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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.datasketches.quantiles;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.LS;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory;
* Utilities that support the doubles quantiles algorithms.
* <p>This class contains a highly specialized sort called blockyTandemMergeSort().
* It also contains methods that are used while building histograms and other common
* functions.</p>
* @author Lee Rhodes
final class DoublesUtil {
private DoublesUtil() {}
* Returns an on-heap copy of the given sketch
* @param sketch the given sketch
* @return a copy of the given sketch
static HeapUpdateDoublesSketch copyToHeap(final DoublesSketch sketch) {
final HeapUpdateDoublesSketch qsCopy;
qsCopy = HeapUpdateDoublesSketch.newInstance(sketch.getK());
if (sketch.isCompact()) {
final int combBufItems = Util.computeCombinedBufferItemCapacity(sketch.getK(), sketch.getN());
final double[] combBuf = new double[combBufItems];
final DoublesSketchAccessor sketchAccessor = DoublesSketchAccessor.wrap(sketch);
final DoublesSketchAccessor copyAccessor = DoublesSketchAccessor.wrap(qsCopy);
// start with BB
copyAccessor.putArray(sketchAccessor.getArray(0, sketchAccessor.numItems()),
0, 0, sketchAccessor.numItems());
long bitPattern = sketch.getBitPattern();
for (int lvl = 0; bitPattern != 0L; ++lvl, bitPattern >>>= 1) {
if ((bitPattern & 1L) > 0L) {
copyAccessor.putArray(sketchAccessor.getArray(0, sketchAccessor.numItems()),
0, 0, sketchAccessor.numItems());
} else {
final double[] combBuf = sketch.getCombinedBuffer();
qsCopy.putCombinedBuffer(Arrays.copyOf(combBuf, combBuf.length));
return qsCopy;
* Check the validity of the given serialization version
* @param serVer the given serialization version
* @param minSupportedSerVer the oldest serialization version supported
static void checkDoublesSerVer(final int serVer, final int minSupportedSerVer) {
final int max = DoublesSketch.DOUBLES_SER_VER;
if ((serVer > max) || (serVer < minSupportedSerVer)) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Possible corruption: Unsupported Serialization Version: " + serVer);
static String toString(final boolean sketchSummary, final boolean dataDetail,
final DoublesSketch sketch) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (dataDetail) {
if (sketchSummary) {
return sb.toString();
static String memToString(final boolean sketchSummary, final boolean dataDetail,
final Memory mem) {
final DoublesSketch ds = DoublesSketch.heapify(mem);
return ds.toString(sketchSummary, dataDetail);
private static String getSummary(final DoublesSketch sk) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final String thisSimpleName = sk.getClass().getSimpleName();
final int k = sk.getK();
final String kStr = String.format("%,d", k);
final long n = sk.getN();
final String nStr = String.format("%,d", n);
final String bbCntStr = String.format("%,d", sk.getBaseBufferCount());
final String combBufCapStr = String.format("%,d", sk.getCombinedBufferItemCapacity());
final long bitPattern = sk.getBitPattern();
final int neededLevels = Util.computeNumLevelsNeeded(k, n);
final int totalLevels = Util.computeTotalLevels(bitPattern);
final int validLevels = Util.computeValidLevels(bitPattern);
final String retItemsStr = String.format("%,d", sk.getRetainedItems());
final String cmptBytesStr = String.format("%,d", sk.getCompactStorageBytes());
final String updtBytesStr = String.format("%,d", sk.getUpdatableStorageBytes());
final double epsPmf = Util.getNormalizedRankError(k, true);
final String epsPmfPctStr = String.format("%.3f%%", epsPmf * 100.0);
final double eps = Util.getNormalizedRankError(k, false);
final String epsPctStr = String.format("%.3f%%", eps * 100.0);
final String memCap = sk.isDirect() ? Long.toString(sk.getMemory().getCapacity()) : "";
sb.append(Util.LS).append("### Quantiles ").append(thisSimpleName).append(" SUMMARY: ")
sb.append(" Empty : ").append(sk.isEmpty()).append(LS);
sb.append(" Direct, Capacity bytes : ").append(sk.isDirect())
.append(", ").append(memCap).append(LS);
sb.append(" Estimation Mode : ").append(sk.isEstimationMode()).append(LS);
sb.append(" K : ").append(kStr).append(LS);
sb.append(" N : ").append(nStr).append(LS);
sb.append(" Levels (Needed, Total, Valid): ")
.append(neededLevels + ", " + totalLevels + ", " + validLevels).append(LS);
sb.append(" Level Bit Pattern : ")
sb.append(" BaseBufferCount : ").append(bbCntStr).append(LS);
sb.append(" Combined Buffer Capacity : ").append(combBufCapStr).append(LS);
sb.append(" Retained Items : ").append(retItemsStr).append(LS);
sb.append(" Compact Storage Bytes : ").append(cmptBytesStr).append(LS);
sb.append(" Updatable Storage Bytes : ").append(updtBytesStr).append(LS);
sb.append(" Normalized Rank Error : ").append(epsPctStr).append(LS);
sb.append(" Normalized Rank Error (PMF) : ").append(epsPmfPctStr).append(LS);
sb.append(" Min Value : ")
.append(String.format("%12.6e", sk.getMinValue())).append(LS);
sb.append(" Max Value : ")
.append(String.format("%12.6e", sk.getMaxValue())).append(LS);
sb.append("### END SKETCH SUMMARY").append(LS);
return sb.toString();
private static String getDataDetail(final DoublesSketch sketchIn) {
final DoublesSketch sketch = sketchIn.isCompact() ? copyToHeap(sketchIn) : sketchIn;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final String skName = sketch.getClass().getSimpleName();
sb.append(LS).append("### Quantiles ").append(skName).append(" DATA DETAIL: ").append(LS);
final int k = sketch.getK();
final long n = sketch.getN();
final int bbCount = sketch.getBaseBufferCount();
final long bitPattern = sketch.getBitPattern();
final double[] combBuf = sketch.getCombinedBuffer();
//output the base buffer
sb.append(" BaseBuffer : ");
for (int i = 0; i < bbCount; i++) {
sb.append(String.format("%10.1f", combBuf[i]));
//output all the levels
final int combBufSize = combBuf.length;
if (n >= (2 * k)) {
sb.append(" Valid | Level");
for (int j = 2 * k; j < combBufSize; j++) { //output level data starting at 2K
if ((j % k) == 0) { //start output of new level
final int levelNum = (j / k) - 2;
final String validLvl = ((1L << levelNum) & bitPattern) > 0 ? " T " : " F ";
final String lvl = String.format("%5d", levelNum);
sb.append(LS).append(" ").append(validLvl).append(" ").append(lvl).append(": ");
sb.append(String.format("%10.1f", combBuf[j]));
sb.append("### END DATA DETAIL").append(LS);
return sb.toString();