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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
#ifndef _HLL_HPP_
#define _HLL_HPP_
#include "HllUtil.hpp"
#include "PairIterator.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
namespace datasketches {
// The different types of HLL sketches
enum target_hll_type {
template<typename A>
class HllSketchImpl;
template<typename A>
class hll_union_alloc;
using byte_ptr_with_deleter = std::unique_ptr<uint8_t, std::function<void(uint8_t*)>>;
template<typename A = std::allocator<char> >
class hll_sketch_alloc final {
explicit hll_sketch_alloc(int lg_config_k, target_hll_type tgt_type = HLL_4, bool start_full_size = false);
static hll_sketch_alloc deserialize(std::istream& is);
static hll_sketch_alloc deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t len);
hll_sketch_alloc(const hll_sketch_alloc<A>& that);
hll_sketch_alloc(const hll_sketch_alloc<A>& that, target_hll_type tgt_type);
hll_sketch_alloc(hll_sketch_alloc<A>&& that) noexcept;
hll_sketch_alloc operator=(const hll_sketch_alloc<A>& other);
hll_sketch_alloc operator=(hll_sketch_alloc<A>&& other);
void reset();
std::pair<byte_ptr_with_deleter, const size_t> serialize_compact(unsigned header_size_bytes = 0) const;
std::pair<byte_ptr_with_deleter, const size_t> serialize_updatable() const;
void serialize_compact(std::ostream& os) const;
void serialize_updatable(std::ostream& os) const;
std::ostream& to_string(std::ostream& os,
bool summary = true,
bool detail = false,
bool aux_detail = false,
bool all = false) const;
std::string to_string(bool summary = true,
bool detail = false,
bool aux_detail = false,
bool all = false) const;
void update(const std::string& datum);
void update(uint64_t datum);
void update(uint32_t datum);
void update(uint16_t datum);
void update(uint8_t datum);
void update(int64_t datum);
void update(int32_t datum);
void update(int16_t datum);
void update(int8_t datum);
void update(double datum);
void update(float datum);
void update(const void* data, size_t length_bytes);
double get_estimate() const;
double get_composite_estimate() const;
double get_lower_bound(int num_std_dev) const;
double get_upper_bound(int num_std_dev) const;
int get_lg_config_k() const;
target_hll_type get_target_type() const;
bool is_compact() const;
bool is_empty() const;
int get_updatable_serialization_bytes() const;
int get_compact_serialization_bytes() const;
* Returns the maximum size in bytes that this sketch can grow to given lg_config_k.
* However, for the HLL_4 sketch type, this value can be exceeded in extremely rare cases.
* If exceeded, it will be larger by only a few percent.
* @param lg_config_k The Log2 of K for the target HLL sketch. This value must be
* between 4 and 21 inclusively.
* @param tgt_type the desired Hll type
* @return the maximum size in bytes that this sketch can grow to.
static int get_max_updatable_serialization_bytes(int lg_k, target_hll_type tgt_type);
static double get_rel_err(bool upper_bound, bool unioned,
int lg_config_k, int num_std_dev);
pair_iterator_with_deleter<A> get_iterator() const;
explicit hll_sketch_alloc(HllSketchImpl<A>* that);
void coupon_update(int coupon);
std::string type_as_string() const;
std::string mode_as_string() const;
hll_mode get_current_mode() const;
int get_serialization_version() const;
bool is_out_of_order_flag() const;
bool is_estimation_mode() const;
typedef typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<hll_sketch_alloc> AllocHllSketch;
friend AllocHllSketch;
HllSketchImpl<A>* sketch_impl;
friend hll_union_alloc<A>;
template<typename A = std::allocator<char> >
class hll_union_alloc {
explicit hll_union_alloc(int lg_max_k);
static hll_union_alloc deserialize(std::istream& is);
static hll_union_alloc deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t len);
double get_estimate() const;
double get_composite_estimate() const;
double get_lower_bound(int num_std_dev) const;
double get_upper_bound(int num_std_dev) const;
int get_compact_serialization_bytes() const;
int get_updatable_serialization_bytes() const;
int get_lg_config_k() const;
target_hll_type get_target_type() const;
bool is_compact() const;
bool is_empty() const;
void reset();
hll_sketch_alloc<A> get_result(target_hll_type tgt_type = HLL_4) const;
std::pair<byte_ptr_with_deleter, const size_t> serialize_compact() const;
std::pair<byte_ptr_with_deleter, const size_t> serialize_updatable() const;
void serialize_compact(std::ostream& os) const;
void serialize_updatable(std::ostream& os) const;
std::ostream& to_string(std::ostream& os,
bool summary = true,
bool detail = false,
bool aux_Detail = false,
bool all = false) const;
std::string to_string(bool summary = true,
bool detail = false,
bool aux_detail = false,
bool all = false) const;
void update(const hll_sketch_alloc<A>& sketch);
void update(const std::string& datum);
void update(uint64_t datum);
void update(uint32_t datum);
void update(uint16_t datum);
void update(uint8_t datum);
void update(int64_t datum);
void update(int32_t datum);
void update(int16_t datum);
void update(int8_t datum);
void update(double datum);
void update(float datum);
void update(const void* data, size_t length_bytes);
static int get_max_serialization_bytes(int lg_k);
static double get_rel_err(bool upper_bound, bool unioned,
int lg_config_k, int num_std_dev);
* Union the given source and destination sketches. This static method examines the state of
* the current internal gadget and the incoming sketch and determines the optimum way to
* perform the union. This may involve swapping, down-sampling, transforming, and / or
* copying one of the arguments and may completely replace the internals of the union.
* @param incoming_impl the given incoming sketch, which may not be modified.
* @param lg_max_k the maximum value of log2 K for this union.
* //@return the union of the two sketches in the form of the internal HllSketchImpl, which for
* //the union is always in HLL_8 form.
void union_impl(HllSketchImpl<A>* incoming_impl, int lg_max_k);
static HllSketchImpl<A>* copy_or_downsample(HllSketchImpl<A>* src_impl, int tgt_lg_k);
void coupon_update(int coupon);
hll_mode get_current_mode() const;
int get_serialization_version() const;
bool is_out_of_order_flag() const;
bool is_estimation_mode() const;
// calls couponUpdate on sketch, freeing the old sketch upon changes in hll_mode
static HllSketchImpl<A>* leak_free_coupon_update(HllSketchImpl<A>* impl, int coupon);
int lg_max_k;
hll_sketch_alloc<A> gadget;
template<typename A>
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const hll_sketch_alloc<A>& sketch);
template<typename A>
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const hll_union_alloc<A>& union_in);
// aliases with default allocator for convenience
typedef hll_sketch_alloc<> hll_sketch;
typedef hll_union_alloc<> hll_union;
} // namespace datasketches
#include "hll.private.hpp"
#endif // _HLL_HPP_