blob: 49a5eec0edae9b54832eb25d0d2526e8995c87a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.datasketches.vector.regression;
import static org.apache.datasketches.memory.UnsafeUtil.unsafe;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory;
import org.apache.datasketches.vector.MatrixFamily;
* Computes mean and variance for each of d dimensions of an input vector using Welford's online algorithm,
* as described in
* <p>
* For serialized images, multi-byte integers (<tt>int</tt> and <tt>long</tt>) are stored in native byte
* order. All <tt>byte</tt> values are treated as unsigned.</p>
* <p>An empty object requires 8 bytes. A non-empty sketch requires 16 bytes
* of preamble.</p>
* <pre>
* Long || Start Byte Adr:
* Adr:
* || 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
* 0 || Preamble_Longs | SerVer | FamID | Flags |---------Vector Dim. (d)---------|
* || 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
* 1 ||-------------------------Num. Vectors Processed (n)--------------------------|
* </pre>
* @author Jon Malkin
public class VectorNormalizer {
private final int d_;
private final double[] mean_;
private final double[] M2_;
private long n_;
// Preamble byte Addresses
static final int PREAMBLE_LONGS_BYTE = 0;
static final int SER_VER_BYTE = 1;
static final int FAMILY_BYTE = 2;
static final int FLAGS_BYTE = 3;
static final int D_INT = 4;
static final int N_LONG = 8;
// flag bit masks
static final int EMPTY_FLAG_MASK = 4;
// Other constants
static final int SER_VER = 1;
* Creates a new, empty VectorNormalizer
* @param d The number of dimensions the VectorNormalizer holds
public VectorNormalizer(final int d) {
if (d < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("d cannot be < 1. Found: " + d);
d_ = d;
mean_ = new double[d_];
M2_ = new double[d_];
n_ = 0;
* Copy constructor
* @param other The VectorNormalizer to copy
public VectorNormalizer(final VectorNormalizer other) {
d_ = other.d_;
n_ = other.n_;
mean_ = other.mean_.clone();
M2_ = other.M2_.clone();
private VectorNormalizer(final int d, final long n, final double[] mean, final double[] M2) {
d_ = d;
n_ = n;
mean_ = mean;
M2_ = M2;
* Instantiates a VectorNormalizer object from a serialized image
* @param srcMem Memory containing the serialized image of a VectorNormalizer object
* @return A VectorNormalizer, or null if srcMem is null
static VectorNormalizer heapify(final Memory srcMem) {
if (srcMem == null) { return null; }
final int preLongs = getAndCheckPreLongs(srcMem);
if (preLongs < MatrixFamily.VECTORNORMALIZER.getMinPreLongs()
|| preLongs > MatrixFamily.VECTORNORMALIZER.getMaxPreLongs()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Possible corruption: Invalid number of preamble longs: " + preLongs);
final int serVer = extractSerVer(srcMem);
if (serVer != SER_VER) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid serialization version: " + serVer);
final int family = extractFamilyID(srcMem);
if (family != MatrixFamily.VECTORNORMALIZER.getID()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Possible corruption: Family id (" + family + ") "
+ "is not a VectorNormalization image");
final boolean empty = (extractFlags(srcMem) & EMPTY_FLAG_MASK) > 0;
final int d = extractD(srcMem);
if (d < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Possible corruption: d cannot be < 1. Found: " + d);
if (empty) {
if (preLongs != MatrixFamily.VECTORNORMALIZER.getMinPreLongs()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Possible corruption: Empty flag set but header indicates image has data.");
return new VectorNormalizer(d);
if (preLongs == MatrixFamily.VECTORNORMALIZER.getMinPreLongs()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Possible corruption: Non-empty image too small to contain serialized data");
final long n = extractN(srcMem);
if (n <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Possible corruption: n must be positive for a non-empty sketch. Found: " + n);
long offsetBytes = (long) preLongs * Long.BYTES;
// check capacity for the rest
final long bytesNeeded = offsetBytes + (2L * d * Double.BYTES);
if (srcMem.getCapacity() < bytesNeeded) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Possible Corruption: Size of Memory not large enough: Size: " + srcMem.getCapacity()
+ ", Required: " + bytesNeeded);
final double[] mean = new double[d];
srcMem.getDoubleArray(offsetBytes, mean, 0, d);
offsetBytes += (long) d * Double.BYTES;
final double[] M2 = new double[d];
srcMem.getDoubleArray(offsetBytes, M2, 0, d);
return new VectorNormalizer(d, n, mean, M2);
* Returns an array of bytes with a serialized image of this object.
* @return A <tt>byte[]</tt> containing the serialized image of this object.
public byte[] toByteArray() {
final boolean empty = isEmpty();
final int familyId = MatrixFamily.VECTORNORMALIZER.getID();
final int preLongs = empty
? MatrixFamily.VECTORNORMALIZER.getMinPreLongs()
: MatrixFamily.VECTORNORMALIZER.getMaxPreLongs();
final int outBytes = (preLongs * Long.BYTES) + (empty ? 0 : 2 * d_ * Double.BYTES);
final byte[] outArr = new byte[outBytes];
final WritableMemory memOut = WritableMemory.wrap(outArr);
final Object memObj = memOut.getArray();
final long memAddr = memOut.getCumulativeOffset(0L);
insertPreLongs(memObj, memAddr, preLongs);
insertSerVer(memObj, memAddr, SER_VER);
insertFamilyID(memObj, memAddr, familyId);
insertFlags(memObj, memAddr, (empty ? EMPTY_FLAG_MASK : 0));
insertD(memObj, memAddr, d_);
if (!empty) {
insertN(memObj, memAddr, n_);
long offset = (long) preLongs * Long.BYTES;
memOut.putDoubleArray(offset, mean_, 0, d_);
offset += (long) d_ * Double.BYTES;
memOut.putDoubleArray(offset, M2_, 0, d_);
return outArr;
* Returns true if the object has no data, otherwise false
* @return True if the object has no data, otherwise false.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return n_ == 0;
* Returns the number of dimensions configured for this object
* @return The number of dimensions
public long getD() {
return d_;
* Returns the number of input vectors processed by this object
* @return The number of input vectors processed
public long getN() {
return n_;
* Returns the array of means held by this object
* @return The array of means
public double[] getMean() {
if (n_ == 0) {
final double[] result = new double[d_];
for (int i = 0; i < d_; ++i) {
result[i] = Double.NaN;
return result;
} else {
return mean_.clone();
* Returns the sample variance array represented in this object. Returns an array of NaN if N = 0 and an
* array of zeros if N = 1.
* @return The sample variance array represented in this object
public double[] getSampleVariance() {
if (n_ == 0) {
final double[] result = new double[d_];
for (int i = 0; i < d_; ++i) {
result[i] = Double.NaN;
return result;
} else if (n_ == 1) {
return new double[d_]; // array of zeros
} else { // n_ > 1
double[] result = M2_.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < d_; ++i) {
result[i] = M2_[i] / n_;
return result;
* Returns the population variance array represented in this object. Returns an array of NaN if N = 0 and an
* array of zeros if N = 1.
* @return The population variance array represented in this object
public double[] getPopulationVariance() {
if (n_ == 0) {
final double[] result = new double[d_];
for (int i = 0; i < d_; ++i) {
result[i] = Double.NaN;
return result;
} else if (n_ == 1) {
return new double[d_]; // array of zeros
} else { // n_ > 1
double[] result = M2_.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < d_; ++i) {
result[i] = M2_[i] / (n_ - 1);
return result;
public void update(double[] x) {
if (x == null)
if (x.length != d_) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input vector length must be " + d_ + ". Found: " + x.length );
for (int i = 0; i < d_; ++i) {
double d1 = x[i] - mean_[i]; // x_i - oldMean_i
mean_[i] += d1 / n_;
double d2 = x[i] - mean_[i]; // x_i - newMean_i
M2_[i] += d1 * d2;
public void merge(VectorNormalizer other) {
if (other == null)
if (other.d_ != d_)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input VectorNormalizer must have d= " + d_ + ". Found: " + other.d_);
long combinedN = n_ + other.n_;
double varCountScalar = (n_ * other.n_) / (double) combinedN; // n_A * n_B / (n_A + n_B)
for (int i = 0; i < d_; ++i) {
double meanDiff = other.mean_[i] - mean_[i];
mean_[i] = ((n_ * mean_[i]) + (other.n_ * other.mean_[i])) / combinedN;
M2_[i] += other.M2_[i] + meanDiff * meanDiff * varCountScalar;
n_ += other.n_;
public int getSerializedSizeBytes() {
if (n_ == 0) {
return MatrixFamily.VECTORNORMALIZER.getMinPreLongs() * Long.BYTES;
} else {
return (MatrixFamily.VECTORNORMALIZER.getMaxPreLongs()) * Long.BYTES + (2 * d_ * Double.BYTES);
// Extraction methods
static int extractPreLongs(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getInt(PREAMBLE_LONGS_BYTE) & 0xFF;
static int extractSerVer(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getInt(SER_VER_BYTE) & 0xFF;
static int extractFamilyID(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getByte(FAMILY_BYTE) & 0xFF;
static int extractFlags(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getByte(FLAGS_BYTE) & 0xFF;
static int extractD(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getInt(D_INT);
static long extractN(final Memory mem) {
return mem.getLong(N_LONG);
// Insertion methods
private void insertPreLongs(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final int preLongs) {
unsafe.putByte(memObj, memAddr + PREAMBLE_LONGS_BYTE, (byte) preLongs);
private void insertSerVer(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final int serVer) {
unsafe.putByte(memObj, memAddr + SER_VER_BYTE, (byte) serVer);
private void insertFamilyID(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final int matrixFamId) {
unsafe.putByte(memObj, memAddr + FAMILY_BYTE, (byte) matrixFamId);
private void insertFlags(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final int flags) {
unsafe.putByte(memObj, memAddr + FLAGS_BYTE, (byte) flags);
private void insertD(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final int d) {
unsafe.putInt(memObj, memAddr + D_INT, d);
private void insertN(final Object memObj, final long memAddr, final long n) {
unsafe.putLong(memObj, memAddr + N_LONG, n);
* Checks Memory for capacity to hold the preamble and returns the extracted preLongs.
* @param mem the given Memory
* @return the extracted prelongs value.
private static int getAndCheckPreLongs(final Memory mem) {
final long cap = mem.getCapacity();
if (cap < Long.BYTES) { throwNotBigEnough(cap, Long.BYTES); }
final int preLongs = extractPreLongs(mem);
final int required = Math.max(preLongs << 2, Long.BYTES);
if (cap < required) { throwNotBigEnough(cap, required); }
return preLongs;
private static void throwNotBigEnough(final long cap, final int required) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Possible Corruption: Size of byte array or Memory not large enough: Size: " + cap
+ ", Required: " + required);