blob: 9997f5e0a0da474a7b1a1b1ba5dfb9a3ee6bc30d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches.memory;
import static org.apache.datasketches.memory.Util.isAllBitsClear;
import static org.apache.datasketches.memory.Util.isAllBitsSet;
import static org.apache.datasketches.memory.Util.isAnyBitsClear;
import static org.apache.datasketches.memory.Util.isAnyBitsSet;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class CommonMemoryTest {
public void checkSetGet() {
int memCapacity = 16; //must be at least 8
try (WritableHandle wrh = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(memCapacity)) {
WritableMemory mem = wrh.get();
assertEquals(mem.getCapacity(), memCapacity);
public static void setGetTests(WritableMemory mem) {
mem.putBoolean(0, true);
assertEquals(mem.getBoolean(0), true);
mem.putBoolean(0, false);
assertEquals(mem.getBoolean(0), false);
mem.putByte(0, (byte) -1);
assertEquals(mem.getByte(0), (byte) -1);
mem.putByte(0, (byte) 0);
assertEquals(mem.getByte(0), (byte) 0);
mem.putChar(0, 'A');
assertEquals(mem.getChar(0), 'A');
mem.putChar(0, 'Z');
assertEquals(mem.getChar(0), 'Z');
mem.putShort(0, Short.MAX_VALUE);
assertEquals(mem.getShort(0), Short.MAX_VALUE);
mem.putShort(0, Short.MIN_VALUE);
assertEquals(mem.getShort(0), Short.MIN_VALUE);
mem.putInt(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
assertEquals(mem.getInt(0), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
mem.putInt(0, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
assertEquals(mem.getInt(0), Integer.MIN_VALUE);
mem.putFloat(0, Float.MAX_VALUE);
assertEquals(mem.getFloat(0), Float.MAX_VALUE);
mem.putFloat(0, Float.MIN_VALUE);
assertEquals(mem.getFloat(0), Float.MIN_VALUE);
mem.putLong(0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
assertEquals(mem.getLong(0), Long.MAX_VALUE);
mem.putLong(0, Long.MIN_VALUE);
assertEquals(mem.getLong(0), Long.MIN_VALUE);
mem.putDouble(0, Double.MAX_VALUE);
assertEquals(mem.getDouble(0), Double.MAX_VALUE);
mem.putDouble(0, Double.MIN_VALUE);
assertEquals(mem.getDouble(0), Double.MIN_VALUE);
public void checkSetGetArrays() {
int memCapacity = 32;
try (WritableHandle wrh = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(memCapacity)) {
WritableMemory mem = wrh.get();
assertEquals(memCapacity, mem.getCapacity());
public static void setGetArraysTests(WritableMemory mem) {
int accessCapacity = (int)mem.getCapacity();
int words = 4;
boolean[] srcArray1 = {true, false, true, false};
boolean[] dstArray1 = new boolean[words];
mem.fill(0, accessCapacity, (byte)127);
mem.putBooleanArray(0, srcArray1, 0, words);
mem.getBooleanArray(0, dstArray1, 0, words);
for (int i = 0; i < words; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray1[i], srcArray1[i]);
byte[] srcArray2 = { 1, -2, 3, -4 };
byte[] dstArray2 = new byte[4];
mem.putByteArray(0, srcArray2, 0, words);
mem.getByteArray(0, dstArray2, 0, words);
for (int i = 0; i < words; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray2[i], srcArray2[i]);
char[] srcArray3 = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' };
char[] dstArray3 = new char[words];
mem.putCharArray(0, srcArray3, 0, words);
mem.getCharArray(0, dstArray3, 0, words);
for (int i = 0; i < words; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray3[i], srcArray3[i]);
double[] srcArray4 = { 1.0, -2.0, 3.0, -4.0 };
double[] dstArray4 = new double[words];
mem.putDoubleArray(0, srcArray4, 0, words);
mem.getDoubleArray(0, dstArray4, 0, words);
for (int i = 0; i < words; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray4[i], srcArray4[i], 0.0);
float[] srcArray5 = { (float)1.0, (float)-2.0, (float)3.0, (float)-4.0 };
float[] dstArray5 = new float[words];
mem.putFloatArray(0, srcArray5, 0, words);
mem.getFloatArray(0, dstArray5, 0, words);
for (int i = 0; i < words; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray5[i], srcArray5[i], 0.0);
int[] srcArray6 = { 1, -2, 3, -4 };
int[] dstArray6 = new int[words];
mem.putIntArray(0, srcArray6, 0, words);
mem.getIntArray(0, dstArray6, 0, words);
for (int i = 0; i < words; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray6[i], srcArray6[i]);
long[] srcArray7 = { 1, -2, 3, -4 };
long[] dstArray7 = new long[words];
mem.putLongArray(0, srcArray7, 0, words);
mem.getLongArray(0, dstArray7, 0, words);
for (int i = 0; i < words; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray7[i], srcArray7[i]);
short[] srcArray8 = { 1, -2, 3, -4 };
short[] dstArray8 = new short[words];
mem.putShortArray(0, srcArray8, 0, words);
mem.getShortArray(0, dstArray8, 0, words);
for (int i = 0; i < words; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray8[i], srcArray8[i]);
public void checkSetGetPartialArraysWithOffset() {
int memCapacity = 32;
try (WritableHandle wrh = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(memCapacity)) {
WritableMemory mem = wrh.get();
assertEquals(memCapacity, mem.getCapacity());
public static void setGetPartialArraysWithOffsetTests(WritableMemory mem) {
int items= 4;
boolean[] srcArray1 = {true, false, true, false};
boolean[] dstArray1 = new boolean[items];
mem.putBooleanArray(0, srcArray1, 2, items/2);
mem.getBooleanArray(0, dstArray1, 2, items/2);
for (int i = 2; i < items; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray1[i], srcArray1[i]);
byte[] srcArray2 = { 1, -2, 3, -4 };
byte[] dstArray2 = new byte[items];
mem.putByteArray(0, srcArray2, 2, items/2);
mem.getByteArray(0, dstArray2, 2, items/2);
for (int i = 2; i < items; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray2[i], srcArray2[i]);
char[] srcArray3 = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' };
char[] dstArray3 = new char[items];
mem.putCharArray(0, srcArray3, 2, items/2);
mem.getCharArray(0, dstArray3, 2, items/2);
for (int i = 2; i < items; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray3[i], srcArray3[i]);
double[] srcArray4 = { 1.0, -2.0, 3.0, -4.0 };
double[] dstArray4 = new double[items];
mem.putDoubleArray(0, srcArray4, 2, items/2);
mem.getDoubleArray(0, dstArray4, 2, items/2);
for (int i = 2; i < items; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray4[i], srcArray4[i], 0.0);
float[] srcArray5 = { (float)1.0, (float)-2.0, (float)3.0, (float)-4.0 };
float[] dstArray5 = new float[items];
mem.putFloatArray(0, srcArray5, 2, items/2);
mem.getFloatArray(0, dstArray5, 2, items/2);
for (int i = 2; i < items; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray5[i], srcArray5[i], 0.0);
int[] srcArray6 = { 1, -2, 3, -4 };
int[] dstArray6 = new int[items];
mem.putIntArray(0, srcArray6, 2, items/2);
mem.getIntArray(0, dstArray6, 2, items/2);
for (int i = 2; i < items; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray6[i], srcArray6[i]);
long[] srcArray7 = { 1, -2, 3, -4 };
long[] dstArray7 = new long[items];
mem.putLongArray(0, srcArray7, 2, items/2);
mem.getLongArray(0, dstArray7, 2, items/2);
for (int i = 2; i < items; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray7[i], srcArray7[i]);
short[] srcArray8 = { 1, -2, 3, -4 };
short[] dstArray8 = new short[items];
mem.putShortArray(0, srcArray8, 2, items/2);
mem.getShortArray(0, dstArray8, 2, items/2);
for (int i = 2; i < items; i++) {
assertEquals(dstArray8[i], srcArray8[i]);
public void checkSetClearIsBits() {
int memCapacity = 8;
try (WritableHandle wrh = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(memCapacity)) {
WritableMemory mem = wrh.get();
assertEquals(memCapacity, mem.getCapacity());
public static void setClearIsBitsTests(WritableMemory mem) {
//single bits
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
long bitMask = (1 << i);
long v = mem.getByte(0) & 0XFFL;
assertTrue(isAnyBitsClear(v, bitMask));
mem.setBits(0, (byte) bitMask);
v = mem.getByte(0) & 0XFFL;
assertTrue(isAnyBitsSet(v, bitMask));
mem.clearBits(0, (byte) bitMask);
v = mem.getByte(0) & 0XFFL;
assertTrue(isAnyBitsClear(v, bitMask));
//multiple bits
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
long bitMask1 = (1 << i);
long bitMask2 = (3 << i);
long v = mem.getByte(0) & 0XFFL;
assertTrue(isAnyBitsClear(v, bitMask1));
assertTrue(isAnyBitsClear(v, bitMask2));
mem.setBits(0, (byte) bitMask1); //set one bit
v = mem.getByte(0) & 0XFFL;
assertTrue(isAnyBitsSet(v, bitMask2));
assertTrue(isAnyBitsClear(v, bitMask2));
assertFalse(isAllBitsSet(v, bitMask2));
assertFalse(isAllBitsClear(v, bitMask2));
public void checkAtomicMethods() {
int memCapacity = 8;
try (WritableHandle wrh = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(memCapacity)) {
WritableMemory mem = wrh.get();
assertEquals(mem.getCapacity(), memCapacity);
public static void atomicMethodTests(WritableMemory mem) {
mem.putLong(0, 500);
mem.getAndAddLong(0, 1);
assertEquals(mem.getLong(0), 501);
mem.putInt(0, 500);
boolean b = mem.compareAndSwapLong(0, 500, 501);
assertEquals(mem.getLong(0), 501);
mem.putLong(0, 500);
long oldLong = mem.getAndSetLong(0, 501);
long newLong = mem.getLong(0);
assertEquals(oldLong, 500);
assertEquals(newLong, 501);
public void checkSetClearMemoryRegions() {
int memCapacity = 64; //must be 64
try (WritableHandle wrh1 = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(memCapacity)) {
WritableMemory mem = wrh1.get();
setClearMemoryRegionsTests(mem); //requires println enabled to visually check
for (int i = 0; i < memCapacity; i++) {
assertEquals(mem.getByte(i), 0);
//enable println stmts to visually check
public static void setClearMemoryRegionsTests(WritableMemory mem) {
int accessCapacity = (int)mem.getCapacity();
//define regions
int reg1Start = 0;
int reg1Len = 28;
int reg2Start = 28;
int reg2Len = 32;
//set region 1
byte b1 = 5;
mem.fill(reg1Start, reg1Len, b1);
for (int i = reg1Start; i < (reg1Len+reg1Start); i++) {
assertEquals(mem.getByte(i), b1);
//println(mem.toHexString("Region1 to 5", reg1Start, reg1Len));
//set region 2
byte b2 = 7;
mem.fill(reg2Start, reg2Len, b2);
//println(mem.toHexString("Fill", 0, (int)mem.getCapacity()));
for (int i = reg2Start; i < (reg2Len+reg2Start); i++) {
assertEquals(mem.getByte(i), b2);
//println(mem.toHexString("Region2 to 7", reg2Start, reg2Len));
//clear region 1
byte zeroByte = 0;
mem.clear(reg1Start, reg1Len);
for (int i = reg1Start; i < (reg1Len+reg1Start); i++) {
assertEquals(mem.getByte(i), zeroByte);
//println(mem.toHexString("Region1 cleared", reg1Start, reg1Len));
//clear region 2
mem.clear(reg2Start, reg2Len);
for (int i = reg2Start; i < (reg2Len+reg2Start); i++) {
assertEquals(mem.getByte(i), zeroByte);
//println(mem.toHexString("Region2 cleared", reg2Start, reg2Len));
//set all to ones
byte b4 = 127;
for (int i=0; i<accessCapacity; i++) {
assertEquals(mem.getByte(i), b4);
//println(mem.toHexString("Region1 + Region2 all ones", 0, accessCapacity));
//clear all
for (int i = 0; i < accessCapacity; i++) {
assertEquals(mem.getByte(i), zeroByte);
//println(mem.toHexString("Region1 + Region2 cleared", 0, accessCapacity));
public void checkToHexStringAllMem() {
int memCapacity = 48; //must be 48
try (WritableHandle wrh1 = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(memCapacity)) {
WritableMemory mem = wrh1.get();
toHexStringAllMemTests(mem); //requires println enabled to visually check
//enable println to visually check
public static void toHexStringAllMemTests(WritableMemory mem) {
int memCapacity = (int)mem.getCapacity();
for (int i = 0; i < memCapacity; i++) {
mem.putByte(i, (byte)i);
//println(mem.toHexString("Check toHexString(0, 48) to integers", 0, memCapacity));
//println(mem.toHexString("Check toHexString(8, 40)", 8, 40));
public void printlnTest() {
println("PRINTING: "+this.getClass().getName());
* @param s value to print
static void println(String s) {
//System.out.println(s); //disable here