blob: eecdd6d41e9deb874179ef2ba932c2a864bad1eb [file] [log] [blame]
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// author Kevin Lang, Oath Research
#include "fm85Merging.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <new>
UG85 * ug85Make (Short lgK) {
if (lgK < 4) throw std::invalid_argument("lgK < 4");
UG85 * self = (UG85 *) fm85alloc (sizeof(UG85));
if (self == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc();
self->lgK = lgK;
// We begin with the accumulator holding an EMPTY sketch object.
// As an optimization the accumulator could start as NULL, but that would require changes elsewhere.
self->accumulator = fm85Make (lgK);
self->bitMatrix = NULL;
return (self);
void ug85Free (UG85 * self) {
if (self != NULL) {
if (self->accumulator != NULL) { fm85Free (self->accumulator); }
if (self->bitMatrix != NULL) { fm85free (self->bitMatrix); }
fm85free (self);
// This is used for testing purposes only.
U64 * bitMatrixOfUG85 (UG85 * self, Boolean * needToFreePtr) {
if (self->bitMatrix != NULL) { // return the matrix
if (self->accumulator != NULL) throw std::logic_error("accumulator is not null");
*needToFreePtr = 0; // or we could make a copy of the bitmatrix
return (self->bitMatrix);
else { // construct a matrix
if (self->accumulator == NULL) throw std::logic_error("accumulator is null");
*needToFreePtr = 1;
return (bitMatrixOfSketch (self->accumulator));
void walkTableUpdatingSketch (FM85 * dest, u32Table * table) {
U32 * slots = table->slots;
Long numSlots = (1LL << table->lgSize);
if (dest->lgK > 26) throw std::logic_error("dest->lgK > 26");
U32 destMask = (((1 << dest->lgK) - 1) << 6) | 63; // downsamples when destlgK < srcLgK
// Using a golden ratio stride fixes the snowplow effect.
double golden = 0.6180339887498949025;
Long stride = (Long) (golden * ((double) numSlots));
if (stride < 2) throw std::logic_error("stride < 2");
if (stride == ((stride >> 1) << 1)) { stride += 1; }; // force the stride to be odd
if (stride < 3 || stride >= numSlots) throw std::out_of_range("stride out of range");
Long i,j;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < numSlots; i++, j += stride) {
j &= (numSlots - 1LL);
U32 rowCol = slots[j];
if (rowCol != ALL32BITS) {
fm85RowColUpdate (dest, rowCol & destMask);
void orTableIntoMatrix (U64 * bitMatrix, Short destLgK, u32Table * table) {
U32 * slots = table->slots;
Long numSlots = (1LL << table->lgSize);
Long destMask = (1LL << destLgK) - 1LL; // downsamples when destlgK < srcLgK
Long i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numSlots; i++) {
U32 rowCol = slots[i];
if (rowCol != ALL32BITS) {
Short col = (Short) (rowCol & 63);
Long row = (Long) (rowCol >> 6);
bitMatrix[row & destMask] |= (1ULL << col); // Set the bit.
void orWindowIntoMatrix (U64 * destMatrix, Short destLgK, U8 * srcWindow, Short srcOffset, Short srcLgK) {
if (destLgK > srcLgK) throw std::logic_error("destLgK > srcLgK");
Long destMask = (1LL << destLgK) - 1LL; // downsamples when destlgK < srcLgK
Long srcK = (1LL << srcLgK);
Long srcRow = 0;
for (srcRow = 0; srcRow < srcK; srcRow++) {
destMatrix[srcRow & destMask] |= (((U64) srcWindow[srcRow]) << srcOffset);
void orMatrixIntoMatrix (U64 * destMatrix, Short destLgK, U64 * srcMatrix, Short srcLgK) {
if (destLgK > srcLgK) throw std::logic_error("destLgK > srcLgK");
Long destMask = (1LL << destLgK) - 1LL; // downsamples when destlgK < srcLgK
Long srcK = (1LL << srcLgK);
Long srcRow = 0;
for (srcRow = 0; srcRow < srcK; srcRow++) {
destMatrix[srcRow & destMask] |= srcMatrix[srcRow];
void ug85ReduceK (UG85 * unioner, Short newLgK) {
if (newLgK >= unioner->lgK) throw std::logic_error("newLgK >= unioner->lgK");
if (unioner->accumulator == NULL && unioner->bitMatrix == NULL) throw std::logic_error("both accumulator and bitMatrix are null");
if (unioner->bitMatrix != NULL) { // downsample the unioner's bit matrix
if (unioner->accumulator != NULL) throw std::logic_error("accumulator is not null");
Long newK = (1LL << newLgK);
U64 * newMatrix = (U64 *) fm85alloc ((size_t) (newK * sizeof(U64)));
if (newMatrix == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc();
Long i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < newK; i++) { newMatrix[i] = 0LL; } // clear the bit matrix
orMatrixIntoMatrix (newMatrix, newLgK, unioner->bitMatrix, unioner->lgK);
fm85free (unioner->bitMatrix);
unioner->bitMatrix = newMatrix;
unioner->lgK = newLgK;
if (unioner->accumulator != NULL) { // downsample the unioner's sketch
if (unioner->bitMatrix != NULL) throw std::logic_error("bitMatrix is not null");
FM85 * oldSketch = unioner->accumulator;
if (oldSketch->numCoupons == 0) { // if the accumulator is EMPTY, simply change its K.
if (oldSketch->surprisingValueTable != NULL) throw std::logic_error("oldSketch->surprisingValueTable is not null");
oldSketch->lgK = newLgK;
unioner->lgK = newLgK;
FM85 * newSketch = fm85Make (newLgK);
if (oldSketch->slidingWindow != NULL || oldSketch->surprisingValueTable == NULL) throw std::logic_error("invalid state");
walkTableUpdatingSketch (newSketch, oldSketch->surprisingValueTable);
enum flavorType finalNewFlavor = determineSketchFlavor(newSketch);
if (finalNewFlavor == EMPTY) throw std::logic_error("finalNewFlavor == EMPTY");
if (finalNewFlavor == SPARSE) {
unioner->accumulator = newSketch;
unioner->lgK = newLgK;
fm85Free (oldSketch);
else { // the new sketch has graduated beyond sparse, so convert to bitMatrix
unioner->accumulator = NULL;
unioner->bitMatrix = bitMatrixOfSketch (newSketch);
unioner->lgK = newLgK;
fm85Free (oldSketch);
fm85Free (newSketch);
throw std::logic_error("invalid state");
void ug85MergeInto (UG85 * unioner, FM85 * source) {
if (NULL == unioner) throw std::invalid_argument("unioner is null");
if (NULL == source) return;
enum flavorType sourceFlavor = determineSketchFlavor(source);
if (EMPTY == sourceFlavor) return;
if (source->lgK < unioner->lgK) { ug85ReduceK (unioner, source->lgK); }
if (source->lgK < unioner->lgK) throw std::logic_error("source->lgK < unioner->lgK");
if (unioner->accumulator == NULL && unioner->bitMatrix == NULL) throw std::logic_error("both accumulator and bitMatrix are null");
if (SPARSE == sourceFlavor && unioner->accumulator != NULL) { // Case A
if (unioner->bitMatrix != NULL) throw std::logic_error("unioner->bitMatrix != NULL");
enum flavorType initialDestFlavor = determineSketchFlavor (unioner->accumulator);
if (EMPTY != initialDestFlavor && SPARSE != initialDestFlavor) throw std::logic_error("wrong flavor");
// The following partially fixes the snowplow problem provided that the K's are equal.
// A complete fix is coming soon.
if (EMPTY == initialDestFlavor && unioner->lgK == source->lgK) {
fm85Free (unioner->accumulator);
unioner->accumulator = fm85Copy(source);
walkTableUpdatingSketch (unioner->accumulator, source->surprisingValueTable);
enum flavorType finalDestFlavor = determineSketchFlavor(unioner->accumulator);
// if the accumulator has graduated beyond sparse, switch to a bitMatrix representation
if (finalDestFlavor != EMPTY && finalDestFlavor != SPARSE) {
unioner->bitMatrix = bitMatrixOfSketch (unioner->accumulator);
fm85Free (unioner->accumulator);
unioner->accumulator = NULL;
if (SPARSE == sourceFlavor && unioner->bitMatrix != NULL) { // Case B
if (unioner->accumulator != NULL) throw std::logic_error("unioner->accumulator != NULL");
orTableIntoMatrix (unioner->bitMatrix, unioner->lgK, source->surprisingValueTable);
if (HYBRID != sourceFlavor && PINNED != sourceFlavor && SLIDING != sourceFlavor) throw std::logic_error("wrong flavor");
// source is past SPARSE mode, so make sure that dest is a bitMatrix.
if (unioner->accumulator != NULL) {
if (unioner->bitMatrix != NULL) throw std::logic_error("unioner->bitMatrix != NULL");
enum flavorType destFlavor = determineSketchFlavor (unioner->accumulator);
if (EMPTY != destFlavor && SPARSE != destFlavor) throw std::logic_error("wrong flavor");
unioner->bitMatrix = bitMatrixOfSketch (unioner->accumulator);
fm85Free (unioner->accumulator);
unioner->accumulator = NULL;
if (unioner->bitMatrix == NULL) throw std::logic_error("unioner->bitMatrix == NULL");
if (HYBRID == sourceFlavor || PINNED == sourceFlavor) { // Case C
orWindowIntoMatrix (unioner->bitMatrix, unioner->lgK, source->slidingWindow, source->windowOffset, source->lgK);
orTableIntoMatrix (unioner->bitMatrix, unioner->lgK, source->surprisingValueTable);
// SLIDING mode involves inverted logic, so we can't just walk the source sketch.
// Instead, we convert it to a bitMatrix that can be OR'ed into the destination.
if (SLIDING != sourceFlavor) throw std::logic_error("wrong flavor"); // Case D
U64 * sourceMatrix = bitMatrixOfSketch (source);
orMatrixIntoMatrix (unioner->bitMatrix, unioner->lgK, sourceMatrix, source->lgK);
fm85free (sourceMatrix);
FM85 * ug85GetResult (UG85 * unioner) {
if (unioner == NULL) throw std::invalid_argument("unioner == NULL");
if (unioner->accumulator == NULL && unioner->bitMatrix == NULL) throw std::logic_error("both accumulator and bitMatrix are null");
if (unioner->accumulator != NULL) { // start of case where unioner contains a sketch
if (unioner->bitMatrix != NULL) throw std::logic_error("unioner->bitMatrix != NULL");
if (unioner->lgK != unioner->accumulator->lgK) throw std::logic_error("unioner->lgK != unioner->accumulator->lgK");
if (unioner->accumulator->numCoupons == 0) {
FM85 * result = fm85Make (unioner->lgK);
result->mergeFlag = 1;
return (result);
if (SPARSE != determineSketchFlavor(unioner->accumulator)) throw std::logic_error("wrong flavor");
FM85 * result = fm85Copy (unioner->accumulator);
result->mergeFlag = 1;
return (result);
} // end of case where unioner contains a sketch
// start of case where unioner contains a bitMatrix
if (unioner->bitMatrix == NULL) throw std::logic_error("unioner->bitMatrix == NULL");
if (unioner->accumulator != NULL) throw std::logic_error("unioner->accumulator != NULL");
U64 * matrix = unioner->bitMatrix;
Short lgK = unioner->lgK;
FM85 * result = fm85Make (unioner->lgK);
Long k = (1LL << lgK);
Long numCoupons = countBitsSetInMatrix (matrix, k);
result->numCoupons = numCoupons;
enum flavorType flavor = determineFlavor (lgK, numCoupons);
if (flavor != HYBRID && flavor != PINNED && flavor != SLIDING) throw std::logic_error("wrong flavor");
Short offset = determineCorrectOffset (lgK, numCoupons);
result->windowOffset = offset;
U8 * window = (U8 *) fm85alloc ((size_t) (k * sizeof(U8)));
if (window == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc();
// don't need to zero the window's memory
if (result->slidingWindow != NULL) throw std::logic_error("result->slidingWindow != NULL");
result->slidingWindow = window;
// u32Table * table = u32TableMake (2, 6 + lgK); // dynamically growing caused snowplow effect
Short newTableSize = lgK - 4; // K/16; in some cases this will end up being oversized
if (newTableSize < 2) newTableSize = 2;
u32Table * table = u32TableMake (newTableSize, 6 + lgK);
if (result->surprisingValueTable != NULL) throw std::logic_error("result->surprisingValueTable != NULL");
result->surprisingValueTable = table;
// I believe that the following works even when the offset is zero.
U64 maskForClearingWindow = (0xffULL << offset) ^ ALL64BITS;
U64 maskForFlippingEarlyZone = (1ULL << offset) - 1;
U64 allSurprisesORed = 0;
Long i = 0;
// The snowplow effect was caused by processing the rows in order,
// but we have fixed it by using a sufficiently large hash table.
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
U64 pattern = matrix[i];
window[i] = (U8) ((pattern >> offset) & 0xff);
pattern &= maskForClearingWindow;
pattern ^= maskForFlippingEarlyZone; // This flipping converts surprising 0's to 1's.
allSurprisesORed |= pattern;
while (pattern != 0) {
Short col = countTrailingZerosInUnsignedLong (pattern);
pattern = pattern ^ (1ULL << col); // erase the 1.
U32 rowCol = (i << 6) | col;
Boolean isNovel = u32TableMaybeInsert (table, rowCol);
if (isNovel != 1) throw std::logic_error("isNovel != 1");
// At this point we could shrink an oversized hash table, but the relative waste isn't very big.
result->firstInterestingColumn = countTrailingZerosInUnsignedLong (allSurprisesORed);
if (result->firstInterestingColumn > offset) result->firstInterestingColumn = offset; // corner case
// NB: the HIP-related fields will contain bogus values, but that is okay.
result->mergeFlag = 1;
return result;
// end of case where unioner contains a bitMatrix