blob: be7b4f43c554f67654dae75b4e7e5c55484e5b6a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.datasketches.hll;
import static org.apache.datasketches.hll.HllUtil.LG_AUX_ARR_INTS;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.DefaultMemoryRequestServer;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableHandle;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory;
import org.apache.datasketches.SketchesStateException;
* @author Lee Rhodes
public class DirectAuxHashMapTest {
public void checkGrow() {
int lgConfigK = 4;
TgtHllType tgtHllType = TgtHllType.HLL_4;
int n = 8; //put lgConfigK == 4 into HLL mode
int bytes = HllSketch.getMaxUpdatableSerializationBytes(lgConfigK, tgtHllType);
HllSketch hllSketch;
try (WritableHandle handle = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(bytes,
ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), new DefaultMemoryRequestServer())) {
WritableMemory wmem = handle.getWritable();
hllSketch = new HllSketch(lgConfigK, tgtHllType, wmem);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
hllSketch.couponUpdate(HllUtil.pair(7, 15)); //mock extreme values
hllSketch.couponUpdate(HllUtil.pair(8, 15));
hllSketch.couponUpdate(HllUtil.pair(9, 15));
//println(hllSketch.toString(true, true, true, true));
DirectHllArray dha = (DirectHllArray) hllSketch.hllSketchImpl;
assertEquals(dha.getAuxHashMap().getLgAuxArrInts(), 2);
//Check heapify
byte[] byteArray = hllSketch.toCompactByteArray();
HllSketch hllSketch2 = HllSketch.heapify(byteArray);
HllArray ha = (HllArray) hllSketch2.hllSketchImpl;
assertEquals(ha.getAuxHashMap().getLgAuxArrInts(), 2);
assertEquals(ha.getAuxHashMap().getAuxCount(), 3);
//Check wrap
byteArray = hllSketch.toUpdatableByteArray();
WritableMemory wmem2 = WritableMemory.writableWrap(byteArray);
hllSketch2 = HllSketch.writableWrap(wmem2);
//println(hllSketch2.toString(true, true, true, true));
DirectHllArray dha2 = (DirectHllArray) hllSketch2.hllSketchImpl;
assertEquals(dha2.getAuxHashMap().getLgAuxArrInts(), 2);
assertEquals(dha2.getAuxHashMap().getAuxCount(), 3);
//Check grow to on-heap
hllSketch.couponUpdate(HllUtil.pair(10, 15)); //puts it over the edge, must grow
//println(hllSketch.toString(true, true, true, true));
dha = (DirectHllArray) hllSketch.hllSketchImpl;
assertEquals(dha.getAuxHashMap().getLgAuxArrInts(), 3);
assertEquals(dha.getAuxHashMap().getAuxCount(), 4);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void checkDiffToByteArr() {
int lgK = 12; //this combination should create an Aux with ~18 exceptions
int lgU = 19;
TgtHllType type = TgtHllType.HLL_4;
int bytes = HllSketch.getMaxUpdatableSerializationBytes(lgK, type);
byte[] memByteArr = new byte[bytes];
WritableMemory wmem = WritableMemory.writableWrap(memByteArr);
HllSketch heapSk = new HllSketch(lgK, type);
HllSketch dirSk = new HllSketch(lgK, type, wmem);
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << lgU); i++) {
dirSk.update(i); //problem starts here.
AbstractHllArray heapHllArr = (AbstractHllArray) heapSk.hllSketchImpl;
AbstractHllArray dirHllArr = (AbstractHllArray) dirSk.hllSketchImpl;
assert dirHllArr instanceof DirectHllArray;
AuxHashMap heapAux = heapHllArr.getAuxHashMap();
assert heapAux instanceof HeapAuxHashMap;
AuxHashMap dirAux = dirHllArr.getAuxHashMap();
assert dirAux instanceof DirectAuxHashMap; //TOOD FAILS!
println("HeapAuxCount: " + heapAux.getAuxCount());
println("DirAuxCount: " + dirAux.getAuxCount());
int heapCurMin = heapHllArr.getCurMin();
int dirCurMin = dirHllArr.getCurMin();
println("HeapCurMin: " + heapCurMin);
println("DirCurMin: " + dirCurMin);
PairIterator auxItr;
auxItr = heapHllArr.getAuxIterator();
println("\nHeap Pairs");
while (auxItr.nextValid()) {
println("" + auxItr.getPair());
auxItr = dirHllArr.getAuxIterator();
println("\nDirect Pairs");
while (auxItr.nextValid()) {
println(""+ auxItr.getPair());
PairIterator hllItr;
hllItr = heapSk.iterator();
println("Heap HLL arr");
while (hllItr.nextValid()) {
if ((hllItr.getValue() - heapCurMin) > 14) {
println(hllItr.getString() + ", " + hllItr.getPair());
hllItr = dirSk.iterator();
println("Direct HLL arr");
while (hllItr.nextValid()) {
if ((hllItr.getValue() - dirCurMin) > 14) {
println(hllItr.getString() + ", " + hllItr.getPair());
byte[] heapImg = heapSk.toUpdatableByteArray();
Memory heapImgMem = Memory.wrap(heapImg);
byte[] dirImg = dirSk.toUpdatableByteArray();
Memory dirImgMem = Memory.wrap(dirImg);
println("heapLen: " + heapImg.length + ", dirLen: " + dirImg.length
+ ", memObjLen: "+memByteArr.length);
int auxStart = 40 + (1 << (lgK -1));
println("AuxStart: " + auxStart);
println(String.format("%14s%14s%14s", "dir wmem", "heap to b[]", "direct to b[]"));
for (int i = auxStart; i < heapImg.length; i += 4) {
wmem.getInt(i), heapImgMem.getInt(i), dirImgMem.getInt(i)));
assert memByteArr[i] == heapImg[i];
assert heapImg[i] == dirImg[i] : "i: " + i;
assertEquals(heapImg, dirImg);
public void exerciseHeapAndDirectAux() {
initSketchAndMap(true, true); //direct, compact
initSketchAndMap(false, true); //heap, compact
initSketchAndMap(true, false); //direct, updatable
initSketchAndMap(false, false); //heap, updatable
static void initSketchAndMap(boolean direct, boolean compact) {
int lgK = 15; //this combination should create an Aux with ~18 exceptions
int lgU = 20;
println("HLL_4, lgK: " + lgK + ", lgU: " + lgU);
HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
//create sketch
HllSketch sketch;
if (direct) {
int bytes = HllSketch.getMaxUpdatableSerializationBytes(lgK, TgtHllType.HLL_4);
WritableMemory wmem = WritableMemory.allocate(bytes);
sketch = new HllSketch(lgK, TgtHllType.HLL_4, wmem);
} else {
sketch = new HllSketch(lgK, TgtHllType.HLL_4);
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << lgU); i++) { sketch.update(i); }
//check Ser Bytes
assertEquals(sketch.getUpdatableSerializationBytes(), 40 + (1 << (lgK - 1))
+ (4 << LG_AUX_ARR_INTS[lgK]) );
//extract the auxHashMap entries into a HashMap for easy checking
//extract direct aux iterator
AbstractHllArray absDirectHllArr = (AbstractHllArray) sketch.hllSketchImpl;
//the auxHashMap must exist for this test
AuxHashMap auxMap = absDirectHllArr.getAuxHashMap();
int auxCount = auxMap.getAuxCount();
assertEquals(auxMap.getCompactSizeBytes(), auxCount << 2);
int auxArrInts = 1 << auxMap.getLgAuxArrInts();
assertEquals(auxMap.getUpdatableSizeBytes(), auxArrInts << 2);
PairIterator itr = absDirectHllArr.getAuxIterator();
println("Source Aux Array.");
while (itr.nextValid()) {
map.put(itr.getSlot(), itr.getValue()); //create the aux reference map
double est = sketch.getEstimate();
println("\nHLL Array of original sketch: should match Source Aux Array.");
checkHllArr(sketch, map); //check HLL arr consistencies
//serialize the direct sk as compact
byte[] byteArr = (compact) ? sketch.toCompactByteArray() : sketch.toUpdatableByteArray();
//Heapify the byteArr image & check estimate
HllSketch heapSk = HllSketch.heapify(Memory.wrap(byteArr));
assertEquals(heapSk.getEstimate(), est, 0.0);
println("\nAux Array of heapified serialized sketch.");
checkAux(heapSk, map); //check Aux consistencies
println("\nHLL Array of heapified serialized sketch.");
checkHllArr(heapSk, map); //check HLL arr consistencies
//Wrap the image as read-only & check estimate
HllSketch wrapSk = HllSketch.wrap(Memory.wrap(byteArr));
assertEquals(wrapSk.getEstimate(), est, 0.0);
println("\nAux Array of wrapped RO serialized sketch.");
checkAux(wrapSk, map);
println("\nHLL Array of wrapped RO serialized sketch.");
checkHllArr(wrapSk, map);
println(wrapSk.toString(false, false, true, true));
//check HLL array consistencies with the map
static void checkHllArr(HllSketch sk, HashMap<Integer,Integer> map) {
//extract aux iterator, which must exist for this test
AbstractHllArray absHllArr = (AbstractHllArray) sk.hllSketchImpl;
int curMin = absHllArr.getCurMin();
//println("CurMin: " + curMin);
PairIterator hllArrItr = sk.iterator();
while (hllArrItr.nextValid()) {
final int hllArrVal = hllArrItr.getValue();
if ((hllArrItr.getValue() - curMin) > 14) {
final int mapVal = map.get(hllArrItr.getSlot());
assertEquals(hllArrVal, mapVal);
//Check Aux consistencies to the map
static void checkAux(HllSketch sk, HashMap<Integer,Integer> map) {
AbstractHllArray absHllArr = (AbstractHllArray) sk.hllSketchImpl;
//extract aux iterator, which must exist for this test
PairIterator heapAuxItr = absHllArr.getAuxIterator();
while (heapAuxItr.nextValid()) {
final int afterVal = heapAuxItr.getValue();
if (afterVal > 14) {
int auxSlot = heapAuxItr.getSlot();
assert map.containsKey(auxSlot);
final int beforeVal = map.get(heapAuxItr.getSlot());
assertEquals(afterVal, beforeVal);
public void checkDirectReadOnlyCompactAux() {
int lgK = 15; //this combination should create an Aux with ~18 exceptions
int lgU = 20;
HllSketch sk = new HllSketch(lgK, TgtHllType.HLL_4);
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << lgU); i++) { sk.update(i); }
public void checkMustReplace() {
int lgK = 7;
int bytes = HllSketch.getMaxUpdatableSerializationBytes(lgK, TgtHllType.HLL_4);
WritableMemory wmem = WritableMemory.allocate(bytes);
HllSketch sk = new HllSketch(lgK, TgtHllType.HLL_4, wmem);
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { sk.update(i); }
DirectHllArray dHllArr = (DirectHllArray) sk.hllSketchImpl;
AuxHashMap map = dHllArr.getNewAuxHashMap();
map.mustAdd(100, 5);
int val = map.mustFindValueFor(100);
assertEquals(val, 5);
map.mustReplace(100, 10);
val = map.mustFindValueFor(100);
assertEquals(val, 10);
try {
map.mustAdd(100, 12);
} catch (SketchesStateException e) {
try {
} catch (SketchesStateException e) {
try {
map.mustReplace(101, 5);
} catch (SketchesStateException e) {
* @param s value to print
static void println(String s) {
//System.out.println(s); //disable here