blob: eed7a4ebbee73fd62b2d5da0986615d64f61ad5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches.memory;
import static org.apache.datasketches.memory.internal.Util.negativeCheck;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.internal.BaseWritableMemoryImpl;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.internal.Prim;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.internal.ResourceImpl;
* Defines the read-only API for offset access to a resource.
* <p>The classes in this package are not thread-safe.</p>
* @author Lee Rhodes
public interface Memory extends Resource {
* Accesses the given <i>ByteBuffer</i> for read-only operations. The returned <i>Memory</i> object has
* the same byte order, as the given <i>ByteBuffer</i>.
* @param byteBuffer the given <i>ByteBuffer</i>. It must be non-null and with capacity &ge; 0.
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> for read-only operations on the given <i>ByteBuffer</i>.
static Memory wrap(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
return wrap(byteBuffer, byteBuffer.order());
* Accesses the given <i>ByteBuffer</i> for read-only operations. The returned <i>Memory</i> object has
* the given byte order, ignoring the byte order of the given <i>ByteBuffer</i> for future reads and writes.
* @param byteBuffer the given <i>ByteBuffer</i>. It must be non-null and with capacity &ge; 0.
* @param byteOrder the byte order to be used. It must be non-null.
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> for read-only operations on the given <i>ByteBuffer</i>.
static Memory wrap(ByteBuffer byteBuffer, ByteOrder byteOrder) {
Objects.requireNonNull(byteBuffer, "byteBuffer must not be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(byteOrder, "byteOrder must not be null");
negativeCheck(byteBuffer.capacity(), "byteBuffer");
return BaseWritableMemoryImpl.wrapByteBuffer(byteBuffer, true, byteOrder, null);
* Maps the entire given file into native-ordered <i>Memory</i> for read operations
* Calling this method is equivalent to calling
* {@link #map(File, long, long, ByteOrder) map(file, 0, file.length(), ByteOrder.nativeOrder())}.
* @param file the given file to map. It must be non-null, length &ge; 0, and readable.
* @return <i>Memory</i> for managing the mapped memory.
static Memory map(File file) {
return map(file, 0, file.length(), ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
* Maps the specified portion of the given file into <i>Memory</i> for read operations.
* @param file the given file to map. It must be non-null and readable.
* @param fileOffsetBytes the position in the given file in bytes. It must not be negative.
* @param capacityBytes the size of the mapped memory. It must not be negative.
* @param byteOrder the byte order to be used for the mapped memory. It must be non-null.
* @return <i>Memory</i> for managing the mapped memory.
static Memory map(File file, long fileOffsetBytes, long capacityBytes, ByteOrder byteOrder) {
Objects.requireNonNull(file, "file must be non-null.");
Objects.requireNonNull(byteOrder, "byteOrder must be non-null.");
if (!file.canRead()) { throw new ReadOnlyException("file must be readable."); }
negativeCheck(fileOffsetBytes, "fileOffsetBytes");
negativeCheck(capacityBytes, "capacityBytes");
return BaseWritableMemoryImpl.wrapMap(file, fileOffsetBytes, capacityBytes, true, byteOrder);
* A region is a read-only view of this object.
* <ul>
* <li>Returned object's origin = this object's origin + offsetBytes</li>
* <li>Returned object's capacity = capacityBytes</li>
* </ul>
* @param offsetBytes the starting offset with respect to the origin of this <i>Memory</i>. It must be &ge; 0.
* @param capacityBytes the capacity of the region in bytes. It must be &ge; 0.
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> representing the defined region based on the given
* offsetBytes and capacityBytes.
default Memory region(long offsetBytes, long capacityBytes) {
return region(offsetBytes, capacityBytes, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
* A region is a read-only view of this object.
* <ul>
* <li>Returned object's origin = this object's origin + <i>offsetBytes</i></li>
* <li>Returned object's capacity = <i>capacityBytes</i></li>
* <li>Returned object's byte order = <i>byteOrder</i></li>
* </ul>
* @param offsetBytes the starting offset with respect to the origin of this Memory. It must be &ge; 0.
* @param capacityBytes the capacity of the region in bytes. It must be &ge; 0.
* @param byteOrder the given byte order. It must be non-null.
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> representing the defined region based on the given
* offsetBytes, capacityBytes and byteOrder.
Memory region(long offsetBytes, long capacityBytes, ByteOrder byteOrder);
* Returns a new <i>Buffer</i> view of this object.
* <ul>
* <li>Returned object's origin = this object's origin</li>
* <li>Returned object's <i>start</i> = 0</li>
* <li>Returned object's <i>position</i> = 0</li>
* <li>Returned object's <i>end</i> = this object's capacity</li>
* <li>Returned object's <i>capacity</i> = this object's capacity</li>
* <li>Returned object's <i>start</i>, <i>position</i> and <i>end</i> are mutable</li>
* </ul>
* @return a new <i>Buffer</i>
default Buffer asBuffer() {
return asBuffer(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
* Returns a new <i>Buffer</i> view of this object, with the given
* byte order.
* <ul>
* <li>Returned object's origin = this object's origin</li>
* <li>Returned object's <i>start</i> = 0</li>
* <li>Returned object's <i>position</i> = 0</li>
* <li>Returned object's <i>end</i> = this object's capacity</li>
* <li>Returned object's <i>capacity</i> = this object's capacity</li>
* <li>Returned object's <i>start</i>, <i>position</i> and <i>end</i> are mutable</li>
* </ul>
* @param byteOrder the given byte order
* @return a new <i>Buffer</i> with the given byteOrder.
Buffer asBuffer(ByteOrder byteOrder);
* Wraps the given primitive array for read operations assuming native byte order.
* @param array the given primitive array.
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> for read operations
static Memory wrap(byte[] array) {
Objects.requireNonNull(array, "array must be non-null");
return wrap(array, 0, array.length, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
* Wraps the given primitive array for read operations with the given byte order.
* @param array the given primitive array.
* @param byteOrder the byte order to be used
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> for read operations
static Memory wrap(byte[] array, ByteOrder byteOrder) {
return wrap(array, 0, array.length, byteOrder);
* Wraps the given primitive array for read operations with the given byte order.
* @param array the given primitive array.
* @param offsetBytes the byte offset into the given array
* @param lengthBytes the number of bytes to include from the given array
* @param byteOrder the byte order to be used
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> for read operations
static Memory wrap(byte[] array, int offsetBytes, int lengthBytes, ByteOrder byteOrder) {
Objects.requireNonNull(array, "array must be non-null");
Objects.requireNonNull(byteOrder, "byteOrder must be non-null");
negativeCheck(offsetBytes, "offsetBytes");
negativeCheck(lengthBytes, "lengthBytes");
ResourceImpl.checkBounds(offsetBytes, lengthBytes, array.length);
return BaseWritableMemoryImpl.wrapHeapArray(array, offsetBytes, lengthBytes, true, ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), null);
* Wraps the given primitive array for read operations assuming native byte order.
* @param array the given primitive array.
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> for read operations
static Memory wrap(boolean[] array) {
Objects.requireNonNull(array, "array must be non-null");
final long lengthBytes = array.length << Prim.BOOLEAN.shift();
return BaseWritableMemoryImpl.wrapHeapArray(array, 0, lengthBytes, true, ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), null);
* Wraps the given primitive array for read operations assuming native byte order.
* @param array the given primitive array.
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> for read operations
static Memory wrap(char[] array) {
Objects.requireNonNull(array, "array must be non-null");
final long lengthBytes = array.length << Prim.CHAR.shift();
return BaseWritableMemoryImpl.wrapHeapArray(array, 0L, lengthBytes, true, ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), null);
* Wraps the given primitive array for read operations assuming native byte order.
* @param array the given primitive array.
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> for read operations
static Memory wrap(short[] array) {
Objects.requireNonNull(array, "arr must be non-null");
final long lengthBytes = array.length << Prim.SHORT.shift();
return BaseWritableMemoryImpl.wrapHeapArray(array, 0L, lengthBytes, true, ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), null);
* Wraps the given primitive array for read operations assuming native byte order.
* @param array the given primitive array.
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> for read operations
static Memory wrap(int[] array) {
Objects.requireNonNull(array, "arr must be non-null");
final long lengthBytes = array.length << Prim.INT.shift();
return BaseWritableMemoryImpl.wrapHeapArray(array, 0L, lengthBytes, true, ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), null);
* Wraps the given primitive array for read operations assuming native byte order.
* @param array the given primitive array.
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> for read operations
static Memory wrap(long[] array) {
Objects.requireNonNull(array, "arr must be non-null");
final long lengthBytes = array.length << Prim.LONG.shift();
return BaseWritableMemoryImpl.wrapHeapArray(array, 0L, lengthBytes, true, ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), null);
* Wraps the given primitive array for read operations assuming native byte order.
* @param array the given primitive array.
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> for read operations
static Memory wrap(float[] array) {
Objects.requireNonNull(array, "arr must be non-null");
final long lengthBytes = array.length << Prim.FLOAT.shift();
return BaseWritableMemoryImpl.wrapHeapArray(array, 0L, lengthBytes, true, ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), null);
* Wraps the given primitive array for read operations assuming native byte order.
* @param array the given primitive array.
* @return a new <i>Memory</i> for read operations
static Memory wrap(double[] array) {
Objects.requireNonNull(array, "arr must be non-null");
final long lengthBytes = array.length << Prim.DOUBLE.shift();
return BaseWritableMemoryImpl.wrapHeapArray(array, 0L, lengthBytes, true, ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), null);
//PRIMITIVE getX() and getXArray()
* Gets the boolean value at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @return the boolean at the given offset
boolean getBoolean(long offsetBytes);
* Gets the boolean array at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @param dstArray The preallocated destination array.
* @param dstOffsetBooleans offset in array units
* @param lengthBooleans number of array units to transfer
void getBooleanArray(long offsetBytes, boolean[] dstArray, int dstOffsetBooleans, int lengthBooleans);
* Gets the byte value at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @return the byte at the given offset
byte getByte(long offsetBytes);
* Gets the byte array at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @param dstArray The preallocated destination array.
* @param dstOffsetBytes offset in array units
* @param lengthBytes number of array units to transfer
void getByteArray(long offsetBytes, byte[] dstArray, int dstOffsetBytes, int lengthBytes);
* Gets the char value at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @return the char at the given offset
char getChar(long offsetBytes);
* Gets the char array at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @param dstArray The preallocated destination array.
* @param dstOffsetChars offset in array units
* @param lengthChars number of array units to transfer
void getCharArray(long offsetBytes, char[] dstArray, int dstOffsetChars, int lengthChars);
* Gets UTF-8 encoded bytes from this Memory, starting at offsetBytes to a length of
* utf8LengthBytes, decodes them into characters and appends them to the given Appendable.
* This is specifically designed to reduce the production of intermediate objects (garbage),
* thus significantly reducing pressure on the JVM Garbage Collector.
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to the Memory start
* @param utf8LengthBytes the number of encoded UTF-8 bytes to decode. It is assumed that the
* caller has the correct number of utf8 bytes required to decode the number of characters
* to be appended to dst. Characters outside the ASCII range can require 2, 3 or 4 bytes per
* character to decode.
* @param dst the destination Appendable to append the decoded characters to.
* @return the number of characters decoded
* @throws IOException if dst.append() throws IOException
* @throws Utf8CodingException in case of malformed or illegal UTF-8 input
int getCharsFromUtf8(long offsetBytes, int utf8LengthBytes, Appendable dst)
throws IOException, Utf8CodingException;
* Gets UTF-8 encoded bytes from this Memory, starting at offsetBytes to a length of
* utf8LengthBytes, decodes them into characters and appends them to the given StringBuilder.
* This method does *not* reset the length of the destination StringBuilder before appending
* characters to it.
* This is specifically designed to reduce the production of intermediate objects (garbage),
* thus significantly reducing pressure on the JVM Garbage Collector.
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to the Memory start
* @param utf8LengthBytes the number of encoded UTF-8 bytes to decode. It is assumed that the
* caller has the correct number of utf8 bytes required to decode the number of characters
* to be appended to dst. Characters outside the ASCII range can require 2, 3 or 4 bytes per
* character to decode.
* @param dst the destination StringBuilder to append decoded characters to.
* @return the number of characters decoded.
* @throws Utf8CodingException in case of malformed or illegal UTF-8 input
int getCharsFromUtf8(long offsetBytes, int utf8LengthBytes, StringBuilder dst)
throws Utf8CodingException;
* Gets the double value at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @return the double at the given offset
double getDouble(long offsetBytes);
* Gets the double array at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @param dstArray The preallocated destination array.
* @param dstOffsetDoubles offset in array units
* @param lengthDoubles number of array units to transfer
void getDoubleArray(long offsetBytes, double[] dstArray, int dstOffsetDoubles, int lengthDoubles);
* Gets the float value at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @return the float at the given offset
float getFloat(long offsetBytes);
* Gets the float array at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @param dstArray The preallocated destination array.
* @param dstOffsetFloats offset in array units
* @param lengthFloats number of array units to transfer
void getFloatArray(long offsetBytes, float[] dstArray, int dstOffsetFloats, int lengthFloats);
* Gets the int value at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @return the int at the given offset
int getInt(long offsetBytes);
* Gets the int array at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @param dstArray The preallocated destination array.
* @param dstOffsetInts offset in array units
* @param lengthInts number of array units to transfer
void getIntArray(long offsetBytes, int[] dstArray, int dstOffsetInts, int lengthInts);
* Gets the long value at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @return the long at the given offset
long getLong(long offsetBytes);
* Gets the long array at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @param dstArray The preallocated destination array.
* @param dstOffsetLongs offset in array units
* @param lengthLongs number of array units to transfer
void getLongArray(long offsetBytes, long[] dstArray, int dstOffsetLongs, int lengthLongs);
* Gets the short value at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @return the short at the given offset
short getShort(long offsetBytes);
* Gets the short array at the given offset
* @param offsetBytes offset bytes relative to this Memory start
* @param dstArray The preallocated destination array.
* @param dstOffsetShorts offset in array units
* @param lengthShorts number of array units to transfer
void getShortArray(long offsetBytes, short[] dstArray, int dstOffsetShorts, int lengthShorts);
//SPECIAL PRIMITIVE READ METHODS: compareTo, copyTo, writeTo
* Compares the bytes of this Memory to <i>that</i> Memory.
* Returns <i>(this &lt; that) ? (some negative value) : (this &gt; that) ? (some positive value)
* : 0;</i>.
* If all bytes are equal up to the shorter of the two lengths, the shorter length is considered
* to be less than the other.
* @param thisOffsetBytes the starting offset for <i>this Memory</i>
* @param thisLengthBytes the length of the region to compare from <i>this Memory</i>
* @param that the other Memory to compare with
* @param thatOffsetBytes the starting offset for <i>that Memory</i>
* @param thatLengthBytes the length of the region to compare from <i>that Memory</i>
* @return <i>(this &lt; that) ? (some negative value) : (this &gt; that) ? (some positive value)
* : 0;</i>
int compareTo(long thisOffsetBytes, long thisLengthBytes, Memory that,
long thatOffsetBytes, long thatLengthBytes);
* Copies bytes from a source range of this Memory to a destination range of the given Memory
* with the same semantics when copying between overlapping ranges of bytes as method
* {@link java.lang.System#arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int)} has. However, if the source
* and the destination ranges are exactly the same, this method throws {@link
* IllegalArgumentException}, because it should never be needed in real-world scenarios and
* therefore indicates a bug.
* @param srcOffsetBytes the source offset for this Memory
* @param destination the destination Memory, which may not be Read-Only.
* @param dstOffsetBytes the destination offset
* @param lengthBytes the number of bytes to copy
void copyTo(long srcOffsetBytes, WritableMemory destination, long dstOffsetBytes, long lengthBytes);
* Writes bytes from a source range of this Memory to the given {@code WritableByteChannel}.
* @param offsetBytes the source offset for this Memory
* @param lengthBytes the number of bytes to copy
* @param out the destination WritableByteChannel
* @throws IOException may occur while writing to the WritableByteChannel
void writeTo(long offsetBytes, long lengthBytes, WritableByteChannel out)
throws IOException;