blob: b49788afccc7b403716932bbc959384623f3af17 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.datasketches.kll;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static org.apache.datasketches.kll.KllPreambleUtil.getMemoryUpdatableFormatFlag;
import static org.apache.datasketches.kll.KllSketch.Error.MUST_NOT_BE_UPDATABLE_FORMAT;
import static org.apache.datasketches.kll.KllSketch.Error.MUST_NOT_CALL;
import static org.apache.datasketches.kll.KllSketch.Error.TGT_IS_READ_ONLY;
import static org.apache.datasketches.kll.KllSketch.Error.kllSketchThrow;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.MemoryRequestServer;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory;
public abstract class KllFloatsSketch extends KllSketch {
KllFloatsSketch(final WritableMemory wmem, final MemoryRequestServer memReqSvr) {
super(SketchType.FLOATS_SKETCH, wmem, memReqSvr);
* Returns upper bound on the serialized size of a KllFloatsSketch given the following parameters.
* @param k parameter that controls size of the sketch and accuracy of estimates
* @param n stream length
* @param updatableMemoryFormat true if updatable Memory format, otherwise the standard compact format.
* @return upper bound on the serialized size of a KllSketch.
public static int getMaxSerializedSizeBytes(final int k, final long n, final boolean updatableMemoryFormat) {
return getMaxSerializedSizeBytes(k, n, SketchType.FLOATS_SKETCH, updatableMemoryFormat);
* Factory heapify takes the sketch image in Memory and instantiates an on-heap sketch.
* The resulting sketch will not retain any link to the source Memory.
* @param srcMem a Memory image of a sketch serialized by this sketch.
* <a href="{@docRoot}/resources/dictionary.html#mem">See Memory</a>
* @return a heap-based sketch based on the given Memory.
public static KllFloatsSketch heapify(final Memory srcMem) {
Objects.requireNonNull(srcMem, "Parameter 'srcMem' must not be null");
if (getMemoryUpdatableFormatFlag(srcMem)) { Error.kllSketchThrow(MUST_NOT_BE_UPDATABLE_FORMAT); }
return KllHeapFloatsSketch.heapifyImpl(srcMem);
* Create a new direct instance of this sketch with a given <em>k</em>.
* @param k parameter that controls size of the sketch and accuracy of estimates.
* @param dstMem the given destination WritableMemory object for use by the sketch
* @param memReqSvr the given MemoryRequestServer to request a larger WritableMemory
* @return a new direct instance of this sketch
public static KllFloatsSketch newDirectInstance(
final int k,
final WritableMemory dstMem,
final MemoryRequestServer memReqSvr) {
Objects.requireNonNull(dstMem, "Parameter 'dstMem' must not be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(memReqSvr, "Parameter 'memReqSvr' must not be null");
return KllDirectFloatsSketch.newDirectInstance(k, DEFAULT_M, dstMem, memReqSvr);
* Create a new direct instance of this sketch with the default <em>k</em>.
* The default <em>k</em> = 200 results in a normalized rank error of about
* 1.65%. Higher values of <em>k</em> will have smaller error but the sketch will be larger (and slower).
* @param dstMem the given destination WritableMemory object for use by the sketch
* @param memReqSvr the given MemoryRequestServer to request a larger WritableMemory
* @return a new direct instance of this sketch
public static KllFloatsSketch newDirectInstance(
final WritableMemory dstMem,
final MemoryRequestServer memReqSvr) {
Objects.requireNonNull(dstMem, "Parameter 'dstMem' must not be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(memReqSvr, "Parameter 'memReqSvr' must not be null");
return KllDirectFloatsSketch.newDirectInstance(DEFAULT_K, DEFAULT_M, dstMem, memReqSvr);
* Create a new heap instance of this sketch with the default <em>k = 200</em>.
* The default <em>k</em> = 200 results in a normalized rank error of about
* 1.65%. Higher values of K will have smaller error but the sketch will be larger (and slower).
* This will have a rank error of about 1.65%.
* @return new KllFloatsSketch on the heap.
public static KllFloatsSketch newHeapInstance() {
return new KllHeapFloatsSketch(DEFAULT_K, DEFAULT_M);
* Create a new heap instance of this sketch with a given parameter <em>k</em>.
* <em>k</em> can be any value between DEFAULT_M and 65535, inclusive.
* The default <em>k</em> = 200 results in a normalized rank error of about
* 1.65%. Higher values of K will have smaller error but the sketch will be larger (and slower).
* @param k parameter that controls size of the sketch and accuracy of estimates.
* @return new KllFloatsSketch on the heap.
public static KllFloatsSketch newHeapInstance(final int k) {
return new KllHeapFloatsSketch(k, DEFAULT_M);
* Wrap a sketch around the given read only source Memory containing sketch data
* that originated from this sketch.
* @param srcMem the read only source Memory
* @return instance of this sketch
public static KllFloatsSketch wrap(final Memory srcMem) {
Objects.requireNonNull(srcMem, "Parameter 'srcMem' must not be null");
final KllMemoryValidate memVal = new KllMemoryValidate(srcMem);
if (memVal.updatableMemFormat) {
return new KllDirectFloatsSketch((WritableMemory) srcMem, null, memVal);
} else {
return new KllDirectCompactFloatsSketch(srcMem, memVal);
* Wrap a sketch around the given source Writable Memory containing sketch data
* that originated from this sketch.
* @param srcMem a WritableMemory that contains data.
* @param memReqSvr the given MemoryRequestServer to request a larger WritableMemory
* @return instance of this sketch
public static KllFloatsSketch writableWrap(
final WritableMemory srcMem,
final MemoryRequestServer memReqSvr) {
Objects.requireNonNull(srcMem, "Parameter 'srcMem' must not be null");
final KllMemoryValidate memVal = new KllMemoryValidate(srcMem);
if (memVal.updatableMemFormat) {
if (!memVal.readOnly) {
Objects.requireNonNull(memReqSvr, "Parameter 'memReqSvr' must not be null");
return new KllDirectFloatsSketch(srcMem, memReqSvr, memVal);
} else {
return new KllDirectCompactFloatsSketch(srcMem, memVal);
* Returns an approximation to the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF), which is the
* cumulative analog of the PMF, of the input stream given a set of splitPoint (values).
* <p>The resulting approximations have a probabilistic guarantee that can be obtained from the
* getNormalizedRankError(false) function.
* <p>If the sketch is empty this returns null.</p>
* @param splitPoints an array of <i>m</i> unique, monotonically increasing float values
* that divide the real number line into <i>m+1</i> consecutive disjoint intervals.
* The definition of an "interval" is inclusive of the left splitPoint (or minimum value) and
* exclusive of the right splitPoint, with the exception that the last interval will include
* the maximum value.
* It is not necessary to include either the min or max values in these split points.
* @param inclusive if true the weight of the given value is included into the rank.
* Otherwise the rank equals the sum of the weights of all values that are less than the given value
* @return an array of m+1 double values on the interval [0.0, 1.0),
* which are a consecutive approximation to the CDF of the input stream given the splitPoints.
* The value at array position j of the returned CDF array is the sum of the returned values
* in positions 0 through j of the returned PMF array.
public double[] getCDF(final float[] splitPoints, final boolean inclusive) {
return KllFloatsHelper.getFloatsPmfOrCdf(this, splitPoints, true, inclusive);
* Same as {@link #getCDF(float[], boolean) getCDF(float[] splitPoints, false)}
* @param splitPoints splitPoints
* @return CDF
public double[] getCDF(final float[] splitPoints) {
return KllFloatsHelper.getFloatsPmfOrCdf(this, splitPoints, true, false);
* Returns the max value of the stream.
* If the sketch is empty this returns NaN.
* @return the max value of the stream
public float getMaxValue() { return getMaxFloatValue(); }
* Returns the min value of the stream.
* If the sketch is empty this returns NaN.
* @return the min value of the stream
public float getMinValue() { return getMinFloatValue(); }
* Returns an approximation to the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the input stream
* given a set of splitPoints (values).
* <p>The resulting approximations have a probabilistic guarantee that can be obtained from the
* getNormalizedRankError(true) function.
* <p>If the sketch is empty this returns null.</p>
* @param splitPoints an array of <i>m</i> unique, monotonically increasing float values
* that divide the real number line into <i>m+1</i> consecutive disjoint intervals.
* The definition of an "interval" is inclusive of the left splitPoint (or minimum value) and
* exclusive of the right splitPoint, with the exception that the last interval will include
* the maximum value.
* It is not necessary to include either the min or max values in these split points.
* @param inclusive if true the weight of the given value is included into the rank.
* Otherwise the rank equals the sum of the weights of all values that are less than the given value
* @return an array of m+1 doubles on the interval [0.0, 1.0),
* each of which is an approximation to the fraction of the total input stream values
* (the mass) that fall into one of those intervals.
* The definition of an "interval" is inclusive of the left splitPoint and exclusive of the right
* splitPoint, with the exception that the last interval will include maximum value.
public double[] getPMF(final float[] splitPoints, final boolean inclusive) {
return KllFloatsHelper.getFloatsPmfOrCdf(this, splitPoints, false, inclusive);
* Same as {@link #getPMF(float[], boolean) getPMF(float[] splitPoints, false)}
* @param splitPoints splitPoints
* @return PMF
public double[] getPMF(final float[] splitPoints) {
return KllFloatsHelper.getFloatsPmfOrCdf(this, splitPoints, false, false);
* Returns an approximation to the value of the data item
* that would be preceded by the given fraction of a hypothetical sorted
* version of the input stream so far.
* <p>We note that this method has a fairly large overhead (microseconds instead of nanoseconds)
* so it should not be called multiple times to get different quantiles from the same
* sketch. Instead use getQuantiles(), which pays the overhead only once.
* <p>If the sketch is empty this returns NaN.
* @param fraction the specified fractional position in the hypothetical sorted stream.
* These are also called normalized ranks or fractional ranks.
* If fraction = 0.0, the true minimum value of the stream is returned.
* If fraction = 1.0, the true maximum value of the stream is returned.
* @param inclusive if true, the given fraction (rank) is considered inclusive
* @return the approximation to the value at the given fraction
public float getQuantile(final double fraction, final boolean inclusive) {
return KllFloatsHelper.getFloatsQuantile(this, fraction, inclusive);
* Same as {@link #getQuantile(double, boolean) getQuantile(double fraction, false)}
* @param fraction fractional rank
* @return quantile
public float getQuantile(final double fraction) {
return KllFloatsHelper.getFloatsQuantile(this, fraction, false);
* Gets the lower bound of the value interval in which the true quantile of the given rank
* exists with a confidence of at least 99%.
* @param fraction the given normalized rank as a fraction
* @return the lower bound of the value interval in which the true quantile of the given rank
* exists with a confidence of at least 99%. Returns NaN if the sketch is empty.
public float getQuantileLowerBound(final double fraction) {
return getQuantile(max(0, fraction - KllHelper.getNormalizedRankError(getMinK(), false)));
* This is a more efficient multiple-query version of getQuantile().
* <p>This returns an array that could have been generated by using getQuantile() with many
* different fractional ranks, but would be very inefficient.
* This method incurs the internal set-up overhead once and obtains multiple quantile values in
* a single query. It is strongly recommend that this method be used instead of multiple calls
* to getQuantile().
* <p>If the sketch is empty this returns null.
* @param fractions given array of fractional positions in the hypothetical sorted stream.
* These are also called normalized ranks or fractional ranks.
* These fractions must be in the interval [0.0, 1.0], inclusive.
* @param inclusive if true, the given fractions (ranks) are considered inclusive
* @return array of approximations to the given fractions in the same order as given fractions
* array.
public float[] getQuantiles(final double[] fractions, final boolean inclusive) {
return KllFloatsHelper.getFloatsQuantiles(this, fractions, inclusive);
* Same as {@link #getQuantiles(double[], boolean) getQuantiles(double[] fractions, false)}
* @param fractions fractional ranks
* @return quantiles
public float[] getQuantiles(final double[] fractions) {
return KllFloatsHelper.getFloatsQuantiles(this, fractions, false);
* This is also a more efficient multiple-query version of getQuantile() and allows the caller to
* specify the number of evenly spaced fractional ranks.
* <p>If the sketch is empty this returns null.
* @param numEvenlySpaced an integer that specifies the number of evenly spaced fractional ranks.
* This must be a positive integer greater than 0. A value of 1 will return the min value.
* A value of 2 will return the min and the max value. A value of 3 will return the min,
* the median and the max value, etc.
* @param inclusive if true, the fractional ranks are considered inclusive
* @return array of approximations to the given fractions in the same order as given fractions
* array.
public float[] getQuantiles(final int numEvenlySpaced, final boolean inclusive) {
if (isEmpty()) { return null; }
return getQuantiles(org.apache.datasketches.Util.evenlySpaced(0.0, 1.0, numEvenlySpaced), inclusive);
* Same as {@link #getQuantiles(int, boolean) getQuantiles(int numEvenlySpaced, false)}
* @param numEvenlySpaced number of evenly spaced fractional ranks
* @return quantiles
public float[] getQuantiles(final int numEvenlySpaced) {
if (isEmpty()) { return null; }
return getQuantiles(org.apache.datasketches.Util.evenlySpaced(0.0, 1.0, numEvenlySpaced));
* Gets the upper bound of the value interval in which the true quantile of the given rank
* exists with a confidence of at least 99%.
* @param fraction the given normalized rank as a fraction
* @return the upper bound of the value interval in which the true quantile of the given rank
* exists with a confidence of at least 99%. Returns NaN if the sketch is empty.
public float getQuantileUpperBound(final double fraction) {
return getQuantile(min(1.0, fraction + KllHelper.getNormalizedRankError(getMinK(), false)));
* Returns an approximation to the normalized (fractional) rank of the given value from 0 to 1,
* inclusive.
* <p>The resulting approximation has a probabilistic guarantee that can be obtained from the
* getNormalizedRankError(false) function.
* <p>If the sketch is empty this returns NaN.</p>
* @param value to be ranked
* @param inclusive if true the weight of the given value is included into the rank.
* Otherwise the rank equals the sum of the weights of all values that are less than the given value
* @return an approximate rank of the given value
public double getRank(final float value, final boolean inclusive) {
return KllFloatsHelper.getFloatRank(this, value, inclusive);
* Same as {@link #getRank(float, boolean) getRank(float value, false)}
* @param value value to be ranked
* @return fractional rank
public double getRank(final float value) {
return KllFloatsHelper.getFloatRank(this, value, false);
* @return the iterator for this class
public KllFloatsSketchIterator iterator() {
return new KllFloatsSketchIterator(getFloatItemsArray(), getLevelsArray(), getNumLevels());
* Updates this sketch with the given data item.
* @param value an item from a stream of items. NaNs are ignored.
public void update(final float value) {
if (readOnly) { kllSketchThrow(TGT_IS_READ_ONLY); }
KllFloatsHelper.updateFloat(this, value);
* Sorted view of the sketch.
* Complexity: linear merge of sorted levels plus sorting of the level 0.
* @param cumulative if true weights are cumulative
* @param inclusive if true cumulative weight of an item includes its own weight
* @return sorted view object
public KllFloatsSketchSortedView getSortedView(final boolean cumulative, final boolean inclusive) {
return KllFloatsHelper.getFloatsSortedView(this, cumulative, inclusive);
@Override //Artifact of inheritance
double[] getDoubleItemsArray() { kllSketchThrow(MUST_NOT_CALL); return null; }
@Override //Artifact of inheritance
double getMaxDoubleValue() { kllSketchThrow(MUST_NOT_CALL); return Double.NaN; }
@Override //Artifact of inheritance
double getMinDoubleValue() { kllSketchThrow(MUST_NOT_CALL); return Double.NaN; }
@Override //Artifact of inheritance
void setDoubleItemsArray(final double[] doubleItems) { kllSketchThrow(MUST_NOT_CALL); }
@Override //Artifact of inheritance
void setDoubleItemsArrayAt(final int index, final double value) { kllSketchThrow(MUST_NOT_CALL); }
@Override //Artifact of inheritance
void setMaxDoubleValue(final double value) { kllSketchThrow(MUST_NOT_CALL); }
@Override //Artifact of inheritance
void setMinDoubleValue(final double value) { kllSketchThrow(MUST_NOT_CALL); }