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package org.apache.datasketches.kll;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.floorPowerOf2;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
* Static methods to support KllSketch
* @author Kevin Lang
* @author Alexander Saydakov
class KllHelper {
private static final Random random = new Random();
static boolean isEven(final int value) {
return (value & 1) == 0;
static boolean isOdd(final int value) {
return (value & 1) == 1;
* Copy the old array into a new larger array.
* @param oldArr the given old array with data
* @param newLen the new length larger than the oldArr.length.
* @return the new array
static int[] growIntArray(final int[] oldArr, final int newLen) {
final int oldLen = oldArr.length;
assert newLen > oldLen;
final int[] newArr = new int[newLen];
System.arraycopy(oldArr, 0, newArr, 0, oldLen);
return newArr;
* Returns the upper bound of the number of levels based on <i>n</i>.
* @param n the length of the stream
* @return floor( log_2(n) )
static int ubOnNumLevels(final long n) {
return 1 + Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(floorPowerOf2(n));
* Returns the maximum number of items that this sketch can handle
* @param k The sizing / accuracy parameter of the sketch in items.
* Note: this method actually works for k values up to k = 2^29 and 61 levels,
* however only k values up to (2^16 - 1) are currently used by the sketch.
* @param m the size of the smallest level in items.
* @param numLevels the upper bound number of levels based on <i>n</i> items.
* @return the total item capacity of the sketch.
static int computeTotalCapacity(final int k, final int m, final int numLevels) {
long total = 0;
for (int h = 0; h < numLevels; h++) {
total += levelCapacity(k, numLevels, h, m);
return (int) total;
* Returns the capacity of a specific level.
* @param k the accuracy parameter of the sketch. Maximum is 2^29.
* @param numLevels the number of current levels in the sketch. Maximum is 61.
* @param height the zero-based index of a level with respect to the smallest level.
* This varies from 0 to 60.
* @param minWidth the minimum level width. Default is 8.
* @return the capacity of a specific level
static int levelCapacity(final int k, final int numLevels, final int height, final int minWidth) {
assert (k <= (1 << 29));
assert (numLevels >= 1) && (numLevels <= 61);
assert (height >= 0) && (height < numLevels);
final int depth = numLevels - height - 1;
return (int) Math.max(minWidth, intCapAux(k, depth));
* Computes the actual capacity of a given level given its depth index.
* If the depth of levels exceeds 30, this uses a folding technique to accurately compute the
* actual leval capacity upto a depth of 60. Without folding, the internal calculations would
* excceed the capacity of a long.
* @param k the configured k of the sketch
* @param depth the zero-based index of the level being computed.
* @return the actual capacity of a given level given its depth index.
private static long intCapAux(final int k, final int depth) {
if (depth <= 30) { return (int) intCapAuxAux(k, depth); }
final int half = depth / 2;
final int rest = depth - half;
final long tmp = intCapAuxAux(k, half);
return intCapAuxAux(tmp, rest);
* Performs the integer based calculation of an individual level (or folded level).
* @param k the configured k of the sketch
* @param depth depth the zero-based index of the level being computed.
* @return the actual capacity of a given level given its depth index.
private static long intCapAuxAux(final long k, final int depth) {
final long twok = k << 1; // for rounding, we pre-multiply by 2
final long tmp = ((twok << depth) / powersOfThree[depth]);
final long result = ((tmp + 1) >> 1); // then here we add 1 and divide by 2
assert (result <= k);
return result;
* This is the exact powers of 3 from 3^0 to 3^30 where the exponent is the index
private static final long[] powersOfThree =
new long[] {1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, 2187, 6561, 19683, 59049, 177147, 531441,
1594323, 4782969, 14348907, 43046721, 129140163, 387420489, 1162261467,
3486784401L, 10460353203L, 31381059609L, 94143178827L, 282429536481L,
847288609443L, 2541865828329L, 7625597484987L, 22876792454961L, 68630377364883L,
static long sumTheSampleWeights(final int num_levels, final int[] levels) {
long total = 0;
long weight = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < num_levels; i++) {
total += weight * (levels[i + 1] - levels[i]);
weight *= 2;
return total;
static void mergeSortedArrays(final float[] bufA, final int startA, final int lenA,
final float[] bufB, final int startB, final int lenB, final float[] bufC, final int startC) {
final int lenC = lenA + lenB;
final int limA = startA + lenA;
final int limB = startB + lenB;
final int limC = startC + lenC;
int a = startA;
int b = startB;
for (int c = startC; c < limC; c++) {
if (a == limA) {
bufC[c] = bufB[b];
} else if (b == limB) {
bufC[c] = bufA[a];
} else if (bufA[a] < bufB[b]) {
bufC[c] = bufA[a];
} else {
bufC[c] = bufB[b];
assert a == limA;
assert b == limB;
* Compression algorithm used to merge higher levels.
* <p>Here is what we do for each level:</p>
* <ul><li>If it does not need to be compacted, then simply copy it over.</li>
* <li>Otherwise, it does need to be compacted, so...
* <ul><li>Copy zero or one guy over.</li>
* <li>If the level above is empty, halve up.</li>
* <li>Else the level above is nonempty, so halve down, then merge up.</li>
* </ul></li>
* <li>Adjust the boundaries of the level above.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>It can be proved that generalCompress returns a sketch that satisfies the space constraints
* no matter how much data is passed in.
* We are pretty sure that it works correctly when inBuf and outBuf are the same.
* All levels except for level zero must be sorted before calling this, and will still be
* sorted afterwards.
* Level zero is not required to be sorted before, and may not be sorted afterwards.</p>
* <p>This trashes inBuf and inLevels and modifies outBuf and outLevels.</p>
* @param k The sketch parameter k
* @param m The minimum level size
* @param numLevelsIn provisional number of number of levels = max(this.numLevels, other.numLevels)
* @param inBuf work buffer of size = this.getNumRetained() + other.getNumRetainedAboveLevelZero().
* This contains the float[] of the other sketch
* @param inLevels work levels array size = ubOnNumLevels(this.n + other.n) + 2
* @param outBuf the same array as inBuf
* @param outLevels the same size as inLevels
* @param isLevelZeroSorted true if this.level 0 is sorted
* @return int array of: {numLevels, targetItemCount, currentItemCount)
static int[] generalCompress(
final int k,
final int m,
final int numLevelsIn,
final float[] inBuf,
final int[] inLevels,
final float[] outBuf,
final int[] outLevels,
final boolean isLevelZeroSorted) {
assert numLevelsIn > 0; // things are too weird if zero levels are allowed
int numLevels = numLevelsIn;
int currentItemCount = inLevels[numLevels] - inLevels[0]; // decreases with each compaction
int targetItemCount = computeTotalCapacity(k, m, numLevels); // increases if we add levels
boolean doneYet = false;
outLevels[0] = 0;
int curLevel = -1;
while (!doneYet) {
curLevel++; // start out at level 0
// If we are at the current top level, add an empty level above it for convenience,
// but do not increment numLevels until later
if (curLevel == (numLevels - 1)) {
inLevels[curLevel + 2] = inLevels[curLevel + 1];
final int rawBeg = inLevels[curLevel];
final int rawLim = inLevels[curLevel + 1];
final int rawPop = rawLim - rawBeg;
if ((currentItemCount < targetItemCount) || (rawPop < levelCapacity(k, numLevels, curLevel, m))) {
// copy level over as is
// because inBuf and outBuf could be the same, make sure we are not moving data upwards!
assert (rawBeg >= outLevels[curLevel]);
System.arraycopy(inBuf, rawBeg, outBuf, outLevels[curLevel], rawPop);
outLevels[curLevel + 1] = outLevels[curLevel] + rawPop;
else {
// The sketch is too full AND this level is too full, so we compact it
// Note: this can add a level and thus change the sketch's capacity
final int popAbove = inLevels[curLevel + 2] - rawLim;
final boolean oddPop = isOdd(rawPop);
final int adjBeg = oddPop ? 1 + rawBeg : rawBeg;
final int adjPop = oddPop ? rawPop - 1 : rawPop;
final int halfAdjPop = adjPop / 2;
if (oddPop) { // copy one guy over
outBuf[outLevels[curLevel]] = inBuf[rawBeg];
outLevels[curLevel + 1] = outLevels[curLevel] + 1;
} else { // copy zero guys over
outLevels[curLevel + 1] = outLevels[curLevel];
// level zero might not be sorted, so we must sort it if we wish to compact it
if ((curLevel == 0) && !isLevelZeroSorted) {
Arrays.sort(inBuf, adjBeg, adjBeg + adjPop);
if (popAbove == 0) { // Level above is empty, so halve up
randomlyHalveUp(inBuf, adjBeg, adjPop);
} else { // Level above is nonempty, so halve down, then merge up
randomlyHalveDown(inBuf, adjBeg, adjPop);
mergeSortedArrays(inBuf, adjBeg, halfAdjPop, inBuf, rawLim, popAbove, inBuf, adjBeg + halfAdjPop);
// track the fact that we just eliminated some data
currentItemCount -= halfAdjPop;
// Adjust the boundaries of the level above
inLevels[curLevel + 1] = inLevels[curLevel + 1] - halfAdjPop;
// Increment numLevels if we just compacted the old top level
// This creates some more capacity (the size of the new bottom level)
if (curLevel == (numLevels - 1)) {
targetItemCount += levelCapacity(k, numLevels, 0, m);
} // end of code for compacting a level
// determine whether we have processed all levels yet (including any new levels that we created)
if (curLevel == (numLevels - 1)) { doneYet = true; }
} // end of loop over levels
assert (outLevels[numLevels] - outLevels[0]) == currentItemCount;
return new int[] {numLevels, targetItemCount, currentItemCount};
static void randomlyHalveDown(final float[] buf, final int start, final int length) {
assert isEven(length);
final int half_length = length / 2;
final int offset = random.nextInt(2);
//final int offset = deterministicOffset(); // for validation
int j = start + offset;
for (int i = start; i < (start + half_length); i++) {
buf[i] = buf[j];
j += 2;
static void randomlyHalveUp(final float[] buf, final int start, final int length) {
assert isEven(length);
final int half_length = length / 2;
final int offset = random.nextInt(2);
//final int offset = deterministicOffset(); // for validation
int j = (start + length) - 1 - offset;
for (int i = (start + length) - 1; i >= (start + half_length); i--) {
buf[i] = buf[j];
j -= 2;
// Enable the following to use KllValidationTest
// static int nextOffset = 0;
// private static int deterministicOffset() {
// final int result = nextOffset;
// nextOffset = 1 - nextOffset;
// return result;
// }