blob: 52690b208e49697ee9728db93d6f6a3358eb02c8 [file] [log] [blame]
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#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include "hll.hpp"
namespace py = pybind11;
void init_hll(py::module &m) {
using namespace datasketches;
py::enum_<target_hll_type>(m, "tgt_hll_type", "Target HLL flavor")
.value("HLL_4", HLL_4)
.value("HLL_6", HLL_6)
.value("HLL_8", HLL_8)
py::class_<hll_sketch>(m, "hll_sketch")
.def(py::init<uint8_t>(), py::arg("lg_k"))
.def(py::init<uint8_t, target_hll_type>(), py::arg("lg_k"), py::arg("tgt_type"))
.def(py::init<uint8_t, target_hll_type, bool>(), py::arg("lg_k"), py::arg("tgt_type"), py::arg("start_max_size")=false)
.def("__str__", (std::string (hll_sketch::*)(bool,bool,bool,bool) const) &hll_sketch::to_string,
py::arg("summary")=true, py::arg("detail")=false, py::arg("aux_detail")=false, py::arg("all")=false,
"Produces a string summary of the sketch")
.def("to_string", (std::string (hll_sketch::*)(bool,bool,bool,bool) const) &hll_sketch::to_string,
py::arg("summary")=true, py::arg("detail")=false, py::arg("aux_detail")=false, py::arg("all")=false,
"Produces a string summary of the sketch")
.def_property_readonly("lg_config_k", &hll_sketch::get_lg_config_k, "Configured lg_k value for the sketch")
.def_property_readonly("tgt_type", &hll_sketch::get_target_type, "Returns the HLL type (4, 6, or 8) when in estimation mode")
.def("get_estimate", &hll_sketch::get_estimate,
"Estimate of the distinct count of the input stream")
.def("get_lower_bound", &hll_sketch::get_lower_bound, py::arg("num_std_devs"),
"Returns the approximate lower error bound given the specified number of standard deviations in {1, 2, 3}")
.def("get_upper_bound", &hll_sketch::get_upper_bound, py::arg("num_std_devs"),
"Returns the approximate upper error bound given the specified number of standard deviations in {1, 2, 3}")
.def("is_compact", &hll_sketch::is_compact,
"True if the sketch is compact, otherwise False")
.def("is_empty", &hll_sketch::is_empty,
"True if the sketch is empty, otherwise False")
.def("get_updatable_serialization_bytes", &hll_sketch::get_updatable_serialization_bytes,
"Returns the size of the serialized sketch")
.def("get_compact_serialization_bytes", &hll_sketch::get_compact_serialization_bytes,
"Returns the size of the serialized sketch when compressing the exception table if HLL_4")
.def("reset", &hll_sketch::reset,
"Resets the sketch to the empty state in coupon collection mode")
.def("update", (void (hll_sketch::*)(int64_t)) &hll_sketch::update, py::arg("datum"),
"Updates the sketch with the given integral value")
.def("update", (void (hll_sketch::*)(double)) &hll_sketch::update, py::arg("datum"),
"Updates the sketch with the given floating point value")
.def("update", (void (hll_sketch::*)(const std::string&)) &hll_sketch::update, py::arg("datum"),
"Updates the sketch with the given string value")
.def_static("get_max_updatable_serialization_bytes", &hll_sketch::get_max_updatable_serialization_bytes,
py::arg("lg_k"), py::arg("tgt_type"),
"Provides a likely upper bound on serialization size for the given parameters")
.def_static("get_rel_err", &hll_sketch::get_rel_err,
py::arg("upper_bound"), py::arg("unioned"), py::arg("lg_k"), py::arg("num_std_devs"),
"Returns the a priori relative error bound for the given parameters")
[](const hll_sketch& sk) {
auto bytes = sk.serialize_compact();
return py::bytes(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, bytes.size());
"Serializes the sketch into a bytes object, compressing the exception table if HLL_4"
[](const hll_sketch& sk) {
auto bytes = sk.serialize_updatable();
return py::bytes(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, bytes.size());
"Serializes the sketch into a bytes object"
[](const std::string& bytes) { return hll_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size()); },
"Reads a bytes object and returns the corresponding hll_sketch"
py::class_<hll_union>(m, "hll_union")
.def(py::init<uint8_t>(), py::arg("lg_max_k"))
.def_property_readonly("lg_config_k", &hll_union::get_lg_config_k, "Configured lg_k value for the union")
.def_property_readonly("tgt_type", &hll_union::get_target_type, "Returns the HLL type (4, 6, or 8) when in estimation mode")
.def("get_estimate", &hll_union::get_estimate,
"Estimate of the distinct count of the input stream")
.def("get_lower_bound", &hll_union::get_lower_bound, py::arg("num_std_devs"),
"Returns the approximate lower error bound given the specified number of standard deviations in {1, 2, 3}")
.def("get_upper_bound", &hll_union::get_upper_bound, py::arg("num_std_devs"),
"Returns the approximate upper error bound given the specified number of standard deviations in {1, 2, 3}")
.def("is_empty", &hll_union::is_empty,
"True if the union is empty, otherwise False")
.def("reset", &hll_union::reset,
"Resets the union to the empty state")
.def("get_result", &hll_union::get_result, py::arg("tgt_type")=HLL_4,
"Returns a sketch of the target type representing the current union state")
.def<void (hll_union::*)(const hll_sketch&)>("update", &hll_union::update, py::arg("sketch"),
"Updates the union with the given HLL sketch")
.def<void (hll_union::*)(int64_t)>("update", &hll_union::update, py::arg("datum"),
"Updates the union with the given integral value")
.def<void (hll_union::*)(double)>("update", &hll_union::update, py::arg("datum"),
"Updates the union with the given floating point value")
.def<void (hll_union::*)(const std::string&)>("update", &hll_union::update, py::arg("datum"),
"Updates the union with the given string value")
.def_static("get_rel_err", &hll_union::get_rel_err,
py::arg("upper_bound"), py::arg("unioned"), py::arg("lg_k"), py::arg("num_std_devs"),
"Returns the a priori relative error bound for the given parameters")