blob: 8224b5b6ce7b0feadf8cb1990b063c65d3c24559 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches.tuple.arrayofdoubles;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import org.apache.datasketches.SketchesStateException;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory;
import org.apache.datasketches.tuple.Util;
* Computes the intersection of two or more tuple sketches of type ArrayOfDoubles.
* A new instance represents the Universal Set.
* Every update() computes an intersection with the internal set
* and can only reduce the internal set.
public abstract class ArrayOfDoublesIntersection {
final int numValues_;
final long seed_;
final short seedHash_;
ArrayOfDoublesQuickSelectSketch sketch_;
boolean isEmpty_;
long theta_;
boolean isFirstCall_;
ArrayOfDoublesIntersection(final int numValues, final long seed) {
numValues_ = numValues;
seed_ = seed;
seedHash_ = Util.computeSeedHash(seed);
isEmpty_ = false;
theta_ = Long.MAX_VALUE;
isFirstCall_ = true;
* Performs a stateful intersection of the internal set with the given tupleSketch.
* @param tupleSketch Input sketch to intersect with the internal set.
* @param combiner Method of combining two arrays of double values
* @deprecated 2.0.0 Please use {@link #intersect(ArrayOfDoublesSketch, ArrayOfDoublesCombiner)}.
public void update(final ArrayOfDoublesSketch tupleSketch, final ArrayOfDoublesCombiner combiner) {
intersect(tupleSketch, combiner);
* Performs a stateful intersection of the internal set with the given tupleSketch.
* @param tupleSketch Input sketch to intersect with the internal set.
* @param combiner Method of combining two arrays of double values
public void intersect(final ArrayOfDoublesSketch tupleSketch, final ArrayOfDoublesCombiner combiner) {
final boolean isFirstCall = isFirstCall_;
isFirstCall_ = false;
if (tupleSketch == null) {
isEmpty_ = true;
sketch_ = null;
Util.checkSeedHashes(seedHash_, tupleSketch.getSeedHash());
theta_ = min(theta_, tupleSketch.getThetaLong());
isEmpty_ |= tupleSketch.isEmpty();
if (isEmpty_ || tupleSketch.getRetainedEntries() == 0) {
sketch_ = null;
if (isFirstCall) {
sketch_ = createSketch(tupleSketch.getRetainedEntries(), numValues_, seed_);
final ArrayOfDoublesSketchIterator it = tupleSketch.iterator();
while ( {
sketch_.insert(it.getKey(), it.getValues());
} else { //not the first call
final int matchSize = min(sketch_.getRetainedEntries(), tupleSketch.getRetainedEntries());
final long[] matchKeys = new long[matchSize];
final double[][] matchValues = new double[matchSize][];
int matchCount = 0;
final ArrayOfDoublesSketchIterator it = tupleSketch.iterator();
while ( {
final double[] values = sketch_.find(it.getKey());
if (values != null) {
matchKeys[matchCount] = it.getKey();
matchValues[matchCount] = combiner.combine(values, it.getValues());
sketch_ = null;
if (matchCount > 0) {
sketch_ = createSketch(matchCount, numValues_, seed_);
for (int i = 0; i < matchCount; i++) {
sketch_.insert(matchKeys[i], matchValues[i]);
if (sketch_ != null) {
* Gets the internal set as an off-heap compact sketch using the given memory.
* @param dstMem Memory for the compact sketch (can be null).
* @return Result of the intersections so far as a compact sketch.
public ArrayOfDoublesCompactSketch getResult(final WritableMemory dstMem) {
if (isFirstCall_) {
throw new SketchesStateException(
"getResult() with no intervening intersections is not a legal result.");
if (sketch_ == null) {
return new HeapArrayOfDoublesCompactSketch(
null, null, Long.MAX_VALUE, true, numValues_, seedHash_);
return sketch_.compact(dstMem);
* Gets the internal set as an on-heap compact sketch.
* @return Result of the intersections so far as a compact sketch.
public ArrayOfDoublesCompactSketch getResult() {
return getResult(null);
* Resets the internal set to the initial state, which represents the Universal Set
public void reset() {
isEmpty_ = false;
theta_ = Long.MAX_VALUE;
sketch_ = null;
isFirstCall_ = true;
abstract ArrayOfDoublesQuickSelectSketch createSketch(int size, int numValues, long seed);