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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <memory>
namespace datasketches {
typename T,
bool IsHighRank,
typename Comparator,
typename Allocator
class req_compactor {
req_compactor(uint8_t lg_weight, uint32_t section_size, const Allocator& allocator, bool sorted = true);
req_compactor(const req_compactor& other);
req_compactor(req_compactor&& other) noexcept;
req_compactor& operator=(const req_compactor& other);
req_compactor& operator=(req_compactor&& other);
bool is_sorted() const;
uint32_t get_num_items() const;
uint32_t get_nom_capacity() const;
uint8_t get_lg_weight() const;
const T* begin() const;
const T* end() const;
T* begin();
T* end();
template<bool inclusive>
uint64_t compute_weight(const T& item) const;
template<typename FwdT>
void append(FwdT&& item);
template<typename FwdC>
void merge(FwdC&& other);
void sort();
void compact(req_compactor& next);
* Computes size needed to serialize the current state of the compactor.
* This version is for fixed-size arithmetic types (integral and floating point).
* @return size in bytes needed to serialize this compactor
template<typename S, typename TT = T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<TT>::value, int>::type = 0>
size_t get_serialized_size_bytes(const S& serde) const;
* Computes size needed to serialize the current state of the compactor.
* This version is for all other types and can be expensive since every item needs to be looked at.
* @return size in bytes needed to serialize this compactor
template<typename S, typename TT = T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic<TT>::value, int>::type = 0>
size_t get_serialized_size_bytes(const S& serde) const;
template<typename S>
void serialize(std::ostream& os, const S& serde) const;
template<typename S>
size_t serialize(void* dst, size_t capacity, const S& serde) const;
template<typename S>
static req_compactor deserialize(std::istream& is, const S& serde, const Allocator& allocator, bool sorted);
template<typename S>
static std::pair<req_compactor, size_t> deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, const S& serde, const Allocator& allocator, bool sorted);
template<typename S>
static req_compactor deserialize(std::istream& is, const S& serde, const Allocator& allocator, bool sorted, uint16_t k, uint8_t num_items);
template<typename S>
static std::pair<req_compactor, size_t> deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, const S& serde, const Allocator& allocator, bool sorted, uint16_t k, uint8_t num_items);
Allocator allocator_;
uint8_t lg_weight_;
bool coin_; // random bit for compaction
bool sorted_;
float section_size_raw_;
uint32_t section_size_;
uint8_t num_sections_;
uint64_t state_; // state of the deterministic compaction schedule
uint32_t num_items_;
uint32_t capacity_;
T* items_;
bool ensure_enough_sections();
size_t compute_compaction_range(uint32_t secs_to_compact) const;
void grow(size_t new_capacity);
void ensure_space(size_t num);
static uint32_t nearest_even(float value);
template<typename InIter, typename OutIter>
static void promote_evens_or_odds(InIter from, InIter to, bool flag, OutIter dst);
// for deserialization
class items_deleter;
req_compactor(uint8_t lg_weight, bool sorted, float section_size_raw, uint8_t num_sections, uint64_t state, std::unique_ptr<T, items_deleter> items, uint32_t num_items, const Allocator& allocator);
template<typename S>
static std::unique_ptr<T, items_deleter> deserialize_items(std::istream& is, const S& serde, const Allocator& allocator, size_t num);
template<typename S>
static std::pair<std::unique_ptr<T, items_deleter>, size_t> deserialize_items(const void* bytes, size_t size, const S& serde, const Allocator& allocator, size_t num);
} /* namespace datasketches */
#include "req_compactor_impl.hpp"