blob: dd61744401e27baef10a74e06919cba32f47eee5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches.cpc;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.DEFAULT_UPDATE_SEED;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.ceilingPowerOf2;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.iGoldenU64;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.log2;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.pwrLawNextDouble;
import static org.apache.datasketches.cpc.CompressedState.importFromMemory;
import static org.apache.datasketches.cpc.RuntimeAsserts.rtAssert;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory;
* This code is used both by unit tests, for short running tests,
* and by the characterization repository for longer running, more exhaustive testing. To be
* accessible for both, this code is part of the main hierarchy. It is not used during normal
* production runtime.
* @author Lee Rhodes
* @author Kevin Lang
public class CompressionCharacterization {
private String hfmt;
private String dfmt;
private String[] hStrArr;
private long vIn = 0;
private int lgMinK;
private int lgMaxK; //inclusive
private int lgMinT; //Trials at end
private int lgMaxT; //Trials at start
private int lgMulK; //multiplier of K to produce maxU
private int uPPO;
private int incLgK; //increment of lgK
private PrintStream ps;
private PrintWriter pw;
private CpcSketch[] streamSketches;
private CompressedState[] compressedStates1;
private WritableMemory[] memoryArr;
private CompressedState[] compressedStates2;
private CpcSketch[] unCompressedSketches;
public CompressionCharacterization(
final int lgMinK,
final int lgMaxK,
final int lgMinT,
final int lgMaxT,
final int lgMulK,
final int uPPO,
final int incLgK,
final PrintStream pS,
final PrintWriter pW) {
this.lgMinK = lgMinK;
this.lgMaxK = lgMaxK;
this.lgMinT = lgMinT;
this.lgMaxT = lgMaxT;
this.lgMulK = lgMulK;
this.uPPO = Math.max(uPPO, 1);
this.incLgK = Math.max(incLgK, 1);
ps = pS;
pw = pW;
public void start() {
printf(hfmt, (Object[]) hStrArr); //print header
private void doRangeOfLgK() {
for (int lgK = lgMinK; lgK <= lgMaxK; lgK += incLgK) {
private void doRangeOfNAtLgK(final int lgK) {
long n = 1;
final int lgMaxN = lgK + lgMulK;
final long maxN = 1L << lgMaxN;
final double slope = -(double)(lgMaxT - lgMinT) / lgMaxN;
while (n <= maxN) {
final double lgT = (slope * log2(n)) + lgMaxT;
final int totTrials = Math.max(ceilingPowerOf2((int) Math.pow(2.0, lgT)), (1 << lgMinT));
doTrialsAtLgKAtN(lgK, n, totTrials);
n = Math.round(pwrLawNextDouble(uPPO, n, true, 2.0));
private void doTrialsAtLgKAtN(final int lgK, final long n, final int totalTrials) {
final int k = 1 << lgK;
final int minNK = (int) ((k < n) ? k : n);
final double nOverK = (double) n / k;
final int lgTotTrials = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(totalTrials);
final int lgWaves = Math.max(lgTotTrials - 10, 0);
final int trialsPerWave = 1 << (lgTotTrials - lgWaves);
//printf("%d %d %d %d\n", totalTrials, lgTotTrials, 1 << lgWaves, trialsPerWave);
streamSketches = new CpcSketch[trialsPerWave];
compressedStates1 = new CompressedState[trialsPerWave];
memoryArr = new WritableMemory[trialsPerWave];
compressedStates2 = new CompressedState[trialsPerWave];
unCompressedSketches = new CpcSketch[trialsPerWave];
//update: fill, compress, uncompress sketches arrays in waves
long totalC = 0;
long totalW = 0;
long sumCtor_nS = 0;
long sumUpd_nS = 0;
long sumCom_nS = 0;
long sumSer_nS = 0;
long sumDes_nS = 0;
long sumUnc_nS = 0;
long sumEqu_nS = 0;
long nanoStart, nanoEnd;
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
//Wave Loop
for (int w = 0; w < (1 << lgWaves); w++) {
//Construct array with sketches loop
nanoStart = System.nanoTime();
for (int trial = 0; trial < trialsPerWave; trial++) {
final CpcSketch sketch = new CpcSketch(lgK);
streamSketches[trial] = sketch;
nanoEnd = System.nanoTime();
sumCtor_nS += nanoEnd - nanoStart;
nanoStart = nanoEnd;
//Sketch Update loop
for (int trial = 0; trial < trialsPerWave; trial++) {
final CpcSketch sketch = streamSketches[trial];
for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) { //increment loop
sketch.update(vIn += iGoldenU64);
nanoEnd = System.nanoTime();
sumUpd_nS += nanoEnd - nanoStart;
nanoStart = nanoEnd;
//Compress loop
for (int trial = 0; trial < trialsPerWave; trial++) {
final CpcSketch sketch = streamSketches[trial];
final CompressedState state = CompressedState.compress(sketch);
compressedStates1[trial] = state;
totalC += sketch.numCoupons;
totalW += state.csvLengthInts + state.cwLengthInts;
nanoEnd = System.nanoTime();
sumCom_nS += nanoEnd - nanoStart;
nanoStart = nanoEnd;
//State to Memory loop
for (int trial = 0; trial < trialsPerWave; trial++) {
final CompressedState state = compressedStates1[trial];
final long cap = state.getRequiredSerializedBytes();
final WritableMemory wmem = WritableMemory.allocate((int) cap);
memoryArr[trial] = wmem;
nanoEnd = System.nanoTime();
sumSer_nS += nanoEnd - nanoStart;
nanoStart = nanoEnd;
//Memory to State loop
for (int trial = 0; trial < trialsPerWave; trial++) {
final Memory mem = memoryArr[trial];
final CompressedState state = importFromMemory(mem);
compressedStates2[trial] = state;
nanoEnd = System.nanoTime();
sumDes_nS += nanoEnd - nanoStart;
nanoStart = nanoEnd;
//Uncompress loop
for (int trial = 0; trial < trialsPerWave; trial++) {
final CompressedState state = compressedStates2[trial];
CpcSketch uncSk = null;
uncSk = CpcSketch.uncompress(state, DEFAULT_UPDATE_SEED);
unCompressedSketches[trial] = uncSk;
nanoEnd = System.nanoTime();
sumUnc_nS += nanoEnd - nanoStart;
nanoStart = nanoEnd;
//Equals check
for (int trial = 0; trial < trialsPerWave; trial++) {
rtAssert(TestUtil.specialEquals(streamSketches[trial], unCompressedSketches[trial], false, false));
nanoEnd = System.nanoTime();
sumEqu_nS += nanoEnd - nanoStart;
nanoStart = nanoEnd;
} // end wave loop
final double total_S = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1E3;
final double avgC = (1.0 * totalC) / totalTrials;
final double avgCoK = avgC / k;
final double avgWords = (1.0 * totalW) / totalTrials;
final double avgBytes = (4.0 * totalW) / totalTrials;
final double avgCtor_nS = Math.round((double) sumCtor_nS / totalTrials);
final double avgUpd_nS = Math.round((double) sumUpd_nS / totalTrials);
final double avgUpd_nSperN = avgUpd_nS / n;
final double avgCom_nS = Math.round((double) sumCom_nS / totalTrials);
final double avgCom_nSper2C = avgCom_nS / (2.0 * avgC);
final double avgCom_nSperK = avgCom_nS / k;
final double avgSer_nS = Math.round((double) sumSer_nS / totalTrials);
final double avgSer_nSperW = avgSer_nS / avgWords;
final double avgDes_nS = Math.round((double) sumDes_nS / totalTrials);
final double avgDes_nSperW = avgDes_nS / avgWords;
final double avgUnc_nS = Math.round((double) sumUnc_nS / totalTrials);
final double avgUnc_nSper2C = avgUnc_nS / (2.0 * avgC);
final double avgUnc_nSperK = avgUnc_nS / k;
final double avgEqu_nS = Math.round((double) sumEqu_nS / totalTrials);
final double avgEqu_nSperMinNK = avgEqu_nS / minNK;
final int len = unCompressedSketches.length;
final Flavor finFlavor = unCompressedSketches[len - 1].getFlavor();
final String offStr = Integer.toString(unCompressedSketches[len - 1].windowOffset);
final String flavorOff = finFlavor.toString() + String.format("%2s", offStr);
private void printf(final String format, final Object ... args) {
if (ps != null) { ps.printf(format, args); }
if (pw != null) { pw.printf(format, args); }
private void assembleFormats() {
final String[][] assy = {
{"lgK", "%3s", "%3d"},
{"Trials", "%9s", "%9d"},
{"n", "%12s", "%12d"},
{"MinKN", "%9s", "%9d"},
{"AvgC/K", "%9s", "%9.4g"},
{"FinFlavor", "%11s", "%11s"},
{"N/K", "%9s", "%9.4g"},
{"AvgBytes", "%9s", "%9.0f"},
{"AvgCtor_nS", "%11s", "%11.0f"},
{"AvgUpd_nS", "%10s", "%10.4e"},
{"AvgCom_nS", "%10s", "%10.0f"},
{"AvgSer_nS", "%10s", "%10.2f"},
{"AvgDes_nS", "%10s", "%10.2f"},
{"AvgUnc_nS", "%10s", "%10.0f"},
{"AvgEqu_nS", "%10s", "%10.0f"},
{"AvgUpd_nSperN", "%14s", "%14.2f"},
{"AvgCom_nSper2C", "%15s", "%15.4g"},
{"AvgCom_nSperK", "%14s", "%14.4g"},
{"AvgSer_nSperW", "%14s", "%14.2f"},
{"AvgDes_nSperW", "%14s", "%14.2f"},
{"AvgUnc_nSper2C", "%15s", "%15.4g"},
{"AvgUnc_nSperK", "%14s", "%14.4g"},
{"AvgEqu_nSperMinNK", "%18s", "%18.4g"},
{"Total_S", "%8s", "%8.3f"}
final int cols = assy.length;
hStrArr = new String[cols];
final StringBuilder headerFmt = new StringBuilder();
final StringBuilder dataFmt = new StringBuilder();
headerFmt.append("\nCompression Characterization\n");
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
hStrArr[i] = assy[i][0];
headerFmt.append((i < (cols - 1)) ? "\t" : "\n");
dataFmt.append((i < (cols - 1)) ? "\t" : "\n");
hfmt = headerFmt.toString();
dfmt = dataFmt.toString();