples and testNG tests.</div>
<dt><span class="simpleTagLabel">Author:</span></dt>
<dd>Lee Rhodes</dd>
<div class="summary">
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<!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
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<h3>Method Summary</h3>
<table class="memberSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Method Summary table, listing methods, and an explanation">
<caption><span id="t0" class="activeTableTab"><span>All Methods</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></span><span id="t1" class="tableTab"><span><a href="javascript:show(1);">Static Methods</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></span><span id="t4" class="tableTab"><span><a href="javascript:show(8);">Concrete Methods</a></span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></span></caption>
<th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
<th class="colLast" scope="col">Method and Description</th>
<tr id="i0" class="altColor">
<td class="colFirst"><code>static double</code></td>
<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../com/yahoo/sketches/QuickSelect.html#select-double:A-int-int-int-">select</a></span>(double[]&nbsp;arr,
<div class="block">Gets the 0-based kth order statistic from the array.</div>
<tr id="i1" class="rowColor">
<td class="colFirst"><code>static long</code></td>
<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../com/yahoo/sketches/QuickSelect.html#select-long:A-int-int-int-">select</a></span>(long[]&nbsp;arr,
<div class="block">Gets the 0-based kth order statistic from the array.</div>
<tr id="i2" class="altColor">
<td class="colFirst"><code>static double</code></td>
<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../com/yahoo/sketches/QuickSelect.html#selectExcludingZeros-double:A-int-int-">selectExcludingZeros</a></span>(double[]&nbsp;arr,
<div class="block">Gets the 1-based kth order statistic from the array excluding any zero values in the
<tr id="i3" class="rowColor">
<td class="colFirst"><code>static long</code></td>
<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../com/yahoo/sketches/QuickSelect.html#selectExcludingZeros-long:A-int-int-">selectExcludingZeros</a></span>(long[]&nbsp;arr,
<div class="block">Gets the 1-based kth order statistic from the array excluding any zero values in the
<tr id="i4" class="altColor">
<td class="colFirst"><code>static double</code></td>
<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../com/yahoo/sketches/QuickSelect.html#selectIncludingZeros-double:A-int-">selectIncludingZeros</a></span>(double[]&nbsp;arr,
<div class="block">Gets the 1-based kth order statistic from the array including any zero values in the
<tr id="i5" class="rowColor">
<td class="colFirst"><code>static long</code></td>
<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../com/yahoo/sketches/QuickSelect.html#selectIncludingZeros-long:A-int-">selectIncludingZeros</a></span>(long[]&nbsp;arr,
<div class="block">Gets the 1-based kth order statistic from the array including any zero values in the
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<h3>Methods inherited from class&nbsp;java.lang.<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">Object</a></h3>
<code><a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">clone</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">equals</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">finalize</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">getClass</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">hashCode</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">notify</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">notifyAll</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">toString</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">wait</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">wait</a>, <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">wait</a></code></li>
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<h3>Method Detail</h3>
<a name="select-long:A-int-int-int-">
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<pre>public static&nbsp;long&nbsp;select(long[]&nbsp;arr,
<div class="block">Gets the 0-based kth order statistic from the array. Warning! This changes the ordering
of elements in the given array!</div>
<dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
<dd><code>arr</code> - The array to be re-arranged.</dd>
<dd><code>lo</code> - The lowest 0-based index to be considered.</dd>
<dd><code>hi</code> - The highest 0-based index to be considered.</dd>
<dd><code>pivot</code> - The 0-based index of the value to pivot on.</dd>
<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
<dd>The value of the smallest (n)th element where n is 0-based.</dd>
<a name="selectIncludingZeros-long:A-int-">
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<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList">
<pre>public static&nbsp;long&nbsp;selectIncludingZeros(long[]&nbsp;arr,
<div class="block">Gets the 1-based kth order statistic from the array including any zero values in the
array. Warning! This changes the ordering of elements in the given array!</div>
<dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
<dd><code>arr</code> - The hash array.</dd>
<dd><code>pivot</code> - The 1-based index of the value that is chosen as the pivot for the array.
After the operation all values below this 1-based index will be less than this value
and all values above this index will be greater. The 0-based index of the pivot will be
<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
<dd>The value of the smallest (N)th element including zeros, where N is 1-based.</dd>
<a name="selectExcludingZeros-long:A-int-int-">
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<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList">
<pre>public static&nbsp;long&nbsp;selectExcludingZeros(long[]&nbsp;arr,
<div class="block">Gets the 1-based kth order statistic from the array excluding any zero values in the
array. Warning! This changes the ordering of elements in the given array!</div>
<dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
<dd><code>arr</code> - The hash array.</dd>
<dd><code>nonZeros</code> - The number of non-zero values in the array.</dd>
<dd><code>pivot</code> - The 1-based index of the value that is chosen as the pivot for the array.
After the operation all values below this 1-based index will be less than this value
and all values above this index will be greater. The 0-based index of the pivot will be
<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
<dd>The value of the smallest (N)th element excluding zeros, where N is 1-based.</dd>
<a name="select-double:A-int-int-int-">
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<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList">
<pre>public static&nbsp;double&nbsp;select(double[]&nbsp;arr,
<div class="block">Gets the 0-based kth order statistic from the array. Warning! This changes the ordering
of elements in the given array!</div>
<dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
<dd><code>arr</code> - The array to be re-arranged.</dd>
<dd><code>lo</code> - The lowest 0-based index to be considered.</dd>
<dd><code>hi</code> - The highest 0-based index to be considered.</dd>
<dd><code>pivot</code> - The 0-based smallest value to pivot on.</dd>
<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
<dd>The value of the smallest (n)th element where n is 0-based.</dd>
<a name="selectIncludingZeros-double:A-int-">
<!-- -->
<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList">
<pre>public static&nbsp;double&nbsp;selectIncludingZeros(double[]&nbsp;arr,
<div class="block">Gets the 1-based kth order statistic from the array including any zero values in the
array. Warning! This changes the ordering of elements in the given array!</div>
<dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
<dd><code>arr</code> - The hash array.</dd>
<dd><code>pivot</code> - The 1-based index of the value that is chosen as the pivot for the array.
After the operation all values below this 1-based index will be less than this value
and all values above this index will be greater. The 0-based index of the pivot will be
<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
<dd>The value of the smallest (N)th element including zeros, where N is 1-based.</dd>
<a name="selectExcludingZeros-double:A-int-int-">
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<ul class="blockListLast">
<li class="blockList">
<pre>public static&nbsp;double&nbsp;selectExcludingZeros(double[]&nbsp;arr,
<div class="block">Gets the 1-based kth order statistic from the array excluding any zero values in the
array. Warning! This changes the ordering of elements in the given array!</div>
<dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
<dd><code>arr</code> - The hash array.</dd>
<dd><code>nonZeros</code> - The number of non-zero values in the array.</dd>
<dd><code>pivot</code> - The 1-based index of the value that is chosen as the pivot for the array.
After the operation all values below this 1-based index will be less than this value
and all values above this index will be greater. The 0-based index of the pivot will be
<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
<dd>The value of the smallest (N)th element excluding zeros, where N is 1-based.</dd>
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