blob: 8d575ca5e598e2aff82ce2fdc9eb0b6c20208586 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches;
import static java.lang.Math.pow;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.bytesToInt;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.bytesToLong;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.bytesToString;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.ceilingPowerOf2;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.ceilingPowerOfBdouble;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.characterPad;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.checkIfMultipleOf8AndGT0;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.checkIfPowerOf2;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.checkProbability;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.evenlyLogSpaced;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.evenlySpaced;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.evenlySpacedFloats;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.floorPowerOf2;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.floorPowerOfBdouble;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.getResourceBytes;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.getResourceFile;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.intToBytes;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.isLessThanUnsigned;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.isMultipleOf8AndGT0;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.isPowerOf2;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.milliSecToString;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.nanoSecToString;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.numberOfLeadingOnes;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.numberOfTrailingOnes;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.pwr2LawNext;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.pwr2LawPrev;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.pwrLawNextDouble;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.simpleLog2OfLong;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.zeroPad;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* @author Lee Rhodes
public class UtilTest {
private static final String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator");
@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void checkPowerOf2() {
checkIfPowerOf2(31, "31");
public void numTrailingOnes() {
long mask = 1L;
for (int i = 0; i <= 64; i++) {
final long v = ~mask & -1L;
mask <<= 1;
final int numT1s = numberOfTrailingOnes(v);
final int numL1s = numberOfLeadingOnes(v);
assertEquals(Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(~v), numT1s);
assertEquals(Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(~v), numL1s);
//println(zeroPad(Long.toBinaryString(v),64) + ", " + numL1s + ", " + numT1s);
@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void checkBoundsTest() {
Util.checkBounds(999, 2, 1000);
public void checkIsPowerOf2() {
Assert.assertEquals(isPowerOf2(0), false);
Assert.assertEquals(isPowerOf2(1), true);
Assert.assertEquals(isPowerOf2(2), true);
Assert.assertEquals(isPowerOf2(4), true);
Assert.assertEquals(isPowerOf2(8), true);
Assert.assertEquals(isPowerOf2(1 << 30), true);
Assert.assertEquals(isPowerOf2(3), false);
Assert.assertEquals(isPowerOf2(5), false);
Assert.assertEquals(isPowerOf2( -1), false);
public void checkCheckIfPowerOf2() {
checkIfPowerOf2(8, "Test 8");
try {
checkIfPowerOf2(7, "Test 7");"Expected SketchesArgumentException");
catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
public void checkCeilingPowerOf2() {
Assert.assertEquals(ceilingPowerOf2(Integer.MAX_VALUE), 1 << 30);
Assert.assertEquals(ceilingPowerOf2(1 << 30), 1 << 30);
Assert.assertEquals(ceilingPowerOf2(64), 64);
Assert.assertEquals(ceilingPowerOf2(65), 128);
Assert.assertEquals(ceilingPowerOf2(0), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(ceilingPowerOf2( -1), 1);
public void checkCeilingPowerOf2double() {
Assert.assertEquals(ceilingPowerOfBdouble(2.0, Integer.MAX_VALUE), pow(2.0, 31));
Assert.assertEquals(ceilingPowerOfBdouble(2.0, 1 << 30), pow(2.0, 30));
Assert.assertEquals(ceilingPowerOfBdouble(2.0, 64.0), 64.0);
Assert.assertEquals(ceilingPowerOfBdouble(2.0, 65.0), 128.0);
Assert.assertEquals(ceilingPowerOfBdouble(2.0, 0.0), 1.0);
Assert.assertEquals(ceilingPowerOfBdouble(2.0, -1.0), 1.0);
public void checkFloorPowerOf2Int() {
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2( -1), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2(0), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2(1), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2(2), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2(3), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2(4), 4);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2((1 << 30) - 1), 1 << 29);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2(1 << 30), 1 << 30);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2((1 << 30) + 1), 1 << 30);
public void checkFloorPowerOf2Long() {
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2( -1L), 1L);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2(0L), 1L);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2(1L), 1L);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2(2L), 2L);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2(3L), 2L);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2(4L), 4L);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2((1L << 63) - 1L), 1L << 62);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2(1L << 62), 1L << 62);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOf2((1L << 62) + 1L), 1L << 62);
public void checkFloorPowerOf2double() {
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOfBdouble(2.0, -1.0), 1.0);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOfBdouble(2.0, 0.0), 1.0);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOfBdouble(2.0, 1.0), 1.0);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOfBdouble(2.0, 2.0), 2.0);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOfBdouble(2.0, 3.0), 2.0);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOfBdouble(2.0, 4.0), 4.0);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOfBdouble(2.0, (1 << 30) - 1.0), 1 << 29);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOfBdouble(2.0, 1 << 30), 1 << 30);
Assert.assertEquals(floorPowerOfBdouble(2.0, (1 << 30) + 1.0), 1L << 30);
@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void checkIfMultipleOf8AndGTzero() {
checkIfMultipleOf8AndGT0(8, "test");
checkIfMultipleOf8AndGT0(7, "test");
public void checkIsMultipleOf8AndGT0() {
@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void checkIfMultipleOf8AndGTzero2() {
checkIfMultipleOf8AndGT0(8, "test");
checkIfMultipleOf8AndGT0(-1, "test");
public void checkIsLessThanUnsigned() {
final long n1 = 1;
final long n2 = 3;
final long n3 = -3;
final long n4 = -1;
Assert.assertTrue(isLessThanUnsigned(n1, n2));
Assert.assertTrue(isLessThanUnsigned(n2, n3));
Assert.assertTrue(isLessThanUnsigned(n3, n4));
Assert.assertFalse(isLessThanUnsigned(n2, n1));
Assert.assertFalse(isLessThanUnsigned(n3, n2));
Assert.assertFalse(isLessThanUnsigned(n4, n3));
public void checkZeroPad() {
final long v = 123456789;
final String vHex = Long.toHexString(v);
final String out = zeroPad(vHex, 16);
println("Pad 16, prepend 0: " + out);
public void checkCharacterPad() {
final String s = "Pad 30, postpend z:";
final String out = characterPad(s, 30, 'z', true);
public void checkProbabilityFn1() {
checkProbability(.5, "Good");
@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void checkProbabilityFn2() {
checkProbability(-.5, "Too Low");
@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void checkProbabilityFn3() {
checkProbability(1.5, "Too High");
public void checkEvenlySpaced() {
double[] arr = evenlySpaced(0, 1, 3);
assertEquals(arr[0], 0.0);
assertEquals(arr[1], 0.5);
assertEquals(arr[2], 1.0);
arr = evenlySpaced(3, 7, 3);
assertEquals(arr[0], 3.0);
assertEquals(arr[1], 5.0);
assertEquals(arr[2], 7.0);
public void checkEvenlySpacedFloats() {
float[] arr = evenlySpacedFloats(0, 1, 3);
assertEquals(arr[0], 0.0f);
assertEquals(arr[1], 0.5f);
assertEquals(arr[2], 1.0f);
arr = evenlySpacedFloats(3, 7, 3);
assertEquals(arr[0], 3.0f);
assertEquals(arr[1], 5.0f);
assertEquals(arr[2], 7.0f);
public void checkEvenlyLogSpaced() {
final double[] arr = evenlyLogSpaced(1, 8, 4);
assertEquals(arr[0], 1.0);
assertEquals(arr[1], 2.0);
assertEquals(arr[2], 4.0);
assertEquals(arr[3], 8.0);
@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void checkEvenlySpacedExcep() {
evenlySpaced(1, 2, 1);
@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void checkEvenlyLogSpacedExcep1() {
evenlyLogSpaced(1, 2, 1);
@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void checkEvenlyLogSpacedExcep2() {
evenlyLogSpaced(-1, 2, 2);
public void checkBytesToInt() {
final byte[] arr = new byte[] {4, 3, 2, 1};
final int result = 4 + (3 << 8) + (2 << 16) + (1 << 24);
Assert.assertEquals(bytesToInt(arr), result);
final byte[] arr2 = intToBytes(result, new byte[4]);
Assert.assertEquals(arr, arr2);
public void checkBytesToLong() {
final byte[] arr = new byte[] {8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
final long result = 8L + (7L << 8) + (6L << 16) + (5L << 24)
+ (4L << 32) + (3L << 40) + (2L << 48) + (1L << 56);
Assert.assertEquals(bytesToLong(arr), result);
public void checkBytesToString() {
final long lng = 0XF8F7F6F504030201L;
byte[] bytes = new byte[8];
bytes = Util.longToBytes(lng, bytes);
final String sep = ".";
final String unsignLE = bytesToString(bytes, false, true, sep);
final String signedLE = bytesToString(bytes, true, true, sep);
final String unsignBE = bytesToString(bytes, false, false, sep);
final String signedBE = bytesToString(bytes, true, false, sep);
Assert.assertEquals(unsignLE, "");
Assert.assertEquals(signedLE, "");
Assert.assertEquals(unsignBE, "");
Assert.assertEquals(signedBE, "-8.-9.-10.-");
public void checkNsecToString() {
final long nS = 1000000000L + 1000000L + 1000L + 1L;
final String result = nanoSecToString(nS);
final String expected = "1.001_001_001";
Assert.assertEquals(result, expected);
public void checkMsecToString() {
final long nS = 60L * 60L * 1000L + 60L * 1000L + 1000L + 1L;
final String result = milliSecToString(nS);
final String expected = "1:01:01.001";
Assert.assertEquals(result, expected);
public void checkPwr2LawNext() {
int next = pwr2LawNext(2, 1);
Assert.assertEquals(next, 2);
next = pwr2LawNext(2, 0);
Assert.assertEquals(next, 1);
public void checkPwr2LawNextDouble() {
double next = pwrLawNextDouble(2, 1.0, true, 2.0);
Assert.assertEquals(next, 2.0, 0.0);
next = pwrLawNextDouble(2, 1.0, false, 2.0);
Assert.assertEquals(next, Math.sqrt(2), 0.0);
next = pwrLawNextDouble(2, 0.5, true, 2.0);
Assert.assertEquals(next, 2.0, 0.0);
next = pwrLawNextDouble(2, 0.5, false, 2.0);
Assert.assertEquals(next, Math.sqrt(2), 0.0);
next = pwrLawNextDouble(2, next, false, 2.0);
Assert.assertEquals(next, 2.0, 0.0);
public void checkPwr2LawExamples() {
final int maxP = 32;
final int minP = 1;
final int ppo = 4;
for (int p = minP; p <= maxP; p = pwr2LawNext(ppo, p)) {
print(p + " ");
for (int p = maxP; p >= minP; p = pwr2LawPrev(ppo, p)) {
print(p + " ");
public void checkSimpleLog2OfLong() {
Assert.assertEquals(simpleLog2OfLong(2), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(simpleLog2OfLong(1), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(simpleLog2OfLong(1L << 62), 62);
try {
} catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) { }
public void resourcefileExists() {
final String shortFileName = "";
final File file = getResourceFile(shortFileName);
@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void resourceFileNotFound() {
final String shortFileName = "";
getResourceFile(shortFileName + "123");
public void resourceBytesCorrect() {
final String shortFileName = "";
final byte[] bytes = getResourceBytes(shortFileName);
assertTrue(bytes.length == 8);
@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void resourceBytesFileNotFound() {
final String shortFileName = "";
getResourceBytes(shortFileName + "123");
public void printlnTest() {
println("PRINTING: " + this.getClass().getName());
static void println(final Object o) {
if (o == null) { print(LS); }
else { print(o.toString() + LS); }
* @param o value to print
static void print(final Object o) {
if (o != null) {
//System.out.print(o.toString()); //disable here