blob: b6f53249a19b6f3c206fc5e714067528a1ab1c6e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.datasketches.tuple;
import static java.lang.Math.ceil;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static org.apache.datasketches.common.Util.ceilingPowerOf2;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.SketchesArgumentException;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.SketchesStateException;
import org.apache.datasketches.thetacommon.ThetaUtil;
* Computes an intersection of two or more generic tuple sketches or generic tuple sketches
* combined with theta sketches.
* A new instance represents the Universal Set. Because the Universal Set
* cannot be realized a <i>getResult()</i> on a new instance will produce an error.
* Every update() computes an intersection with the internal state, which will never
* grow larger and may be reduced to zero.
* @param <S> Type of Summary
public class Intersection<S extends Summary> {
private final SummarySetOperations<S> summarySetOps_;
private boolean empty_;
private long thetaLong_;
private HashTables<S> hashTables_;
private boolean firstCall_;
* Creates new Intersection instance with instructions on how to process two summaries that
* intersect.
* @param summarySetOps instance of SummarySetOperations
public Intersection(final SummarySetOperations<S> summarySetOps) {
summarySetOps_ = summarySetOps;
empty_ = false; // universal set at the start
thetaLong_ = Long.MAX_VALUE;
hashTables_ = new HashTables<>();
firstCall_ = true;
* Perform a stateless intersect set operation on the two given tuple sketches and returns the
* result as an unordered CompactSketch on the heap.
* @param tupleSketchA The first sketch argument. It must not be null.
* @param tupleSketchB The second sketch argument. It must not be null.
* @return an unordered CompactSketch on the heap
public CompactSketch<S> intersect(
final Sketch<S> tupleSketchA,
final Sketch<S> tupleSketchB) {
final CompactSketch<S> csk = getResult();
return csk;
* Perform a stateless intersect set operation on a tuple sketch and a theta sketch and returns the
* result as an unordered CompactSketch on the heap.
* @param tupleSketch The first sketch argument. It must not be null.
* @param thetaSketch The second sketch argument. It must not be null.
* @param summary the given proxy summary for the theta sketch, which doesn't have one.
* This must not be null.
* @return an unordered CompactSketch on the heap
public CompactSketch<S> intersect(
final Sketch<S> tupleSketch,
final org.apache.datasketches.theta.Sketch
thetaSketch, final S summary) {
intersect(thetaSketch, summary);
final CompactSketch<S> csk = getResult();
return csk;
* Performs a stateful intersection of the internal set with the given tupleSketch.
* @param tupleSketch input sketch to intersect with the internal state. It must not be null.
public void intersect(final Sketch<S> tupleSketch) {
if (tupleSketch == null) { throw new SketchesArgumentException("Sketch must not be null"); }
final boolean firstCall = firstCall_;
firstCall_ = false;
// input sketch could be first or next call
final boolean emptyIn = tupleSketch.isEmpty();
if (empty_ || emptyIn) { //empty rule
//Whatever the current internal state, we make our local empty.
final long thetaLongIn = tupleSketch.getThetaLong();
thetaLong_ = min(thetaLong_, thetaLongIn); //Theta rule
if (tupleSketch.getRetainedEntries() == 0) {
// input sketch will have valid entries > 0
if (firstCall) {
//Copy firstSketch data into local instance hashTables_
//Next Call
else {
if (hashTables_.numKeys == 0) { return; }
//process intersect with current hashTables
hashTables_ = hashTables_.getIntersectHashTables(tupleSketch, thetaLong_, summarySetOps_);
* Performs a stateful intersection of the internal set with the given thetaSketch by combining entries
* using the hashes from the theta sketch and summary values from the given summary and rules
* from the summarySetOps defined by the Intersection constructor.
* @param thetaSketch input theta sketch to intersect with the internal state. It must not be null.
* @param summary the given proxy summary for the theta sketch, which doesn't have one.
* It will be copied for each matching index. It must not be null.
public void intersect(final org.apache.datasketches.theta.Sketch thetaSketch, final S summary) {
if (thetaSketch == null) { throw new SketchesArgumentException("Sketch must not be null"); }
if (summary == null) { throw new SketchesArgumentException("Summary cannot be null."); }
final boolean firstCall = firstCall_;
firstCall_ = false;
// input sketch is not null, could be first or next call
final boolean emptyIn = thetaSketch.isEmpty();
if (empty_ || emptyIn) { //empty rule
//Whatever the current internal state, we make our local empty.
final long thetaLongIn = thetaSketch.getThetaLong();
thetaLong_ = min(thetaLong_, thetaLongIn); //Theta rule
final int countIn = thetaSketch.getRetainedEntries();
if (countIn == 0) {
// input sketch will have valid entries > 0
if (firstCall) {
final org.apache.datasketches.theta.Sketch firstSketch = thetaSketch;
//Copy firstSketch data into local instance hashTables_
hashTables_.fromSketch(firstSketch, summary);
//Next Call
else {
if (hashTables_.numKeys == 0) { return; }
hashTables_ = hashTables_.getIntersectHashTables(thetaSketch, thetaLongIn, summarySetOps_, summary);
* Gets the internal set as an unordered CompactSketch
* @return result of the intersections so far
public CompactSketch<S> getResult() {
if (firstCall_) {
throw new SketchesStateException(
"getResult() with no intervening intersections is not a legal result.");
final int countIn = hashTables_.numKeys;
if (countIn == 0) {
return new CompactSketch<>(null, null, thetaLong_, empty_);
final int tableSize = hashTables_.hashTable.length;
final long[] hashArr = new long[countIn];
final S[] summaryArr = Util.newSummaryArray(hashTables_.summaryTable, countIn);
//compact the arrays
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tableSize; i++) {
final long hash = hashTables_.hashTable[i];
if (hash == 0 || hash > thetaLong_) { continue; }
hashArr[cnt] = hash;
summaryArr[cnt] = (S) hashTables_.summaryTable[i].copy();
assert cnt == countIn;
return new CompactSketch<>(hashArr, summaryArr, thetaLong_, empty_);
* Returns true if there is a valid intersection result available
* @return true if there is a valid intersection result available
public boolean hasResult() {
return !firstCall_;
* Resets the internal set to the initial state, which represents the Universal Set
public void reset() {
private void hardReset() {
empty_ = false;
thetaLong_ = Long.MAX_VALUE;
firstCall_ = true;
private void resetToEmpty() {
empty_ = true;
thetaLong_ = Long.MAX_VALUE;
firstCall_ = false;
static int getLgTableSize(final int count) {
final int tableSize = max(ceilingPowerOf2((int) ceil(count / 0.75)), 1 << ThetaUtil.MIN_LG_NOM_LONGS);
return Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(tableSize);