blob: 2f4796bc37f7e8d051dd2fd1edc8d0ff9f558241 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches.memory.internal;
import static org.apache.datasketches.memory.internal.UnsafeUtil.unsafe;
import static org.apache.datasketches.memory.internal.Util.characterPad;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.MemoryBoundsException;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.MemoryRequestServer;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.ReadOnlyException;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.Resource;
* Implements the root Resource methods.
* @author Lee Rhodes
public abstract class ResourceImpl implements Resource {
static final String JDK; //must be at least "1.8"
static final int JDK_MAJOR; //8, 11, 17, etc
//Used to convert "type" to bytes: bytes = longs << LONG_SHIFT
static final int BOOLEAN_SHIFT = 0;
static final int BYTE_SHIFT = 0;
static final long SHORT_SHIFT = 1;
static final long CHAR_SHIFT = 1;
static final long INT_SHIFT = 2;
static final long LONG_SHIFT = 3;
static final long FLOAT_SHIFT = 2;
static final long DOUBLE_SHIFT = 3;
//class type IDs. Do not change the bit orders
//The lowest 3 bits are set dynamically
// 0000 0XXX Group 1
static final int WRITABLE = 0;
static final int READONLY = 1;
static final int REGION = 1 << 1;
static final int DUPLICATE = 1 << 2; //for Buffer only
// 000X X000 Group 2
static final int HEAP = 0;
static final int DIRECT = 1 << 3;
static final int MAP = 1 << 4; //Map is always Direct also
// 00X0 0000 Group 3
static final int NATIVE = 0;
static final int NONNATIVE = 1 << 5;
// 0X00 0000 Group 4
static final int MEMORY = 0;
static final int BUFFER = 1 << 6;
// X000 0000 Group 5
static final int BYTEBUF = 1 << 7;
* The java line separator character as a String.
public static final String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator");
public static final ByteOrder NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER = ByteOrder.nativeOrder();
public static final ByteOrder NON_NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER =
static final String NOT_MAPPED_FILE_RESOURCE = "This is not a memory-mapped file resource";
static final String THREAD_EXCEPTION_TEXT = "Attempted access outside owning thread";
static {
final String jdkVer = System.getProperty("java.version");
final int[] p = parseJavaVersion(jdkVer);
JDK = p[0] + "." + p[1];
JDK_MAJOR = (p[0] == 1) ? p[1] : p[0];
//set by the leaf nodes
long capacityBytes;
long cumOffsetBytes;
long offsetBytes;
int typeId;
MemoryRequestServer memReqSvr = null; //set by the user via the leaf nodes
Thread owner = null;
* The root of the Memory inheritance hierarchy
ResourceImpl() { }
* Check the requested offset and length against the allocated size.
* The invariants equation is: {@code 0 <= reqOff <= reqLen <= reqOff + reqLen <= allocSize}.
* If this equation is violated an {@link MemoryBoundsException} will be thrown.
* @param reqOff the requested offset
* @param reqLen the requested length
* @param allocSize the allocated size.
* @Throws MemoryBoundsException if the given arguments constitute a violation
* of the invariants equation expressed above.
public static void checkBounds(final long reqOff, final long reqLen, final long allocSize) {
if ((reqOff | reqLen | (reqOff + reqLen) | (allocSize - (reqOff + reqLen))) < 0) {
throw new MemoryBoundsException(
"reqOffset: " + reqOff + ", reqLength: " + reqLen
+ ", (reqOff + reqLen): " + (reqOff + reqLen) + ", allocSize: " + allocSize);
static void checkJavaVersion(final String jdkVer, final int p0, final int p1 ) {
final boolean ok = ((p0 == 1) && (p1 == 8)) || (p0 == 8) || (p0 == 11) || (p0 == 17);
if (!ok) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unsupported JDK Major Version. It must be one of 1.8, 8, 11, 17: " + jdkVer);
void checkNotReadOnly() {
if (isReadOnly()) {
throw new ReadOnlyException("Cannot write to a read-only Resource.");
* This checks that the current thread is the same as the given owner thread.
* @Throws IllegalStateException if it is not.
* @param owner the given owner thread.
static final void checkThread(final Thread owner) {
if (owner != Thread.currentThread()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(THREAD_EXCEPTION_TEXT);
* @throws IllegalStateException if this Resource is AutoCloseable, and already closed, i.e., not <em>valid</em>.
void checkValid() {
if (!isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("this Resource is AutoCloseable, and already closed, i.e., not <em>valid</em>.");
* Checks that this resource is still valid and throws a MemoryInvalidException if it is not.
* Checks that the specified range of bytes is within bounds of this resource, throws
* {@link MemoryBoundsException} if it's not: i. e. if offsetBytes &lt; 0, or length &lt; 0,
* or offsetBytes + length &gt; {@link #getCapacity()}.
* @param offsetBytes the given offset in bytes of this object
* @param lengthBytes the given length in bytes of this object
* @Throws MemoryInvalidException if this resource is AutoCloseable and is no longer valid, i.e.,
* it has already been closed.
* @Throws MemoryBoundsException if this resource violates the memory bounds of this resource.
public final void checkValidAndBounds(final long offsetBytes, final long lengthBytes) {
checkBounds(offsetBytes, lengthBytes, getCapacity());
* Checks that this resource is still valid and throws a MemoryInvalidException if it is not.
* Checks that the specified range of bytes is within bounds of this resource, throws
* {@link MemoryBoundsException} if it's not: i. e. if offsetBytes &lt; 0, or length &lt; 0,
* or offsetBytes + length &gt; {@link #getCapacity()}.
* Checks that this operation is a read-only operation and throws a ReadOnlyException if not.
* @param offsetBytes the given offset in bytes of this object
* @param lengthBytes the given length in bytes of this object
* @Throws MemoryInvalidException if this resource is AutoCloseable and is no longer valid, i.e.,
* it has already been closed.
* @Throws MemoryBoundsException if this resource violates the memory bounds of this resource.
* @Throws ReadOnlyException if the associated operation is not a Read-only operation.
final void checkValidAndBoundsForWrite(final long offsetBytes, final long lengthBytes) {
checkBounds(offsetBytes, lengthBytes, getCapacity());
if (isReadOnly()) {
throw new ReadOnlyException("Memory is read-only.");
public void close() {
/* Overridden by the actual AutoCloseable leaf sub-classes. */
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This resource is not AutoCloseable.");
public final boolean equalTo(final long thisOffsetBytes, final Resource that,
final long thatOffsetBytes, final long lengthBytes) {
if (that == null) { return false; }
return CompareAndCopy.equals(this, thisOffsetBytes, (ResourceImpl) that, thatOffsetBytes, lengthBytes);
public void force() { //overridden by Map Leaves
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(NOT_MAPPED_FILE_RESOURCE);
//Overridden by ByteBuffer Leaves. Used internally and for tests.
ByteBuffer getByteBuffer() {
return null;
public final ByteOrder getByteOrder() {
return isNativeOrder(getTypeId()) ? NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER : NON_NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER;
public long getCapacity() {
return capacityBytes;
* Gets the cumulative offset in bytes of this object from the backing resource including the given
* localOffsetBytes. This offset may also include other offset components such as the native off-heap
* memory address, DirectByteBuffer split offsets, region offsets, and object arrayBaseOffsets.
* @param addOffsetBytes offset to be added to the cumulative offset.
* @return the cumulative offset in bytes of this object from the backing resource including the
* given offsetBytes.
long getCumulativeOffset(final long addOffsetBytes) {
return cumOffsetBytes + addOffsetBytes;
public MemoryRequestServer getMemoryRequestServer() { return memReqSvr; }
public long getTotalOffset() {
return offsetBytes;
//Overridden by all leaves
int getTypeId() {
return typeId;
//Overridden by Heap and ByteBuffer leaves. Made public as getArray() in WritableMemoryImpl and
// WritableBufferImpl
Object getUnsafeObject() {
return null;
public boolean isByteBufferResource() {
return (getTypeId() & BYTEBUF) > 0;
public final boolean isByteOrderCompatible(final ByteOrder byteOrder) {
final ByteOrder typeBO = getByteOrder();
return typeBO == ByteOrder.nativeOrder() && typeBO == byteOrder;
final boolean isBufferApi(final int typeId) {
return (typeId & BUFFER) > 0;
public final boolean isDirectResource() {
return getUnsafeObject() == null;
public boolean isDuplicateBufferView() {
return (getTypeId() & DUPLICATE) > 0;
public final boolean isHeapResource() {
return getUnsafeObject() != null;
public boolean isLoaded() { //overridden by Map Leaves
throw new IllegalStateException(NOT_MAPPED_FILE_RESOURCE);
public boolean isMemoryMappedResource() {
return (getTypeId() & MAP) > 0;
public boolean isMemoryApi() {
return (getTypeId() & BUFFER) == 0;
final boolean isNativeOrder(final int typeId) { //not used
return (typeId & NONNATIVE) == 0;
public boolean isNonNativeOrder() {
return (getTypeId() & NONNATIVE) > 0;
public final boolean isReadOnly() {
return (getTypeId() & READONLY) > 0;
public boolean isRegionView() {
return (getTypeId() & REGION) > 0;
public boolean isSameResource(final Resource that) {
if (that == null) { return false; }
final ResourceImpl that1 = (ResourceImpl) that;
if (this == that1) { return true; }
return getCumulativeOffset(0) == that1.getCumulativeOffset(0)
&& getCapacity() == that1.getCapacity()
&& getUnsafeObject() == that1.getUnsafeObject()
&& getByteBuffer() == that1.getByteBuffer();
//Overridden by Direct and Map leaves
public boolean isValid() {
return true;
public void load() { //overridden by Map leaves
throw new IllegalStateException(NOT_MAPPED_FILE_RESOURCE);
private static String pad(final String s, final int fieldLen) {
return characterPad(s, fieldLen, ' ' , true);
* Returns first two number groups of the java version string.
* @param jdkVer the java version string from System.getProperty("java.version").
* @return first two number groups of the java version string.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException for an improper Java version string.
static int[] parseJavaVersion(final String jdkVer) {
final int p0, p1;
try {
String[] parts = jdkVer.trim().split("^0-9\\.");//grab only number groups and "."
parts = parts[0].split("\\."); //split out the number groups
p0 = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); //the first number group
p1 = (parts.length > 1) ? Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) : 0; //2nd number group, or 0
} catch (final NumberFormatException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Improper Java -version string: " + jdkVer + "\n" + e);
checkJavaVersion(jdkVer, p0, p1);
return new int[] {p0, p1};
static void reachabilityFence(final Object obj) { }
final static int removeNnBuf(final int typeId) { return typeId & ~NONNATIVE & ~BUFFER; }
final static int setReadOnlyBit(final int typeId, final boolean readOnly) {
return readOnly ? typeId | READONLY : typeId & ~READONLY;
public void setMemoryRequestServer(final MemoryRequestServer memReqSvr) { this.memReqSvr = memReqSvr; }
* Returns a formatted hex string of an area of this object.
* Used primarily for testing.
* @param state the ResourceImpl
* @param preamble a descriptive header
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to the MemoryImpl start
* @param lengthBytes number of bytes to convert to a hex string
* @return a formatted hex string in a human readable array
static final String toHex(final ResourceImpl state, final String preamble, final long offsetBytes,
final int lengthBytes) {
final long capacity = state.getCapacity();
ResourceImpl.checkBounds(offsetBytes, lengthBytes, capacity);
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final Object uObj = state.getUnsafeObject();
final String uObjStr;
final long uObjHeader;
if (uObj == null) {
uObjStr = "null";
uObjHeader = 0;
} else {
uObjStr = uObj.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + (uObj.hashCode() & 0XFFFFFFFFL);
uObjHeader = UnsafeUtil.getArrayBaseOffset(uObj.getClass());
final ByteBuffer bb = state.getByteBuffer();
final String bbStr = bb == null ? "null"
: bb.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + (bb.hashCode() & 0XFFFFFFFFL);
final MemoryRequestServer memReqSvr = state.getMemoryRequestServer();
final String memReqStr = memReqSvr != null
? memReqSvr.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + (memReqSvr.hashCode() & 0XFFFFFFFFL)
: "null";
final long cumBaseOffset = state.getCumulativeOffset(0);
sb.append("UnsafeObj, hashCode : ").append(uObjStr).append(LS);
sb.append("UnsafeObjHeader : ").append(uObjHeader).append(LS);
sb.append("ByteBuf, hashCode : ").append(bbStr).append(LS);
sb.append("RegionOffset : ").append(state.getTotalOffset()).append(LS);
sb.append("Capacity : ").append(capacity).append(LS);
sb.append("CumBaseOffset : ").append(cumBaseOffset).append(LS);
sb.append("MemReq, hashCode : ").append(memReqStr).append(LS);
sb.append("Valid : ").append(state.isValid()).append(LS);
sb.append("Read Only : ").append(state.isReadOnly()).append(LS);
sb.append("Type Byte Order : ").append(state.getByteOrder().toString()).append(LS);
sb.append("Native Byte Order : ").append(ByteOrder.nativeOrder().toString()).append(LS);
sb.append("JDK Runtime Version : ").append(UnsafeUtil.JDK).append(LS);
//Data detail
sb.append("Data, littleEndian : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7");
for (long i = 0; i < lengthBytes; i++) {
final int b = unsafe.getByte(uObj, cumBaseOffset + offsetBytes + i) & 0XFF;
if (i % 8 == 0) { //row header
sb.append(String.format("%n%20s: ", offsetBytes + i));
sb.append(String.format("%02x ", b));
return sb.toString();
public final String toHexString(final String header, final long offsetBytes,
final int lengthBytes) {
final String klass = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
final String s1 = String.format("(..., %d, %d)", offsetBytes, lengthBytes);
final long hcode = hashCode() & 0XFFFFFFFFL;
final String call = ".toHexString" + s1 + ", hashCode: " + hcode;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("### ").append(klass).append(" SUMMARY ###").append(LS);
sb.append("Header Comment : ").append(header).append(LS);
sb.append("Call Parameters : ").append(call);
return toHex(this, sb.toString(), offsetBytes, lengthBytes);
* Decodes the resource type. This is primarily for debugging.
* @param typeId the given typeId
* @return a human readable string.
static final String typeDecode(final int typeId) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final int group1 = typeId & 0x7;
switch (group1) { // 0000 0XXX
case 0 : sb.append(pad("Writable + ",32)); break;
case 1 : sb.append(pad("ReadOnly + ",32)); break;
case 2 : sb.append(pad("Writable + Region + ",32)); break;
case 3 : sb.append(pad("ReadOnly + Region + ",32)); break;
case 4 : sb.append(pad("Writable + Duplicate + ",32)); break;
case 5 : sb.append(pad("ReadOnly + Duplicate + ",32)); break;
case 6 : sb.append(pad("Writable + Region + Duplicate + ",32)); break;
case 7 : sb.append(pad("ReadOnly + Region + Duplicate + ",32)); break;
default: break;
final int group2 = (typeId >>> 3) & 0x3;
switch (group2) { // 000X X000
case 0 : sb.append(pad("Heap + ",15)); break;
case 1 : sb.append(pad("Direct + ",15)); break;
case 2 : sb.append(pad("Map + Direct + ",15)); break;
case 3 : sb.append(pad("Map + Direct + ",15)); break;
default: break;
final int group3 = (typeId >>> 5) & 0x1;
switch (group3) { // 00X0 0000
case 0 : sb.append(pad("NativeOrder + ",17)); break;
case 1 : sb.append(pad("NonNativeOrder + ",17)); break;
default: break;
final int group4 = (typeId >>> 6) & 0x1;
switch (group4) { // 0X00 0000
case 0 : sb.append(pad("Memory + ",9)); break;
case 1 : sb.append(pad("Buffer + ",9)); break;
default: break;
final int group5 = (typeId >>> 7) & 0x1;
switch (group5) { // X000 0000
case 0 : sb.append(pad("",10)); break;
case 1 : sb.append(pad("ByteBuffer",10)); break;
default: break;
return sb.toString();
public final long xxHash64(final long offsetBytes, final long lengthBytes, final long seed) {
return XxHash64.hash(getUnsafeObject(), getCumulativeOffset(0) + offsetBytes, lengthBytes, seed);
public final long xxHash64(final long in, final long seed) {
return XxHash64.hash(in, seed);