blob: af66ae9a1e56446860aa3755fcd0d29a1ee65566 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.datasketches.kll;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.isEven;
import static org.apache.datasketches.Util.isOdd;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException;
* Static methods to support KllDoublesSketch
* @author Kevin Lang
* @author Alexander Saydakov
final class KllDoublesHelper {
static double getDoubleRank(final KllSketch mine, final double value, final boolean inclusive) {
if (mine.isEmpty()) { return Double.NaN; }
int level = 0;
int weight = 1;
long total = 0;
final double[] myDoubleItemsArr = mine.getDoubleItemsArray();
final int[] myLevelsArr = mine.getLevelsArray();
while (level < mine.getNumLevels()) {
final int fromIndex = myLevelsArr[level];
final int toIndex = myLevelsArr[level + 1]; // exclusive
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (inclusive ? myDoubleItemsArr[i] <= value : myDoubleItemsArr[i] < value) {
total += weight;
} else if (level > 0 || mine.isLevelZeroSorted()) {
break; // levels above 0 are sorted, no point comparing further
weight *= 2;
return (double) total / mine.getN();
static double[] getDoublesPmfOrCdf(final KllSketch mine, final double[] splitPoints,
final boolean isCdf, final boolean inclusive) {
if (mine.isEmpty()) { return null; }
final double[] buckets = new double[splitPoints.length + 1];
final int myNumLevels = mine.getNumLevels();
final int[] myLevelsArr = mine.getLevelsArray();
int level = 0;
int weight = 1;
while (level < myNumLevels) {
final int fromIndex = myLevelsArr[level];
final int toIndex = myLevelsArr[level + 1]; // exclusive
if (level == 0 && !mine.isLevelZeroSorted()) {
KllDoublesHelper.incrementDoublesBucketsUnsortedLevel(mine, fromIndex, toIndex, weight, splitPoints,
buckets, inclusive);
} else {
KllDoublesHelper.incrementDoublesBucketsSortedLevel(mine, fromIndex, toIndex, weight, splitPoints,
buckets, inclusive);
weight *= 2;
// normalize and, if CDF, convert to cumulative
if (isCdf) {
double subtotal = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++) {
subtotal += buckets[i];
buckets[i] = subtotal / mine.getN();
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++) {
buckets[i] /= mine.getN();
return buckets;
static double getDoublesQuantile(final KllSketch mine, final double fraction, final boolean inclusive) {
if (mine.isEmpty()) { return Double.NaN; }
if (fraction < 0.0 || fraction > 1.0) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Fraction cannot be less than zero nor greater than 1.0");
//These two assumptions make KLL compatible with the previous classic Quantiles Sketch
if (fraction == 0.0) { return mine.getMinDoubleValue(); }
if (fraction == 1.0) { return mine.getMaxDoubleValue(); }
final KllDoublesSketchSortedView quant = KllDoublesHelper.getDoublesSortedView(mine, true, inclusive);
return quant.getQuantile(fraction);
static double[] getDoublesQuantiles(final KllSketch mine, final double[] fractions, final boolean inclusive) {
if (mine.isEmpty()) { return null; }
KllDoublesSketchSortedView quant = null;
final double[] quantiles = new double[fractions.length];
for (int i = 0; i < fractions.length; i++) {
final double fraction = fractions[i];
if (fraction < 0.0 || fraction > 1.0) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Fraction cannot be less than zero nor greater than 1.0");
if (fraction == 0.0) { quantiles[i] = mine.getMinDoubleValue(); }
else if (fraction == 1.0) { quantiles[i] = mine.getMaxDoubleValue(); }
else {
if (quant == null) {
quant = KllDoublesHelper.getDoublesSortedView(mine, true, inclusive);
quantiles[i] = quant.getQuantile(fraction);
return quantiles;
static void mergeDoubleImpl(final KllSketch mine, final KllSketch other) {
if (other.isEmpty()) { return; }
final long finalN = mine.getN() + other.getN();
final int otherNumLevels = other.getNumLevels();
final int[] otherLevelsArr = other.getLevelsArray();
final double[] otherDoubleItemsArr;
//capture my min & max, minK
final double myMin = mine.getMinDoubleValue();
final double myMax = mine.getMaxDoubleValue();
final int myMinK = mine.getMinK();
//update this sketch with level0 items from the other sketch
if (other.isCompactSingleItem()) {
updateDouble(mine, other.getDoubleSingleItem());
otherDoubleItemsArr = new double[0];
} else {
otherDoubleItemsArr = other.getDoubleItemsArray();
for (int i = otherLevelsArr[0]; i < otherLevelsArr[1]; i++) {
KllDoublesHelper.updateDouble(mine, otherDoubleItemsArr[i]);
// after the level 0 update, we capture the state of levels and items arrays
final int myCurNumLevels = mine.getNumLevels();
final int[] myCurLevelsArr = mine.getLevelsArray();
final double[] myCurDoubleItemsArr = mine.getDoubleItemsArray();
int myNewNumLevels = myCurNumLevels;
int[] myNewLevelsArr = myCurLevelsArr;
double[] myNewDoubleItemsArr = myCurDoubleItemsArr;
if (otherNumLevels > 1 && !other.isCompactSingleItem()) { //now merge other levels if they exist
final int tmpSpaceNeeded = mine.getNumRetained()
+ KllHelper.getNumRetainedAboveLevelZero(otherNumLevels, otherLevelsArr);
final double[] workbuf = new double[tmpSpaceNeeded];
final int ub = KllHelper.ubOnNumLevels(finalN);
final int[] worklevels = new int[ub + 2]; // ub+1 does not work
final int[] outlevels = new int[ub + 2];
final int provisionalNumLevels = max(myCurNumLevels, otherNumLevels);
populateDoubleWorkArrays(workbuf, worklevels, provisionalNumLevels,
myCurNumLevels, myCurLevelsArr, myCurDoubleItemsArr,
otherNumLevels, otherLevelsArr, otherDoubleItemsArr);
// notice that workbuf is being used as both the input and output
final int[] result = generalDoublesCompress(mine.getK(), mine.getM(), provisionalNumLevels,
workbuf, worklevels, workbuf, outlevels, mine.isLevelZeroSorted(), KllSketch.random);
final int targetItemCount = result[1]; //was finalCapacity. Max size given k, m, numLevels
final int curItemCount = result[2]; //was finalPop
// now we need to finalize the results for the "self" sketch
myNewNumLevels = result[0]; //was finalNumLevels
assert myNewNumLevels <= ub; // ub may be much bigger
// THE NEW ITEMS ARRAY (was newbuf)
myNewDoubleItemsArr = (targetItemCount == myCurDoubleItemsArr.length)
? myCurDoubleItemsArr
: new double[targetItemCount];
final int freeSpaceAtBottom = targetItemCount - curItemCount;
//shift the new items array
System.arraycopy(workbuf, outlevels[0], myNewDoubleItemsArr, freeSpaceAtBottom, curItemCount);
final int theShift = freeSpaceAtBottom - outlevels[0];
//calculate the new levels array length
final int finalLevelsArrLen;
if (myCurLevelsArr.length < myNewNumLevels + 1) { finalLevelsArrLen = myNewNumLevels + 1; }
else { finalLevelsArrLen = myCurLevelsArr.length; }
myNewLevelsArr = new int[finalLevelsArrLen];
for (int lvl = 0; lvl < myNewNumLevels + 1; lvl++) { // includes the "extra" index
myNewLevelsArr[lvl] = outlevels[lvl] + theShift;
if (mine.updatableMemFormat) {
mine.wmem = KllHelper.memorySpaceMgmt(mine, myNewLevelsArr.length, myNewDoubleItemsArr.length);
//Update Preamble:
if (other.isEstimationMode()) { //otherwise the merge brings over exact items.
mine.setMinK(min(myMinK, other.getMinK()));
//Update numLevels, levelsArray, items
//Update min, max values
final double otherMin = other.getMinDoubleValue();
final double otherMax = other.getMaxDoubleValue();
mine.setMinDoubleValue(resolveDoubleMinValue(myMin, otherMin));
mine.setMaxDoubleValue(resolveDoubleMaxValue(myMax, otherMax));
assert KllHelper.sumTheSampleWeights(mine.getNumLevels(), mine.getLevelsArray()) == mine.getN();
static void mergeSortedDoubleArrays(
final double[] bufA, final int startA, final int lenA,
final double[] bufB, final int startB, final int lenB,
final double[] bufC, final int startC) {
final int lenC = lenA + lenB;
final int limA = startA + lenA;
final int limB = startB + lenB;
final int limC = startC + lenC;
int a = startA;
int b = startB;
for (int c = startC; c < limC; c++) {
if (a == limA) {
bufC[c] = bufB[b];
} else if (b == limB) {
bufC[c] = bufA[a];
} else if (bufA[a] < bufB[b]) {
bufC[c] = bufA[a];
} else {
bufC[c] = bufB[b];
assert a == limA;
assert b == limB;
* Validation Method. This must be modified to test validation
* @param buf the items array
* @param start data start
* @param length items length
* @param random instance of Random
*/ //NOTE Validation Method: Need to modify.
static void randomlyHalveDownDoubles(final double[] buf, final int start, final int length, final Random random) {
assert isEven(length);
final int half_length = length / 2;
final int offset = random.nextInt(2); // disable for validation
//final int offset = deterministicOffset(); // enable for validation
int j = start + offset;
for (int i = start; i < (start + half_length); i++) {
buf[i] = buf[j];
j += 2;
* Validation Method. This must be modified to test validation
* @param buf the items array
* @param start data start
* @param length items length
* @param random instance of Random
*/ //NOTE Validation Method: Need to modify.
static void randomlyHalveUpDoubles(final double[] buf, final int start, final int length, final Random random) {
assert isEven(length);
final int half_length = length / 2;
final int offset = random.nextInt(2); // disable for validation
//final int offset = deterministicOffset(); // enable for validation
int j = (start + length) - 1 - offset;
for (int i = (start + length) - 1; i >= (start + half_length); i--) {
buf[i] = buf[j];
j -= 2;
static void updateDouble(final KllSketch mine, final double value) {
if (Double.isNaN(value)) { return; }
final double prevMin = mine.getMinDoubleValue();
final double prevMax = mine.getMaxDoubleValue();
mine.setMinDoubleValue(resolveDoubleMinValue(prevMin, value));
mine.setMaxDoubleValue(resolveDoubleMaxValue(prevMax, value));
if (mine.getLevelsArray()[0] == 0) { KllHelper.compressWhileUpdatingSketch(mine); }
final int myLevelsArrAtZero = mine.getLevelsArray()[0]; //LevelsArr could be expanded
final int nextPos = myLevelsArrAtZero - 1;
assert myLevelsArrAtZero >= 0;
mine.setLevelsArrayAt(0, nextPos);
mine.setDoubleItemsArrayAt(nextPos, value);
* Compression algorithm used to merge higher levels.
* <p>Here is what we do for each level:</p>
* <ul><li>If it does not need to be compacted, then simply copy it over.</li>
* <li>Otherwise, it does need to be compacted, so...
* <ul><li>Copy zero or one guy over.</li>
* <li>If the level above is empty, halve up.</li>
* <li>Else the level above is nonempty, so halve down, then merge up.</li>
* </ul></li>
* <li>Adjust the boundaries of the level above.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>It can be proved that generalCompress returns a sketch that satisfies the space constraints
* no matter how much data is passed in.
* We are pretty sure that it works correctly when inBuf and outBuf are the same.
* All levels except for level zero must be sorted before calling this, and will still be
* sorted afterwards.
* Level zero is not required to be sorted before, and may not be sorted afterwards.</p>
* <p>This trashes inBuf and inLevels and modifies outBuf and outLevels.</p>
* @param k The sketch parameter k
* @param m The minimum level size
* @param numLevelsIn provisional number of number of levels = max(this.numLevels, other.numLevels)
* @param inBuf work buffer of size = this.getNumRetained() + other.getNumRetainedAboveLevelZero().
* This contains the double[] of the other sketch
* @param inLevels work levels array size = ubOnNumLevels(this.n + other.n) + 2
* @param outBuf the same array as inBuf
* @param outLevels the same size as inLevels
* @param isLevelZeroSorted true if this.level 0 is sorted
* @param random instance of java.util.Random
* @return int array of: {numLevels, targetItemCount, currentItemCount)
private static int[] generalDoublesCompress(
final int k,
final int m,
final int numLevelsIn,
final double[] inBuf,
final int[] inLevels,
final double[] outBuf,
final int[] outLevels,
final boolean isLevelZeroSorted,
final Random random) {
assert numLevelsIn > 0; // things are too weird if zero levels are allowed
int numLevels = numLevelsIn;
int currentItemCount = inLevels[numLevels] - inLevels[0]; // decreases with each compaction
int targetItemCount = KllHelper.computeTotalItemCapacity(k, m, numLevels); // increases if we add levels
boolean doneYet = false;
outLevels[0] = 0;
int curLevel = -1;
while (!doneYet) {
curLevel++; // start out at level 0
// If we are at the current top level, add an empty level above it for convenience,
// but do not increment numLevels until later
if (curLevel == (numLevels - 1)) {
inLevels[curLevel + 2] = inLevels[curLevel + 1];
final int rawBeg = inLevels[curLevel];
final int rawLim = inLevels[curLevel + 1];
final int rawPop = rawLim - rawBeg;
if ((currentItemCount < targetItemCount) || (rawPop < KllHelper.levelCapacity(k, numLevels, curLevel, m))) {
// copy level over as is
// because inBuf and outBuf could be the same, make sure we are not moving data upwards!
assert (rawBeg >= outLevels[curLevel]);
System.arraycopy(inBuf, rawBeg, outBuf, outLevels[curLevel], rawPop);
outLevels[curLevel + 1] = outLevels[curLevel] + rawPop;
else {
// The sketch is too full AND this level is too full, so we compact it
// Note: this can add a level and thus change the sketch's capacity
final int popAbove = inLevels[curLevel + 2] - rawLim;
final boolean oddPop = isOdd(rawPop);
final int adjBeg = oddPop ? 1 + rawBeg : rawBeg;
final int adjPop = oddPop ? rawPop - 1 : rawPop;
final int halfAdjPop = adjPop / 2;
if (oddPop) { // copy one guy over
outBuf[outLevels[curLevel]] = inBuf[rawBeg];
outLevels[curLevel + 1] = outLevels[curLevel] + 1;
} else { // copy zero guys over
outLevels[curLevel + 1] = outLevels[curLevel];
// level zero might not be sorted, so we must sort it if we wish to compact it
if ((curLevel == 0) && !isLevelZeroSorted) {
Arrays.sort(inBuf, adjBeg, adjBeg + adjPop);
if (popAbove == 0) { // Level above is empty, so halve up
randomlyHalveUpDoubles(inBuf, adjBeg, adjPop, random);
} else { // Level above is nonempty, so halve down, then merge up
randomlyHalveDownDoubles(inBuf, adjBeg, adjPop, random);
mergeSortedDoubleArrays(inBuf, adjBeg, halfAdjPop, inBuf, rawLim, popAbove, inBuf, adjBeg + halfAdjPop);
// track the fact that we just eliminated some data
currentItemCount -= halfAdjPop;
// Adjust the boundaries of the level above
inLevels[curLevel + 1] = inLevels[curLevel + 1] - halfAdjPop;
// Increment numLevels if we just compacted the old top level
// This creates some more capacity (the size of the new bottom level)
if (curLevel == (numLevels - 1)) {
targetItemCount += KllHelper.levelCapacity(k, numLevels, 0, m);
} // end of code for compacting a level
// determine whether we have processed all levels yet (including any new levels that we created)
if (curLevel == (numLevels - 1)) { doneYet = true; }
} // end of loop over levels
assert (outLevels[numLevels] - outLevels[0]) == currentItemCount;
return new int[] {numLevels, targetItemCount, currentItemCount};
static KllDoublesSketchSortedView getDoublesSortedView(final KllSketch mine,
final boolean cumulative, final boolean inclusive) {
final int[] myLevelsArr = mine.getLevelsArray();
final double[] myDoubleItemsArr = mine.getDoubleItemsArray();
if (!mine.isLevelZeroSorted()) {
Arrays.sort(myDoubleItemsArr, myLevelsArr[0], myLevelsArr[1]);
if (!mine.hasMemory()) { mine.setLevelZeroSorted(true); }
return new KllDoublesSketchSortedView(myDoubleItemsArr, myLevelsArr, mine.getNumLevels(), mine.getN(),
cumulative, inclusive);
private static void incrementDoublesBucketsSortedLevel(
final KllSketch mine, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final int weight,
final double[] splitPoints, final double[] buckets, final boolean inclusive) {
final double[] myDoubleItemsArr = mine.getDoubleItemsArray();
int i = fromIndex;
int j = 0;
while (i < toIndex && j < splitPoints.length) {
if (inclusive ? myDoubleItemsArr[i] <= splitPoints[j] : myDoubleItemsArr[i] < splitPoints[j]) {
buckets[j] += weight; // this sample goes into this bucket
i++; // move on to next sample and see whether it also goes into this bucket
} else {
j++; // no more samples for this bucket
// now either i == toIndex (we are out of samples), or
// j == numSplitPoints (we are out of buckets, but there are more samples remaining)
// we only need to do something in the latter case
if (j == splitPoints.length) {
buckets[j] += weight * (toIndex - i);
private static void incrementDoublesBucketsUnsortedLevel(
final KllSketch mine, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final int weight,
final double[] splitPoints, final double[] buckets, final boolean inclusive) {
final double[] myDoubleItemsArr = mine.getDoubleItemsArray();
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < splitPoints.length; j++) {
if (inclusive ? myDoubleItemsArr[i] <= splitPoints[j] : myDoubleItemsArr[i] < splitPoints[j]) {
buckets[j] += weight;
private static void populateDoubleWorkArrays(
final double[] workbuf, final int[] worklevels, final int provisionalNumLevels,
final int myCurNumLevels, final int[] myCurLevelsArr, final double[] myCurDoubleItemsArr,
final int otherNumLevels, final int[] otherLevelsArr, final double[] otherDoubleItemsArr) {
worklevels[0] = 0;
// Note: the level zero data from "other" was already inserted into "self"
final int selfPopZero = KllHelper.currentLevelSize(0, myCurNumLevels,myCurLevelsArr);
System.arraycopy(myCurDoubleItemsArr, myCurLevelsArr[0], workbuf, worklevels[0], selfPopZero);
worklevels[1] = worklevels[0] + selfPopZero;
for (int lvl = 1; lvl < provisionalNumLevels; lvl++) {
final int selfPop = KllHelper.currentLevelSize(lvl, myCurNumLevels, myCurLevelsArr);
final int otherPop = KllHelper.currentLevelSize(lvl, otherNumLevels, otherLevelsArr);
worklevels[lvl + 1] = worklevels[lvl] + selfPop + otherPop;
if (selfPop > 0 && otherPop == 0) {
System.arraycopy(myCurDoubleItemsArr, myCurLevelsArr[lvl], workbuf, worklevels[lvl], selfPop);
} else if (selfPop == 0 && otherPop > 0) {
System.arraycopy(otherDoubleItemsArr, otherLevelsArr[lvl], workbuf, worklevels[lvl], otherPop);
} else if (selfPop > 0 && otherPop > 0) {
mergeSortedDoubleArrays(myCurDoubleItemsArr, myCurLevelsArr[lvl], selfPop, otherDoubleItemsArr,
otherLevelsArr[lvl], otherPop, workbuf, worklevels[lvl]);
private static double resolveDoubleMaxValue(final double myMax, final double otherMax) {
if (Double.isNaN(myMax) && Double.isNaN(otherMax)) { return Double.NaN; }
if (Double.isNaN(myMax)) { return otherMax; }
if (Double.isNaN(otherMax)) { return myMax; }
return max(myMax, otherMax);
private static double resolveDoubleMinValue(final double myMin, final double otherMin) {
if (Double.isNaN(myMin) && Double.isNaN(otherMin)) { return Double.NaN; }
if (Double.isNaN(myMin)) { return otherMin; }
if (Double.isNaN(otherMin)) { return myMin; }
return min(myMin, otherMin);
* Checks the sequential validity of the given array of double values.
* They must be unique, monotonically increasing and not NaN.
* @param values the given array of values
private static void validateDoubleValues(final double[] values) {
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (!Double.isFinite(values[i])) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Values must be finite");
if (i < values.length - 1 && values[i] >= values[i + 1]) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException(
"Values must be unique and monotonically increasing");
* Validation Method.
* The following must be enabled for use with the KllDoublesValidationTest,
* which is only enabled for manual testing. In addition, two Validation Methods
* above need to be modified.
*/ //NOTE Validation Method: Need to uncomment
// static int nextOffset = 0;
// private static int deterministicOffset() {
// final int result = nextOffset;
// nextOffset = 1 - nextOffset;
// return result;
// }