blob: bebb4696e16ad5f51c390f4583f5f0bf2b9e1769 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include "count_min.hpp"
#include "common_defs.hpp"
namespace py = pybind11;
template<typename W>
void bind_count_min_sketch(py::module &m, const char* name) {
using namespace datasketches;
py::class_<count_min_sketch<W>>(m, name)
.def(py::init<uint8_t, uint32_t, uint64_t>(), py::arg("num_hashes"), py::arg("num_buckets"), py::arg("seed")=DEFAULT_SEED)
.def(py::init<const count_min_sketch<W>&>())
.def_static("suggest_num_buckets", &count_min_sketch<W>::suggest_num_buckets, py::arg("relative_error"),
"Suggests the number of buckets needed to achieve an accuracy within the provided "
"relative_error. For example, when relative_error = 0.05, the returned frequency estimates "
"satisfy the 'relative_error' guarantee that never overestimates the weights but may "
"underestimate the weights by 5% of the total weight in the sketch. "
"Returns the number of hash buckets at every level of the sketch required in order to obtain "
"the specified relative error.")
.def_static("suggest_num_hashes", &count_min_sketch<W>::suggest_num_hashes, py::arg("confidence"),
"Suggests the number of hashes needed to achieve the provided confidence. For example, "
"with 95% confidence, frequency estimates satisfy the 'relative_error' guarantee. "
"Returns the number of hash functions that are required in order to achieve the specified "
"confidence of the sketch. confidence = 1 - delta, with delta denoting the sketch failure probability.")
.def("__str__", &count_min_sketch<W>::to_string,
"Produces a string summary of the sketch")
.def("to_string", &count_min_sketch<W>::to_string,
"Produces a string summary of the sketch")
.def("is_empty", &count_min_sketch<W>::is_empty,
"Returns True if the sketch has seen no items, otherwise False")
.def("get_num_hashes", &count_min_sketch<W>::get_num_hashes,
"Returns the configured number of hashes for the sketch")
.def("get_num_buckets", &count_min_sketch<W>::get_num_buckets,
"Returns the configured number of buckets for the sketch")
.def("get_seed", &count_min_sketch<W>::get_seed,
"Returns the base hash seed for the sketch")
.def("get_relative_error", &count_min_sketch<W>::get_relative_error,
"Returns the maximum permissible error for any frequency estimate query")
.def("get_total_weight", &count_min_sketch<W>::get_total_weight,
"Returns the total weight currently inserted into the stream")
.def("update", static_cast<void (count_min_sketch<W>::*)(int64_t, W)>(&count_min_sketch<W>::update), py::arg("item"), py::arg("weight")=1.0,
"Updates the sketch with the given 64-bit integer value")
.def("update", static_cast<void (count_min_sketch<W>::*)(const std::string&, W)>(&count_min_sketch<W>::update), py::arg("item"), py::arg("weight")=1.0,
"Updates the sketch with the given string")
.def("get_estimate", static_cast<W (count_min_sketch<W>::*)(int64_t) const>(&count_min_sketch<W>::get_estimate), py::arg("item"),
"Returns an estimate of the frequency of the provided 64-bit integer value")
.def("get_estimate", static_cast<W (count_min_sketch<W>::*)(const std::string&) const>(&count_min_sketch<W>::get_estimate), py::arg("item"),
"Returns an estimate of the frequency of the provided string")
.def("get_upper_bound", static_cast<W (count_min_sketch<W>::*)(int64_t) const>(&count_min_sketch<W>::get_upper_bound), py::arg("item"),
"Returns an upper bound on the estimate for the given 64-bit integer value")
.def("get_upper_bound", static_cast<W (count_min_sketch<W>::*)(const std::string&) const>(&count_min_sketch<W>::get_upper_bound), py::arg("item"),
"Returns an upper bound on the estimate for the provided string")
.def("get_lower_bound", static_cast<W (count_min_sketch<W>::*)(int64_t) const>(&count_min_sketch<W>::get_lower_bound), py::arg("item"),
"Returns an lower bound on the estimate for the given 64-bit integer value")
.def("get_lower_bound", static_cast<W (count_min_sketch<W>::*)(const std::string&) const>(&count_min_sketch<W>::get_lower_bound), py::arg("item"),
"Returns an lower bound on the estimate for the provided string")
.def("merge", &count_min_sketch<W>::merge, py::arg("other"),
"Merges the provided other sketch into this one")
.def("get_serialized_size_bytes", &count_min_sketch<W>::get_serialized_size_bytes,
"Returns the size in bytes of the serialized image of the sketch")
[](const count_min_sketch<W>& sk) {
auto bytes = sk.serialize();
return py::bytes(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, bytes.size());
"Serializes the sketch into a bytes object"
[](const std::string& bytes) { return count_min_sketch<W>::deserialize(, bytes.size()); },
"Reads a bytes object and returns the corresponding count_min_sketch"
void init_count_min(py::module &m) {
bind_count_min_sketch<double>(m, "count_min_sketch");