blob: f0e4678c5f86f6b59bdc1eac6bd8921d71f21a5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches.theta;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.COMPACT_FLAG_MASK;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.EMPTY_FLAG_MASK;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.LG_NOM_LONGS_BYTE;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.ORDERED_FLAG_MASK;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.READ_ONLY_FLAG_MASK;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.SER_VER;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.SINGLEITEM_FLAG_MASK;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.extractCurCount;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.extractFamilyID;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.extractFlags;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.extractLgArrLongs;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.extractPreLongs;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.extractSeedHash;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.extractSerVer;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.extractThetaLong;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.insertCurCount;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.insertFamilyID;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.insertFlags;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.insertP;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.insertPreLongs;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.insertSeedHash;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.insertSerVer;
import static org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.insertThetaLong;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.datasketches.Family;
import org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException;
import org.apache.datasketches.SketchesStateException;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory;
* @author Lee Rhodes
final class CompactOperations {
private CompactOperations() {}
static CompactSketch componentsToCompact( //No error checking
final long thetaLong,
final int curCount,
final short seedHash,
final boolean srcEmpty,
final boolean srcCompact,
final boolean srcOrdered,
final boolean dstOrdered,
final WritableMemory dstMem,
final long[] hashArr) //may not be compacted, ordered or unordered, may be null
final boolean direct = dstMem != null;
final boolean empty = srcEmpty || ((curCount == 0) && (thetaLong == Long.MAX_VALUE));
final boolean single = (curCount == 1) && (thetaLong == Long.MAX_VALUE);
final long[] hashArrOut;
if (!srcCompact) {
hashArrOut = CompactOperations.compactCache(hashArr, curCount, thetaLong, dstOrdered);
} else {
hashArrOut = hashArr;
if (!srcOrdered && dstOrdered && !empty && !single) {
//Note: for empty or single we always output the ordered form.
final boolean dstOrderedOut = (empty || single) ? true : dstOrdered;
if (direct) {
final int preLongs = computeCompactPreLongs(empty, curCount, thetaLong);
flags |= empty ? EMPTY_FLAG_MASK : 0;
flags |= dstOrderedOut ? ORDERED_FLAG_MASK : 0;
flags |= single ? SINGLEITEM_FLAG_MASK : 0;
final Memory mem =
loadCompactMemory(hashArrOut, seedHash, curCount, thetaLong, dstMem, (byte)flags, preLongs);
return new DirectCompactSketch(mem);
} else { //Heap
if (empty) {
return EmptyCompactSketch.getInstance();
if (single) {
return new SingleItemSketch(hashArrOut[0], seedHash);
return new HeapCompactSketch(hashArrOut, empty, seedHash, curCount, thetaLong, dstOrderedOut);
* Heapify or convert a source Theta Sketch Memory image into a heap or target Memory CompactSketch.
* This assumes hashSeed is OK; serVer = 3.
* @param srcMem the given input source Memory image
* @param dstOrdered the desired ordering of the resulting CompactSketch
* @param dstMem Used for the target CompactSketch if it is Direct.
* @return a CompactSketch of the correct form.
static CompactSketch memoryToCompact(
final Memory srcMem,
final boolean dstOrdered,
final WritableMemory dstMem)
//extract Pre0 fields and Flags from srcMem
final int srcPreLongs = extractPreLongs(srcMem);
final int srcSerVer = extractSerVer(srcMem); //not used
final int srcFamId = extractFamilyID(srcMem);
final Family srcFamily = Family.idToFamily(srcFamId);
final int srcLgArrLongs = extractLgArrLongs(srcMem);
final int srcFlags = extractFlags(srcMem);
final short srcSeedHash = (short) extractSeedHash(srcMem);
final boolean srcReadOnlyFlag = (srcFlags & READ_ONLY_FLAG_MASK) > 0;
final boolean srcEmptyFlag = (srcFlags & EMPTY_FLAG_MASK) > 0;
final boolean srcCompactFlag = (srcFlags & COMPACT_FLAG_MASK) > 0;
final boolean srcOrderedFlag = (srcFlags & ORDERED_FLAG_MASK) > 0;
final boolean srcSingleFlag = (srcFlags & SINGLEITEM_FLAG_MASK) > 0;
final boolean single = srcSingleFlag
|| SingleItemSketch.otherCheckForSingleItem(srcPreLongs, srcSerVer, srcFamId, srcFlags);
//extract pre1 and pre2 fields
final int curCount = single ? 1 : (srcPreLongs > 1) ? extractCurCount(srcMem) : 0;
final long thetaLong = (srcPreLongs > 2) ? extractThetaLong(srcMem) : Long.MAX_VALUE;
//do some basic checks ...
if (srcEmptyFlag) { assert (curCount == 0) && (thetaLong == Long.MAX_VALUE); }
if (single) { assert (curCount == 1) && (thetaLong == Long.MAX_VALUE); }
checkFamilyAndFlags(srcFamId, srcCompactFlag, srcReadOnlyFlag);
//dispatch empty and single cases
//Note: for empty and single we always output the ordered form.
final boolean dstOrderedOut = (srcEmptyFlag || single) ? true : dstOrdered;
if (srcEmptyFlag) {
if (dstMem != null) {
dstMem.putByteArray(0, EmptyCompactSketch.EMPTY_COMPACT_SKETCH_ARR, 0, 8);
return new DirectCompactSketch(dstMem);
} else {
return EmptyCompactSketch.getInstance();
if (single) {
final long hash = srcMem.getLong(srcPreLongs << 3);
final SingleItemSketch sis = new SingleItemSketch(hash, srcSeedHash);
if (dstMem != null) {
dstMem.putByteArray(0, sis.toByteArray(),0, 16);
return new DirectCompactSketch(dstMem);
} else { //heap
return sis;
//extract hashArr > 1
final long[] hashArr;
if (srcCompactFlag) {
hashArr = new long[curCount];
srcMem.getLongArray(srcPreLongs << 3, hashArr, 0, curCount);
} else { //update sketch, thus hashTable form
final int srcCacheLen = 1 << srcLgArrLongs;
final long[] tempHashArr = new long[srcCacheLen];
srcMem.getLongArray(srcPreLongs << 3, tempHashArr, 0, srcCacheLen);
hashArr = compactCache(tempHashArr, curCount, thetaLong, dstOrderedOut);
| ((dstOrderedOut) ? ORDERED_FLAG_MASK : 0);
//load the destination.
if (dstMem != null) {
final Memory tgtMem = loadCompactMemory(hashArr, srcSeedHash, curCount, thetaLong, dstMem,
(byte)flagsOut, srcPreLongs);
return new DirectCompactSketch(tgtMem);
} else { //heap
return new HeapCompactSketch(hashArr, srcEmptyFlag, srcSeedHash, curCount, thetaLong,
private static final void checkFamilyAndFlags(
final int srcFamId,
final boolean srcCompactFlag,
final boolean srcReadOnlyFlag) {
final Family srcFamily = Family.idToFamily(srcFamId);
if (srcCompactFlag) {
if ((srcFamily == Family.COMPACT) && srcReadOnlyFlag) { return; }
} else {
if (srcFamily == Family.ALPHA) { return; }
if (srcFamily == Family.QUICKSELECT) { return; }
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Possible Corruption: Family does not match flags: Family: "
+ srcFamily.toString()
+ ", Compact Flag: " + srcCompactFlag
+ ", ReadOnly Flag: " + srcReadOnlyFlag);
//All arguments must be valid and correct including flags.
// Used as helper to create byte arrays as well as loading Memory for direct compact sketches
static final Memory loadCompactMemory(
final long[] compactHashArr,
final short seedHash,
final int curCount,
final long thetaLong,
final WritableMemory dstMem,
final byte flags,
final int preLongs)
assert (dstMem != null) && (compactHashArr != null);
final int outLongs = preLongs + curCount;
final int outBytes = outLongs << 3;
final int dstBytes = (int) dstMem.getCapacity();
if (outBytes > dstBytes) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Insufficient Memory: " + dstBytes
+ ", Need: " + outBytes);
final byte famID = (byte) Family.COMPACT.getID();
//Caution: The following loads directly into Memory without creating a heap byte[] first,
// which would act as a pre-clearing, initialization mechanism. So it is important to make sure
// that all fields are initialized, even those that are not used by the CompactSketch.
// Otherwise, uninitialized fields could be filled with off-heap garbage, which could cause
// other problems downstream if those fields are not filtered out first.
// As written below, all fields are initialized avoiding an extra copy.
//The first 8 bytes (pre0)
insertPreLongs(dstMem, preLongs); //RF not used = 0
insertSerVer(dstMem, SER_VER);
insertFamilyID(dstMem, famID);
//The following initializes the lgNomLongs and lgArrLongs to 0.
//They are not used in CompactSketches.
dstMem.putShort(LG_NOM_LONGS_BYTE, (short)0);
insertFlags(dstMem, flags);
insertSeedHash(dstMem, seedHash);
if ((preLongs == 1) && (curCount == 1)) { //singleItem, theta = 1.0
dstMem.putLong(8, compactHashArr[0]);
return dstMem;
if (preLongs > 1) {
insertCurCount(dstMem, curCount);
insertP(dstMem, (float) 1.0);
if (preLongs > 2) {
insertThetaLong(dstMem, thetaLong);
if (curCount > 0) { //theta could be < 1.0.
dstMem.putLongArray(preLongs << 3, compactHashArr, 0, curCount);
return dstMem; //if prelongs == 3 & curCount == 0, theta could be < 1.0.
* Copies then compacts, cleans, and may sort the resulting array.
* The source cache can be a hash table with interstitial zeros or
* "dirty" values, which are hash values greater than theta.
* These can be generated by the Alpha sketch.
* @param srcCache anything
* @param curCount must be correct
* @param thetaLong The correct
* <a href="{@docRoot}/resources/dictionary.html#thetaLong">thetaLong</a>.
* @param dstOrdered true if output array must be sorted
* @return the compacted array.
static final long[] compactCache(final long[] srcCache, final int curCount,
final long thetaLong, final boolean dstOrdered) {
if (curCount == 0) {
return new long[0];
final long[] cacheOut = new long[curCount];
final int len = srcCache.length;
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { //scan the full srcCache
final long v = srcCache[i];
if ((v <= 0L) || (v >= thetaLong) ) { continue; } //ignoring zeros or dirty values
cacheOut[j++] = v;
if (j < curCount) {
throw new SketchesStateException(
"Possible Corruption: curCount parameter is incorrect.");
if (dstOrdered && (curCount > 1)) {
return cacheOut;
* The truth table for empty, curCount and theta when compacting is as follows:
* <pre>
* Num Theta CurCount Empty State Comments
* 0 1.0 0 T OK The Normal Empty State
* 1 1.0 0 F Internal This can result from an intersection of two exact, disjoint sets,
* or AnotB of two exact, identical sets. There is no probability
* distribution, so change to empty. Return {Th = 1.0, 0, T}.
* This is handled in SetOperation.createCompactSketch().
* 2 1.0 !0 T Error Empty=T and curCount !0 should never co-exist.
* This is checked in all compacting operations.
* 3 1.0 !0 F OK This corresponds to a sketch in exact mode
* 4 <1.0 0 T Internal This can be an initial UpdateSketch state if p < 1.0,
* so change theta to 1.0. Return {Th = 1.0, 0, T}.
* This is handled in UpdateSketch.compact() and toByteArray().
* 5 <1.0 0 F OK This can result from set operations
* 6 <1.0 !0 T Error Empty=T and curCount !0 should never co-exist.
* This is checked in all compacting operations.
* 7 <1.0 !0 F OK This corresponds to a sketch in estimation mode
* </pre>
* #4 is handled by <i>correctThetaOnCompat(boolean, int)</i> (below).
* #2 & #6 handled by <i>checkIllegalCurCountAndEmpty(boolean, int)</i>
* This corrects a temporary anomalous condition where compact() is called on an UpdateSketch
* that was initialized with p < 1.0 and update() was never called. In this case Theta < 1.0,
* curCount = 0, and empty = true. The correction is to change Theta to 1.0, which makes the
* returning sketch empty. This should only be used in the compaction or serialization of an
* UpdateSketch.
* @param empty the given empty state
* @param curCount the given curCount
* @param thetaLong the given thetaLong
* @return thetaLong
static final long correctThetaOnCompact(final boolean empty, final int curCount,
final long thetaLong) { //handles #4 above
return (empty && (curCount == 0)) ? Long.MAX_VALUE : thetaLong;
* This checks for the illegal condition where curCount > 0 and the state of
* empty = true. This check can be used anywhere a sketch is returned or a sketch is created
* from complete arguments.
* @param empty the given empty state
* @param curCount the given current count
*/ //This handles #2 and #6 above
static final void checkIllegalCurCountAndEmpty(final boolean empty, final int curCount) {
if (empty && (curCount != 0)) { //this handles #2 and #6 above
throw new SketchesStateException("Illegal State: Empty=true and Current Count != 0.");
* This compute number of preamble longs for a compact sketch based on <i>empty</i>,
* <i>curCount</i> and <i>thetaLong</i>.
* This also accommodates for EmptyCompactSketch and SingleItemSketch.
* @param empty The given empty state
* @param curCount The given current count (retained entries)
* @param thetaLong the current thetaLong
* @return the number of preamble longs
static final int computeCompactPreLongs(final boolean empty, final int curCount,
final long thetaLong) {
return (thetaLong < Long.MAX_VALUE) ? 3 : empty ? 1 : (curCount > 1) ? 2 : 1;
* This checks for the singleItem Compact Sketch.
* @param empty the given empty state
* @param curCount the given curCount
* @param thetaLong the given thetaLong
* @return true if notEmpty, curCount = 1 and theta = 1.0;
static final boolean isSingleItem(final boolean empty, final int curCount,
final long thetaLong) {
return !empty && (curCount == 1) && (thetaLong == Long.MAX_VALUE);