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// author Kevin Lang, Oath Research
#ifndef GOT_FM85_MERGING_H
#include "common.h"
#include "fm85.h"
#include "fm85Compression.h"
#include "fm85Util.h"
#include "u32Table.h"
typedef struct fm85_unioning_gadget
Short lgK; // Note: in some cases this will be reduced.
FM85 * accumulator; // this is a sketch object
U64 * bitMatrix;
// Note: at most one of the previous two fields will be non-NULL at any given moment.
// accumulator is a sketch object that is employed until it graduates out of Sparse mode.
// At that point, it is converted into a full-sized bitMatrix, which is mathematically a sketch,
// but doesn't maintain any of the "extra" fields of our sketch objects, so some additional work
// is required when getResult is called at the end.
} UG85;
UG85 * ug85Make (Short lgK);
void ug85Free (UG85 * unioner);
void ug85MergeInto (UG85 * unioner, FM85 * sourceSketch);
FM85 * ug85GetResult (UG85 * unioner);
U64 * bitMatrixOfUG85 (UG85 * self, Boolean * needToFreePtr); // used for testing
#define GOT_FM85_MERGING_H
// The merging logic is somewhat involved, so it will be summarized here.
// First, we compare the K values of the unioner and the source sketch.
// if source.K < unioner.K, we reduce the unioner's K to match, which
// requires downsampling the unioner's internal sketch.
// Here is how to perform the downsampling.
// If the unioner contains a bitMatrix, downsample it by row-wise OR'ing.
// If the unioner contains a sparse sketch, then create a new empty
// sketch, and walk the old target sketch updating the new one (with modulo).
// At the end, check whether the new target
// sketch is still in sparse mode (it might not be, because downsampling
// densifies the set of collected coupons). If it is NOT in sparse mode,
// immediately convert it to a bitmatrix.
// At this point, we have source.K >= unioner.K.
// [We won't keep mentioning this, but in all of the following the
// source's row indices are used mod unioner.K while updating the unioner's sketch.
// That takes care of the situation where source.K > unioner.K.]
// Case A: unioner is Sparse and source is Sparse. We walk the source sketch
// updating the unioner's sketch. At the end, if the unioner's sketch
// is no longer in sparse mode, we convert it to a bitmatrix.
// Case B: unioner is bitmatrix and source is Sparse. We walk the source sketch,
// setting bits in the bitmatrix.
// In the remaining cases, we have flavor(source) > Sparse, so we immediately convert the
// unioner's sketch to a bitmatrix (even if the unioner contains very few coupons). Then:
// Case C: unioner is bitmatrix and source is Hybrid or Pinned. Then we OR the source's
// sliding window into the bitmatrix, and walk the source's table, setting bits in the bitmatrix.
// Case D: unioner is bitmatrix, and source is Sliding. Then we convert the source into
// a bitmatrix, and OR it into the unioner's bitmatrix. [Important note; merely walking the source
// wouldn't work because of the partially inverted Logic in the Sliding flavor, where the presence of
// coupons is sometimes indicated by the ABSENCE of rowCol pairs in the surprises table.]
// How does getResult work?
// If the unioner is using its accumator field, make a copy of that sketch.
// If the unioner is using its bitMatrix field, then we have to convert the
// bitMatrix back into a sketch, which requires doing some extra work to
// figure out the values of numCoupons, offset, firstInterestingColumn, and KxQ.