blob: bdbc919c118655c9c74bc5180d9f9c0d0e4e446e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches.req;
import static java.lang.Math.round;
import static org.apache.datasketches.common.Util.numberOfTrailingOnes;
import static org.apache.datasketches.req.BaseReqSketch.INIT_NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS;
import static org.apache.datasketches.req.ReqSketch.MIN_K;
import static org.apache.datasketches.req.ReqSketch.NOM_CAP_MULT;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableBuffer;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory;
import org.apache.datasketches.req.ReqSketch.CompactorReturn;
* The compactor class for the ReqSketch
* @author Lee Rhodes
class ReqCompactor {
private static final double SQRT2 = Math.sqrt(2.0);
private final byte lgWeight;
private final boolean hra;
//state variables
private long state; //State of the deterministic compaction schedule
private float sectionSizeFlt;
private int sectionSize; //initialized with k, minimum 4
private byte numSections; //# of sections, initial size 3
private boolean coin; //true or false at random for each compaction
private FloatBuffer buf;
private final ReqDebug reqDebug = null;
* Normal Constructor
* @param lgWeight the lgWeight of this compactor
* @param hra High Rank Accuracy
* @param sectionSize initially the size of k
* @param reqDebug The debug signaling interface
final byte lgWeight,
final boolean hra,
final int sectionSize,
final ReqDebug reqDebug) {
this.lgWeight = lgWeight;
this.hra = hra;
this.sectionSize = sectionSize;
sectionSizeFlt = sectionSize;
state = 0;
coin = false;
final int nomCap = getNomCapacity();
buf = new FloatBuffer(2 * nomCap, nomCap, hra);
* Copy Constructor
* @param other the compactor to be copied into this one
ReqCompactor(final ReqCompactor other) {
lgWeight = other.lgWeight;
hra = other.hra;
sectionSizeFlt = other.sectionSizeFlt;
numSections = other.numSections;
sectionSize = other.sectionSize;
state = other.state;
coin = other.coin;
buf = new FloatBuffer(other.buf);
* Construct from elements. The buffer will need to be constructed first
final byte lgWeight,
final boolean hra,
final long state,
final float sectionSizeFlt,
final byte numSections,
final FloatBuffer buf) {
this.lgWeight = lgWeight;
this.hra = hra;
this.buf = buf;
this.sectionSizeFlt = sectionSizeFlt;
this.numSections = numSections;
this.state = state;
coin = false;
sectionSize = nearestEven(sectionSizeFlt);
//ReqDebug left at null
* Perform a compaction operation on this compactor
* @return the array of items to be promoted to the next level compactor
FloatBuffer compact(final CompactorReturn cReturn, final Random rand) {
if (reqDebug != null) { reqDebug.emitCompactingStart(lgWeight); }
final int startRetItems = buf.getCount();
final int startNomCap = getNomCapacity();
// choose a part of the buffer to compact
final int secsToCompact = Math.min(numberOfTrailingOnes(state) + 1, numSections);
final long compactionRange = computeCompactionRange(secsToCompact);
final int compactionStart = (int) (compactionRange & 0xFFFF_FFFFL); //low 32
final int compactionEnd = (int) (compactionRange >>> 32); //high 32
assert compactionEnd - compactionStart >= 2;
if ((state & 1L) == 1L) { coin = !coin; } //if numCompactions odd, flip coin;
else { coin = rand.nextBoolean(); } //random coin flip
final FloatBuffer promote = buf.getEvensOrOdds(compactionStart, compactionEnd, coin);
if (reqDebug != null) {
reqDebug.emitCompactionDetail(compactionStart, compactionEnd, secsToCompact,
promote.getCount(), coin);
buf.trimCount(buf.getCount() - (compactionEnd - compactionStart));
state += 1;
cReturn.deltaRetItems = buf.getCount() - startRetItems + promote.getCount();
cReturn.deltaNomSize = getNomCapacity() - startNomCap;
if (reqDebug != null) { reqDebug.emitCompactionDone(lgWeight); }
return promote;
} //End Compact
* Gets a reference to this compactor's internal FloatBuffer
* @return a reference to this compactor's internal FloatBuffer
FloatBuffer getBuffer() { return buf; }
boolean getCoin() {
return coin;
* Gets the lgWeight of this buffer
* @return the lgWeight of this buffer
byte getLgWeight() {
return lgWeight;
* Gets the current nominal capacity of this compactor.
* @return the current nominal capacity of this compactor.
final int getNomCapacity() { //called from constructor
return NOM_CAP_MULT * numSections * sectionSize;
* Serialize state(8) sectionSizeFlt(4), numSections(1), lgWeight(1), pad(2), count(4) + floatArr
* @return required bytes to serialize.
int getSerializationBytes() {
final int count = buf.getCount();
return 8 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + count * Float.BYTES; // 20 + array
int getNumSections() {
return numSections;
int getSectionSize() {
return sectionSize;
float getSectionSizeFlt() {
return sectionSizeFlt;
long getState() {
return state;
boolean isHighRankAccuracy() {
return hra;
* Merge the other given compactor into this one. They both must have the
* same lgWeight
* @param other the other given compactor
* @return this
ReqCompactor merge(final ReqCompactor other) {
assert lgWeight == other.lgWeight;
state |= other.state;
while (ensureEnoughSections()) {}
final FloatBuffer otherBuf = new FloatBuffer(other.buf);
if (otherBuf.getCount() > buf.getCount()) {
buf = otherBuf;
} else {
return this;
* Adjust the sectionSize and numSections if possible.
* @return true if the SectionSize and NumSections were adjusted.
private boolean ensureEnoughSections() {
final float szf;
final int ne;
if (state >= 1L << numSections - 1
&& sectionSize > MIN_K
&& (ne = nearestEven(szf = (float)(sectionSizeFlt / SQRT2))) >= MIN_K)
sectionSizeFlt = szf;
sectionSize = ne;
numSections <<= 1;
buf.ensureCapacity(2 * getNomCapacity());
if (reqDebug != null) { reqDebug.emitAdjSecSizeNumSec(lgWeight); }
return true;
return false;
* Computes the start and end indices of the compacted region
* @param secsToCompact the number of contiguous sections to compact
* @return the start and end indices of the compacted region
private long computeCompactionRange(final int secsToCompact) {
final int bufLen = buf.getCount();
int nonCompact = getNomCapacity() / 2 + (numSections - secsToCompact) * sectionSize;
//make compacted region even:
nonCompact = (bufLen - nonCompact & 1) == 1 ? nonCompact + 1 : nonCompact;
final long low = hra ? 0 : nonCompact;
final long high = hra ? bufLen - nonCompact : bufLen;
return (high << 32) + low;
* Returns the nearest even integer to the given float. Also used by test.
* @param fltVal the given float
* @return the nearest even integer to the given float.
static final int nearestEven(final float fltVal) {
return (int) round(fltVal / 2.0) << 1;
* <p>Low significance bytes of this data structure are on the right just for visualization.
* The multi-byte primitives are stored in native byte order.
* The <i>byte</i> primitives are treated as unsigned. Multibyte primitives are indicated with "*" and
* their size depends on the specific implementation.</p>
* <p>The binary format for a compactor: </p>
* <pre>
* Binary Format. Starting offset is either 24 or 8, both are 8-byte aligned.
* +Long Adr / +Byte Offset
* || 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
* 0 ||-----------------------------state-------------------------------------|
* || 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
* 1 ||----(empty)------|-#Sects-|--lgWt--|------------sectionSizeFlt---------|
* || | | | | | | | 16 |
* 2 ||--------------floats[]-------------|---------------count---------------|
* </pre>
byte[] toByteArray() {
final int bytes = getSerializationBytes();
final byte[] arr = new byte[bytes];
final WritableBuffer wbuf = WritableMemory.writableWrap(arr).asWritableBuffer();
wbuf.incrementPosition(2); //pad 2
//buf.sort(); //sort if necessary
wbuf.putInt(buf.getCount()); //count
wbuf.putByteArray(buf.floatsToBytes(), 0, Float.BYTES * buf.getCount());
assert wbuf.getPosition() == bytes;
return arr;
* Returns a printable formatted prefix string summarizing the list.
* The first number is the compactor height. the second number in brackets is the current count
* of the compactor buffer. The third number in brackets is the nominal capacity of the compactor.
* @return a printable formatted prefix string summarizing the list.
String toListPrefix() {
final int h = getLgWeight();
final int len = buf.getCount();
final int nom = getNomCapacity();
final int secSz = getSectionSize();
final int numSec = getNumSections();
final long num = getState();
final String prefix = String.format(
" C:%d Len:%d NomSz:%d SecSz:%d NumSec:%d State:%d",
h, len, nom, secSz, numSec, num);
return prefix;