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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import unittest
from datasketches import req_ints_sketch, req_floats_sketch, req_items_sketch, PyStringsSerDe
import numpy as np
class reqTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_req_example(self):
k = 12
n = 2 ** 20
# create a sketch and inject ~1 million N(0,1) points as an array and as a single item
req = req_floats_sketch(k, True) # high rank accuracy
# 0 should be near the median
self.assertAlmostEqual(0.5, req.get_rank(0.0), delta=0.045)
# the median should be near 0
self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, req.get_quantile(0.5), delta=0.045)
# we also track the min/max independently from the rest of the data
# which lets us know the full observed data range
self.assertLessEqual(req.get_min_value(), req.get_quantile(0.01))
self.assertLessEqual(0.0, req.get_rank(req.get_min_value()))
self.assertGreaterEqual(req.get_max_value(), req.get_quantile(0.99))
self.assertGreaterEqual(1.0, req.get_rank(req.get_max_value()))
# we can also extract a list of values at a time,
# here the values should give us something close to [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2].
# then get the CDF, which will return something close to
# the original values used in get_quantiles()
# finally, can check the normalized rank error bound
pts = req.get_quantiles([0.0228, 0.1587, 0.5, 0.8413, 0.9772])
cdf = req.get_cdf(pts) # include 1.0 at end to account for all probability mass
self.assertEqual(len(cdf), len(pts)+1)
# For relative error quantiles, the error depends on the actual rank
# so we need to use that to detemrine the bounds
est = req.get_rank(0.999, True)
lb = req.get_rank_lower_bound(est, 1)
ub = req.get_rank_upper_bound(est, 1)
self.assertLessEqual(lb, est)
self.assertLessEqual(est, ub)
# and a few basic queries about the sketch
self.assertEqual(req.get_n(), n)
self.assertLess(req.get_num_retained(), n)
self.assertEqual(req.get_k(), k)
# merging itself will double the number of items the sketch has seen
req_copy = req_floats_sketch(req)
self.assertEqual(req.get_n(), 2*n)
# we can then serialize and reconstruct the sketch
req_bytes = req.serialize()
new_req = req_floats_sketch.deserialize(req_bytes)
self.assertEqual(req.get_num_retained(), new_req.get_num_retained())
self.assertEqual(req.get_min_value(), new_req.get_min_value())
self.assertEqual(req.get_max_value(), new_req.get_max_value())
self.assertEqual(req.get_quantile(0.7), new_req.get_quantile(0.7))
self.assertEqual(req.get_rank(0.0), new_req.get_rank(0.0))
total_weight = 0
for tuple in req:
item = tuple[0]
weight = tuple[1]
total_weight = total_weight + weight
self.assertEqual(total_weight, req.get_n())
def test_req_ints_sketch(self):
k = 100
n = 10
req = req_ints_sketch(k)
for i in range(0, n):
self.assertEqual(req.get_min_value(), 0)
self.assertEqual(req.get_max_value(), n-1)
self.assertEqual(req.get_n(), n)
self.assertFalse(req.is_estimation_mode()) # n < k
self.assertEqual(req.get_k(), k)
pmf = req.get_pmf([round(n/2)])
self.assertEqual(len(pmf), 2)
cdf = req.get_cdf([round(n/2)])
self.assertEqual(len(cdf), 2)
self.assertEqual(req.get_quantile(0.5), round(n/2))
quants = req.get_quantiles([0.25, 0.5, 0.75])
self.assertEqual(len(quants), 3)
self.assertEqual(req.get_rank(round(n/2)), 0.5)
# merge self
req_copy = req_ints_sketch(req)
self.assertEqual(req.get_n(), 2 * n)
sk_bytes = req.serialize()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(req_ints_sketch.deserialize(sk_bytes), req_ints_sketch))
def test_req_floats_sketch(self):
# already tested floats with LRA so just check that HRA works
k = 75
req = req_floats_sketch(k, False) # low rank accuracy
def test_req_items_sketch(self):
# most functionality has been tested, but we need to ensure objects and sorting work
# as well as serialization
k = 100
n = 2 ** 16
# create a sketch and inject enough points to force compaction
req = req_items_sketch(k)
for i in range(0, n):
req_copy = req_items_sketch(req)
self.assertEqual(req.get_n(), 2 * n)
req_bytes = req.serialize(PyStringsSerDe())
new_req = req_items_sketch.deserialize(req_bytes, PyStringsSerDe())
self.assertEqual(req.get_num_retained(), new_req.get_num_retained())
self.assertEqual(req.get_min_value(), new_req.get_min_value())
self.assertEqual(req.get_max_value(), new_req.get_max_value())
self.assertEqual(req.get_quantile(0.7), new_req.get_quantile(0.7))
self.assertEqual(req.get_rank(str(n/4)), new_req.get_rank(str(n/4)))
if __name__ == '__main__':