blob: 195cf641cf2b047f9f7c2cbe86d2d54444dd9602 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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#include "kll_sketch.hpp"
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <sstream>
namespace py = pybind11;
namespace datasketches {
namespace python {
template<typename T>
kll_sketch<T> kll_sketch_deserialize(py::bytes skBytes) {
std::string skStr = skBytes; // implicit cast
return kll_sketch<T>::deserialize(skStr.c_str(), skStr.length());
template<typename T>
py::object kll_sketch_serialize(const kll_sketch<T>& sk) {
auto serResult = sk.serialize();
return py::bytes((char*)serResult.first.get(), serResult.second);
// maybe possible to disambiguate the static vs method rank error calls, but
// this is easier for now
template<typename T>
double kll_sketch_generic_normalized_rank_error(uint16_t k, bool pmf) {
return kll_sketch<T>::get_normalized_rank_error(k, pmf);
template<typename T>
py::list kll_sketch_get_quantiles(const kll_sketch<T>& sk,
std::vector<double>& fractions) {
size_t nQuantiles = fractions.size();
auto result = sk.get_quantiles(&fractions[0], nQuantiles);
// returning as std::vector<> would copy values to a list anyway
py::list list(nQuantiles);
for (int i = 0; i < nQuantiles; ++i) {
list[i] = result[i];
return list;
template<typename T>
py::list kll_sketch_get_pmf(const kll_sketch<T>& sk,
std::vector<T>& split_points) {
size_t nPoints = split_points.size();
auto result = sk.get_PMF(&split_points[0], nPoints);
py::list list(nPoints);
for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i) {
list[i] = result[i];
return list;
template<typename T>
py::list kll_sketch_get_cdf(const kll_sketch<T>& sk,
std::vector<T>& split_points) {
size_t nPoints = split_points.size();
auto result = sk.get_CDF(&split_points[0], nPoints);
py::list list(nPoints);
for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i) {
list[i] = result[i];
return list;
template<typename T>
std::string kll_sketch_to_string(const kll_sketch<T>& sk) {
std::ostringstream ss;
return ss.str();
namespace dspy = datasketches::python;
template<typename T>
void bind_kll_sketch(py::module &m, const char* name) {
using namespace datasketches;
py::class_<kll_sketch<T>>(m, name)
.def(py::init<uint16_t>(), py::arg("k"))
.def(py::init<const kll_sketch<T>&>())
.def("update", (void (kll_sketch<T>::*)(const T&)) &kll_sketch<T>::update, py::arg("item"))
.def("merge", &kll_sketch<T>::merge, py::arg("sketch"))
.def("__str__", &dspy::kll_sketch_to_string<T>)
.def("is_empty", &kll_sketch<T>::is_empty)
.def("get_n", &kll_sketch<T>::get_n)
.def("get_num_retained", &kll_sketch<T>::get_num_retained)
.def("is_estimation_mode", &kll_sketch<T>::is_estimation_mode)
.def("get_min_value", &kll_sketch<T>::get_min_value)
.def("get_max_value", &kll_sketch<T>::get_max_value)
.def("get_quantile", &kll_sketch<T>::get_quantile, py::arg("fraction"))
.def("get_quantiles", &dspy::kll_sketch_get_quantiles<T>, py::arg("fractions"))
.def("get_rank", &kll_sketch<T>::get_rank, py::arg("value"))
.def("get_pmf", &dspy::kll_sketch_get_pmf<T>, py::arg("split_points"))
.def("get_cdf", &dspy::kll_sketch_get_cdf<T>, py::arg("split_points"))
.def("normalized_rank_error", (double (kll_sketch<T>::*)(bool) const) &kll_sketch<T>::get_normalized_rank_error,
.def_static("get_normalized_rank_error", &dspy::kll_sketch_generic_normalized_rank_error<T>,
py::arg("k"), py::arg("as_pmf"))
// can't yet get this one to work
//.def("get_serialized_size_bytes", &kll_sketch<T>::get_serialized_size_bytes)
.def("serialize", &dspy::kll_sketch_serialize<T>)
.def_static("deserialize", &dspy::kll_sketch_deserialize<T>)
void init_kll(py::module &m) {
bind_kll_sketch<int>(m, "kll_ints_sketch");
bind_kll_sketch<float>(m, "kll_floats_sketch");