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package org.apache.datasketches.hash;
import java.util.Random;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.MurmurHash3v2;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory;
* @author Lee Rhodes
public class MurmurHash3v2Test {
private Random rand = new Random();
private static final int trials = 1 << 20;
public void compareLongArrLong() { //long[]
int arrLen = 3;
int iPer = 8 / Long.BYTES;
long[] key = new long[arrLen];
for (int i = 0; i < trials; i++) { //trials
for (int j = 0; j < arrLen / iPer; j++) { //longs
long r = rand.nextLong();
key[j] = r;
long[] res1 = hashV1(key, 0);
long[] res2 = hashV2(key, 0);
assertEquals(res2, res1);
public void compareIntArr() { //int[]
int bytes = Integer.BYTES;
int arrLen = 6;
int[] key = new int[arrLen];
int iPer = 8 / bytes;
int nLongs = arrLen / iPer;
int shift = 64 / iPer;
for (int i = 0; i < trials; i++) { //trials
for (int j = 0; j < nLongs; j++) { //longs
long r = rand.nextLong();
for (int k = 0; k < iPer; k++) { //ints
int shft = k * shift;
key[k] = (int) (r >>> shft);
long[] res1 = hashV1(key, 0);
long[] res2 = hashV2(key, 0);
assertEquals(res2, res1);
public void compareCharArr() { //char[]
int bytes = Character.BYTES;
int arrLen = 12;
char[] key = new char[arrLen];
int iPer = 8 / bytes;
int nLongs = arrLen / iPer;
int shift = 64 / iPer;
for (int i = 0; i < trials; i++) { //trials
for (int j = 0; j < nLongs; j++) { //longs
long r = rand.nextLong();
for (int k = 0; k < iPer; k++) { //char
int shft = k * shift;
key[k] = (char) (r >>> shft);
long[] res1 = hashV1(key, 0);
long[] res2 = hashV2(key, 0);
assertEquals(res2, res1);
public void compareByteArr() { //byte[]
int bytes = Byte.BYTES;
int arrLen = 12;
byte[] key = new byte[arrLen];
int iPer = 8 / bytes;
int nLongs = arrLen / iPer;
int shift = 64 / iPer;
for (int i = 0; i < trials; i++) { //trials
for (int j = 0; j < nLongs; j++) { //longs
long r = rand.nextLong();
for (int k = 0; k < iPer; k++) { //bytes
int shft = k * shift;
key[k] = (byte) (r >>> shft);
long[] res1 = hashV1(key, 0);
long[] res2 = hashV2(key, 0);
assertEquals(res2, res1);
public void compareLongVsLongArr() {
int arrLen = 1;
long[] key = new long[arrLen];
long[] out = new long[2];
for (int i = 0; i < trials; i++) { //trials
long r = rand.nextLong();
key[0] = r;
long[] res1 = hashV1(key, 0);
long[] res2 = hashV2(r, 0, out);
assertEquals(res2, res1);
private static final long[] hashV1(long[] key, long seed) {
return MurmurHash3.hash(key, seed);
private static final long[] hashV1(int[] key, long seed) {
return MurmurHash3.hash(key, seed);
private static final long[] hashV1(char[] key, long seed) {
return MurmurHash3.hash(key, seed);
private static final long[] hashV1(byte[] key, long seed) {
return MurmurHash3.hash(key, seed);
private static final long[] hashV2(long[] key, long seed) {
return MurmurHash3v2.hash(key, seed);
private static final long[] hashV2(int[] key2, long seed) {
return MurmurHash3v2.hash(key2, seed);
private static final long[] hashV2(char[] key, long seed) {
return MurmurHash3v2.hash(key, seed);
private static final long[] hashV2(byte[] key, long seed) {
return MurmurHash3v2.hash(key, seed);
//V2 single primitives
private static final long[] hashV2(long key, long seed, long[] out) {
return MurmurHash3v2.hash(key, seed, out);
// private static final long[] hashV2(double key, long seed, long[] out) {
// return MurmurHash3v2.hash(key, seed, out);
// }
// private static final long[] hashV2(String key, long seed, long[] out) {
// return MurmurHash3v2.hash(key, seed, out);
// }
public void offsetChecks() {
long seed = 12345;
int blocks = 6;
int cap = blocks * 16;
long[] hash1 = new long[2];
long[] hash2;
WritableMemory wmem = WritableMemory.allocate(cap);
for (int i = 0; i < cap; i++) { wmem.putByte(i, (byte)(-128 + i)); }
for (int offset = 0; offset < 16; offset++) {
int arrLen = cap - offset;
hash1 = MurmurHash3v2.hash(wmem, offset, arrLen, seed, hash1);
byte[] byteArr2 = new byte[arrLen];
wmem.getByteArray(offset, byteArr2, 0, arrLen);
hash2 = MurmurHash3.hash(byteArr2, seed);
assertEquals(hash1, hash2);
public void byteArrChecks() {
long seed = 0;
int offset = 0;
int bytes = 1024;
long[] hash2 = new long[2];
for (int j = 1; j < bytes; j++) {
byte[] in = new byte[bytes];
WritableMemory wmem = WritableMemory.writableWrap(in);
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { wmem.putByte(i, (byte) (-128 + i)); }
long[] hash1 = MurmurHash3.hash(in, 0);
hash2 = MurmurHash3v2.hash(wmem, offset, bytes, seed, hash2);
long[] hash3 = MurmurHash3v2.hash(in, seed);
assertEquals(hash1, hash2);
assertEquals(hash1, hash3);
public void charArrChecks() {
long seed = 0;
int offset = 0;
int chars = 16;
int bytes = chars << 1;
long[] hash2 = new long[2];
for (int j = 1; j < chars; j++) {
char[] in = new char[chars];
WritableMemory wmem = WritableMemory.writableWrap(in);
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { wmem.putInt(i, i); }
long[] hash1 = MurmurHash3.hash(in, 0);
hash2 = MurmurHash3v2.hash(wmem, offset, bytes, seed, hash2);
long[] hash3 = MurmurHash3v2.hash(in, seed);
assertEquals(hash1, hash2);
assertEquals(hash1, hash3);
public void intArrChecks() {
long seed = 0;
int offset = 0;
int ints = 16;
int bytes = ints << 2;
long[] hash2 = new long[2];
for (int j = 1; j < ints; j++) {
int[] in = new int[ints];
WritableMemory wmem = WritableMemory.writableWrap(in);
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { wmem.putInt(i, i); }
long[] hash1 = MurmurHash3.hash(in, 0);
hash2 = MurmurHash3v2.hash(wmem, offset, bytes, seed, hash2);
long[] hash3 = MurmurHash3v2.hash(in, seed);
assertEquals(hash1, hash2);
assertEquals(hash1, hash3);
public void longArrChecks() {
long seed = 0;
int offset = 0;
int longs = 16;
int bytes = longs << 3;
long[] hash2 = new long[2];
for (int j = 1; j < longs; j++) {
long[] in = new long[longs];
WritableMemory wmem = WritableMemory.writableWrap(in);
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { wmem.putLong(i, i); }
long[] hash1 = MurmurHash3.hash(in, 0);
hash2 = MurmurHash3v2.hash(wmem, offset, bytes, seed, hash2);
long[] hash3 = MurmurHash3v2.hash(in, seed);
assertEquals(hash1, hash2);
assertEquals(hash1, hash3);
public void longCheck() {
long seed = 0;
int offset = 0;
int bytes = 8;
long[] hash2 = new long[2];
long[] in = { 1 };
WritableMemory wmem = WritableMemory.writableWrap(in);
long[] hash1 = MurmurHash3.hash(in, 0);
hash2 = MurmurHash3v2.hash(wmem, offset, bytes, seed, hash2);
long[] hash3 = MurmurHash3v2.hash(in, seed);
assertEquals(hash1, hash2);
assertEquals(hash1, hash3);
public void checkEmptiesNulls() {
long seed = 123;
long[] hashOut = new long[2];
try {
MurmurHash3v2.hash(Memory.wrap(new long[0]), 0, 0, seed, hashOut); //mem empty
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } //OK
try {
Memory mem = null;
MurmurHash3v2.hash(mem, 0, 0, seed, hashOut); //mem null
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } //OK
try {
String s = "";
MurmurHash3v2.hash(s, seed, hashOut); //string empty
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } //OK
try {
String s = null;
MurmurHash3v2.hash(s, seed, hashOut); //string null
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } //OK
try {
byte[] barr = new byte[0];
MurmurHash3v2.hash(barr, seed); //byte[] empty
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } //OK
try {
byte[] barr = null;
MurmurHash3v2.hash(barr, seed); //byte[] null
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } //OK
try {
char[] carr = new char[0];
MurmurHash3v2.hash(carr, seed); //char[] empty
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } //OK
try {
char[] carr = null;
MurmurHash3v2.hash(carr, seed); //char[] null
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } //OK
try {
int[] iarr = new int[0];
MurmurHash3v2.hash(iarr, seed); //int[] empty
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } //OK
try {
int[] iarr = null;
MurmurHash3v2.hash(iarr, seed); //int[] null
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } //OK
try {
long[] larr = new long[0];
MurmurHash3v2.hash(larr, seed); //long[] empty
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } //OK
try {
long[] larr = null;
MurmurHash3v2.hash(larr, seed); //long[] null
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } //OK
public void checkStringLong() {
long seed = 123;
long[] hashOut = new long[2];
String s = "123";
assertTrue(MurmurHash3v2.hash(s, seed, hashOut)[0] != 0);
long v = 123;
assertTrue(MurmurHash3v2.hash(v, seed, hashOut)[0] != 0);
public void doubleCheck() {
long[] hash1 = checkDouble(-0.0);
long[] hash2 = checkDouble(0.0);
assertEquals(hash1, hash2);
hash1 = checkDouble(Double.NaN);
long nan = (0x7FFL << 52) + 1L;
hash2 = checkDouble(Double.longBitsToDouble(nan));
assertEquals(hash1, hash2);
private static long[] checkDouble(double dbl) {
long seed = 0;
int offset = 0;
int bytes = 8;
long[] hash2 = new long[2];
final double d = (dbl == 0.0) ? 0.0 : dbl; // canonicalize -0.0, 0.0
final long data = Double.doubleToLongBits(d);// canonicalize all NaN forms
final long[] dataArr = { data };
WritableMemory wmem = WritableMemory.writableWrap(dataArr);
long[] hash1 = MurmurHash3.hash(dataArr, 0);
hash2 = MurmurHash3v2.hash(wmem, offset, bytes, seed, hash2);
long[] hash3 = MurmurHash3v2.hash(dbl, seed, hash2);
assertEquals(hash1, hash2);
assertEquals(hash1, hash3);
return hash1;