blob: ced5ceae869ff64c0971b83f4819e50c39715b10 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches.cpc;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.iGoldenU64;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.pwrLawNextDouble;
import static org.apache.datasketches.cpc.IconEstimator.getIconEstimate;
import static org.apache.datasketches.cpc.RuntimeAsserts.rtAssert;
import static org.apache.datasketches.cpc.RuntimeAsserts.rtAssertEquals;
* This code is used both by unit tests, for short running tests,
* and by the characterization repository for longer running, more exhaustive testing. To be
* accessible for both, this code is part of the main hierarchy. It is not used during normal
* production runtime.
* @author Lee Rhodes
* @author Kevin Lang
public class MergingValidation {
private String hfmt;
private String dfmt;
private String[] hStrArr;
private long vIn = 0;
private int lgMinK;
private int lgMaxK; //inclusive
private int lgMulK; //multiplier of K to produce maxNa, maxNb
private int uPPO;
private int incLgK; //increment of lgK
private PrintStream printStream;
private PrintWriter printWriter;
public MergingValidation(final int lgMinK, final int lgMaxK, final int lgMulK, final int uPPO,
final int incLgK, final PrintStream pS, final PrintWriter pW) {
this.lgMinK = lgMinK;
this.lgMaxK = lgMaxK;
this.lgMulK = lgMulK;
this.uPPO = Math.max(uPPO, 1);
this.incLgK = Math.max(incLgK, 1);
printStream = pS;
printWriter = pW;
public void start() {
printf(hfmt, (Object[]) hStrArr); //print header
private void doRangeOfLgK() {
for (int lgK = lgMinK; lgK <= lgMaxK; lgK += incLgK) {
multiTestMerging(lgK, lgK - 1, lgK - 1);
multiTestMerging(lgK, lgK - 1, lgK + 0);
multiTestMerging(lgK, lgK - 1, lgK + 1);
multiTestMerging(lgK, lgK + 0, lgK - 1);
multiTestMerging(lgK, lgK + 0, lgK + 0);
multiTestMerging(lgK, lgK + 0, lgK + 1);
multiTestMerging(lgK, lgK + 1, lgK - 1);
multiTestMerging(lgK, lgK + 1, lgK + 0);
multiTestMerging(lgK, lgK + 1, lgK + 1);
private void multiTestMerging(final int lgKm, final int lgKa, final int lgKb) {
final long limA = 1L << (lgKa + lgMulK);
final long limB = 1L << (lgKa + lgMulK);
long nA = 0;
while (nA <= limA) {
long nB = 0;
while (nB <= limB) {
testMerging(lgKm, lgKa, lgKb, nA, nB);
nB = Math.round(pwrLawNextDouble(uPPO, nB, true, 2.0));
nA = Math.round(pwrLawNextDouble(uPPO, nA, true, 2.0));
private void testMerging(final int lgKm, final int lgKa, final int lgKb, final long nA,
final long nB) {
final CpcUnion ugM = new CpcUnion(lgKm);
// int lgKd = ((nA != 0) && (lgKa < lgKm)) ? lgKa : lgKm;
// lgKd = ((nB != 0) && (lgKb < lgKd)) ? lgKb : lgKd;
int lgKd = lgKm;
if ((lgKa < lgKd) && (nA != 0)) { lgKd = lgKa; } //d = min(a,m) : m
if ((lgKb < lgKd) && (nB != 0)) { lgKd = lgKb; } //d = min(b,d) : d
final CpcSketch skD = new CpcSketch(lgKd); // direct sketch, updated with both streams
final CpcSketch skA = new CpcSketch(lgKa);
final CpcSketch skB = new CpcSketch(lgKb);
for (long i = 0; i < nA; i++) {
final long in = (vIn += iGoldenU64);
for (long i = 0; i < nB; i++) {
final long in = (vIn += iGoldenU64);
final int finalLgKm = ugM.getLgK();
final long[] matrixM = CpcUnion.getBitMatrix(ugM);
final long cM = ugM.getNumCoupons();//countBitsSetInMatrix(matrixM);
final long cD = skD.numCoupons;
final Flavor flavorD = skD.getFlavor();
final Flavor flavorA = skA.getFlavor();
final Flavor flavorB = skB.getFlavor();
final String dOff = Integer.toString(skD.windowOffset);
final String aOff = Integer.toString(skA.windowOffset);
final String bOff = Integer.toString(skB.windowOffset);
final String flavorDoff = flavorD + String.format("%2s",dOff);
final String flavorAoff = flavorA + String.format("%2s",aOff);
final String flavorBoff = flavorB + String.format("%2s",bOff);
final double iconEstD = getIconEstimate(lgKd, cD);
rtAssert(finalLgKm <= lgKm);
rtAssert(cM <= (skA.numCoupons + skB.numCoupons));
rtAssertEquals(cM, cD);
rtAssertEquals(finalLgKm, lgKd);
final long[] matrixD = CpcUtil.bitMatrixOfSketch(skD);
rtAssertEquals(matrixM, matrixD);
final CpcSketch skR = ugM.getResult();
final double iconEstR = getIconEstimate(skR.lgK, skR.numCoupons);
rtAssertEquals(iconEstD, iconEstR, 0.0);
rtAssert(TestUtil.specialEquals(skD, skR, false, true));
printf(dfmt, lgKm, lgKa, lgKb, lgKd, nA, nB, (nA + nB),
flavorAoff, flavorBoff, flavorDoff,
skA.numCoupons, skB.numCoupons, cD, iconEstR);
private void printf(final String format, final Object ... args) {
if (printStream != null) { printStream.printf(format, args); }
if (printWriter != null) { printWriter.printf(format, args); }
private void assembleFormats() {
final String[][] assy = {
{"lgKm", "%4s", "%4d"},
{"lgKa", "%4s", "%4d"},
{"lgKb", "%4s", "%4d"},
{"lgKfd", "%6s", "%6d"},
{"nA", "%12s", "%12d"},
{"nB", "%12s", "%12d"},
{"nA+nB", "%12s", "%12d"},
{"Flavor_a", "%11s", "%11s"},
{"Flavor_b", "%11s", "%11s"},
{"Flavor_fd", "%11s", "%11s"},
{"Coupons_a", "%9s", "%9d"},
{"Coupons_b", "%9s", "%9d"},
{"Coupons_fd", "%9s", "%9d"},
{"IconEst_dr", "%12s", "%,12.0f"}
final int cols = assy.length;
hStrArr = new String[cols];
final StringBuilder headerFmt = new StringBuilder();
final StringBuilder dataFmt = new StringBuilder();
headerFmt.append("\nMerging Validation\n");
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
hStrArr[i] = assy[i][0];
headerFmt.append((i < (cols - 1)) ? "\t" : "\n");
dataFmt.append((i < (cols - 1)) ? "\t" : "\n");
hfmt = headerFmt.toString();
dfmt = dataFmt.toString();