blob: 03b7fee982e075d7cf1091a00a0890a6373b142c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
#include <vector>
#include "kernel_function.hpp"
#include "density_sketch.hpp"
namespace py = pybind11;
template<typename T, typename K>
void bind_density_sketch(py::module &m, const char* name) {
using namespace datasketches;
py::class_<density_sketch<T, K>>(m, name)
py::init([](uint16_t k, uint32_t dim, std::shared_ptr<kernel_function> kernel) {
kernel_function_holder holder(kernel);
return density_sketch<T, K>(k, dim, holder);
py::arg("k"), py::arg("dim"), py::arg("kernel"))
.def("update", static_cast<void (density_sketch<T, K>::*)(const std::vector<T>&)>(&density_sketch<T, K>::update),
"Updates the sketch with the given vector")
.def("merge", static_cast<void (density_sketch<T, K>::*)(const density_sketch<T, K>&)>(&density_sketch<T, K>::merge), py::arg("sketch"),
"Merges the provided sketch into this one")
.def("is_empty", &density_sketch<T, K>::is_empty,
"Returns True if the sketch is empty, otherwise False")
.def("get_k", &density_sketch<T, K>::get_k,
"Returns the configured parameter k")
.def("get_dim", &density_sketch<T, K>::get_dim,
"Returns the configured parameter dim")
.def("get_n", &density_sketch<T, K>::get_n,
"Returns the length of the input stream")
.def("get_num_retained", &density_sketch<T, K>::get_num_retained,
"Returns the number of retained items (samples) in the sketch")
.def("is_estimation_mode", &density_sketch<T, K>::is_estimation_mode,
"Returns True if the sketch is in estimation mode, otherwise False")
.def("get_estimate", &density_sketch<T, K>::get_estimate, py::arg("point"),
"Returns an approximate density at the given point")
.def("__str__", &density_sketch<T, K>::to_string, py::arg("print_levels")=false, py::arg("print_items")=false,
"Produces a string summary of the sketch")
.def("to_string", &density_sketch<T, K>::to_string, py::arg("print_levels")=false, py::arg("print_items")=false,
"Produces a string summary of the sketch")
.def("__iter__", [](const density_sketch<T, K>& s){ return py::make_iterator(s.begin(), s.end()); })
[](const density_sketch<T, K>& sk) {
auto bytes = sk.serialize();
return py::bytes(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, bytes.size());
"Serializes the sketch into a bytes object"
[](const std::string& bytes, std::shared_ptr<kernel_function> kernel) {
kernel_function_holder holder(kernel);
return density_sketch<T, K>::deserialize(, bytes.size(), holder);
py::arg("bytes"), py::arg("kernel"),
"Reads a bytes object and returns the corresponding density_sketch"
void init_density(py::module &m) {
using namespace datasketches;
// generic kernel function
py::class_<kernel_function, KernelFunction, std::shared_ptr<kernel_function>>(m, "KernelFunction")
.def("__call__", &kernel_function::operator(), py::arg("a"), py::arg("b"))
// the old sketch names can almost be defined, but the kernel_function_holder won't work in init()
//bind_density_sketch<float, gaussian_kernel<float>>(m, "density_floats_sketch");
//bind_density_sketch<double, gaussian_kernel<double>>(m, "density_doubles_sketch");
bind_density_sketch<double, kernel_function_holder>(m, "_density_sketch");