blob: 2327cb135d5878c19c2944e536e6a8123353747e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.datasketches.tdigest;
import static org.apache.datasketches.common.Util.LS;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.Family;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.SketchesArgumentException;
import org.apache.datasketches.common.SketchesStateException;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.Buffer;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableBuffer;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory;
import org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon.QuantilesAPI;
* t-Digest for estimating quantiles and ranks.
* This implementation is based on the following paper:
* Ted Dunning, Otmar Ertl. Extremely Accurate Quantiles Using t-Digests
* and the following implementation:
* This implementation is similar to MergingDigest in the above implementation
public final class TDigestDouble {
public static final short DEFAULT_K = 200;
private boolean reverseMerge_;
private final short k_;
private double minValue_;
private double maxValue_;
private int centroidsCapacity_;
private int numCentroids_;
private double[] centroidMeans_;
private long[] centroidWeights_;
private long centroidsWeight_;
private int numBuffered_;
private double[] bufferValues_;
private static final int BUFFER_MULTIPLIER = 4;
private static final byte PREAMBLE_LONGS_EMPTY_OR_SINGLE = 1;
private static final byte PREAMBLE_LONGS_MULTIPLE = 2;
private static final byte SERIAL_VERSION = 1;
private static final int COMPAT_DOUBLE = 1;
private static final int COMPAT_FLOAT = 2;
* Constructor with the default K
public TDigestDouble() {
* Constructor
* @param k affects the size of TDigest and its estimation error
public TDigestDouble(final short k) {
this(false, k, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, null, null, 0, null);
* @return parameter k (compression) that was used to configure this TDigest
public short getK() {
return k_;
* Update this TDigest with the given value
* @param value to update the TDigest with
public void update(final double value) {
if (Double.isNaN(value)) { return; }
if (numBuffered_ == centroidsCapacity_ * BUFFER_MULTIPLIER) { compress(); }
bufferValues_[numBuffered_] = value;
minValue_ = Math.min(minValue_, value);
maxValue_ = Math.max(maxValue_, value);
* Merge the given TDigest into this one
* @param other TDigest to merge
public void merge(final TDigestDouble other) {
if (other.isEmpty()) { return; }
final int num = numCentroids_ + numBuffered_ + other.numCentroids_ + other.numBuffered_;
final double[] values = new double[num];
final long[] weights = new long[num];
System.arraycopy(bufferValues_, 0, values, 0, numBuffered_);
Arrays.fill(weights, 0, numBuffered_, 1);
System.arraycopy(other.bufferValues_, 0, values, numBuffered_, other.numBuffered_);
Arrays.fill(weights, numBuffered_, numBuffered_ + other.numBuffered_, 1);
System.arraycopy(other.centroidMeans_, 0, values, numBuffered_ + other.numBuffered_, other.numCentroids_);
System.arraycopy(other.centroidWeights_, 0, weights, numBuffered_ + other.numBuffered_, other.numCentroids_);
merge(values, weights, numBuffered_ + other.getTotalWeight(), numBuffered_ + other.numBuffered_ + other.numCentroids_);
* Process buffered values and merge centroids if needed
public void compress() {
if (numBuffered_ == 0) { return; }
final int num = numBuffered_ + numCentroids_;
final double[] values = new double[num];
final long[] weights = new long[num];
System.arraycopy(bufferValues_, 0, values, 0, numBuffered_);
Arrays.fill(weights, 0, numBuffered_, 1);
merge(values, weights, numBuffered_, numBuffered_);
* @return true if TDigest has not seen any data
public boolean isEmpty() {
return numCentroids_ == 0 && numBuffered_ == 0;
* @return minimum value seen by TDigest
public double getMinValue() {
if (isEmpty()) { throw new SketchesStateException(QuantilesAPI.EMPTY_MSG); }
return minValue_;
* @return maximum value seen by TDigest
public double getMaxValue() {
if (isEmpty()) { throw new SketchesStateException(QuantilesAPI.EMPTY_MSG); }
return maxValue_;
* @return total weight
public long getTotalWeight() {
return centroidsWeight_ + numBuffered_;
* Compute approximate normalized rank of the given value.
* @param value to be ranked
* @return normalized rank (from 0 to 1 inclusive)
public double getRank(final double value) {
if (isEmpty()) { throw new SketchesStateException(QuantilesAPI.EMPTY_MSG); }
if (Double.isNaN(value)) { throw new SketchesArgumentException("Operation is undefined for Nan"); }
if (value < minValue_) { return 0; }
if (value > maxValue_) { return 1; }
if (numCentroids_ + numBuffered_ == 1) { return 0.5; }
compress(); // side effect
// left tail
final double firstMean = centroidMeans_[0];
if (value < firstMean) {
if (firstMean - minValue_ > 0) {
if (value == minValue_) { return 0.5 / centroidsWeight_; }
return (1.0 + (value - minValue_) / (firstMean - minValue_) * (centroidWeights_[0] / 2.0 - 1.0));
return 0; // should never happen
// right tail
final double lastMean = centroidMeans_[numCentroids_ - 1];
if (value > lastMean) {
if (maxValue_ - lastMean > 0) {
if (value == maxValue_) { return 1.0 - 0.5 / centroidsWeight_; }
return 1.0 - ((1.0 + (maxValue_ - value) / (maxValue_ - lastMean)
* (centroidWeights_[numCentroids_ - 1] / 2.0 - 1.0)) / centroidsWeight_);
return 1; // should never happen
int lower = BinarySearch.lowerBound(centroidMeans_, 0, numCentroids_, value);
if (lower == numCentroids_) { throw new SketchesStateException("lower == end in getRank()"); }
int upper = BinarySearch.upperBound(centroidMeans_, lower, numCentroids_, value);
if (upper == 0) { throw new SketchesStateException("upper == begin in getRank()"); }
if (value < centroidMeans_[lower]) { lower--; }
if (upper == numCentroids_ || !(centroidMeans_[upper - 1] < value)) { upper--; }
double weightBelow = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i != lower) { weightBelow += centroidWeights_[i++]; }
weightBelow += centroidWeights_[lower] / 2.0;
double weightDelta = 0;
while (i != upper) { weightDelta += centroidWeights_[i++]; }
weightDelta -= centroidWeights_[lower] / 2.0;
weightDelta += centroidWeights_[upper] / 2.0;
if (centroidMeans_[upper] - centroidMeans_[lower] > 0) {
return (weightBelow + weightDelta * (value - centroidMeans_[lower])
/ (centroidMeans_[upper] - centroidMeans_[lower])) / centroidsWeight_;
return (weightBelow + weightDelta / 2.0) / centroidsWeight_;
* Compute approximate quantile value corresponding to the given normalized rank
* @param rank normalized rank (from 0 to 1 inclusive)
* @return quantile value corresponding to the given rank
public double getQuantile(final double rank) {
if (isEmpty()) { throw new SketchesStateException(QuantilesAPI.EMPTY_MSG); }
if (Double.isNaN(rank)) { throw new SketchesArgumentException("Operation is undefined for Nan"); }
if (rank < 0 || rank > 1) { throw new SketchesArgumentException("Normalized rank must be within [0, 1]"); }
compress(); // side effect
if (numCentroids_ == 1) { return centroidMeans_[0]; }
// at least 2 centroids
final double weight = rank * centroidsWeight_;
if (weight < 1) { return minValue_; }
if (weight > centroidsWeight_ - 1.0) { return maxValue_; }
final double firstWeight = centroidWeights_[0];
if (firstWeight > 1 && weight < firstWeight / 2.0) {
return minValue_ + (weight - 1.0) / (firstWeight / 2.0 - 1.0) * (centroidMeans_[0] - minValue_);
final double lastWeight = centroidWeights_[numCentroids_ - 1];
if (lastWeight > 1 && centroidsWeight_ - weight <= lastWeight / 2.0) {
return maxValue_ + (centroidsWeight_ - weight - 1.0) / (lastWeight / 2.0 - 1.0) * (maxValue_ - centroidMeans_[numCentroids_ - 1]);
// interpolate between extremes
double weightSoFar = firstWeight / 2.0;
for (int i = 0; i < numCentroids_ - 1; i++) {
final double dw = (centroidWeights_[i] + centroidWeights_[i + 1]) / 2.0;
if (weightSoFar + dw > weight) {
// the target weight is between centroids i and i+1
double leftWeight = 0;
if (centroidWeights_[i] == 1) {
if (weight - weightSoFar < 0.5) { return centroidMeans_[i]; }
leftWeight = 0.5;
double rightWeight = 0;
if (centroidWeights_[i + 1] == 1) {
if (weightSoFar + dw - weight <= 0.5) { return centroidMeans_[i + 1]; }
rightWeight = 0.5;
final double w1 = weight - weightSoFar - leftWeight;
final double w2 = weightSoFar + dw - weight - rightWeight;
return weightedAverage(centroidMeans_[i], w1, centroidMeans_[i + 1], w2);
weightSoFar += dw;
final double w1 = weight - centroidsWeight_ - centroidWeights_[numCentroids_ - 1] / 2.0;
final double w2 = centroidWeights_[numCentroids_ - 1] / 2.0 - w1;
return weightedAverage(centroidWeights_[numCentroids_ - 1], w1, maxValue_, w2);
* Computes size needed to serialize the current state.
* @return size in bytes needed to serialize this tdigest
int getSerializedSizeBytes() {
compress(); // side effect
return getPreambleLongs() * Long.BYTES
+ (isEmpty() ? 0 : (isSingleValue() ? Double.BYTES : 2 * Double.BYTES + (Double.BYTES + Long.BYTES) * numCentroids_));
* Serialize this TDigest to a byte array form.
* @return byte array
public byte[] toByteArray() {
compress(); // side effect
final byte[] bytes = new byte[getSerializedSizeBytes()];
final WritableBuffer wbuf = WritableMemory.writableWrap(bytes).asWritableBuffer();
wbuf.putByte((byte) getPreambleLongs());
wbuf.putByte((byte) Family.TDIGEST.getID());
wbuf.putByte((byte) (
(isEmpty() ? 1 << Flags.IS_EMPTY.ordinal() : 0)
| (isSingleValue() ? 1 << Flags.IS_SINGLE_VALUE.ordinal() : 0)
| (reverseMerge_ ? 1 << Flags.REVERSE_MERGE.ordinal() : 0)
wbuf.putShort((short) 0); // unused
if (isEmpty()) { return bytes; }
if (isSingleValue()) {
return bytes;
wbuf.putInt(0); // unused
for (int i = 0; i < numCentroids_; i++) {
return bytes;
* Deserialize TDigest from a given memory.
* Supports reading format of the reference implementation (autodetected).
* @param mem instance of Memory
* @return an instance of TDigest
public static TDigestDouble heapify(final Memory mem) {
return heapify(mem, false);
* Deserialize TDigest from a given memory. Supports reading compact format
* with (float, int) centroids as opposed to (double, long) to represent (mean, weight).
* Supports reading format of the reference implementation (autodetected).
* @param mem instance of Memory
* @param isFloat if true the input represents (float, int) format
* @return an instance of TDigest
public static TDigestDouble heapify(final Memory mem, final boolean isFloat) {
final Buffer buff = mem.asBuffer();
final byte preambleLongs = buff.getByte();
final byte serialVersion = buff.getByte();
final byte sketchType = buff.getByte();
if (sketchType != (byte) Family.TDIGEST.getID()) {
if (preambleLongs == 0 && serialVersion == 0 && sketchType == 0) { return heapifyCompat(mem); }
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Sketch type mismatch: expected " + Family.TDIGEST.getID() + ", actual " + sketchType);
if (serialVersion != SERIAL_VERSION) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Serial version mismatch: expected " + SERIAL_VERSION + ", actual " + serialVersion);
final short k = buff.getShort();
final byte flagsByte = buff.getByte();
final boolean isEmpty = (flagsByte & (1 << Flags.IS_EMPTY.ordinal())) > 0;
final boolean isSingleValue = (flagsByte & (1 << Flags.IS_SINGLE_VALUE.ordinal())) > 0;
final byte expectedPreambleLongs = isEmpty || isSingleValue ? PREAMBLE_LONGS_EMPTY_OR_SINGLE : PREAMBLE_LONGS_MULTIPLE;
if (preambleLongs != expectedPreambleLongs) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Preamble longs mismatch: expected " + expectedPreambleLongs + ", actual " + preambleLongs);
buff.getShort(); // unused
if (isEmpty) { return new TDigestDouble(k); }
final boolean reverseMerge = (flagsByte & (1 << Flags.REVERSE_MERGE.ordinal())) > 0;
if (isSingleValue) {
final double value;
if (isFloat) {
value = buff.getFloat();
} else {
value = buff.getDouble();
return new TDigestDouble(reverseMerge, k, value, value, new double[] {value}, new long[] {1}, 1, null);
final int numCentroids = buff.getInt();
buff.getInt(); // unused
final double min;
final double max;
if (isFloat) {
min = buff.getFloat();
max = buff.getFloat();
} else {
min = buff.getDouble();
max = buff.getDouble();
final double[] means = new double[numCentroids];
final long[] weights = new long[numCentroids];
long totalWeight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numCentroids; i++) {
means[i] = isFloat ? buff.getFloat() : buff.getDouble();
weights[i] = isFloat ? buff.getInt() : buff.getLong();
totalWeight += weights[i];
return new TDigestDouble(reverseMerge, k, min, max, means, weights, totalWeight, null);
// compatibility with the format of the reference implementation
// default byte order of ByteBuffer is used there, which is big endian
private static TDigestDouble heapifyCompat(final Memory mem) {
final Buffer buff = mem.asBuffer(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
final int type = buff.getInt();
if (type != COMPAT_DOUBLE && type != COMPAT_FLOAT) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("unexpected compatibility type " + type);
if (type == COMPAT_DOUBLE) { // compatibility with asBytes()
final double min = buff.getDouble();
final double max = buff.getDouble();
final short k = (short) buff.getDouble();
final int numCentroids = buff.getInt();
final double[] means = new double[numCentroids];
final long[] weights = new long[numCentroids];
long totalWeight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numCentroids; i++) {
weights[i] = (long) buff.getDouble();
means[i] = buff.getDouble();
totalWeight += weights[i];
return new TDigestDouble(false, k, min, max, means, weights, totalWeight, null);
// COMPAT_FLOAT: compatibility with asSmallBytes()
final double min = buff.getDouble(); // reference implementation uses doubles for min and max
final double max = buff.getDouble();
final short k = (short) buff.getFloat();
// reference implementation stores capacities of the array of centroids and the buffer as shorts
// they can be derived from k in the constructor
buff.getInt(); // unused
final int numCentroids = buff.getShort();
final double[] means = new double[numCentroids];
final long[] weights = new long[numCentroids];
long totalWeight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numCentroids; i++) {
weights[i] = (long) buff.getFloat();
means[i] = buff.getFloat();
totalWeight += weights[i];
return new TDigestDouble(false, k, min, max, means, weights, totalWeight, null);
* Human-readable summary of this TDigest as a string
* @return summary of this TDigest
public String toString() {
return toString(false);
* Human-readable summary of this TDigest as a string
* @param printCentroids if true append the list of centroids with weights
* @return summary of this TDigest
public String toString(final boolean printCentroids) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
.append(" Compression: ").append(k_).append(LS)
.append(" Centroids: ").append(numCentroids_).append(LS)
.append(" Buffered: ").append(numBuffered_).append(LS)
.append(" Centroids Capacity: ").append(centroidsCapacity_).append(LS)
.append(" Buffer Capacity: ").append(centroidsCapacity_ * BUFFER_MULTIPLIER).append(LS)
.append("Centroids Weight: ").append(centroidsWeight_).append(LS)
.append(" Total Weight: ").append(getTotalWeight()).append(LS)
.append(" Reverse Merge: ").append(reverseMerge_).append(LS);
if (!isEmpty()) {
sb.append(" Min: ").append(minValue_).append(LS)
.append(" Max: ").append(maxValue_).append(LS);
if (printCentroids) {
if (numCentroids_ > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < numCentroids_; i++) {
sb.append(i).append(": ").append(centroidMeans_[i]).append(", ").append(centroidWeights_[i]).append(LS);
if (numBuffered_ > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < numBuffered_; i++) {
sb.append(i).append(": ").append(bufferValues_[i]).append(LS);
return sb.toString();
private TDigestDouble(final boolean reverseMerge, final short k, final double min, final double max,
final double[] means, final long[] weights, final long weight, final double[] buffer) {
reverseMerge_ = reverseMerge;
k_ = k;
minValue_ = min;
maxValue_ = max;
if (k < 10) { throw new SketchesArgumentException("k must be at least 10"); }
final int fudge = k < 30 ? 30 : 10;
centroidsCapacity_ = k_ * 2 + fudge;
centroidMeans_ = new double[centroidsCapacity_];
centroidWeights_ = new long[centroidsCapacity_];
bufferValues_ = new double[centroidsCapacity_ * BUFFER_MULTIPLIER];
numCentroids_ = 0;
numBuffered_ = 0;
centroidsWeight_ = weight;
if (means != null && weights != null) {
System.arraycopy(means, 0, centroidMeans_, 0, means.length);
System.arraycopy(weights, 0, centroidWeights_, 0, weights.length);
numCentroids_ = means.length;
if (buffer != null) {
System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, bufferValues_, 0, buffer.length);
numBuffered_ = buffer.length;
// assumes that there is enough room in the input arrays to add centroids from this TDigest
private void merge(final double[] values, final long[] weights, final long weight, int num) {
System.arraycopy(centroidMeans_, 0, values, num, numCentroids_);
System.arraycopy(centroidWeights_, 0, weights, num, numCentroids_);
num += numCentroids_;
centroidsWeight_ += weight;
numCentroids_ = 0;
Sort.stableSort(values, weights, num);
if (reverseMerge_) { // this might be avoidable if stableSort could be implemented with a boolean parameter to invert the logic
Sort.reverse(values, num);
Sort.reverse(weights, num);
centroidMeans_[0] = values[0];
centroidWeights_[0] = weights[0];
int current = 1;
double weightSoFar = 0;
while (current != num) {
final double proposedWeight = centroidWeights_[numCentroids_ - 1] + weights[current];
boolean addThis = false;
if (current != 1 && current != num - 1) {
final double q0 = weightSoFar / centroidsWeight_;
final double q2 = (weightSoFar + proposedWeight) / centroidsWeight_;
final double normalizer = ScaleFunction.normalizer(k_ * 2, centroidsWeight_);
addThis = proposedWeight <= centroidsWeight_ * Math.min(ScaleFunction.max(q0, normalizer), ScaleFunction.max(q2, normalizer));
if (addThis) { // merge into existing centroid
centroidWeights_[numCentroids_ - 1] += weights[current];
centroidMeans_[numCentroids_ - 1] += (values[current] - centroidMeans_[numCentroids_ - 1])
* weights[current] / centroidWeights_[numCentroids_ - 1];
} else { // copy to a new centroid
weightSoFar += centroidWeights_[numCentroids_ - 1];
centroidMeans_[numCentroids_] = values[current];
centroidWeights_[numCentroids_] = weights[current];
if (reverseMerge_) {
Sort.reverse(centroidMeans_, numCentroids_);
Sort.reverse(centroidWeights_, numCentroids_);
numBuffered_ = 0;
reverseMerge_ = !reverseMerge_;
minValue_ = Math.min(minValue_, centroidMeans_[0]);
maxValue_ = Math.max(maxValue_, centroidMeans_[numCentroids_ - 1]);
private boolean isSingleValue() {
return getTotalWeight() == 1;
private int getPreambleLongs() {
* Generates cluster sizes proportional to q*(1-q).
* The use of a normalizing function results in a strictly bounded number of clusters no matter how many samples.
* Corresponds to K_2 in the reference implementation
private static final class ScaleFunction {
static double max(final double q, final double normalizer) {
return q * (1 - q) / normalizer;
static double normalizer(final double compression, final double n) {
return compression / z(compression, n);
static double z(final double compression, final double n) {
return 4 * Math.log(n / compression) + 24;
private static double weightedAverage(final double x1, final double w1, final double x2, final double w2) {
return (x1 * w1 + x2 * w2) / (w1 + w2);