blob: 72c48b99f43541c80c73c8c4c139bd74a1dea865 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.datasketches.req;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.datasketches.InequalitySearch;
import org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableBuffer;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory;
* A special buffer of floats specifically designed to support the ReqCompactor class.
* @author Lee Rhodes
class FloatBuffer {
private static final String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator");
private float[] arr_;
private int count_;
private int capacity_;
private final int delta_;
private boolean sorted_;
private final boolean spaceAtBottom_; //tied to hra
* Constructs an new empty FloatBuffer with an initial capacity specified by
* the <code>capacity</code> argument.
* @param capacity the initial capacity.
* @param delta add space in increments of this size
* @param spaceAtBottom if true, create any extra space at the bottom of the buffer,
* otherwise, create any extra space at the top of the buffer.
FloatBuffer(final int capacity, final int delta, final boolean spaceAtBottom) {
arr_ = new float[capacity];
count_ = 0;
capacity_ = capacity;
delta_ = delta;
sorted_ = true;
spaceAtBottom_ = spaceAtBottom;
* Copy Constructor
* @param buf the FloatBuffer to be copied into this one
FloatBuffer(final FloatBuffer buf) {
arr_ = buf.arr_.clone();
count_ = buf.count_;
capacity_ = buf.capacity_;
delta_ = buf.delta_;
sorted_ = buf.sorted_;
spaceAtBottom_ = buf.spaceAtBottom_;
* Exact construction from elements.
* The active region must be properly positioned in the array.
* @param arr the array to be used directly as the internal array
* @param count the number of active elements in the given array
* @param capacity the initial capacity
* @param delta add space in increments of this size
* @param sorted true if already sorted
* @param spaceAtBottom if true, create any extra space at the bottom of the buffer,
* otherwise, create any extra space at the top of the buffer.
private FloatBuffer(final float[] arr, final int count, final int capacity, final int delta,
final boolean sorted, final boolean spaceAtBottom) {
arr_ = arr;
count_ = count;
capacity_ = capacity;
delta_ = delta;
sorted_ = sorted;
spaceAtBottom_ = spaceAtBottom;
* Used by ReqSerDe. The array is only the active region and will be positioned
* based on capacity, delta, and sab. This copies over the sorted flag.
* @param arr the active items extracted from the deserialization.
* @param count the number of active items
* @param capacity the capacity of the internal array
* @param delta add space in this increment
* @param sorted if the incoming array is sorted
* @param sab equivalent to the HRA flag, e.g., space-at-bottom.
* @return a new FloatBuffer
static FloatBuffer reconstruct(
final float[] arr,
final int count,
final int capacity,
final int delta,
final boolean sorted,
final boolean sab //hra
) {
final float[] farr = new float[capacity];
if (sab) {
System.arraycopy(arr, 0, farr, capacity - count, count);
} else {
System.arraycopy(arr, 0, farr, 0, count);
return new FloatBuffer(farr, count, capacity, delta, sorted, sab);
* Wraps the given array to use as the internal array; thus no copies. For internal use.
* @param arr the given array
* @param isSorted set true, if incoming array is already sorted.
* @param spaceAtBottom if true, create any extra space at the bottom of the buffer,
* otherwise, create any extra space at the top of the buffer.
* @return this, which will be sorted, if necessary.
static FloatBuffer wrap(final float[] arr, final boolean isSorted, final boolean spaceAtBottom) {
final FloatBuffer buf = new FloatBuffer(arr, arr.length, arr.length, 0, isSorted, spaceAtBottom);
return buf;
* Appends the given item to the active array and increments the active count.
* This will expand the array if necessary.
* @param item the given item
* @return this
FloatBuffer append(final float item) {
final int index = spaceAtBottom_ ? capacity_ - count_ - 1 : count_;
arr_[index] = item;
sorted_ = false;
return this;
* Ensures that the capacity of this FloatBuffer is at least newCapacity.
* If newCapacity &lt; capacity(), no action is taken.
* @param newCapacity the new desired capacity
* @return this
FloatBuffer ensureCapacity(final int newCapacity) {
if (newCapacity > capacity_) {
final float[] out = new float[newCapacity];
final int srcPos = spaceAtBottom_ ? capacity_ - count_ : 0;
final int destPos = spaceAtBottom_ ? newCapacity - count_ : 0;
System.arraycopy(arr_, srcPos, out, destPos, count_);
arr_ = out;
capacity_ = newCapacity;
return this;
* Ensures that the space remaining (capacity() - getCount()) is at least the given space.
* @param space the requested space remaining
* @return this
private FloatBuffer ensureSpace(final int space) {
if (count_ + space > capacity_) {
final int newCap = count_ + space + delta_;
return this;
* Returns a reference to the internal item array. Be careful and don't modify this array!
* @return the internal item array.
float[] getArray() {
return arr_;
* Gets the current capacity of this FloatBuffer. The capacity is the total amount of storage
* currently available without expanding the array.
* @return the current capacity
int getCapacity() {
return capacity_;
* Returns the count of items based on the given criteria.
* Also used in test.
* @param value the given value
* @param ltEq the chosen criterion: LT or LE
* @return count of items based on the given criterion.
int getCountWithCriterion(final float value, final boolean ltEq) {
assert !Float.isNaN(value) : "Float values must not be NaN.";
if (!sorted_) { sort(); } //we must be sorted!
int low = 0; //Initialized to space at top
int high = count_ - 1;
if (spaceAtBottom_) {
low = capacity_ - count_;
high = capacity_ - 1;
final InequalitySearch crit = ltEq ? InequalitySearch.LE : InequalitySearch.LT;
final int index = InequalitySearch.find(arr_, low, high, value, crit);
return index == -1 ? 0 : index - low + 1;
* Returns a sorted FloatBuffer of the odd or even offsets from the range startOffset (inclusive)
* to endOffset (exclusive). The size of the range must be of even size.
* The offsets are with respect to the start of the active region and independent of the
* location of the active region within the overall buffer. The requested region will be sorted
* first.
* @param startOffset the starting offset within the active region
* @param endOffset the end offset within the active region, exclusive
* @param odds if true, return the odds, otherwise return the evens.
* @return the selected odds from the range
FloatBuffer getEvensOrOdds(final int startOffset, final int endOffset, final boolean odds) {
final int start = spaceAtBottom_ ? capacity_ - count_ + startOffset : startOffset;
final int end = spaceAtBottom_ ? capacity_ - count_ + endOffset : endOffset;
final int range = endOffset - startOffset;
if ((range & 1) == 1) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Input range size must be even");
final int odd = odds ? 1 : 0;
final float[] out = new float[range / 2];
for (int i = start + odd, j = 0; i < end; i += 2, j++) {
out[j] = arr_[i];
return wrap(out, true, spaceAtBottom_);
* Gets a value from the backing array given its index.
* Only used in test or debug.
* @param index the given index
* @return a value given its backing array index
float getItemFromIndex(final int index) {
return arr_[index];
* Gets an item given its offset in the active region
* @param offset the given offset in the active region
* @return an item given its offset
float getItem(final int offset) {
final int index = spaceAtBottom_ ? capacity_ - count_ + offset : offset;
return arr_[index];
* Returns the delta margin
* @return the delta margin
int getDelta() {
return delta_;
* Returns the active item count.
* @return the active item count of this buffer.
int getCount() {
return count_;
* Gets available space, which is getCapacity() - getCount().
* When spaceAtBottom is true this is the start position for active data, otherwise it is zero.
* @return available space
int getSpace() {
return capacity_ - count_;
* Returns the space at bottom flag
* @return the space at bottom flag
boolean isSpaceAtBottom() {
return spaceAtBottom_;
* Returns true if getCount() == 0.
* @return true if getCount() == 0.
boolean isEmpty() {
return count_ == 0;
* Returns true iff this is exactly equal to that FloatBuffer.
* @param that the other buffer
* @return true iff this is exactly equal to that FloatBuffer.
boolean isEqualTo(final FloatBuffer that) {
if (capacity_ != that.capacity_
|| count_ != that.count_
|| delta_ != that.delta_
|| sorted_ != that.sorted_
|| spaceAtBottom_ != that.spaceAtBottom_) { return false; }
for (int i = 0; i < capacity_; i++) {
if (arr_[i] != that.arr_[i]) { return false; }
return true;
* Returns true if this FloatBuffer is sorted.
* @return true if sorted
boolean isSorted() {
return sorted_;
* Merges the incoming sorted buffer into this sorted buffer.
* @param bufIn sorted buffer in
* @return this
FloatBuffer mergeSortIn(final FloatBuffer bufIn) {
if (!sorted_ || !bufIn.isSorted()) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Both buffers must be sorted.");
final float[] arrIn = bufIn.getArray(); //may be larger than its item count.
final int bufInLen = bufIn.getCount();
final int totLen = count_ + bufInLen;
if (spaceAtBottom_) { //scan up, insert at bottom
final int tgtStart = capacity_ - totLen;
int i = capacity_ - count_;
int j = bufIn.capacity_ - bufIn.count_;
for (int k = tgtStart; k < capacity_; k++) {
if (i < capacity_ && j < bufIn.capacity_) { //both valid
arr_[k] = arr_[i] <= arrIn[j] ? arr_[i++] : arrIn[j++];
} else if (i < capacity_) { //i is valid
arr_[k] = arr_[i++];
} else if (j < bufIn.capacity_) { //j is valid
arr_[k] = arrIn[j++];
} else {
} else { //scan down, insert at top
int i = count_ - 1;
int j = bufInLen - 1;
for (int k = totLen; k-- > 0; ) {
if (i >= 0 && j >= 0) { //both valid
arr_[k] = arr_[i] >= arrIn[j] ? arr_[i--] : arrIn[j--];
} else if (i >= 0) { //i is valid
arr_[k] = arr_[i--];
} else if (j >= 0) { //j is valid
arr_[k] = arrIn[j--];
} else {
count_ += bufInLen;
sorted_ = true;
return this;
* Sorts the active region;
* @return this
FloatBuffer sort() {
if (sorted_) { return this; }
final int start = spaceAtBottom_ ? capacity_ - count_ : 0;
final int end = spaceAtBottom_ ? capacity_ : count_;
Arrays.sort(arr_, start, end);
sorted_ = true;
return this;
// This only serializes count * floats
byte[] floatsToBytes() {
final int bytes = Float.BYTES * count_;
final byte[] arr = new byte[bytes];
final WritableBuffer wbuf = WritableMemory.wrap(arr).asWritableBuffer();
if (spaceAtBottom_) {
wbuf.putFloatArray(arr_, capacity_ - count_, count_);
} else {
wbuf.putFloatArray(arr_, 0, count_);
assert wbuf.getPosition() == bytes;
return arr;
* Returns a printable formatted string of the values of this buffer separated by a single space.
* @param fmt The format for each printed item.
* @param width the number of items to print per line
* @return a printable, formatted string of the values of this buffer.
String toHorizList(final String fmt, final int width) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final String spaces = " ";
final int start = spaceAtBottom_ ? capacity_ - count_ : 0;
final int end = spaceAtBottom_ ? capacity_ : count_;
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
final float v = arr_[i];
final String str = String.format(fmt, v);
if (i > start && ++cnt % width == 0) { sb.append(LS).append(spaces); }
return sb.toString();
* Trims the capacity of this FloatBuffer to the active count.
* @return this
FloatBuffer trimCapacity() {
if (count_ < capacity_) {
final float[] out = new float[count_];
final int start = spaceAtBottom_ ? capacity_ - count_ : 0;
System.arraycopy(arr_, start, out, 0, count_);
capacity_ = count_;
arr_ = out;
return this;
* Trims the count_ to newCount. If newCount &gt; count_ this does nothing and returns.
* Otherwise, the internal count_ is reduced to the given newCount. There is no clearing of
* the remainder of the capacity. Any values there are considered garbage.
* @param newCount the new active count
* @return this
FloatBuffer trimCount(final int newCount) {
if (newCount < count_) {
count_ = newCount;
return this;