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#include "py_serde.hpp"
#include "py_object_ostream.hpp"
#include "frequent_items_sketch.hpp"
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <ostream>
namespace py = pybind11;
// forward declarations
// std::string and arithmetic types, where we don't need a separate serde
template<typename T, typename W, typename H, typename E, typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value || std::is_same<std::string, T>::value, bool>::type = 0>
void add_serialization(py::class_<datasketches::frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>>& clazz);
// py::object and other types where the caller must provide a serde
template<typename T, typename W, typename H, typename E, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic<T>::value && !std::is_same<std::string, T>::value, bool>::type = 0>
void add_serialization(py::class_<datasketches::frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>>& clazz);
template<typename T, typename W, typename H, typename E>
void bind_fi_sketch(py::module &m, const char* name) {
using namespace datasketches;
auto fi_class = py::class_<frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>>(m, name)
.def(py::init<uint8_t>(), py::arg("lg_max_k"))
.def("__str__", &frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::to_string, py::arg("print_items")=false,
"Produces a string summary of the sketch")
.def("to_string", &frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::to_string, py::arg("print_items")=false,
"Produces a string summary of the sketch")
.def("update", (void (frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::*)(const T&, uint64_t)) &frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::update, py::arg("item"), py::arg("weight")=1,
"Updates the sketch with the given string and, optionally, a weight")
.def("merge", (void (frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::*)(const frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>&)) &frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::merge,
"Merges the given sketch into this one")
.def("is_empty", &frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::is_empty,
"Returns True if the sketch is empty, otherwise False")
.def("get_num_active_items", &frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::get_num_active_items,
"Returns the number of active items in the sketch")
.def("get_total_weight", &frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::get_total_weight,
"Returns the sum of the weights (frequencies) in the stream seen so far by the sketch")
.def("get_estimate", &frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::get_estimate, py::arg("item"),
"Returns the estimate of the weight (frequency) of the given item.\n"
"Note: The true frequency of a item would be the sum of the counts as a result of the "
"two update functions.")
.def("get_lower_bound", &frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::get_lower_bound, py::arg("item"),
"Returns the guaranteed lower bound weight (frequency) of the given item.")
.def("get_upper_bound", &frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::get_upper_bound, py::arg("item"),
"Returns the guaranteed upper bound weight (frequency) of the given item.")
.def("get_sketch_epsilon", (double (frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::*)(void) const) &frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::get_epsilon,
"Returns the epsilon value used by the sketch to compute error")
[](const frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>& sk, frequent_items_error_type err_type, uint64_t threshold) {
if (threshold == 0) threshold = sk.get_maximum_error();
py::list list;
auto rows = sk.get_frequent_items(err_type, threshold);
for (auto row: rows) {
return list;
py::arg("err_type"), py::arg("threshold")=0
[](uint8_t lg_max_map_size) { return frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::get_epsilon(lg_max_map_size); },
"Returns the epsilon value used to compute a priori error for a given log2(max_map_size)"
&frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::get_apriori_error,
py::arg("lg_max_map_size"), py::arg("estimated_total_weight"),
"Returns the estimated a priori error given the max_map_size for the sketch and the estimated_total_stream_weight."
// serialization may need a caller-provided serde depending on the sketch type, so
// we use a separate method to handle that appropriately based on type T.
// std::string or arithmetic types, for which we have a built-in serde
template<typename T, typename W, typename H, typename E, typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value || std::is_same<std::string, T>::value, bool>::type>
void add_serialization(py::class_<datasketches::frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>>& clazz) {
using namespace datasketches;
[](const frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>& sk) { return sk.get_serialized_size_bytes(); },
"Computes the size needed to serialize the current state of the sketch. This can be expensive since every item needs to be looked at."
[](const frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>& sk) {
auto bytes = sk.serialize();
return py::bytes(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, bytes.size());
"Serializes the sketch into a bytes object."
[](const std::string& bytes) { return frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::deserialize(, bytes.size()); },
"Reads a bytes object and returns the corresponding frequent_strings_sketch."
// py::object or any other type that requires a provided serde
template<typename T, typename W, typename H, typename E, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic<T>::value && !std::is_same<std::string, T>::value, bool>::type>
void add_serialization(py::class_<datasketches::frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>>& clazz) {
using namespace datasketches;
[](const frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>& sk, py_object_serde& serde) { return sk.get_serialized_size_bytes(serde); },
"Computes the size needed to serialize the current state of the sketch using the provided serde. This can be expensive since every item needs to be looked at."
[](const frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>& sk, py_object_serde& serde) {
auto bytes = sk.serialize(0, serde);
return py::bytes(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, bytes.size());
}, py::arg("serde"),
"Serializes the sketch into a bytes object using the provided serde."
[](const std::string& bytes, py_object_serde& serde) {
return frequent_items_sketch<T, W, H, E>::deserialize(, bytes.size(), serde);
}, py::arg("bytes"), py::arg("serde"),
"Reads a bytes object using the provided serde and returns the corresponding frequent_strings_sketch."
// calls class __hash__ method
struct py_hash_caller {
size_t operator()(const py::object& a) const {
return py::hash(a);
// calls class __eq__ method
struct py_equal_caller {
bool operator()(const py::object& a, const py::object& b) const {
return a.equal(b);
void init_fi(py::module &m) {
using namespace datasketches;
py::enum_<frequent_items_error_type>(m, "frequent_items_error_type")
bind_fi_sketch<std::string, uint64_t, std::hash<std::string>, std::equal_to<std::string>>(m, "frequent_strings_sketch");
bind_fi_sketch<py::object, uint64_t, py_hash_caller, py_equal_caller>(m, "frequent_items_sketch");