blob: 6fb9772fb5b7199336f7b4bc2a21e5e9821f4f2a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches.kll;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static org.apache.datasketches.kll.KllSketch.SketchStructure.UPDATABLE;
import static org.apache.datasketches.kll.KllSketch.SketchType.ITEMS_SKETCH;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.ArrayOfItemsSerDe;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.SketchesArgumentException;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.Util;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.MemoryRequestServer;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory;
import org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.GenericPartitionBoundaries;
import org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.ItemsSketchSortedView;
import org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.QuantileSearchCriteria;
import org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.QuantilesGenericAPI;
import org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.QuantilesGenericSketchIterator;
* This variation of the KllSketch implements generic data types. The user must provide
* a suitable implementation of the <i>java.lang.Comparator</i> as well as an implementation of
* the serializer / deserializer, <i>org.apache.datasketches.common.ArrayOfItemsSerDe</i>.
* @param <T> The sketch data type.
* @see org.apache.datasketches.kll.KllSketch
public abstract class KllItemsSketch<T> extends KllSketch implements QuantilesGenericAPI<T> {
private ItemsSketchSortedView<T> itemsSV = null;
final Comparator<? super T> comparator;
final ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T> serDe;
KllItemsSketch( //pass-through constructor
final SketchStructure skStructure,
final Comparator<? super T> comparator,
final ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T> serDe) {
super(ITEMS_SKETCH, skStructure);
Objects.requireNonNull(comparator, "Comparator must not be null.");
Objects.requireNonNull(serDe, "SerDe must not be null.");
this.comparator = comparator;
this.serDe = serDe;
//Factories for new heap instances.
* Create a new heap instance of this sketch with the default <em>k = 200</em>.
* The default <em>k</em> = 200 results in a normalized rank error of about
* 1.65%. Larger K will have smaller error but the sketch will be larger (and slower).
* @param comparator to compare items
* @param serDe Serializer / deserializer for an array of items, <i>T[]</i>.
* @param <T> The sketch data type.
* @return new KllItemsSketch on the Java heap.
public static <T> KllItemsSketch<T> newHeapInstance(
final Comparator<? super T> comparator,
final ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T> serDe) {
final KllItemsSketch<T> itmSk =
new KllHeapItemsSketch<>(DEFAULT_K, DEFAULT_M, comparator, serDe);
return itmSk;
* Create a new heap instance of this sketch with a given parameter <em>k</em>.
* <em>k</em> can be between DEFAULT_M and 65535, inclusive.
* The default <em>k</em> = 200 results in a normalized rank error of about
* 1.65%. Larger K will have smaller error but the sketch will be larger (and slower).
* @param k parameter that controls size of the sketch and accuracy of estimates.
* @param comparator to compare items
* @param serDe Serializer / deserializer for items of type <i>T</i> and <i>T[]</i>.
* @param <T> The sketch data type
* @return new KllItemsSketch on the heap.
public static <T> KllItemsSketch<T> newHeapInstance(
final int k,
final Comparator<? super T> comparator,
final ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T> serDe) {
return new KllHeapItemsSketch<>(k, DEFAULT_M, comparator, serDe);
// Factory to create an heap instance from a Memory image
* Factory heapify takes a compact sketch image in Memory and instantiates an on-heap sketch.
* The resulting sketch will not retain any link to the source Memory.
* @param srcMem a compact Memory image of a sketch serialized by this sketch and of the same type of T.
* @param comparator to compare items
* @param serDe Serializer / deserializer for items of type <i>T</i> and <i>T[]</i>.
* @param <T> The sketch data type
* @return a heap-based sketch based on the given Memory.
public static <T> KllItemsSketch<T> heapify(
final Memory srcMem,
final Comparator<? super T> comparator,
final ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T> serDe) {
return new KllHeapItemsSketch<>(srcMem, comparator, serDe);
//Factory to wrap a Read-Only Memory
* Constructs a thin wrapper on the heap around a Memory (or WritableMemory) already initialized with a
* validated sketch image of a type T consistent with the given comparator and serDe.
* A reference to the Memory is kept in the sketch and must remain in scope consistent
* with the temporal scope of this sketch. The amount of data kept on the heap is very small.
* All of the item data originally collected by the given Memory sketch object remains in the
* Memory object
* @param srcMem the Memory object that this sketch will wrap.
* @param comparator to compare items
* @param serDe Serializer / deserializer for items of type <i>T</i> and <i>T[]</i>.
* @param <T> The sketch data type
* @return a heap-base sketch that is a thin wrapper around the given srcMem.
public static <T> KllItemsSketch<T> wrap(
final Memory srcMem,
final Comparator<? super T> comparator,
final ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T> serDe) {
final KllMemoryValidate memVal = new KllMemoryValidate(srcMem, SketchType.ITEMS_SKETCH, serDe);
return new KllDirectCompactItemsSketch<>(memVal, comparator, serDe);
//END of Constructors
public double[] getCDF(final T[] splitPoints, final QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit) {
if (isEmpty()) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(EMPTY_MSG); }
return itemsSV.getCDF(splitPoints, searchCrit);
public Class<T> getClassOfT() { return serDe.getClassOfT(); }
public Comparator<? super T> getComparator() {
return comparator;
public GenericPartitionBoundaries<T> getPartitionBoundariesFromNumParts(
final int numEquallySizedParts,
final QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit) {
if (isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(EMPTY_MSG); }
return itemsSV.getPartitionBoundariesFromNumParts(numEquallySizedParts, searchCrit);
public GenericPartitionBoundaries<T> getPartitionBoundariesFromPartSize(
final long nominalPartSizeItems,
final QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit) {
if (isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(EMPTY_MSG); }
return itemsSV.getPartitionBoundariesFromPartSize(nominalPartSizeItems, searchCrit);
public double[] getPMF(final T[] splitPoints, final QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit) {
if (isEmpty()) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(EMPTY_MSG); }
return itemsSV.getPMF(splitPoints, searchCrit);
public T getQuantile(final double rank, final QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit) {
if (isEmpty()) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(EMPTY_MSG); }
return itemsSV.getQuantile(rank, searchCrit);
public T[] getQuantiles(final double[] ranks, final QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit) {
if (isEmpty()) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(EMPTY_MSG); }
final int len = ranks.length;
final T[] quantiles = (T[]) Array.newInstance(getMinItem().getClass(), len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
quantiles[i] = itemsSV.getQuantile(ranks[i], searchCrit);
return quantiles;
public T getQuantileLowerBound(final double rank) {
return getQuantile(max(0, rank - KllHelper.getNormalizedRankError(getMinK(), false)));
public T getQuantileUpperBound(final double rank) {
return getQuantile(min(1.0, rank + KllHelper.getNormalizedRankError(getMinK(), false)));
public double getRank(final T quantile, final QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit) {
if (isEmpty()) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(EMPTY_MSG); }
return itemsSV.getRank(quantile, searchCrit);
* {@inheritDoc}
* The approximate probability that the true rank is within the confidence interval
* specified by the upper and lower rank bounds for this sketch is 0.99.
public double getRankLowerBound(final double rank) {
return max(0.0, rank - KllHelper.getNormalizedRankError(getMinK(), false));
* {@inheritDoc}
* The approximate probability that the true rank is within the confidence interval
* specified by the upper and lower rank bounds for this sketch is 0.99.
public double getRankUpperBound(final double rank) {
return min(1.0, rank + KllHelper.getNormalizedRankError(getMinK(), false));
public double[] getRanks(final T[] quantiles, final QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit) {
if (isEmpty()) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(EMPTY_MSG); }
final int len = quantiles.length;
final double[] ranks = new double[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ranks[i] = itemsSV.getRank(quantiles[i], searchCrit);
return ranks;
public final ItemsSketchSortedView<T> getSortedView() {
if (isEmpty()) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(EMPTY_MSG); }
return refreshSortedView();
public QuantilesGenericSketchIterator<T> iterator() {
return new KllItemsSketchIterator<>(
getTotalItemsArray(), getLevelsArray(SketchStructure.UPDATABLE), getNumLevels());
public final void merge(final KllSketch other) {
if (readOnly || sketchStructure != UPDATABLE) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(TGT_IS_READ_ONLY_MSG); }
if (this == other) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(SELF_MERGE_MSG); }
final KllItemsSketch<T> othItmSk = (KllItemsSketch<T>)other;
if (othItmSk.isEmpty()) { return; }
KllItemsHelper.mergeItemImpl(this, othItmSk, comparator);
itemsSV = null;
public void reset() {
if (readOnly) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(TGT_IS_READ_ONLY_MSG); }
final int k = getK();
setLevelsArray(new int[] {k, k});
setItemsArray(new Object[k]);
itemsSV = null;
* Export the current sketch as a compact byte array.
* @return the current sketch as a compact byte array.
public byte[] toByteArray() {
return KllHelper.toByteArray(this, false);
public String toString(final boolean withLevels, final boolean withLevelsAndItems) {
KllSketch sketch = this;
if (hasMemory()) {
final Memory mem = getWritableMemory();
assert mem != null;
sketch = KllItemsSketch.heapify((Memory)getWritableMemory(), comparator, serDe);
return KllHelper.toStringImpl(sketch, withLevels, withLevelsAndItems, getSerDe());
public void update(final T item) {
if (item == null) { return; } //ignore
if (readOnly) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(TGT_IS_READ_ONLY_MSG); }
KllItemsHelper.updateItem(this, item);
itemsSV = null;
* Weighted update. Updates this sketch with the given item the number of times specified by the given integer weight.
* @param item the item to be repeated. NaNs are ignored.
* @param weight the number of times the update of item is to be repeated. It must be &ge; one.
public void update(final T item, final long weight) {
if (item == null) { return; } //ignore
if (readOnly) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(TGT_IS_READ_ONLY_MSG); }
if (weight < 1L) { throw new SketchesArgumentException("Weight is less than one."); }
if (weight == 1L) { KllItemsHelper.updateItem(this, item); }
else { KllItemsHelper.updateItem(this, item, weight); }
itemsSV = null;
MemoryRequestServer getMemoryRequestServer() {
//this is not used and must return a null
return null;
abstract byte[] getMinMaxByteArr();
abstract int getMinMaxSizeBytes();
abstract T[] getRetainedItemsArray();
abstract byte[] getRetainedItemsByteArr();
abstract int getRetainedItemsSizeBytes();
//abstract Object[] getRetainedItemsArray();
ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T> getSerDe() { return serDe; }
abstract T getSingleItem();
abstract byte[] getSingleItemByteArr();
abstract int getSingleItemSizeBytes();
* @return a full array of items as if the sketch was in COMPACT_FULL or UPDATABLE format.
* This will include zeros and possibly some free space.
abstract T[] getTotalItemsArray();
byte[] getTotalItemsByteArr() {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(UNSUPPORTED_MSG);
int getTotalItemsNumBytes() {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(UNSUPPORTED_MSG);
void incNumLevels() {
//this is not used and must be a no-op.
abstract void setItemsArray(Object[] ItemsArr);
abstract void setItemsArrayAt(int index, Object item);
abstract void setMaxItem(Object item);
abstract void setMinItem(Object item);
void setNumLevels(final int numLevels) {
// this is not used and must be a no-op.
void setWritableMemory(final WritableMemory wmem) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(UNSUPPORTED_MSG + "Sketch not writable.");
void updateMinMax(final T item) {
if (isEmpty()) {
} else {
setMinItem(Util.minT(getMinItem(), item, comparator));
setMaxItem(Util.maxT(getMaxItem(), item, comparator));
private final ItemsSketchSortedView<T> refreshSortedView() {
if (itemsSV == null) {
final CreateSortedView csv = new CreateSortedView();
itemsSV = csv.getSV();
return itemsSV;
private final class CreateSortedView {
T[] quantiles;
long[] cumWeights; //The new cumWeights array
ItemsSketchSortedView<T> getSV() {
if (isEmpty() || getN() == 0) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(EMPTY_MSG); }
final T[] srcQuantiles = getTotalItemsArray();
final int[] srcLevelsArr = levelsArr;
final int srcNumLevels = getNumLevels();
if (!isLevelZeroSorted()) {
Arrays.sort(srcQuantiles, srcLevelsArr[0], srcLevelsArr[1], comparator);
if (!hasMemory()) { setLevelZeroSorted(true); }
final int numQuantiles = getNumRetained();
quantiles = (T[]) Array.newInstance(serDe.getClassOfT(), numQuantiles);
cumWeights = new long[numQuantiles];
populateFromSketch(srcQuantiles, srcLevelsArr, srcNumLevels, numQuantiles);
final QuantilesGenericAPI<T> sk = KllItemsSketch.this;
return new ItemsSketchSortedView(quantiles, cumWeights, sk);
private void populateFromSketch(final Object[] srcQuantiles, final int[] srcLevelsArr,
final int srcNumLevels, final int numItems) {
//Remove free space from both itemsArray and levels array
final int[] myLevelsArr = new int[srcLevelsArr.length];
final int offset = srcLevelsArr[0];
System.arraycopy(srcQuantiles, offset, quantiles, 0, numItems); //remove free space from quantiles arr
//fill the new cumWeights array with the correct weights and adjust the levels array to match.
int srcLevel = 0;
int dstLevel = 0;
long weight = 1;
while (srcLevel < srcNumLevels) {
final int fromIndex = srcLevelsArr[srcLevel] - offset;
final int toIndex = srcLevelsArr[srcLevel + 1] - offset; // exclusive
if (fromIndex < toIndex) { // if equal, skip empty level
Arrays.fill(cumWeights, fromIndex, toIndex, weight);
myLevelsArr[dstLevel] = fromIndex;
myLevelsArr[dstLevel + 1] = toIndex;
weight *= 2;
final int numLevels = dstLevel;
blockyTandemMergeSort(quantiles, cumWeights, myLevelsArr, numLevels, comparator); //create unit weights
} //End of class CreateSortedView
private static <T> void blockyTandemMergeSort(final Object[] quantiles, final long[] weights,
final int[] levels, final int numLevels, final Comparator<? super T> comp) {
if (numLevels == 1) { return; }
// duplicate the input in preparation for the "ping-pong" copy reduction strategy.
final Object[] quantilesTmp = Arrays.copyOf(quantiles, quantiles.length);
final long[] weightsTmp = Arrays.copyOf(weights, quantiles.length); // don't need the extra one here
blockyTandemMergeSortRecursion(quantilesTmp, weightsTmp, quantiles, weights, levels, 0, numLevels, comp);
private static <T> void blockyTandemMergeSortRecursion(
final Object[] quantilesSrc, final long[] weightsSrc,
final Object[] quantilesDst, final long[] weightsDst,
final int[] levels, final int startingLevel, final int numLevels, final Comparator<? super T> comp) {
if (numLevels == 1) { return; }
final int numLevels1 = numLevels / 2;
final int numLevels2 = numLevels - numLevels1;
assert numLevels1 >= 1;
assert numLevels2 >= numLevels1;
final int startingLevel1 = startingLevel;
final int startingLevel2 = startingLevel + numLevels1;
// swap roles of src and dst
quantilesDst, weightsDst,
quantilesSrc, weightsSrc,
levels, startingLevel1, numLevels1, comp);
quantilesDst, weightsDst,
quantilesSrc, weightsSrc,
levels, startingLevel2, numLevels2, comp);
quantilesSrc, weightsSrc,
quantilesDst, weightsDst,
startingLevel1, numLevels1,
startingLevel2, numLevels2, comp);
private static <T> void tandemMerge(
final Object[] quantilesSrc, final long[] weightsSrc,
final Object[] quantilesDst, final long[] weightsDst,
final int[] levelStarts,
final int startingLevel1, final int numLevels1,
final int startingLevel2, final int numLevels2, final Comparator<? super T> comp) {
final int fromIndex1 = levelStarts[startingLevel1];
final int toIndex1 = levelStarts[startingLevel1 + numLevels1]; // exclusive
final int fromIndex2 = levelStarts[startingLevel2];
final int toIndex2 = levelStarts[startingLevel2 + numLevels2]; // exclusive
int iSrc1 = fromIndex1;
int iSrc2 = fromIndex2;
int iDst = fromIndex1;
while (iSrc1 < toIndex1 && iSrc2 < toIndex2) {
if ( quantilesSrc[iSrc1], (T) quantilesSrc[iSrc2], comp)) {
quantilesDst[iDst] = quantilesSrc[iSrc1];
weightsDst[iDst] = weightsSrc[iSrc1];
} else {
quantilesDst[iDst] = quantilesSrc[iSrc2];
weightsDst[iDst] = weightsSrc[iSrc2];
if (iSrc1 < toIndex1) {
System.arraycopy(quantilesSrc, iSrc1, quantilesDst, iDst, toIndex1 - iSrc1);
System.arraycopy(weightsSrc, iSrc1, weightsDst, iDst, toIndex1 - iSrc1);
} else if (iSrc2 < toIndex2) {
System.arraycopy(quantilesSrc, iSrc2, quantilesDst, iDst, toIndex2 - iSrc2);
System.arraycopy(weightsSrc, iSrc2, weightsDst, iDst, toIndex2 - iSrc2);