blob: f177067a31cacc8d5a26f53bba2d27da4b13f837 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017, Yahoo, Inc.
* Licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file at the project root for terms.
import static;
* This class defines the preamble items structure and provides basic utilities for some of the key fields.
* <p>
* The low significance bytes of this <tt>long</tt> items structure are on the right. Multi-byte
* integers (<tt>int</tt> and <tt>long</tt>) are stored in native byte order. All <tt>byte</tt>
* values are treated as unsigned.</p>
* <p>An empty Frequent Directions sketch requires 16 bytes. A non-empty sketch requires 32 bytes
* of preamble. The matrix is dense and is expected to dominate storage.</p>
* <pre>
* Long || Start Byte Adr:
* Adr:
* || 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
* 0 ||----------Sketch Size (k)----------| Flags | FamID | SerVer | Preamble_Longs |
* || 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
* 1 ||-----------Num. Columns------------|------Current Num Rows-------------------------|
* || 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
* 2 ||-----------------------------Total Records Seen (n)--------------------------------|
* || 31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
* 3 ||------------------------------Total SV Adjustment----------------------------------|
* </pre>
* @author Jon Malkin
public final class PreambleUtil {
* The java line separator character as a String.
public static final String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator");
private PreambleUtil() {}
// Preamble byte Addresses
static final int PREAMBLE_LONGS_BYTE = 0;
static final int SER_VER_BYTE = 1;
static final int FAMILY_BYTE = 2;
static final int FLAGS_BYTE = 3;
static final int K_INT = 4;
static final int NUM_ROWS_INT = 8;
static final int NUM_COLUMNS_INT = 12;
static final int N_LONG = 16;
static final int SV_ADJUSTMENT_DOUBLE = 24;
// flag bit masks
static final int EMPTY_FLAG_MASK = 4;
static final int COMPENSATIVE_FLAG_MASK = 128;
// Other constants
static final int SER_VER = 1;
* Returns a human readable string summary of the preamble state of the given Memory.
* Note: other than making sure that the given Memory size is large
* enough for just the preamble, this does not do much value checking of the contents of the
* preamble as this is primarily a tool for debugging the preamble visually.
* @param mem the given Memory.
* @return the summary preamble string.
public static String preambleToString(final Memory mem) {
final int preLongs = getAndCheckPreLongs(mem); // make sure we can get the assumed preamble
final MatrixFamily family = MatrixFamily.idToFamily(extractFamilyID(mem));
final int serVer = extractSerVer(mem);
final int flags = extractFlags(mem);
final String flagsStr = Integer.toBinaryString(flags) + ", " + flags;
final boolean isEmpty = (flags & EMPTY_FLAG_MASK) > 0;
final int k = extractK(mem);
final int d = extractNumColumns(mem);
final int numRows = extractNumRows(mem);
long n = 0;
double svAdjustment = 0.0;
if (!isEmpty) {
n = extractN(mem);
svAdjustment = extractSVAdjustment(mem);
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
.append("### START ")
.append(" PREAMBLE SUMMARY").append(LS)
.append("Byte 0: Preamble Longs : ").append(preLongs).append(LS)
.append("Byte 1: Serialization Version: ").append(serVer).append(LS)
.append("Byte 2: Family : ").append(family.toString()).append(LS)
.append("Byte 3: Flags Field : ").append(flagsStr).append(LS)
.append(" EMPTY : ").append(isEmpty).append(LS)
.append("Bytes 4-7 : Sketch Size (k) : ").append(k).append(LS)
.append("Bytes 8-11: Num Rows : ").append(numRows).append(LS)
.append("Bytes 12-15: Num Dimensions : ").append(d).append(LS);
if (!isEmpty) {
sb.append("Bytes 16-23: Items Seen(n) : ").append(n).append(LS);
sb.append("Bytes 24-31: SV Adjustment : ").append(svAdjustment).append(LS);
final long numBytes = numRows * d * Double.BYTES;
sb.append("TOTAL Sketch Bytes : ").append(mem.getCapacity()).append(LS)
.append(" Preamble Bytes : ").append(preLongs << 3).append(LS)
.append(" Data Bytes : ").append(numBytes).append(LS)
.append("### END ")
.append(" PREAMBLE SUMMARY").append(LS);
return sb.toString();
// Extraction methods
static int extractPreLongs(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getInt(PREAMBLE_LONGS_BYTE) & 0xFF;
static int extractSerVer(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getInt(SER_VER_BYTE) & 0xFF;
static int extractFamilyID(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getByte(FAMILY_BYTE) & 0xFF;
static int extractFlags(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getByte(FLAGS_BYTE) & 0xFF;
static int extractK(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getInt(K_INT);
static int extractNumRows(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getInt(NUM_ROWS_INT);
static int extractNumColumns(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getInt(NUM_COLUMNS_INT);
static long extractN(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getLong(N_LONG);
static double extractSVAdjustment(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getDouble(SV_ADJUSTMENT_DOUBLE);
// Insertion methods
static void insertPreLongs(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final int preLongs) {
unsafe.putByte(memObj, memAddr + PREAMBLE_LONGS_BYTE, (byte) preLongs);
static void insertSerVer(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final int serVer) {
unsafe.putByte(memObj, memAddr + SER_VER_BYTE, (byte) serVer);
static void insertFamilyID(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final int matrixFamId) {
unsafe.putByte(memObj, memAddr + FAMILY_BYTE, (byte) matrixFamId);
static void insertFlags(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final int flags) {
unsafe.putByte(memObj, memAddr + FLAGS_BYTE, (byte) flags);
static void insertK(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final int k) {
unsafe.putInt(memObj, memAddr + K_INT, k);
static void insertNumRows(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final int numRows) {
unsafe.putInt(memObj, memAddr + NUM_ROWS_INT, numRows);
static void insertNumColumns(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final int numColumns) {
unsafe.putInt(memObj, memAddr + NUM_COLUMNS_INT, numColumns);
static void insertN(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final long n) {
unsafe.putLong(memObj, memAddr + N_LONG, n);
static void insertSVAdjustment(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final double adj) {
unsafe.putDouble(memObj, memAddr + SV_ADJUSTMENT_DOUBLE, adj);
* Checks Memory for capacity to hold the preamble and returns the extracted preLongs.
* @param mem the given Memory
* @return the extracted prelongs value.
static int getAndCheckPreLongs(final Memory mem) {
final long cap = mem.getCapacity();
if (cap < Long.BYTES) { throwNotBigEnough(cap, Long.BYTES); }
final int preLongs = extractPreLongs(mem);
final int required = Math.max(preLongs << 3, Long.BYTES);
if (cap < required) { throwNotBigEnough(cap, required); }
return preLongs;
private static void throwNotBigEnough(final long cap, final int required) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Possible Corruption: Size of byte array or Memory not large enough: Size: " + cap
+ ", Required: " + required);