blob: 8b19d5cb9eaba81e9dbc0e8fc1dc5dc7935e1189 [file] [log] [blame]
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// author Kevin Lang, Oath Research
#include "u32Table.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "fm85Util.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <new>
extern void* (*fm85alloc)(size_t);
extern void (*fm85free)(void*);
u32Table * u32TableMake (Short lgSize, Short numValidBits) {
if (lgSize < 2) throw std::invalid_argument("lgSize must be >= 2");
Long numSlots = (1LL << lgSize);
u32Table * self = (u32Table *) fm85alloc (sizeof(u32Table));
if (self == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc();
U32 * arr = (U32 *) fm85alloc ((size_t) (numSlots * sizeof(U32)));
if (arr == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc();
Long i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numSlots; i++) { arr[i] = ALL32BITS; }
if (numValidBits < 1 || numValidBits > 32) throw std::invalid_argument("numValidBits must be between 1 and 32");
self->validBits = numValidBits;
self->lgSize = lgSize;
self->numItems = 0;
self->slots = arr;
return (self);
u32Table * u32TableCopy (u32Table * self) {
if (self == NULL) throw std::invalid_argument("self is null");
if (self->slots == NULL) throw std::invalid_argument("no slots");
Long numSlots = (1LL << self->lgSize);
u32Table * newObj = (u32Table *) shallowCopy ((void *) self, sizeof(u32Table));
newObj->slots = (U32 *) shallowCopy ((void *) self->slots, ((size_t) numSlots) * sizeof(U32));
return (newObj);
// newObj->validBits = self->validBits;
// newObj->lgSize = self->lgSize;
// newObj->numItems = self->numItems;
void u32TableFree (u32Table * self) {
if (self != NULL) {
if (self->slots != NULL) fm85free (self->slots);
fm85free (self);
void u32TableShow (u32Table * self) {
Long tableSize = 1LL << self->lgSize;
printf ("\nu32Table (%d valid bits; %lld of %lld slots occupied)\n",
self->validBits, (long long int) self->numItems, (long long int) tableSize);
// U32 * arr = self->slots;
// Long i;
// for (i = 0; i < tableSize; i++) {
// if (arr[i] == ALL32BITS) printf ("%d:\tempty\n", (int) i);
// else printf ("%d:\t%8X\n", (int) i, arr[i]);
// }
fflush (stdout);
void u32TableClear (u32Table * self) { // clear the table without resizing it
Long tableSize = 1LL << self->lgSize;
U32 * arr = self->slots;
Long i;
for (i = 0; i < tableSize; i++) { arr[i] = ALL32BITS; }
self->numItems = 0;
void printU32Array (U32 * array, Long arrayLength) {
Long i = 0;
printf ("\nu32Array [%lld]\n", (long long int) arrayLength);
for (i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
printf ("%d:\t%8X\n", (int) i, array[i]);
fflush (stdout);
Long tableSize = 1LL << self->lgSize; \
Long mask = tableSize - 1LL; \
Short shift = self->validBits - self->lgSize; \
Long probe = ((Long) item) >> shift; \
if (probe < 0 || probe > mask) throw std::out_of_range("probe out of range"); \
U32 * arr = self->slots; \
U32 fetched = arr[probe]; \
while (fetched != item && fetched != ALL32BITS) { \
probe = (probe + 1) & mask; \
fetched = arr[probe]; \
void u32TableMustInsert (u32Table * self, U32 item) {
if (fetched == item) { throw std::logic_error("item exists"); }
else {
if (fetched != ALL32BITS) throw std::logic_error("could not insert");
arr[probe] = item;
// counts and resizing must be handled by the caller.
// This one is specifically tailored to be part of our fm85 decompression scheme.
u32Table * makeU32TableFromPairsArray (U32 * pairs, Long numPairs, Short sketchLgK) {
Short lgNumSlots = 2;
while (u32TableUpsizeDenom * numPairs > u32TableUpsizeNumer * (1LL << lgNumSlots)) { lgNumSlots++; }
u32Table * table = u32TableMake (lgNumSlots, 6 + sketchLgK); // Already filled with the "Empty" value which is ALL32BITS.
Long i = 0;
// Note: there is a possible "snowplow effect" here because the caller is passing in a sorted pairs array.
// However, we are starting out with the correct final table size, so the problem might not occur.
for (i = 0; i < numPairs; i++) {
u32TableMustInsert (table, pairs[i]);
table->numItems = numPairs;
return (table);
void privateU32TableRebuild (u32Table * self, Short newLgSize) {
if (newLgSize < 2) throw std::logic_error("newLgSize < 2");
Long newSize = (1LL << newLgSize);
Long oldSize = (1LL << self->lgSize);
// printf ("rebuilding: %lld -> %lld; %lld items in table\n", oldSize, newSize, self->numItems); fflush (stdout);
if (newSize <= self->numItems) throw std::logic_error("newSize <= numItems");
U32 * oldSlots = self->slots;
U32 * newSlots = (U32 *) fm85alloc ((size_t) (newSize * sizeof(U32)));
if (newSlots == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc();
Long i;
for (i = 0; i < newSize; i++) {
newSlots[i] = ALL32BITS;
self->slots = newSlots;
self->lgSize = newLgSize;
for (i = 0; i < oldSize; i++) {
U32 item = oldSlots[i];
if (item != ALL32BITS) {
u32TableMustInsert (self, item);
fm85free (oldSlots);
// Returns true iff the item was new and was therefore added to the table.
Boolean u32TableMaybeInsert (u32Table * self, U32 item) {
if (fetched == item) { return 0; }
else {
if (fetched != ALL32BITS) throw std::logic_error("could not insert");
arr[probe] = item;
self->numItems += 1;
while (u32TableUpsizeDenom * self->numItems > u32TableUpsizeNumer * (1LL << self->lgSize)) {
privateU32TableRebuild(self, self->lgSize + 1);
return 1;
// Returns true iff the item was present and was therefore removed from the table.
Boolean u32TableMaybeDelete (u32Table * self, U32 item) {
if (fetched == ALL32BITS) { return 0; }
else {
if (fetched != item) throw std::logic_error("item does not exist");
// delete the item
arr[probe] = ALL32BITS;
self->numItems -= 1;
if (self->numItems < 0) throw std::logic_error("delete error");
// re-insert all items between the freed slot and the next empty slot
probe = (probe + 1) & mask; fetched = arr[probe];
while (fetched != ALL32BITS) {
arr[probe] = ALL32BITS;
u32TableMustInsert (self, fetched);
probe = (probe + 1) & mask; fetched = arr[probe];
// shrink if necessary
while (u32TableDownsizeDenom * self->numItems < u32TableDownsizeNumer * (1LL << self->lgSize) && self->lgSize > 2) {
privateU32TableRebuild(self, self->lgSize - 1);
return 1;
// While extracting the items from a linear probing hashtable,
// this will usually undo the wrap-around provided that the table
// isn't too full. Experiments suggest that for sufficiently large tables
// the load factor would have to be over 90 percent before this would fail frequently,
// and even then the subsequent sort would fix things up.
U32 * u32TableUnwrappingGetItems (u32Table * self, Long * returnNumItems) {
*returnNumItems = self->numItems;
if (self->numItems < 1) { return (NULL); }
U32 * slots = self->slots;
Long tableSize = (1LL << self->lgSize);
U32 * result = (U32 *) fm85alloc ((size_t) (self->numItems * sizeof(U32)));
if (result == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc();
Long i = 0;
Long l = 0;
Long r = self->numItems - 1;
// Special rules for the region before the first empty slot.
U32 hiBit = 1 << (self->validBits - 1);
while (i < tableSize && slots[i] != ALL32BITS) {
U32 item = slots[i++];
if (item & hiBit) { result[r--] = item; } // This item was probably wrapped, so move to end.
else { result[l++] = item; }
// The rest of the table is processed normally.
while (i < tableSize) {
U32 look = slots[i++];
if (look != ALL32BITS) { result[l++] = look; }
if (l != r + 1) throw std::logic_error("unwrapping error");
return (result);
// The Java version won't need this, because it provides a good array sort.
void u32KnuthShellSort3(U32 a[], Long l, Long r)
{ Long i, h;
for (h = 1; h <= (r-l)/9; h = 3*h+1) ;
for ( ; h > 0; h /= 3) {
for (i = l+h; i <= r; i++) {
Long j = i; U32 v = a[i];
while (j >= l+h && v < a[j-h])
{ a[j] = a[j-h]; j -= h; }
a[j] = v;
Long bad = 0;
for (i = l; i < r-1; i++) {
if (a[i] > a[i+1]) bad++;
if (bad != 0) throw std::logic_error("sorting error");
// In applications where the input array is already nearly sorted,
// insertion sort runs in linear time with a very small constant.
// This introspective version of insertion sort protects against
// the quadratic cost of sorting bad input arrays.
// It keeps track of how much work has been done, and if that exceeds a
// constant times the array length, it switches to a different sorting algorithm.
void introspectiveInsertionSort(U32 a[], Long l, Long r) // r points AT the rightmost element
{ Long i;
Long length = r - l + 1;
Long cost = 0;
Long costLimit = 8 * length;
for (i = l+1; i <= r; i++) {
Long j = i;
U32 v = a[i];
while (j >= l+1 && v < a[j-1]) {
a[j] = a[j-1];
j -= 1;
a[j] = v;
cost += (i - j); // distance moved is a measure of work
if (cost > costLimit) {
//fprintf (stderr, "switching to the other sorting algorithm\n"); fflush (stderr);
u32KnuthShellSort3(a, l, r); // In the Java version, this should be the system's array sort.
// The following sanity check can eventually go away, but it seems like a
// good idea to perform it while the code is under development.
// Long bad = 0;
// for (i = l; i < r-1; i++) {
// if (a[i] > a[i+1]) bad++;
// };
// assert (bad == 0);
// printf ("cost was %lld (arrlen=%lld)\n", cost, length); fflush (stdout);
// This merge is safe to use in carefully designed overlapping scenarios.
void u32Merge (U32 * arrA, Long startA, Long lengthA, // input
U32 * arrB, Long startB, Long lengthB, // input
U32 * arrC, Long startC) { // output
Long lengthC = lengthA + lengthB;
Long limA = startA + lengthA;
Long limB = startB + lengthB;
Long limC = startC + lengthC;
Long a = startA;
Long b = startB;
Long c = startC;
for ( ; c < limC ; c++) {
if (b >= limB) { arrC[c] = arrA[a++]; }
else if (a >= limA) { arrC[c] = arrB[b++]; }
else if (arrA[a] < arrB[b]) { arrC[c] = arrA[a++]; }
else { arrC[c] = arrB[b++]; }
if (a != limA || b != limB) throw std::logic_error("merging error");
#ifdef TOKUDA
Long tokudaIncrements [48] =
{ 1LL, 4LL, 9LL, 20LL, 46LL, 103LL, 233LL, 525LL, 1182LL, 2660LL, 5985LL, 13467LL, 30301LL, 68178LL,
153401LL, 345152LL, 776591LL, 1747331LL, 3931496LL, 8845866LL, 19903198LL, 44782196LL,
100759940LL, 226709866LL, 510097200LL, 1147718700LL, 2582367076LL, 5810325920LL,
13073233321LL, 29414774973LL, 66183243690LL, 148912298303LL, 335052671183LL,
753868510162LL, 1696204147864LL, 3816459332694LL, 8587033498562LL,
19320825371765LL, 43471857086472LL, 97811678444563LL, 220076276500268LL,
495171622125603LL, 1114136149782608LL, 2506806337010868LL, 5640314258274455LL,
12690707081117524LL, 28554090932514432LL };
// Call with r pointing AT the rightmost element of the subarray.
void u32TokudaShellSort(U32 a[], Long l, Long r)
{ Long i, h, k;
for (k = 0; tokudaIncrements[k] <= (r-l)/5; k++) ;
for (; k >= 0; k--) {
h = tokudaIncrements[k];
for (i = l+h; i <= r; i++) {
Long j = i; U32 v = a[i];
while (j >= l+h && v < a[j-h])
{ a[j] = a[j-h]; j -= h; }
a[j] = v;
// Long bad = 0;
// for (i = l; i < r-1; i++) {
// if (a[i] > a[i+1]) bad++;
// };
// assert (bad == 0);