blob: 735ebc4d778e362aba08612ed96035c81f1d4bed [file] [log] [blame]
/* Portions derived from LGPL'd Matrix Toolkit for Java:
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import org.netlib.util.intW;
import com.github.fommil.netlib.BLAS;
import com.github.fommil.netlib.LAPACK;
import no.uib.cipr.matrix.DenseMatrix;
import no.uib.cipr.matrix.MatrixEntry;
import no.uib.cipr.matrix.NotConvergedException;
import no.uib.cipr.matrix.QR;
import no.uib.cipr.matrix.SVD;
import no.uib.cipr.matrix.sparse.CompDiagMatrix;
* Computes singular value decompositions
class MatrixOpsImplMTJ extends MatrixOps {
* The singular values
private final double[] sv_;
* Singular vectors, sparse version of singular value matrix
private DenseMatrix Vt_;
private CompDiagMatrix S_;
* Work arrays for full SVD
private double[] work_;
private int[] iwork_;
* Work arrays for SISVD
private DenseMatrix block_;
private DenseMatrix T_;
* Creates an empty MatrixOps
* @param n Number of rows in matrix
* @param d Number of columns in matrix
* @param algo SVD algorithm to apply
* @param k Target number of dimensions for any reduction operations
//MatrixOpsImplMTJ(final MatrixImplMTJ A, final SVDAlgo algo, final int k) {
MatrixOpsImplMTJ(final int n, final int d, final SVDAlgo algo, final int k) {
super(n, d, algo, k);
// Allocate space for the decomposition
sv_ = new double[Math.min(n_, d_)];
Vt_ = null; // lazy allocation
MatrixOps svd(final Matrix A, final boolean computeVectors) {
assert A.getMatrixType() == MatrixType.MTJ;
if (A.getNumRows() != n_) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A.numRows() != n_");
} else if (A.getNumColumns() != d_) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A.numColumns() != d_");
if (computeVectors && Vt_ == null) {
Vt_ = new DenseMatrix(n_, d_);
//Vt_ = new DenseMatrix(k_, d_);
final int[] diag = {0}; // only need the main diagonal
S_ = new CompDiagMatrix(n_, n_, diag);
switch (algo_) {
case FULL:
// make a copy if not computing vectors to avoid changing the data
final DenseMatrix mtx = computeVectors ? (DenseMatrix) A.getRawObject()
: new DenseMatrix((DenseMatrix) A.getRawObject());
return computeFullSVD(mtx, computeVectors);
case SISVD:
return computeSISVD((DenseMatrix) A.getRawObject(), computeVectors);
case SYM:
throw new RuntimeException("SVDAlgo type not (yet?) supported: " + algo_.toString());
// Because exact SVD destroys A, need to reconstruct it for MTJ
public double[] getSingularValues(final Matrix A) {
svd(A, false);
return getSingularValues();
public double[] getSingularValues() {
return sv_;
Matrix getVt() {
return MatrixImplMTJ.wrap(Vt_);
double reduceRank(final Matrix A) {
svd(A, true);
double svAdjustment = 0.0;;
if (sv_.length >= k_) {
double medianSVSq = sv_[k_ - 1]; // (l_/2)th item, not yet squared
medianSVSq *= medianSVSq;
svAdjustment += medianSVSq; // always track, even if not using compensative mode
for (int i = 0; i < k_ - 1; ++i) {
final double val = sv_[i];
final double adjSqSV = val * val - medianSVSq;
S_.set(i, i, adjSqSV < 0 ? 0.0 : Math.sqrt(adjSqSV));
for (int i = k_ - 1; i < S_.numColumns(); ++i) {
S_.set(i, i, 0.0);
//nextZeroRow_ = k_;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < sv_.length; ++i) {
S_.set(i, i, sv_[i]);
for (int i = sv_.length; i < S_.numColumns(); ++i) {
S_.set(i, i, 0.0);
//nextZeroRow_ = sv_.length;
throw new RuntimeException("Running with d < 2k not yet supported");
// store the result back in A
S_.mult(Vt_, (DenseMatrix) A.getRawObject());
return svAdjustment;
Matrix applyAdjustment(final Matrix A, final double svAdjustment) {
// copy A before decomposing
final DenseMatrix result = new DenseMatrix((DenseMatrix) A.getRawObject(), true);
svd(Matrix.wrap(result), true);
for (int i = 0; i < k_ - 1; ++i) {
final double val = sv_[i];
final double adjSV = Math.sqrt(val * val + svAdjustment);
S_.set(i, i, adjSV);
for (int i = k_ - 1; i < S_.numColumns(); ++i) {
S_.set(i, i, 0.0);
S_.mult(Vt_, result);
return Matrix.wrap(result);
private void allocateSpaceFullSVD(final boolean vectors) {
// Find workspace requirements
iwork_ = new int[8 * Math.min(n_, d_)];
// Query optimal workspace
final double[] workSize = new double[1];
final intW info = new intW(0);
LAPACK.getInstance().dgesdd("S", n_, d_, new double[0],
n_, new double[0], new double[0], n_,
new double[0], n_, workSize, -1, iwork_, info);
// Allocate workspace
int lwork;
if (info.val != 0) {
if (vectors) {
lwork = 3
* Math.min(n_, d_)
* Math.min(n_, d_)
+ Math.max(
Math.max(n_, d_),
4 * Math.min(n_, d_) * Math.min(n_, d_) + 4
* Math.min(n_, d_));
} else {
lwork = 3
* Math.min(n_, d_)
* Math.min(n_, d_)
+ Math.max(
Math.max(n_, d_),
5 * Math.min(n_, d_) * Math.min(n_, d_) + 4
* Math.min(n_, d_));
} else {
lwork = (int) workSize[0];
lwork = Math.max(lwork, 1);
work_ = new double[lwork];
private void allocateSpaceSISVD() {
block_ = new DenseMatrix(d_, k_);
T_ = new DenseMatrix(n_, k_);
// TODO: should allocate space for QR and final SVD here?
private MatrixOps computeFullSVD(final DenseMatrix A, final boolean computeVectors) {
if (work_ == null) {
final intW info = new intW(0);
final String jobType = computeVectors ? "S" : "N";
LAPACK.getInstance().dgesdd(jobType, n_, d_, A.getData(),
n_, sv_, new double[0],
n_, computeVectors ? Vt_.getData() : new double[0],
n_, work_, work_.length, iwork_, info);
if (info.val > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Did not converge after a maximum number of iterations");
} else if (info.val < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return this;
private MatrixOps computeSISVD(final DenseMatrix A, final boolean computeVectors) {
if (block_ == null) {
// want block_ filled as ~Normal(0,1))
final ThreadLocalRandom rand = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
for (MatrixEntry entry : block_) {
// TODO: in-line QR with direct LAPACK call
final QR qr = new QR(block_.numRows(), block_.numColumns());
block_ = qr.factor(block_).getQ(); // important for numeric stability
for (int i = 0; i < numSISVDIter_; ++i) {
A.mult(block_, T_);
A.transAmult(T_, block_);
block_ = qr.factor(block_).getQ(); // again, for stability
// Rayleigh-Ritz postprocessing
A.mult(block_, T_);
// TODO: use LAPACK directly
final SVD svd = new SVD(T_.numRows(), T_.numColumns(), computeVectors);
try {
} catch (final NotConvergedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
System.arraycopy(svd.getS(), 0, sv_, 0, svd.getS().length); // sv_ is final
if (computeVectors) {
// V^T = (block * V^T)^T = (V^T)^T * block^T
// using BLAS directly since Vt is (n_ x d_) but result here is only (k_ x d_)
BLAS.getInstance().dgemm("T", "T", k_, d_, k_,
1.0, svd.getVt().getData(), k_, block_.getData(), d_,
0.0, Vt_.getData(), n_);
return this;