blob: 22eb4d5e622f35f90948c4d01c3a8c3dd1fbf6da [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include <ebpps_sketch.hpp>
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <random>
#include <stdexcept>
static std::string testBinaryInputPath = TEST_BINARY_INPUT_PATH;
static std::string testBinaryInputPath = "test/";
namespace datasketches {
static constexpr double EPS = 1e-13;
static ebpps_sketch<int> create_unweighted_sketch(uint32_t k, uint64_t n) {
ebpps_sketch<int> sk(k);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
sk.update(static_cast<int>(i), 1.0);
return sk;
template<typename T, typename A>
static void check_if_equal(ebpps_sketch<T, A>& sk1, ebpps_sketch<T, A>& sk2) {
REQUIRE(sk1.get_k() == sk2.get_k());
REQUIRE(sk1.get_n() == sk2.get_n());
REQUIRE(sk1.get_c() == sk2.get_c());
REQUIRE(sk1.get_cumulative_weight() == sk2.get_cumulative_weight());
auto it1 = sk1.begin();
auto it2 = sk2.begin();
size_t count = 0;
while ((it1 != sk1.end()) && (it2 != sk2.end())) {
REQUIRE(*it1 == *it2);
REQUIRE(((count == std::floor(sk1.get_c())) || (count == std::ceil(sk1.get_c()))));
// if c != floor(c) one sketch may not have reached the end,
// but that's not testable from the external API
TEST_CASE("ebpps sketch: invalid k", "[ebpps_sketch]") {
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(ebpps_sketch<int>(0), std::invalid_argument);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(ebpps_sketch<int>(ebpps_constants::MAX_K + 1), std::invalid_argument);
TEST_CASE("ebpps sketch: invalid weights", "[ebpps_sketch]") {
uint32_t k = 100;
ebpps_sketch<int> sk = create_unweighted_sketch(k, 3);
REQUIRE(sk.get_n() == 3);
REQUIRE(sk.get_cumulative_weight() == 3.0);
sk.update(-1, 0.0); // no-op
REQUIRE(sk.get_n() == 3);
REQUIRE(sk.get_cumulative_weight() == 3.0);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sk.update(-2, -1.0), std::invalid_argument);
ebpps_sketch<float> sk2(k);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sk2.update(-2, std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()), std::invalid_argument);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sk2.update(-2, nanf("")), std::invalid_argument);
TEST_CASE("ebpps sketch: insert items", "[ebpps_sketch]") {
size_t n = 0;
uint32_t k = 5;
ebpps_sketch<int> sk = create_unweighted_sketch(k, n);
REQUIRE(sk.get_allocator() == std::allocator<int>());
REQUIRE(sk.get_k() == k);
REQUIRE(sk.get_n() == 0);
REQUIRE(sk.get_c() == 0.0);
REQUIRE(sk.get_cumulative_weight() == 0.0);
n = k;
sk = create_unweighted_sketch(k, n);
REQUIRE(sk.get_n() == n);
REQUIRE(sk.get_cumulative_weight() == static_cast<double>(n));
for (int val : sk.get_result())
REQUIRE(val < static_cast<int>(n));
n = k * 10;
sk = create_unweighted_sketch(k, n);
REQUIRE(sk.get_n() == n);
REQUIRE(sk.get_cumulative_weight() == static_cast<double>(n));
auto result = sk.get_result();
REQUIRE(result.size() == sk.get_k()); // uniform weights so should be exactly k
for (int val : sk.get_result())
REQUIRE(val < static_cast<int>(n));
TEST_CASE("ebpps sketch: serialize/deserialize string", "[ebpps_sketch]") {
// since C <= k we don't have the usual sketch notion of exact vs estimation
// mode at any time. The only real serializaiton cases are empty and non-empty
// with and without a partial item
uint32_t k = 10;
ebpps_sketch<std::string> sk(k);
// empty
auto bytes = sk.serialize();
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sk.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(ebpps_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(, bytes.size()-1), std::out_of_range);
auto sk_bytes = ebpps_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(, bytes.size());
check_if_equal(sk, sk_bytes);
std::stringstream ss(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
auto sk_stream = ebpps_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(ss);
check_if_equal(sk, sk_stream);
check_if_equal(sk_bytes, sk_stream); // should be redundant
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < k; ++i)
// non-empty, no partial item
bytes = sk.serialize();
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sk.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(ebpps_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(, bytes.size()-1), std::out_of_range);
sk_bytes = ebpps_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(, bytes.size());
check_if_equal(sk, sk_bytes);
sk_stream = ebpps_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(ss);
check_if_equal(sk, sk_stream);
check_if_equal(sk_bytes, sk_stream); // should be redundant
// non-empty with partial item
sk.update(std::to_string(2 * k), 2.5);
REQUIRE(sk.get_cumulative_weight() == Approx(k + 2.5).margin(EPS));
bytes = sk.serialize();
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sk.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(ebpps_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(, bytes.size()-1), std::out_of_range);
sk_bytes = ebpps_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(, bytes.size());
check_if_equal(sk, sk_bytes);
sk_stream = ebpps_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(ss);
check_if_equal(sk, sk_stream);
check_if_equal(sk_bytes, sk_stream); // should be redundant
TEST_CASE("ebpps sketch: serialize/deserialize ints", "[ebpps_sketch]") {
uint32_t k = 10;
ebpps_sketch<uint32_t> sk(k);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < k; ++i)
sk.update(2 * k, 3.5);
REQUIRE(sk.get_cumulative_weight() == Approx(k + 3.5).margin(EPS));
auto bytes = sk.serialize();
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sk.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(ebpps_sketch<uint32_t>::deserialize(, bytes.size()-1), std::out_of_range);
auto sk_bytes = ebpps_sketch<uint32_t>::deserialize(, bytes.size());
check_if_equal(sk, sk_bytes);
std::stringstream ss(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
auto sk_stream = ebpps_sketch<uint32_t>::deserialize(ss);
check_if_equal(sk, sk_stream);
check_if_equal(sk_bytes, sk_stream); // should be redundant
REQUIRE(sk.get_k() == k);
REQUIRE(sk.get_n() == 0);
REQUIRE(sk.get_c() == 0.0);
REQUIRE(sk.get_cumulative_weight() == 0.0);
TEST_CASE("ebpps sketch: merge large into small", "[ebpps_sketch]") {
uint32_t k = 100;
// lvalue merge
ebpps_sketch<int> sk1(k / 2);
sk1.update(-1, k / 10.0); // one heavy item, but less than sk2 weight
ebpps_sketch<int> sk2 = create_unweighted_sketch(k, k);
REQUIRE(sk1.get_k() == k / 2);
REQUIRE(sk1.get_n() == k + 1);
REQUIRE(sk1.get_c() < k);
REQUIRE(sk1.get_cumulative_weight() == Approx(1.1 * k).margin(EPS));
// rvalue merge
sk1 = create_unweighted_sketch(k / 2, 0);
sk1.update(-1, k / 4.0);
sk1.update(-2, k / 8.0);
// sk2 should have been unchaged
REQUIRE(sk2.get_n() == k);
REQUIRE(sk2.get_c() == Approx(k).margin(EPS));
REQUIRE(sk1.get_k() == k / 2);
REQUIRE(sk1.get_n() == k + 2);
REQUIRE(sk1.get_c() < k);
// cumulative weight is now (1.5 + 0.2) k
REQUIRE(sk1.get_cumulative_weight() == Approx(1.375 * k).margin(EPS));
TEST_CASE("ebpps sketch: merge small into large", "[ebpps_sketch]") {
uint32_t k = 100;
// lvalue merge
ebpps_sketch<int> sk1 = create_unweighted_sketch(k, k);
ebpps_sketch<int> sk2(k / 2);
sk2.update(-1, k / 10.0); // one heavy item, but less than sk1 weight
REQUIRE(sk1.get_k() == k / 2);
REQUIRE(sk1.get_n() == k + 1);
REQUIRE(sk1.get_c() < k);
REQUIRE(sk1.get_cumulative_weight() == Approx(1.1 * k).margin(EPS));
// rvalue merge
sk1 = create_unweighted_sketch(k, 3 * k / 2);
// sk2 should have been unchaged
REQUIRE(sk2.get_n() == 1);
REQUIRE(sk2.get_c() == 1.0);
sk2.update(-2, k / 10.0);
REQUIRE(sk1.get_k() == k / 2);
REQUIRE(sk1.get_n() == (3 * k / 2) + 2);
REQUIRE(sk1.get_c() < k);
// cumulative weight is now (1.5 + 0.2) k
REQUIRE(sk1.get_cumulative_weight() == Approx(1.7 * k).margin(EPS));