blob: 7e3b071a041b1c43abbf55e59bffa7f3ac42c55c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon;
import static org.apache.datasketches.common.Util.longToFixedLengthString;
import static org.apache.datasketches.common.Util.LS;
import static org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.LinearRanksAndQuantiles.getTrueDoubleQuantile;
import static org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.LinearRanksAndQuantiles.getTrueDoubleRank;
import static org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.LinearRanksAndQuantiles.getTrueFloatQuantile;
import static org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.LinearRanksAndQuantiles.getTrueFloatRank;
import static org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.LinearRanksAndQuantiles.getTrueItemQuantile;
import static org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.LinearRanksAndQuantiles.getTrueItemRank;
import static org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.QuantileSearchCriteria.EXCLUSIVE;
import static org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.QuantileSearchCriteria.INCLUSIVE;
import static org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.ReflectUtilityTest.DOUBLES_SV_CTOR;
import static org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.ReflectUtilityTest.KLL_FLOATS_SV_CTOR;
import static org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.ReflectUtilityTest.REQ_SV_CTOR;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.ArrayOfStringsSerDe;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.SketchesArgumentException;
import org.apache.datasketches.kll.KllDoublesSketch;
import org.apache.datasketches.kll.KllFloatsSketch;
import org.apache.datasketches.kll.KllItemsSketch;
import org.apache.datasketches.kll.KllSketch;
import org.apache.datasketches.quantiles.DoublesSketch;
import org.apache.datasketches.quantiles.ItemsSketch;
import org.apache.datasketches.quantiles.UpdateDoublesSketch;
import org.apache.datasketches.req.ReqSketch;
import org.apache.datasketches.req.ReqSketchSortedView;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* This test suite runs a common set of tests against all of the quantiles-type sketches in the library.
* Although the unit tests for each of the sketches is quite extensive, the purpose of this test is to make
* sure that key corner cases are in fact handled the same way by all of the sketches.
* <p>These tests are not about estimation accuracy, per se, as each of the different quantile sketches have very
* different algorithms for selecting the data to be retained in the sketch and thus will have very different error
* properties. These tests are primarily interested in making sure that the internal search and comparison algorithms
* used within the sketches are producing the correct results for exact queries based on a chosen search
* criteria. The search criteria are selected from the enum {@link QuantileSearchCriteria}. The corner cases of
* interest here are to make sure that each of the search criteria behave correctly for the following.</p>
* <ul>
* <li>A sketch with a single value.</li>
* <li>A sketch with two identical values<li>
* <li>A sketch with multiple duplicates and where the duplicates have weights greater than one.
* Note that the case with weights greater than one is only tested via the Sorted Views. The data loaded into the
* sketches will all have weights of one.</li>
* </ul>
* @author Lee Rhodes
public class CrossCheckQuantilesTest {
private ArrayOfStringsSerDe serDe = new ArrayOfStringsSerDe();
private final Comparator<String> comparator = Comparator.naturalOrder();
private final static int k = 32; //all sketches are in exact mode
//These test sets are specifically designed for the corner cases mentioned in the class javadoc.
// Please don't mess with them unless you know what you are doing.
//These sets must start with 10 and be multiples of 10.
final float[][] svFValues =
{10}, //set 0
{10,10}, //set 1
{10,20,30,40}, //set 2
{10,20,20,30,30,30,40,50}, //set 3
{10,10,20,20,30,30,40,40} //set 4
final double[][] svDValues =
final String[][] svIValues =
//these are value weights and will be converted to cumulative.
final long[][] svWeights =
final float[] svMaxFValues = { 10, 10, 40, 50, 40 };
final float[] svMinFValues = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
final double[] svMaxDValues = { 10, 10, 40, 50, 40 };
final double[] svMinDValues = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
final String[] svMaxIValues = { "10", "10", "40", "50", "40" };
final String[] svMinIValues = { "10", "10", "10", "10", "10" };
int numSets;
long[][] svCumWeights;
long[] totalN;
float[][] skFStreamValues;
double[][] skDStreamValues;
String[][] skIStreamValues;
ReqSketch reqFloatsSk = null;
KllFloatsSketch kllFloatsSk = null;
KllDoublesSketch kllDoublesSk = null;
UpdateDoublesSketch classicDoublesSk = null;
KllItemsSketch<String> kllItemsSk = null;
ItemsSketch<String> itemsSk = null;
ReqSketchSortedView reqFloatsSV = null;
FloatsSketchSortedView kllFloatsSV = null;
DoublesSketchSortedView kllDoublesSV = null;
DoublesSketchSortedView classicDoublesSV = null;
ItemsSketchSortedView<String> kllItemsSV = null;
ItemsSketchSortedView<String> classicItemsSV = null;
public CrossCheckQuantilesTest() {}
public void runTests() throws Exception {
for (int set = 0; set < numSets; set++) {
println("TEST getRank, Set " + set + ", all Criteria, across all sketches and their Sorted Views:");
checkGetRank(set, INCLUSIVE);
checkGetRank(set, EXCLUSIVE);
println("TEST getQuantile, Set " + set + ", all Criteria, across all sketches and their Sorted Views:");
checkGetQuantile(set, INCLUSIVE);
checkGetQuantile(set, EXCLUSIVE);
private void checkGetRank(int set, QuantileSearchCriteria crit) {
double trueRank;
double testRank;
println(LS + "FLOATS getRank Test SV vs Sk");
float maxFloatvalue = getMaxFloatValue(set);
for (float v = 5f; v <= maxFloatvalue + 5f; v += 5f) {
trueRank = getTrueFloatRank(svCumWeights[set], svFValues[set],v, crit);
testRank = reqFloatsSV.getRank(v, crit);
assertEquals(testRank, trueRank);
testRank = reqFloatsSk.getRank(v, crit);
assertEquals(testRank, trueRank);
testRank = kllFloatsSV.getRank(v, crit);
assertEquals(testRank, trueRank);
testRank = kllFloatsSk.getRank(v, crit);
assertEquals(testRank, trueRank);
println("Floats set: " + set + ", value: " + v + ", rank: " + trueRank + ", crit: " + crit.toString());
println(LS + "DOUBLES getRank Test SV vs Sk");
double maxDoubleValue = getMaxDoubleValue(set);
for (double v = 5; v <= maxDoubleValue + 5; v += 5) {
trueRank = getTrueDoubleRank(svCumWeights[set], svDValues[set],v, crit);
testRank = kllDoublesSV.getRank(v, crit);
assertEquals(testRank, trueRank);
testRank = kllDoublesSk.getRank(v, crit);
assertEquals(testRank, trueRank);
testRank = classicDoublesSV.getRank(v, crit);
assertEquals(testRank, trueRank);
testRank = classicDoublesSk.getRank(v, crit);
assertEquals(testRank, trueRank);
println("Doubles set: " + set + ", value: " + v + ", rank: " + trueRank + ", crit: " + crit.toString());
println(LS + "ITEMS getRank Test SV vs Sk");
int maxItemValue;
try { maxItemValue = Integer.parseInt(getMaxItemValue(set)); }
catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SketchesArgumentException(e.toString()); }
for (int v = 5; v <= maxItemValue + 5; v += 5) {
String s = longToFixedLengthString(v, 2);
trueRank = getTrueItemRank(svCumWeights[set], svIValues[set], s, crit, comparator);
testRank = kllItemsSV.getRank(s, crit);
assertEquals(testRank, trueRank);
testRank = kllItemsSk.getRank(s, crit);
assertEquals(testRank, trueRank);
testRank = classicItemsSV.getRank(s, crit);
assertEquals(testRank, trueRank);
testRank = itemsSk.getRank(s, crit);
assertEquals(testRank, trueRank);
println("Items set: " + set + ", value: " + s + ", rank: " + trueRank + ", crit: " + crit.toString());
private void checkGetQuantile(int set, QuantileSearchCriteria crit) {
int twoN = (int)totalN[set] * 2;
double dTwoN = twoN;
float trueFQ;
float testFQ;
println(LS + "FLOATS getQuantile Test SV vs Sk");
for (int i = 0; i <= twoN; i++) {
double normRank = i / dTwoN;
trueFQ = getTrueFloatQuantile(svCumWeights[set], svFValues[set], normRank, crit);
testFQ = reqFloatsSV.getQuantile(normRank, crit);
assertEquals(testFQ, trueFQ);
testFQ = reqFloatsSk.getQuantile(normRank, crit);
assertEquals(testFQ, trueFQ);
testFQ = kllFloatsSV.getQuantile(normRank, crit);
assertEquals(testFQ, trueFQ);
testFQ = kllFloatsSk.getQuantile(normRank, crit);
assertEquals(testFQ, trueFQ);
println("Floats set: " + set + ", rank: " + normRank + ", Q: " + trueFQ + ", crit: " + crit.toString());
println(LS + "DOUBLES getQuantile Test SV vs Sk");
double trueDQ;
double testDQ;
for (int i = 0; i <= twoN; i++) {
double normRank = i / dTwoN;
trueDQ = getTrueDoubleQuantile(svCumWeights[set], svDValues[set], normRank, crit);
testDQ = kllDoublesSV.getQuantile(normRank, crit);
assertEquals(testDQ, trueDQ);
testDQ = kllDoublesSk.getQuantile(normRank, crit);
assertEquals(testDQ, trueDQ);
testDQ = classicDoublesSV.getQuantile(normRank, crit);
assertEquals(testDQ, trueDQ);
testDQ = classicDoublesSk.getQuantile(normRank, crit);
assertEquals(testDQ, trueDQ);
println("Doubles set: " + set + ", rank: " + normRank + ", Q: " + trueDQ + ", crit: " + crit.toString());
println(LS + "ITEMS getQuantile Test SV vs Sk");
String trueIQ;
String testIQ;
for (int i = 0; i <= twoN; i++) {
double normRank = i / dTwoN;
trueIQ = getTrueItemQuantile(svCumWeights[set], svIValues[set], normRank, crit);
testIQ = kllItemsSV.getQuantile(normRank, crit);
assertEquals(testIQ, trueIQ);
testIQ = kllItemsSk.getQuantile(normRank, crit);
assertEquals(testIQ, trueIQ);
testIQ = classicItemsSV.getQuantile(normRank, crit);
assertEquals(testIQ, trueIQ);
testIQ = itemsSk.getQuantile(normRank, crit);
assertEquals(testIQ, trueIQ);
println("Items set: " + set + ", rank: " + normRank + ", Q: " + trueIQ + ", crit: " + crit.toString());
private double getMaxDoubleValue(int set) {
int streamLen = skDStreamValues[set].length;
return skDStreamValues[set][streamLen -1];
private float getMaxFloatValue(int set) {
int streamLen = skFStreamValues[set].length;
return skFStreamValues[set][streamLen -1];
private String getMaxItemValue(int set) {
int streamLen = skIStreamValues[set].length;
return skIStreamValues[set][streamLen -1];
/*******BUILD & LOAD SKETCHES***********/
private void buildSketches(int set) {
reqFloatsSk = ReqSketch.builder().setK(k).build();
kllFloatsSk = KllFloatsSketch.newHeapInstance(k);
kllDoublesSk = KllDoublesSketch.newHeapInstance(k);
classicDoublesSk = DoublesSketch.builder().setK(k).build();
kllItemsSk = KllItemsSketch.newHeapInstance(k, Comparator.naturalOrder(), serDe);
itemsSk = ItemsSketch.getInstance(String.class, k, Comparator.naturalOrder());
int count = skFStreamValues[set].length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
/*******BUILD & LOAD SVs***********/
private void buildSVs(int set) throws Exception {
reqFloatsSV = getRawReqSV(svFValues[set], svCumWeights[set], totalN[set],
svMaxFValues[set], svMinFValues[set]);
kllFloatsSV = getRawKllFloatsSV(svFValues[set], svCumWeights[set], totalN[set],
svMaxFValues[set], svMinFValues[set]);
kllDoublesSV = getRawDoublesSV(svDValues[set], svCumWeights[set], totalN[set],
svMaxDValues[set], svMinDValues[set]);
classicDoublesSV = getRawDoublesSV(svDValues[set], svCumWeights[set], totalN[set],
svMaxDValues[set], svMinDValues[set]);
String svImax = svIValues[set][svIValues[set].length - 1];
String svImin = svIValues[set][0];
double normRankErr = KllSketch.getNormalizedRankError(k, true);
kllItemsSV = new ItemsSketchSortedView<>(svIValues[set], svCumWeights[set], totalN[set],
comparator, svImax, svImin, normRankErr);
normRankErr = ItemsSketch.getNormalizedRankError(k, true);
classicItemsSV = new ItemsSketchSortedView<>(svIValues[set], svCumWeights[set], totalN[set],
comparator, svImax, svImin, normRankErr);
private final static ReqSketchSortedView getRawReqSV(
final float[] values, final long[] cumWeights, final long totalN, final float maxItem, final float minItem)
throws Exception {
return (ReqSketchSortedView) REQ_SV_CTOR.newInstance(values, cumWeights, totalN, maxItem, minItem);
private final static FloatsSketchSortedView getRawKllFloatsSV(
final float[] values, final long[] cumWeights, final long totalN, final float maxItem, final float minItem)
throws Exception {
return (FloatsSketchSortedView) KLL_FLOATS_SV_CTOR.newInstance(values, cumWeights, totalN, maxItem, minItem);
private final static DoublesSketchSortedView getRawDoublesSV(
final double[] values, final long[] cumWeights, final long totalN, final double maxItem, final double minItem)
throws Exception {
return (DoublesSketchSortedView) DOUBLES_SV_CTOR.newInstance(values, cumWeights, totalN, maxItem, minItem);
/********BUILD DATA SETS**********/
private void buildDataSets() {
numSets = svWeights.length;
svCumWeights = new long[numSets][];
totalN = new long[numSets];
skFStreamValues = new float[numSets][];
skDStreamValues = new double[numSets][];
skIStreamValues = new String[numSets][];
for (int i = 0; i < numSets; i++) {
svCumWeights[i] = convertToCumWeights(svWeights[i]);
int len = svCumWeights[i].length;
int totalCount = (int)svCumWeights[i][len -1];
totalN[i] = totalCount;
skFStreamValues[i] = convertToFloatStream(svFValues[i], svWeights[i], totalCount);
skDStreamValues[i] = convertToDoubleStream(svDValues[i], svWeights[i], totalCount);
skIStreamValues[i] = convertToItemStream(svIValues[i], svWeights[i], totalCount);
private static float[] convertToFloatStream(
final float[] svFValueArr,
final long[] svWeightsArr,
final int totalCount) {
float[] out = new float[totalCount];
int len = svWeightsArr.length;
int i = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
float f = svFValueArr[j];
int wt = (int)svWeightsArr[j];
for (int w = 0; w < wt; w++) {
out[i++] = f;
return out;
private static double[] convertToDoubleStream(
final double[] svDValueArr,
final long[] svWeightsArr,
final int totalCount) {
double[] out = new double[totalCount];
int len = svWeightsArr.length;
int i = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
double d = svDValueArr[j];
int wt = (int)svWeightsArr[j];
for (int w = 0; w < wt; w++) {
out[i++] = d;
return out;
private static String[] convertToItemStream(
final String[] svIValueArr,
final long[] svWeightsArr,
final int totalCount) {
String[] out = new String[totalCount];
int len = svWeightsArr.length;
int i = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
String s = svIValueArr[j];
int wt = (int)svWeightsArr[j];
for (int w = 0; w < wt; w++) {
out[i++] = s;
return out;
private static long[] convertToCumWeights(final long[] weights) {
final int len = weights.length;
final long[] out = new long[len];
out[0] = weights[0];
for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
out[i] = weights[i] + out[i - 1];
return out;
private final static boolean enablePrinting = false;
* @param o the Object to println
private static final void println(final Object o) {
if (enablePrinting) { System.out.println(o.toString()); }