blob: 7c5bc770d5a93b08e477e9c49017a09390c98b69 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches.frequencies;
import static org.apache.datasketches.common.Util.LS;
import static org.apache.datasketches.common.Util.checkBounds;
import static org.apache.datasketches.common.Util.exactLog2OfInt;
import static org.apache.datasketches.common.Util.isPowerOf2;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.EMPTY_FLAG_MASK;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.SER_VER;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.extractActiveItems;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.extractFamilyID;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.extractFlags;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.extractLgCurMapSize;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.extractLgMaxMapSize;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.extractPreLongs;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.extractSerVer;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.insertActiveItems;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.insertFamilyID;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.insertFlags;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.insertLgCurMapSize;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.insertLgMaxMapSize;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.insertPreLongs;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.PreambleUtil.insertSerVer;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.Util.LG_MIN_MAP_SIZE;
import static org.apache.datasketches.frequencies.Util.SAMPLE_SIZE;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.ArrayOfItemsSerDe;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.Family;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.SketchesArgumentException;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.SketchesStateException;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory;
* <p>This sketch is useful for tracking approximate frequencies of items of type <i>&lt;T&gt;</i>
* with optional associated counts (<i>&lt;T&gt;</i> item, <i>long</i> count) that are members of a
* multiset of such items. The true frequency of an item is defined to be the sum of associated
* counts.</p>
* <p>This implementation provides the following capabilities:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>Estimate the frequency of an item.</li>
* <li>Return upper and lower bounds of any item, such that the true frequency is always
* between the upper and lower bounds.</li>
* <li>Return a global maximum error that holds for all items in the stream.</li>
* <li>Return an array of frequent items that qualify either a NO_FALSE_POSITIVES or a
* NO_FALSE_NEGATIVES error type.</li>
* <li>Merge itself with another sketch object created from this class.</li>
* <li>Serialize/Deserialize to/from a byte array.</li>
* </ul>
* <p><b>Space Usage</b></p>
* <p>The sketch is initialized with a <i>maxMapSize</i> that specifies the maximum physical
* length of the internal hash map of the form (<i>&lt;T&gt;</i> item, <i>long</i> count).
* The <i>maxMapSize</i> must be a power of 2.</p>
* <p>The hash map starts at a very small size (8 entries), and grows as needed up to the
* specified <i>maxMapSize</i>.</p>
* <p>Excluding external space required for the item objects, the internal memory space usage of
* this sketch is 18 * <i>mapSize</i> bytes (assuming 8 bytes for each Java reference), plus a small
* constant number of additional bytes. The internal memory space usage of this sketch will never
* exceed 18 * <i>maxMapSize</i> bytes, plus a small constant number of additional bytes.</p>
* <p><b>Maximum Capacity of the Sketch</b></p>
* <p>The LOAD_FACTOR for the hash map is internally set at 75%,
* which means at any time the map capacity of (item, count) pairs is <i>mapCap</i> = 0.75 *
* <i>mapSize</i>.
* The maximum capacity of (item, count) pairs of the sketch is <i>maxMapCap</i> = 0.75 *
* <i>maxMapSize</i>.</p>
* <p><b>Updating the sketch with (item, count) pairs</b></p>
* <p>If the item is found in the hash map, the mapped count field (the "counter") is
* incremented by the incoming count, otherwise, a new counter "(item, count) pair" is
* created. If the number of tracked counters reaches the maximum capacity of the hash map
* the sketch decrements all of the counters (by an approximately computed median), and
* removes any non-positive counters.</p>
* <p><b>Accuracy</b></p>
* <p>If fewer than 0.75 * <i>maxMapSize</i> different items are inserted into the sketch the
* estimated frequencies returned by the sketch will be exact.</p>
* <p>The logic of the frequent items sketch is such that the stored counts and true counts are
* never too different.
* More specifically, for any <i>item</i>, the sketch can return an estimate of the
* true frequency of <i>item</i>, along with upper and lower bounds on the frequency
* (that hold deterministically).</p>
* <p>For this implementation and for a specific active <i>item</i>, it is guaranteed that
* the true frequency will be between the Upper Bound (UB) and the Lower Bound (LB) computed for
* that <i>item</i>. Specifically, <i>(UB- LB) &le; W * epsilon</i>, where <i>W</i> denotes the
* sum of all item counts, and <i>epsilon = 3.5/M</i>, where <i>M</i> is the <i>maxMapSize</i>.</p>
* <p>This is a worst case guarantee that applies to arbitrary inputs.<sup>1</sup>
* For inputs typically seen in practice <i>(UB-LB)</i> is usually much smaller.
* </p>
* <p><b>Background</b></p>
* <p>This code implements a variant of what is commonly known as the "Misra-Gries
* algorithm". Variants of it were discovered and rediscovered and redesigned several times
* over the years:</p>
* <ul><li>"Finding repeated elements", Misra, Gries, 1982</li>
* <li>"Frequency estimation of Internet packet streams with limited space" Demaine,
* Lopez-Ortiz, Munro, 2002</li>
* <li>"A simple algorithm for finding frequent elements in streams and bags" Karp, Shenker,
* Papadimitriou, 2003</li>
* <li>"Efficient Computation of Frequent and Top-k Elements in Data Streams" Metwally,
* Agrawal, Abbadi, 2006</li>
* </ul>
* <sup>1</sup> For speed we do employ some randomization that introduces a small probability that
* our proof of the worst-case bound might not apply to a given run. However, we have ensured
* that this probability is extremely small. For example, if the stream causes one table purge
* (rebuild), our proof of the worst case bound applies with probability at least 1 - 1E-14.
* If the stream causes 1E9 purges, our proof applies with probability at least 1 - 1E-5.
* @param <T> The type of item to be tracked by this sketch
* @author Justin Thaler
* @author Alexander Saydakov
public class ItemsSketch<T> {
* Log2 Maximum length of the arrays internal to the hash map supported by the data
* structure.
private int lgMaxMapSize;
* The current number of counters supported by the hash map.
private int curMapCap; //the threshold to purge
* Tracks the total of decremented counts.
private long offset;
* The sum of all frequencies of the stream so far.
private long streamWeight = 0;
* The maximum number of samples used to compute approximate median of counters when doing
* decrement
private int sampleSize;
* Hash map mapping stored items to approximate counts
private ReversePurgeItemHashMap<T> hashMap;
* Construct this sketch with the parameter maxMapSize and the default initialMapSize (8).
* @param maxMapSize Determines the physical size of the internal hash map managed by this
* sketch and must be a power of 2. The maximum capacity of this internal hash map is
* 0.75 times * maxMapSize. Both the ultimate accuracy and size of this sketch are
* functions of maxMapSize.
public ItemsSketch(final int maxMapSize) {
this(exactLog2OfInt(maxMapSize, "maxMapSize"), LG_MIN_MAP_SIZE);
* Construct this sketch with parameter lgMaxMapSize and lgCurMapSize. This internal
* constructor is used when deserializing the sketch.
* @param lgMaxMapSize Log2 of the physical size of the internal hash map managed by this
* sketch. The maximum capacity of this internal hash map is 0.75 times 2^lgMaxMapSize.
* Both the ultimate accuracy and size of this sketch are functions of lgMaxMapSize.
* @param lgCurMapSize Log2 of the starting (current) physical size of the internal hash
* map managed by this sketch.
ItemsSketch(final int lgMaxMapSize, final int lgCurMapSize) {
//set initial size of hash map
this.lgMaxMapSize = Math.max(lgMaxMapSize, LG_MIN_MAP_SIZE);
final int lgCurMapSz = Math.max(lgCurMapSize, LG_MIN_MAP_SIZE);
hashMap = new ReversePurgeItemHashMap<>(1 << lgCurMapSz);
this.curMapCap = hashMap.getCapacity();
final int maxMapCap =
(int) ((1 << lgMaxMapSize) * ReversePurgeItemHashMap.getLoadFactor());
offset = 0;
sampleSize = Math.min(SAMPLE_SIZE, maxMapCap);
* Returns a sketch instance of this class from the given srcMem,
* which must be a Memory representation of this sketch class.
* @param <T> The type of item that this sketch will track
* @param srcMem a Memory representation of a sketch of this class.
* <a href="{@docRoot}/resources/dictionary.html#mem">See Memory</a>
* @param serDe an instance of ArrayOfItemsSerDe
* @return a sketch instance of this class.
public static <T> ItemsSketch<T> getInstance(final Memory srcMem,
final ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T> serDe) {
Objects.requireNonNull(srcMem, "srcMem must not be null.");
Objects.requireNonNull(serDe, "serDe must not be null.");
final long pre0 = PreambleUtil.checkPreambleSize(srcMem); //make sure preamble will fit
final int maxPreLongs = Family.FREQUENCY.getMaxPreLongs();
final int preLongs = extractPreLongs(pre0); //Byte 0
final int serVer = extractSerVer(pre0); //Byte 1
final int familyID = extractFamilyID(pre0); //Byte 2
final int lgMaxMapSize = extractLgMaxMapSize(pre0); //Byte 3
final int lgCurMapSize = extractLgCurMapSize(pre0); //Byte 4
final boolean empty = (extractFlags(pre0) & EMPTY_FLAG_MASK) != 0; //Byte 5
// Checks
final boolean preLongsEq1 = (preLongs == 1); //Byte 0
final boolean preLongsEqMax = (preLongs == maxPreLongs);
if (!preLongsEq1 && !preLongsEqMax) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Possible Corruption: PreLongs must be 1 or " + maxPreLongs + ": " + preLongs);
if (serVer != SER_VER) { //Byte 1
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Possible Corruption: Ser Ver must be " + SER_VER + ": " + serVer);
final int actFamID = Family.FREQUENCY.getID(); //Byte 2
if (familyID != actFamID) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Possible Corruption: FamilyID must be " + actFamID + ": " + familyID);
if (empty ^ preLongsEq1) { //Byte 5 and Byte 0
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Possible Corruption: (PreLongs == 1) ^ Empty == True.");
if (empty) {
return new ItemsSketch<>(lgMaxMapSize, LG_MIN_MAP_SIZE);
//get full preamble
final long[] preArr = new long[preLongs];
srcMem.getLongArray(0, preArr, 0, preLongs);
final ItemsSketch<T> fis = new ItemsSketch<>(lgMaxMapSize, lgCurMapSize);
fis.streamWeight = 0; //update after
fis.offset = preArr[3];
final int preBytes = preLongs << 3;
final int activeItems = extractActiveItems(preArr[1]);
//Get countArray
final long[] countArray = new long[activeItems];
final int reqBytes = preBytes + activeItems * Long.BYTES; //count Arr only
checkBounds(0, reqBytes, srcMem.getCapacity()); //check Memory capacity
srcMem.getLongArray(preBytes, countArray, 0, activeItems);
//Get itemArray
final int itemsOffset = preBytes + (Long.BYTES * activeItems);
final T[] itemArray = serDe.deserializeFromMemory(
srcMem.region(itemsOffset, srcMem.getCapacity() - itemsOffset), 0, activeItems);
//update the sketch
for (int i = 0; i < activeItems; i++) {
fis.update(itemArray[i], countArray[i]);
fis.streamWeight = preArr[2]; //override streamWeight due to updating
return fis;
* Returns the estimated <i>a priori</i> error given the maxMapSize for the sketch and the
* estimatedTotalStreamWeight.
* @param maxMapSize the planned map size to be used when constructing this sketch.
* @param estimatedTotalStreamWeight the estimated total stream weight.
* @return the estimated <i>a priori</i> error.
public static double getAprioriError(final int maxMapSize, final long estimatedTotalStreamWeight) {
return getEpsilon(maxMapSize) * estimatedTotalStreamWeight;
* Returns the current number of counters the sketch is configured to support.
* @return the current number of counters the sketch is configured to support.
public int getCurrentMapCapacity() {
return this.curMapCap;
* Returns epsilon used to compute <i>a priori</i> error.
* This is just the value <i>3.5 / maxMapSize</i>.
* @param maxMapSize the planned map size to be used when constructing this sketch.
* @return epsilon used to compute <i>a priori</i> error.
public static double getEpsilon(final int maxMapSize) {
if (!isPowerOf2(maxMapSize)) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("maxMapSize is not a power of 2.");
return 3.5 / maxMapSize;
* Gets the estimate of the frequency of the given item.
* Note: The true frequency of a item would be the sum of the counts as a result of the
* two update functions.
* @param item the given item
* @return the estimate of the frequency of the given item
public long getEstimate(final T item) {
// If item is tracked:
// Estimate = itemCount + offset; Otherwise it is 0.
final long itemCount = hashMap.get(item);
return (itemCount > 0) ? itemCount + offset : 0;
* Gets the guaranteed lower bound frequency of the given item, which can never be
* negative.
* @param item the given item.
* @return the guaranteed lower bound frequency of the given item. That is, a number which
* is guaranteed to be no larger than the real frequency.
public long getLowerBound(final T item) {
//LB = itemCount or 0
return hashMap.get(item);
* Returns an array of Rows that include frequent items, estimates, upper and lower bounds
* given a threshold and an ErrorCondition. If the threshold is lower than getMaximumError(),
* then getMaximumError() will be used instead.
* <p>The method first examines all active items in the sketch (items that have a counter).
* <p>If <i>ErrorType = NO_FALSE_NEGATIVES</i>, this will include an item in the result
* list if getUpperBound(item) &gt; threshold.
* There will be no false negatives, i.e., no Type II error.
* There may be items in the set with true frequencies less than the threshold
* (false positives).</p>
* <p>If <i>ErrorType = NO_FALSE_POSITIVES</i>, this will include an item in the result
* list if getLowerBound(item) &gt; threshold.
* There will be no false positives, i.e., no Type I error.
* There may be items omitted from the set with true frequencies greater than the
* threshold (false negatives).</p>
* @param threshold to include items in the result list
* @param errorType determines whether no false positives or no false negatives are
* desired.
* @return an array of frequent items
public Row<T>[] getFrequentItems(final long threshold, final ErrorType errorType) {
return sortItems(threshold > getMaximumError() ? threshold : getMaximumError(), errorType);
* Returns an array of Rows that include frequent items, estimates, upper and lower bounds
* given an ErrorCondition and the default threshold.
* This is the same as getFrequentItems(getMaximumError(), errorType)
* @param errorType determines whether no false positives or no false negatives are
* desired.
* @return an array of frequent items
public Row<T>[] getFrequentItems(final ErrorType errorType) {
return sortItems(getMaximumError(), errorType);
* @return An upper bound on the maximum error of getEstimate(item) for any item.
* This is equivalent to the maximum distance between the upper bound and the lower bound
* for any item.
public long getMaximumError() {
return offset;
* Returns the maximum number of counters the sketch is configured to support.
* @return the maximum number of counters the sketch is configured to support.
public int getMaximumMapCapacity() {
return (int) ((1 << lgMaxMapSize) * ReversePurgeLongHashMap.getLoadFactor());
* @return the number of active items in the sketch.
public int getNumActiveItems() {
return hashMap.getNumActive();
* Returns the sum of the frequencies in the stream seen so far by the sketch
* @return the sum of the frequencies in the stream seen so far by the sketch
public long getStreamLength() {
return this.streamWeight;
* Gets the guaranteed upper bound frequency of the given item.
* @param item the given item
* @return the guaranteed upper bound frequency of the given item. That is, a number which
* is guaranteed to be no smaller than the real frequency.
public long getUpperBound(final T item) {
// UB = itemCount + offset
return hashMap.get(item) + offset;
* Returns true if this sketch is empty
* @return true if this sketch is empty
public boolean isEmpty() {
return getNumActiveItems() == 0;
* This function merges the other sketch into this one.
* The other sketch may be of a different size.
* @param other sketch of this class
* @return a sketch whose estimates are within the guarantees of the
* largest error tolerance of the two merged sketches.
public ItemsSketch<T> merge(final ItemsSketch<T> other) {
if (other == null) { return this; }
if (other.isEmpty()) { return this; }
final long streamLen = this.streamWeight + other.streamWeight; //capture before merge
final ReversePurgeItemHashMap.Iterator<T> iter = other.hashMap.iterator();
while ( { //this may add to offset during rebuilds
this.update(iter.getKey(), iter.getValue());
this.offset += other.offset;
this.streamWeight = streamLen; //corrected streamWeight
return this;
* Resets this sketch to a virgin state.
public void reset() {
hashMap = new ReversePurgeItemHashMap<>(1 << LG_MIN_MAP_SIZE);
this.curMapCap = hashMap.getCapacity();
this.offset = 0;
this.streamWeight = 0;
* Returns a byte array representation of this sketch
* @param serDe an instance of ArrayOfItemsSerDe
* @return a byte array representation of this sketch
public byte[] toByteArray(final ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T> serDe) {
final int preLongs;
final int outBytes;
final boolean empty = isEmpty();
final int activeItems = getNumActiveItems();
byte[] bytes = null;
if (empty) {
preLongs = 1;
outBytes = 8;
} else {
preLongs = Family.FREQUENCY.getMaxPreLongs();
bytes = serDe.serializeToByteArray(hashMap.getActiveKeys());
outBytes = ((preLongs + activeItems) << 3) + bytes.length;
final byte[] outArr = new byte[outBytes];
final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.writableWrap(outArr);
// build first preLong empty or not
long pre0 = 0L;
pre0 = insertPreLongs(preLongs, pre0); //Byte 0
pre0 = insertSerVer(SER_VER, pre0); //Byte 1
pre0 = insertFamilyID(Family.FREQUENCY.getID(), pre0); //Byte 2
pre0 = insertLgMaxMapSize(lgMaxMapSize, pre0); //Byte 3
pre0 = insertLgCurMapSize(hashMap.getLgLength(), pre0); //Byte 4
pre0 = empty ? insertFlags(EMPTY_FLAG_MASK, pre0) : insertFlags(0, pre0); //Byte 5
if (empty) {
mem.putLong(0, pre0);
} else {
final long pre = 0;
final long[] preArr = new long[preLongs];
preArr[0] = pre0;
preArr[1] = insertActiveItems(activeItems, pre);
preArr[2] = this.streamWeight;
preArr[3] = this.offset;
mem.putLongArray(0, preArr, 0, preLongs);
final int preBytes = preLongs << 3;
mem.putLongArray(preBytes, hashMap.getActiveValues(), 0, activeItems);
mem.putByteArray(preBytes + (this.getNumActiveItems() << 3), bytes, 0, bytes.length);
return outArr;
* Returns a human readable summary of this sketch.
* @return a human readable summary of this sketch.
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" Stream Length : " + streamWeight).append(LS);
sb.append(" Max Error Offset : " + offset).append(LS);
return sb.toString();
* Returns a human readable string of the preamble of a byte array image of a ItemsSketch.
* @param byteArr the given byte array
* @return a human readable string of the preamble of a byte array image of a ItemsSketch.
public static String toString(final byte[] byteArr) {
return toString(Memory.wrap(byteArr));
* Returns a human readable string of the preamble of a Memory image of a ItemsSketch.
* @param mem the given Memory object
* @return a human readable string of the preamble of a Memory image of a ItemsSketch.
public static String toString(final Memory mem) {
return PreambleUtil.preambleToString(mem);
* Update this sketch with an item and a frequency count of one.
* @param item for which the frequency should be increased.
public void update(final T item) {
update(item, 1);
* Update this sketch with an item and a positive frequency count.
* @param item for which the frequency should be increased. The sketch uses
* hashCode() and equals() methods of the type T.
* @param count the amount by which the frequency of the item should be increased.
* A count of zero is a no-op, and a negative count will throw an exception.
public void update(final T item, final long count) {
if ((item == null) || (count == 0)) {
if (count < 0) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Count may not be negative");
this.streamWeight += count;
hashMap.adjustOrPutValue(item, count);
if (getNumActiveItems() > curMapCap) { //over the threshold, we need to do something
if (hashMap.getLgLength() < lgMaxMapSize) { //below tgt size, we can grow
hashMap.resize(2 * hashMap.getLength());
curMapCap = hashMap.getCapacity();
} else { //At tgt size, must purge
offset += hashMap.purge(sampleSize);
if (getNumActiveItems() > getMaximumMapCapacity()) {
throw new SketchesStateException("Purge did not reduce active items.");
* Row class that defines the return values from a getFrequentItems query.
* @param <T> type of item
public static class Row<T> implements Comparable<Row<T>> {
final T item;
final long est;
final long ub;
final long lb;
private static final String FMT = " %12d%12d%12d %s";
private static final String HFMT = " %12s%12s%12s %s";
Row(final T item, final long estimate, final long ub, final long lb) {
this.item = item;
this.est = estimate;
this.ub = ub; = lb;
* @return item of type T
public T getItem() { return item; }
* @return the estimate
public long getEstimate() { return est; }
* @return the upper bound
public long getUpperBound() { return ub; }
* @return return the lower bound
public long getLowerBound() { return lb; }
* @return the descriptive row header
public static String getRowHeader() {
return String.format(HFMT,"Est", "UB", "LB", "Item");
public String toString() {
return String.format(FMT, est, ub, lb, item.toString());
* This compareTo is strictly limited to the Row.getEstimate() value and does not imply any
* ordering whatsoever to the other elements of the row: item and upper and lower bounds.
* Defined this way, this compareTo will be consistent with hashCode() and equals(Object).
* @param that the other row to compare to.
* @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this.getEstimate() is less than,
* equal to, or greater than that.getEstimate().
public int compareTo(final Row<T> that) {
return (this.est < that.est) ? -1 : (this.est > that.est) ? 1 : 0;
* This hashCode is computed only from the Row.getEstimate() value.
* Defined this way, this hashCode will be consistent with equals(Object):<br>
* If (x.equals(y)) implies: x.hashCode() == y.hashCode().<br>
* If (!x.equals(y)) does NOT imply: x.hashCode() != y.hashCode().
* @return the hashCode computed from getEstimate().
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = (prime * result) + (int) (est ^ (est >>> 32));
return result;
* This equals is computed only from the Row.getEstimate() value and does not imply equality
* of the other items within the row: item and upper and lower bounds.
* Defined this way, this equals will be consistent with compareTo(Row).
* @param obj the other row to determine equality with.
* @return true if this.getEstimate() equals ((Row&lt;T&gt;)obj).getEstimate().
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj) { return true; }
if (obj == null) { return false; }
if ( !(obj instanceof Row)) { return false; }
final Row<T> that = (Row<T>) obj;
if (est != that.est) { return false; }
return true;
} //End of class Row<T>
Row<T>[] sortItems(final long threshold, final ErrorType errorType) {
final ArrayList<Row<T>> rowList = new ArrayList<>();
final ReversePurgeItemHashMap.Iterator<T> iter = hashMap.iterator();
if (errorType == ErrorType.NO_FALSE_NEGATIVES) {
while ( {
final long est = getEstimate(iter.getKey());
final long ub = getUpperBound(iter.getKey());
final long lb = getLowerBound(iter.getKey());
if (ub >= threshold) {
final Row<T> row = new Row<>(iter.getKey(), est, ub, lb);
while ( {
final long est = getEstimate(iter.getKey());
final long ub = getUpperBound(iter.getKey());
final long lb = getLowerBound(iter.getKey());
if (lb >= threshold) {
final Row<T> row = new Row<>(iter.getKey(), est, ub, lb);
// descending order
rowList.sort(new Comparator<Row<T>>() {
public int compare(final Row<T> r1, final Row<T> r2) {
return r2.compareTo(r1);
final Row<T>[] rowsArr =
rowList.toArray((Row<T>[]) Array.newInstance(Row.class, rowList.size()));
return rowsArr;