blob: 0de6da220fe8b83d83f05eb81c81c0ddbb099696 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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#include <stdexcept>
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "count_zeros.hpp"
namespace datasketches {
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::req_compactor(uint8_t lg_weight, uint32_t section_size, const A& allocator):
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
bool req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::is_sorted() const {
return sorted_;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
uint32_t req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::get_num_items() const {
return items_.size();
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
uint32_t req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::get_nom_capacity() const {
return 2 * num_sections_ * section_size_;
//template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
//uint8_t req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::get_lg_weight() const {
// return lg_weight_;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
template<bool inclusive>
uint64_t req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::compute_weight(const T& item) const {
if (!sorted_) const_cast<req_compactor*>(this)->sort(); // allow sorting as a side effect
auto it = inclusive ?
std::upper_bound(items_.begin(), items_.end(), item, C()) :
std::lower_bound(items_.begin(), items_.end(), item, C());
return std::distance(items_.begin(), it) << lg_weight_;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
template<typename FwdT>
void req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::append(FwdT&& item) {
sorted_ = false;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
void req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::sort() {
std::sort(items_.begin(), items_.end(), C());
sorted_ = true;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
void req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::merge_sort_in(std::vector<T, A>&& items) {
if (!sorted_) throw std::logic_error("compactor must be sorted at this point");
if (items_.capacity() < items_.size() + items.size()) items_.reserve(items_.size() + items.size());
auto middle = items_.end();
std::move(items.begin(), items.end(), std::back_inserter(items_));
std::inplace_merge(items_.begin(), middle, items_.end());
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
std::vector<T, A> req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::compact() {
// choose a part of the buffer to compact
const uint32_t secs_to_compact = std::min(static_cast<uint32_t>(count_trailing_zeros_in_u32(~state_) + 1), num_sections_);
const size_t compaction_range = compute_compaction_range(secs_to_compact);
const uint32_t compact_from = compaction_range & 0xFFFFFFFFLL; // low 32
const uint32_t compact_to = compaction_range >> 32; // high 32
if (compact_to - compact_from < 2) throw std::logic_error("compaction range error");
if ((num_compactions_ & 1) == 1) { coin_ = !coin_; } // for odd flip coin;
else { coin_ = req_random_bit(); } // random coin flip
auto promote = get_evens_or_odds(items_.begin() + compact_from, items_.begin() + compact_to, coin_);
items_.erase(items_.begin() + compact_from, items_.begin() + compact_to);
return promote;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
bool req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::ensure_enough_sections() {
const double ssr = section_size_raw_ / sqrt(2);
const uint32_t ne = nearest_even(ssr);
if (num_compactions_ >= 1 << (num_sections_ - 1) && ne >= req_constants::MIN_K) {
section_size_raw_ = ssr;
section_size_ = ne;
num_sections_ <<= 1;
//ensure_capacity(2 * get_nom_capacity());
return true;
return false;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
size_t req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::compute_compaction_range(uint32_t secs_to_compact) const {
const uint32_t num_items = items_.size();
uint32_t non_compact = get_nom_capacity() / 2 + (num_sections_ - secs_to_compact) * section_size_;
// make compacted region even
if ((num_items - non_compact & 1) == 1) ++non_compact;
const size_t low = H ? 0 : non_compact;
const size_t high = H ? num_items - non_compact : num_items;
return (high << 32) + low;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
uint32_t req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::nearest_even(double value) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(round(value / 2)) << 1;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename A>
template<typename Iter>
std::vector<T, A> req_compactor<T, H, C, A>::get_evens_or_odds(Iter from, Iter to, bool odds) {
std::vector<T, A> result;
if (from == to) return result;
Iter i = from;
if (odds) ++i;
while (i != to) {
if (i == to) break;
return result;
// sketch
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename S, typename A>
req_sketch<T, H, C, S, A>::req_sketch(uint32_t k, const A& allocator):
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename S, typename A>
bool req_sketch<T, H, C, S, A>::is_empty() const {
return n_ == 0;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename S, typename A>
uint64_t req_sketch<T, H, C, S, A>::get_n() const {
return n_;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename S, typename A>
uint32_t req_sketch<T, H, C, S, A>::get_num_retained() const {
return num_retained_;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename S, typename A>
bool req_sketch<T, H, C, S, A>::is_estimation_mode() const {
return compactors_.size() > 1;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename S, typename A>
template<typename FwdT>
void req_sketch<T, H, C, S, A>::update(FwdT&& item) {
// if (Float.isNaN(item)) { return; }
// if (isEmpty()) {
// minValue = item;
// maxValue = item;
// } else {
// if (item < minValue) { minValue = item; }
// if (item > maxValue) { maxValue = item; }
// }
if (num_retained_ == max_nom_size_) {
// aux = null;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename S, typename A>
template<bool inclusive>
double req_sketch<T, H, C, S, A>::get_rank(const T& item) const {
uint64_t weight = 0;
for (const auto& compactor: compactors_) {
weight += compactor.template compute_weight<inclusive>(item);
return static_cast<double>(weight) / n_;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename S, typename A>
void req_sketch<T, H, C, S, A>::grow() {
const uint8_t lg_weight = get_num_levels();
compactors_.push_back(Compactor(lg_weight, k_, allocator_));
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename S, typename A>
uint8_t req_sketch<T, H, C, S, A>::get_num_levels() const {
return compactors_.size();
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename S, typename A>
void req_sketch<T, H, C, S, A>::update_max_nom_size() {
max_nom_size_ = 0;
for (const auto& compactor: compactors_) max_nom_size_ += compactor.get_nom_capacity();
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename S, typename A>
void req_sketch<T, H, C, S, A>::update_num_retained() {
num_retained_ = 0;
for (const auto& compactor: compactors_) num_retained_ += compactor.get_num_items();
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename S, typename A>
void req_sketch<T, H, C, S, A>::compress() {
for (size_t h = 0; h < compactors_.size(); ++h) {
if (compactors_[h].get_num_items() >= compactors_[h].get_nom_capacity()) {
if (h + 1 >= get_num_levels()) { // at the top?
grow(); // add a level, increases max_nom_size
auto promoted = compactors_[h].compact();
compactors_[h + 1].merge_sort_in(std::move(promoted));
if (num_retained_ < max_nom_size_) break;
// aux = null;
template<typename T, bool H, typename C, typename S, typename A>
string<A> req_sketch<T, H, C, S, A>::to_string(bool print_levels, bool print_items) const {
std::basic_ostringstream<char, std::char_traits<char>, AllocChar<A>> os;
os << "### REQ sketch summary:" << std::endl;
os << " K : " << k_ << std::endl;
os << " N : " << n_ << std::endl;
os << " Empty : " << (is_empty() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
os << " Estimation mode: " << (is_estimation_mode() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
os << " Levels : " << compactors_.size() << std::endl;
os << " Sorted : " << (compactors_[0].is_sorted() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
os << " Capacity items : " << max_nom_size_ << std::endl;
os << " Retained items : " << num_retained_ << std::endl;
// os << " Storage bytes : " << get_serialized_size_bytes() << std::endl;
// if (!is_empty()) {
// os << " Min value : " << *min_value_ << std::endl;
// os << " Max value : " << *max_value_ << std::endl;
// }
os << "### End sketch summary" << std::endl;
if (print_levels) {
os << "### REQ sketch levels:" << std::endl;
os << " index: nominal capacity, actual size" << std::endl;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < compactors_.size(); i++) {
os << " " << (unsigned int) i << ": "
<< compactors_[i].get_nom_capacity() << ", "
<< compactors_[i].get_num_items() << std::endl;
os << "### End sketch levels" << std::endl;
if (print_items) {
os << "### REQ sketch data:" << std::endl;
os << "### End sketch data" << std::endl;
return os.str();
} /* namespace datasketches */