blob: fc532ce63a83247d97920903c299761f6c91d74f [file] [log] [blame]
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import org.ojalgo.array.Array1D;
import org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue;
* This class implements the Frequent Directions algorithm proposed by Edo Liberty in "Simple and
* Deterministic Matrix Sketches," KDD 2013. The sketch provides an approximation to the singular
* value decomposition of a matrix with deterministic error bounds on the error between the
* approximation and the optimal rank-k matrix decomposition.
* @author Jon Malkin
public final class FrequentDirections {
private final int k_;
private final int l_;
private final int d_;
private long n_;
private double svAdjustment_;
private PrimitiveDenseStore B_;
transient private int nextZeroRow_;
transient private final double[] sv_; // pre-allocated to fetch singular values
transient private final SparseStore<Double> S_; // to hold singular value matrix
* Creates a new instance of a Frequent Directions sketch.
* @param k Number of dimensions (rows) in the sketch output
* @param d Number of dimensions per input vector (columns)
* @return An empty Frequent Directions sketch
public static FrequentDirections newInstance(final int k, final int d) {
return new FrequentDirections(k, d);
* Instantiates a Frequent Directions sketch from a serialized image.
* @param srcMem Memory containing the serialized image of a Frequent Directions sketch
* @return A Frequent Directions sketch
public static FrequentDirections heapify(final Memory srcMem) {
final int preLongs = getAndCheckPreLongs(srcMem);
final int serVer = extractSerVer(srcMem);
if (serVer != PreambleUtil.SER_VER) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid serialization version: " + serVer);
final int family = extractFamilyID(srcMem);
if (family != MatrixFamily.FREQUENTDIRECTIONS.getID()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Possible corruption: Family id (" + family + ") "
+ "is not a FrequentDirections sketch");
final int k = extractK(srcMem);
final int numRows = extractNumRows(srcMem);
final int d = extractNumColumns(srcMem);
final boolean empty = (extractFlags(srcMem) & EMPTY_FLAG_MASK) > 0;
if (empty) {
return new FrequentDirections(k, d);
final long offsetBytes = preLongs * Long.BYTES;
final long mtxBytes = srcMem.getCapacity() - offsetBytes;
final Matrix B = Matrix.heapify(srcMem.region(offsetBytes, mtxBytes), MatrixBuilder.Algo.OJALGO);
assert B != null;
final FrequentDirections fd
= new FrequentDirections(k, d, (PrimitiveDenseStore) B.getRawObject());
fd.n_ = extractN(srcMem);
fd.nextZeroRow_ = numRows;
fd.svAdjustment_ = extractSVAdjustment(srcMem);
return fd;
private FrequentDirections(final int k, final int d) {
this(k, d, null);
private FrequentDirections(final int k, final int d, final PrimitiveDenseStore B) {
if (k < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of projected dimensions must be at least 1");
if (d < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of feature dimensions must be at least 1");
k_ = k;
l_ = 2 * k;
d_ = d;
if (d_ < l_) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Running with d < 2k not yet supported");
svAdjustment_ = 0.0;
nextZeroRow_ = 0;
n_ = 0;
if (B == null) {
B_ = PrimitiveDenseStore.FACTORY.makeZero(l_, d_);
} else {
B_ = B;
final int svDim = Math.min(l_, d_);
sv_ = new double[svDim];
S_ = SparseStore.makePrimitive(svDim, svDim);
* Update sketch with a dense input vector of exactly d dimensions.
* @param vector A dense input vector representing one row of the input matrix
public void update(final double[] vector) {
if (vector == null) {
if (vector.length != d_) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input vector has too few dimensions. Expected " + d_
+ "; found " + vector.length);
if (nextZeroRow_ == l_) {
// dense input so set all values
for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; ++i) {
B_.set(nextZeroRow_, i, vector[i]);
* Merge a Frequent Directions sketch into the current one.
* @param fd A Frequent Direction sketch to be merged.
public void update(final FrequentDirections fd) {
if (fd == null || fd.nextZeroRow_ == 0) {
if ((fd.d_ != d_) || (fd.k_ < k_)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incoming sketch must have same number of dimensions "
+ "and no smaller a value of k");
for (int m = 0; m < fd.nextZeroRow_; ++m) {
if (nextZeroRow_ == l_) {
final Array1D<Double> rv = fd.B_.sliceRow(m);
for (int i = 0; i < rv.count(); ++i) {
B_.set(nextZeroRow_, i, rv.get(i));
n_ += fd.n_;
svAdjustment_ += fd.svAdjustment_;
* Checks if the sketch is empty, specifically whether it has processed any input data.
* @return True if hte sketch has not yet processed any input
public boolean isEmpty() {
return n_ == 0;
* Returns the target number of dimensions, k, for this sketch.
* @return The sketch's configured k value
public int getK() { return k_; }
* Returns the number of dimensions per input vector, d, for this sketch.
* @return The sketch's configured number of dimensions per input
public int getD() { return d_; }
* Returns the total number of items this sketch has seen.
* @return The number of items processed by the sketch.
public long getN() { return n_; }
* Returns the singular values of the sketch, adjusted for the mass subtracted off during the
* algorithm.
* @return An array of singular values.
public double[] getSingularValues() {
return getSingularValues(true);
* Returns the singular values of the sketch, optionally adjusting for any mass subtracted off
* during the algorithm.
* @param compensative If true, adjusts for mass subtracted during the algorithm, otherwise
* uses raw singular values.
* @return As array of singular values.
public double[] getSingularValues(final boolean compensative) {
final SingularValue<Double> svd = SingularValue.make(B_);
double medianSVSq = sv_[k_ - 1]; // (l_/2)th item, not yet squared
medianSVSq *= medianSVSq;
final double tmpSvAdj = svAdjustment_ + medianSVSq;
final double[] svList = new double[k_];
for (int i = 0; i < k_ - 1; ++i) {
final double val = sv_[i];
double adjSqSV = val * val - medianSVSq;
if (compensative) { adjSqSV += tmpSvAdj; }
svList[i] = adjSqSV < 0 ? 0.0 : Math.sqrt(adjSqSV);
return svList;
* Returns an orthonormal projection Matrix that can be use to project input vectors into the
* k-dimensional space represented by the sketch.
* @return An orthonormal Matrix object
public Matrix getProjectionMatrix() {
final SingularValue<Double> svd = SingularValue.make(B_);
final MatrixStore<Double> m = svd.getQ2().transpose();
// not super efficient...
final Matrix result = Matrix.builder().build(k_, d_);
for (int i = 0; i < k_ - 1; ++i) { // last SV is 0
result.setRow(i, m.sliceRow(i).toRawCopy1D());
return result;
* Calls <tt>getResult(true, false)</tt>
* @return A Matrix representing the data in this sketch
public Matrix getResult() {
return getResult(true, false);
* Returns a Matrix with the sketch's estimate of the SVD of the input data.
* @param compress If true, force compression down to no more than k vectors
* @param compensative If true, applies adjustment to singular values based on the cumulative
* weight subtracted off
* @return A Matrix representing the data in this sketch
public Matrix getResult(final boolean compress, final boolean compensative) {
if (isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (compress && nextZeroRow_ > k_) {
final PrimitiveDenseStore result;
if (compensative) {
// in the event we just called reduceRank(), the high rows are already zeroed out so no need
// to do so again
final SingularValue<Double> svd = SingularValue.make(B_);
for (int i = 0; i < k_ - 1; ++i) {
final double val = sv_[i];
final double adjSV = Math.sqrt(val * val + svAdjustment_);
S_.set(i, i, adjSV);
for (int i = k_ - 1; i < S_.countColumns(); ++i) {
S_.set(i, i, 0.0);
//result = PrimitiveDenseStore.FACTORY.makeZero(l_, d_);
result = PrimitiveDenseStore.FACTORY.makeZero(nextZeroRow_, d_);
S_.multiply(svd.getQ2().transpose(), result);
} else {
result = PrimitiveDenseStore.FACTORY.makeZero(nextZeroRow_, d_);
for (int i = 0; i < nextZeroRow_; ++i) {
int j = 0;
for (double d : B_.sliceRow(i)) {
result.set(i, j++, d);
return Matrix.wrap(result);
* Resets the sketch to its virgin state.
public void reset() {
n_ = 0;
nextZeroRow_ = 0;
* Returns a serialized representation of the sketch. Equivalent to calling <tt>toByteArray
* (true)</tt>.
* <p>Note: May modify sketch state. If the sketch would store more than k rows, applies SVD to
* compress the sketch to examply k rows.</p>
* @return A serialized representation of the sketch.
public byte[] toByteArray() {
return toByteArray(true);
* Returns a serialized representation of the sketch.
* <p>Note: If compress is true, will modify sketch state if the sketch would store more than k
* rows by applying SVD to compress the sketch to examply k rows.</p>
* @param compress If true, compresses teh sketch to no more than k rows.
* @return A serialized representation of the sketch.
public byte[] toByteArray(final boolean compress) {
final boolean empty = isEmpty();
final int serVer = 1;
final int familyId = MatrixFamily.FREQUENTDIRECTIONS.getID();
final Matrix wrapB = Matrix.wrap(B_);
// project down to k rows to serialize, chasing the 2GB byte[] limit
if (compress && nextZeroRow_ > k_) {
final int preLongs = empty
? MatrixFamily.FREQUENTDIRECTIONS.getMinPreLongs()
: MatrixFamily.FREQUENTDIRECTIONS.getMaxPreLongs();
final int mtxBytes = empty ? 0 : wrapB.getCompactSizeBytes(nextZeroRow_, d_);
final int outBytes = (preLongs * Long.BYTES) + mtxBytes;
final byte[] outArr = new byte[outBytes];
final WritableMemory memOut = WritableMemory.wrap(outArr);
final Object memObj = memOut.getArray();
final long memAddr = memOut.getCumulativeOffset(0L);
insertPreLongs(memObj, memAddr, preLongs);
insertSerVer(memObj, memAddr, serVer);
insertFamilyID(memObj, memAddr, familyId);
insertFlags(memObj, memAddr, (empty ? EMPTY_FLAG_MASK : 0));
insertK(memObj, memAddr, k_);
insertNumRows(memObj, memAddr, nextZeroRow_);
insertNumColumns(memObj, memAddr, d_);
if (empty) {
return outArr;
insertN(memObj, memAddr, n_);
insertSVAdjustment(memObj, memAddr, svAdjustment_);
memOut.putByteArray(preLongs * Long.BYTES,
wrapB.toCompactByteArray(nextZeroRow_, d_), 0, mtxBytes);
return outArr;
public String toString() {
return toString(false, false, false);
* Returns a human-readable summary of the sketch and, optionally, prints the raw data.
* @param printMatrix If true, prints sketch's data matrix
* @return A String representation of the sketch.
public String toString(final boolean printMatrix) {
return toString(printMatrix, false, false);
* Returns a human-readable summary of the sketch, optionally printing either the filled
* or complete sketch matrix, and also optionally adjusting the singular values based on the
* total weight subtacted during the algorithm.
* @param printMatrix If true, prints the sketch's data matrix
* @param fullMatrix If true, prints all rows; if false, only non-empty rows
* @param applyCompensation If true, prints adjusted singular values
* @return A String representation of the sketch.
public String toString(final boolean printMatrix, final boolean fullMatrix,
final boolean applyCompensation) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final String thisSimpleName = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
sb.append("### ").append(thisSimpleName).append(" INFO: ").append(LS);
if (applyCompensation) {
sb.append("Applying compensative adjustments to matrix values").append(LS);
sb.append(" k : ").append(k_).append(LS);
sb.append(" d : ").append(d_).append(LS);
sb.append(" l : ").append(l_).append(LS);
sb.append(" n : ").append(n_).append(LS);
sb.append(" numRows : ").append(nextZeroRow_).append(LS);
sb.append(" SV adjustment: ").append(svAdjustment_).append(LS);
if (!printMatrix) {
return sb.toString();
sb.append(" Singular Vals: ")
.append(applyCompensation ? "(adjusted)" : "(unadjusted)").append(LS);
final double[] sv = getSingularValues(applyCompensation);
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(k_, n_); ++i) {
if (sv[i] > 0.0) {
double val = sv[i];
if (val > 0.0 && applyCompensation) {
val = Math.sqrt(val * val + svAdjustment_);
sb.append(" \t").append(i).append(":\t").append(val).append(LS);
final Matrix mtx = Matrix.wrap(B_);
final int tmpRowDim = fullMatrix ? nextZeroRow_ : Math.min(k_, nextZeroRow_);
final int tmpColDim = (int) mtx.getNumColumns();
sb.append(" Matrix data :").append(LS);
sb.append(" < ").append(tmpRowDim).append(" x ").append(tmpColDim).append(" >");
// First element
sb.append("\n{ { ").append(mtx.getElement(0, 0));
// Rest of the first row
for (int j = 1; j < tmpColDim; j++) {
sb.append(",\t").append(mtx.getElement(0, j));
// For each of the remaining rows
for (int i = 1; i < tmpRowDim; i++) {
// First column
sb.append(" },\n{ ").append(mtx.getElement(i, 0));
// Remaining columns
for (int j = 1; j < tmpColDim; j++) {
sb.append(",\t").append(mtx.getElement(i, j));
// Finish
sb.append(" } }").append(LS);
sb.append("### END SKETCH SUMMARY").append(LS);
return sb.toString();
int getNumRows() { return nextZeroRow_; }
// exists for testing
double getSvAdjustment() { return svAdjustment_; }
private void reduceRank() {
final SingularValue<Double> svd = SingularValue.make(B_);
if (sv_.length >= k_) {
double medianSVSq = sv_[k_ - 1]; // (l_/2)th item, not yet squared
medianSVSq *= medianSVSq;
svAdjustment_ += medianSVSq; // always track, even if not using compensative mode
for (int i = 0; i < k_ - 1; ++i) {
final double val = sv_[i];
final double adjSqSV = val * val - medianSVSq;
S_.set(i, i, adjSqSV < 0 ? 0.0 : Math.sqrt(adjSqSV));
for (int i = k_ - 1; i < S_.countColumns(); ++i) {
S_.set(i, i, 0.0);
nextZeroRow_ = k_;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < sv_.length; ++i) {
S_.set(i, i, sv_[i]);
for (int i = sv_.length; i < S_.countColumns(); ++i) {
S_.set(i, i, 0.0);
nextZeroRow_ = sv_.length;
throw new RuntimeException("Running with d < 2k not yet supported");
private static double computeFrobNorm(final MatrixStore<Double> M) {
double sum = 0.0;
for (double d : M) {
sum += d * d;
return Math.sqrt(sum);
private static double computeFrobNorm(final MatrixStore<Double> M, final int k) {
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
for (double d : M.sliceRow(i)) {
sum += d * d;
return Math.sqrt(sum);
private static MatrixStore<Double> getKRows(final MatrixStore<Double> M, final int k) {
PrimitiveDenseStore result = PrimitiveDenseStore.FACTORY.makeZero(k, M.countColumns());
for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
int j = 0;
for (double d : M.sliceRow(i)) {
result.set(i, j++, d);
return result;