blob: d938b1ac8c392918abd899e28369a9d40c72e9c7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <kll_sketch.hpp>
#include <test_allocator.hpp>
namespace datasketches {
static const double RANK_EPS_FOR_K_200 = 0.0133;
static const double NUMERIC_NOISE_TOLERANCE = 1E-6;
static std::string testBinaryInputPath = TEST_BINARY_INPUT_PATH;
static std::string testBinaryInputPath = "test/";
// typical usage would be just kll_sketch<float> or kll_sketch<std::string>, but here we use test_allocator
using kll_float_sketch = kll_sketch<float, std::less<float>, serde<float>, test_allocator<float>>;
// let std::string use the default allocator for simplicity, otherwise we need to define "less" and "serde"
using kll_string_sketch = kll_sketch<std::string, std::less<std::string>, serde<std::string>, test_allocator<std::string>>;
TEST_CASE("kll sketch", "[kll_sketch]") {
// setup
test_allocator_total_bytes = 0;
SECTION("k limits") {
kll_float_sketch sketch1(kll_float_sketch::MIN_K, 0); // this should work
kll_float_sketch sketch2(kll_float_sketch::MAX_K, 0); // this should work
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(new kll_float_sketch(kll_float_sketch::MIN_K - 1, 0), std::invalid_argument);
// MAX_K + 1 makes no sense because k is uint16_t
SECTION("empty") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_n() == 0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_retained() == 0);
const double fractions[3] {0, 0.5, 1};
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantiles(fractions, 3).size() == 0);
const float split_points[1] {0};
REQUIRE(sketch.get_PMF(split_points, 1).size() == 0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_CDF(split_points, 1).size() == 0);
for (auto it: sketch) {
(void) it; // to suppress "unused" warning
FAIL("should be no iterations over an empty sketch");
SECTION("get bad quantile") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
sketch.update(0); // has to be non-empty to reach the check
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sketch.get_quantile(-1), std::invalid_argument);
SECTION("one item") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_n() == 1);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_retained() == 1);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_rank(1.0f) == 0.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_rank<true>(1.0f) == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_rank(2.0f) == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_rank(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_min_value() == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_max_value() == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(0.5) == 1.0);
const double fractions[3] {0, 0.5, 1};
auto quantiles = sketch.get_quantiles(fractions, 3);
REQUIRE(quantiles.size() == 3);
REQUIRE(quantiles[0] == 1.0);
REQUIRE(quantiles[1] == 1.0);
REQUIRE(quantiles[2] == 1.0);
int count = 0;
for (auto it: sketch) {
REQUIRE(it.second == 1);
REQUIRE(count == 1);
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_n() == 1);
SECTION("many items, exact mode") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
const uint32_t n = 200;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
REQUIRE(sketch.get_n() == i + 1);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_retained() == n);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_min_value() == 0.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(0) == 0.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_max_value() == n - 1);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(1) == n - 1);
const double fractions[3] {0, 0.5, 1};
auto quantiles = sketch.get_quantiles(fractions, 3);
REQUIRE(quantiles.size() == 3);
REQUIRE(quantiles[0] == 0.0);
REQUIRE(quantiles[1] == n / 2);
REQUIRE(quantiles[2] == n - 1 );
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const double true_rank = (double) i / n;
REQUIRE(sketch.get_rank(static_cast<float>(i)) == true_rank);
const double true_rank_inclusive = (double) (i + 1) / n;
REQUIRE(sketch.get_rank<true>(static_cast<float>(i)) == true_rank_inclusive);
// the alternative method must produce the same result
auto quantiles2 = sketch.get_quantiles(3);
REQUIRE(quantiles2.size() == 3);
REQUIRE(quantiles[0] == quantiles2[0]);
REQUIRE(quantiles[1] == quantiles2[1]);
REQUIRE(quantiles[2] == quantiles2[2]);
SECTION("10 items") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(0) == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(0.5) == 6.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(0.99) == 10.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(1) == 10.0);
SECTION("100 items") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) sketch.update(static_cast<float>(i));
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(0) == 0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(0.01) == 1);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(0.5) == 50);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(0.99) == 99.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(1) == 99.0);
SECTION("many items, estimation mode") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
const int n = 1000000;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
REQUIRE(sketch.get_n() == static_cast<uint64_t>(i + 1));
REQUIRE(sketch.get_min_value() == 0.0); // min value is exact
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(0) == 0.0); // min value is exact
REQUIRE(sketch.get_max_value() == n - 1); // max value is exact
REQUIRE(sketch.get_quantile(1) == n - 1); // max value is exact
// test rank
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const double trueRank = (double) i / n;
REQUIRE(sketch.get_rank(static_cast<float>(i)) == Approx(trueRank).margin(RANK_EPS_FOR_K_200));
// test quantiles at every 0.1 percentage point
double fractions[1001];
double reverse_fractions[1001]; // check that ordering does not matter
for (int i = 0; i < 1001; i++) {
fractions[i] = (double) i / 1000;
reverse_fractions[1000 - i] = fractions[i];
auto quantiles = sketch.get_quantiles(fractions, 1001);
auto reverse_quantiles = sketch.get_quantiles(reverse_fractions, 1001);
float previous_quantile(0);
for (int i = 0; i < 1001; i++) {
// expensive in a loop, just to check the equivalence here, not advised for real code
const float quantile = sketch.get_quantile(fractions[i]);
REQUIRE(quantiles[i] == quantile);
REQUIRE(reverse_quantiles[1000 - i] == quantile);
REQUIRE(previous_quantile <= quantile);
previous_quantile = quantile;
//std::cout << sketch.to_string();
uint32_t count = 0;
uint64_t total_weight = 0;
for (auto it: sketch) {
total_weight += it.second;
REQUIRE(count == sketch.get_num_retained());
REQUIRE(total_weight == sketch.get_n());
SECTION("consistency between get_rank adn get_PMF/CDF") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
const int n = 1000;
float values[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
values[i] = static_cast<float>(i);
{ // inclusive=false (default)
const auto ranks(sketch.get_CDF(values, n));
const auto pmf(sketch.get_PMF(values, n));
double subtotal_pmf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (sketch.get_rank(values[i]) != ranks[i]) {
std::cerr << "checking rank vs CDF for value " << i << std::endl;
REQUIRE(sketch.get_rank(values[i]) == ranks[i]);
subtotal_pmf += pmf[i];
if (abs(ranks[i] - subtotal_pmf) > NUMERIC_NOISE_TOLERANCE) {
std::cerr << "CDF vs PMF for value " << i << std::endl;
REQUIRE(ranks[i] == Approx(subtotal_pmf).margin(NUMERIC_NOISE_TOLERANCE));
{ // inclusive=true
const auto ranks(sketch.get_CDF<true>(values, n));
const auto pmf(sketch.get_PMF<true>(values, n));
double subtotal_pmf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (sketch.get_rank<true>(values[i]) != ranks[i]) {
std::cerr << "checking rank vs CDF for value " << i << std::endl;
REQUIRE(sketch.get_rank(values[i]) == ranks[i]);
subtotal_pmf += pmf[i];
if (abs(ranks[i] - subtotal_pmf) > NUMERIC_NOISE_TOLERANCE) {
std::cerr << "CDF vs PMF for value " << i << std::endl;
REQUIRE(ranks[i] == Approx(subtotal_pmf).margin(NUMERIC_NOISE_TOLERANCE));
SECTION("deserialize from java") {
std::ifstream is;
is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit); + "", std::ios::binary);
auto sketch = kll_float_sketch::deserialize(is, test_allocator<float>(0));
REQUIRE(sketch.get_n() == 1000000);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_retained() == 614);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_min_value() == 0.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_max_value() == 999999.0);
SECTION("stream serialize deserialize empty") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
std::stringstream s(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
REQUIRE(static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()) == sketch.get_serialized_size_bytes());
auto sketch2 = kll_float_sketch::deserialize(s, test_allocator<float>(0));
REQUIRE(static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()) == sketch2.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE(s.tellg() == s.tellp());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_empty() == sketch.is_empty());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_estimation_mode() == sketch.is_estimation_mode());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_n() == sketch.get_n());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_num_retained() == sketch.get_num_retained());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(false) == sketch.get_normalized_rank_error(false));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(true) == sketch.get_normalized_rank_error(true));
SECTION("bytes serialize deserialize empty") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
auto bytes = sketch.serialize();
auto sketch2 = kll_float_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size(), serde<float>(), 0);
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sketch.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_empty() == sketch.is_empty());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_estimation_mode() == sketch.is_estimation_mode());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_n() == sketch.get_n());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_num_retained() == sketch.get_num_retained());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(false) == sketch.get_normalized_rank_error(false));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(true) == sketch.get_normalized_rank_error(true));
SECTION("stream serialize deserialize one item") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
std::stringstream s(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
REQUIRE(static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()) == sketch.get_serialized_size_bytes());
auto sketch2 = kll_float_sketch::deserialize(s, serde<float>(), 0);
REQUIRE(static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()) == sketch2.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE(s.tellg() == s.tellp());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_n() == 1);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_num_retained() == 1);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_quantile(0.5) == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(1) == 0.0);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(2) == 1.0);
SECTION("bytes serialize deserialize one item") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
auto bytes = sketch.serialize();
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sketch.get_serialized_size_bytes());
auto sketch2 = kll_float_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size(), serde<float>(), 0);
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sketch2.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_n() == 1);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_num_retained() == 1);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_quantile(0.5) == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(1) == 0.0);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(2) == 1.0);
SECTION("deserialize one item v1") {
std::ifstream is;
is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit); + "", std::ios::binary);
auto sketch = kll_float_sketch::deserialize(is, serde<float>(), 0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_n() == 1);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_retained() == 1);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_min_value() == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_max_value() == 1.0);
SECTION("stream serialize deserialize three items") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
std::stringstream s(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
REQUIRE(static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()) == sketch.get_serialized_size_bytes());
auto sketch2 = kll_float_sketch::deserialize(s, serde<float>(), 0);
REQUIRE(static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()) == sketch2.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE(s.tellg() == s.tellp());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_n() == 3);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_num_retained() == 3);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == 3.0);
SECTION("bytes serialize deserialize three items") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
auto bytes = sketch.serialize();
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sketch.get_serialized_size_bytes());
auto sketch2 = kll_float_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size(), serde<float>(), 0);
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sketch2.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_n() == 3);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_num_retained() == 3);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == 1.0);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == 3.0);
SECTION("stream serialize deserialize many floats") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
const int n = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sketch.update(static_cast<float>(i));
std::stringstream s(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
REQUIRE(static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()) == sketch.get_serialized_size_bytes());
auto sketch2 = kll_float_sketch::deserialize(s, serde<float>(), 0);
REQUIRE(static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()) == sketch2.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE(s.tellg() == s.tellp());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_empty() == sketch.is_empty());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_estimation_mode() == sketch.is_estimation_mode());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_n() == sketch.get_n());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_num_retained() == sketch.get_num_retained());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == sketch.get_min_value());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == sketch.get_max_value());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(false) == sketch.get_normalized_rank_error(false));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(true) == sketch.get_normalized_rank_error(true));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_quantile(0.5) == sketch.get_quantile(0.5));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(0) == sketch.get_rank(0));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(static_cast<float>(n)) == sketch.get_rank(static_cast<float>(n)));
SECTION("bytes serialize deserialize many floats") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
const int n = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sketch.update(static_cast<float>(i));
auto bytes = sketch.serialize();
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sketch.get_serialized_size_bytes());
auto sketch2 = kll_float_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size(), serde<float>(), 0);
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sketch2.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_empty() == sketch.is_empty());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_estimation_mode() == sketch.is_estimation_mode());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_n() == sketch.get_n());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_num_retained() == sketch.get_num_retained());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == sketch.get_min_value());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == sketch.get_max_value());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(false) == sketch.get_normalized_rank_error(false));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(true) == sketch.get_normalized_rank_error(true));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_quantile(0.5) == sketch.get_quantile(0.5));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(0) == sketch.get_rank(0));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(static_cast<float>(n)) == sketch.get_rank(static_cast<float>(n)));
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(kll_sketch<int>::deserialize(, 7), std::out_of_range);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(kll_sketch<int>::deserialize(, 15), std::out_of_range);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(kll_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size() - 1), std::out_of_range);
SECTION("bytes serialize deserialize many ints") {
kll_sketch<int> sketch;
const int n = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sketch.update(i);
auto bytes = sketch.serialize();
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sketch.get_serialized_size_bytes());
auto sketch2 = kll_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size());
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sketch2.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_empty() == sketch.is_empty());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_estimation_mode() == sketch.is_estimation_mode());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_n() == sketch.get_n());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_num_retained() == sketch.get_num_retained());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == sketch.get_min_value());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == sketch.get_max_value());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(false) == sketch.get_normalized_rank_error(false));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(true) == sketch.get_normalized_rank_error(true));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_quantile(0.5) == sketch.get_quantile(0.5));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(0) == sketch.get_rank(0));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(n) == sketch.get_rank(n));
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(kll_sketch<int>::deserialize(, 7), std::out_of_range);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(kll_sketch<int>::deserialize(, 15), std::out_of_range);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(kll_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size() - 1), std::out_of_range);
SECTION("floor of log2 of fraction") {
REQUIRE(kll_helper::floor_of_log2_of_fraction(0, 1) == 0);
REQUIRE(kll_helper::floor_of_log2_of_fraction(1, 2) == 0);
REQUIRE(kll_helper::floor_of_log2_of_fraction(2, 2) == 0);
REQUIRE(kll_helper::floor_of_log2_of_fraction(3, 2) == 0);
REQUIRE(kll_helper::floor_of_log2_of_fraction(4, 2) == 1);
REQUIRE(kll_helper::floor_of_log2_of_fraction(5, 2) == 1);
REQUIRE(kll_helper::floor_of_log2_of_fraction(6, 2) == 1);
REQUIRE(kll_helper::floor_of_log2_of_fraction(7, 2) == 1);
REQUIRE(kll_helper::floor_of_log2_of_fraction(8, 2) == 2);
SECTION("out of order split points, float") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
sketch.update(0); // has too be non-empty to reach the check
float split_points[2] = {1, 0};
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sketch.get_CDF(split_points, 2), std::invalid_argument);
SECTION("out of order split points, int") {
kll_sketch<int> sketch;
sketch.update(0); // has too be non-empty to reach the check
int split_points[2] = {1, 0};
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sketch.get_CDF(split_points, 2), std::invalid_argument);
SECTION("NaN split point") {
kll_float_sketch sketch(200, 0);
sketch.update(0); // has too be non-empty to reach the check
float split_points[1] = {std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()};
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sketch.get_CDF(split_points, 1), std::invalid_argument);
SECTION("merge") {
kll_float_sketch sketch1(200, 0);
kll_float_sketch sketch2(200, 0);
const int n = 10000;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sketch2.update(static_cast<float>((2 * n) - i - 1));
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_min_value() == 0.0f);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_max_value() == n - 1);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == n);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == 2.0f * n - 1);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_n() == 2 * n);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_min_value() == 0.0f);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_max_value() == 2.0f * n - 1);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_quantile(0.5) == Approx(n).margin(n * RANK_EPS_FOR_K_200));
SECTION("merge lower k") {
kll_float_sketch sketch1(256, 0);
kll_float_sketch sketch2(128, 0);
const int n = 10000;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sketch2.update(static_cast<float>((2 * n) - i - 1));
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_min_value() == 0.0f);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_max_value() == n - 1);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == n);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == 2.0f * n - 1);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_k() == 256);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_k() == 128);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_normalized_rank_error(false) < sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(false));
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_normalized_rank_error(true) < sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(true));
// sketch1 must get "contaminated" by the lower K in sketch2
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(false) == sketch1.get_normalized_rank_error(false));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(true) == sketch1.get_normalized_rank_error(true));
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_n() == 2 * n);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_min_value() == 0.0f);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_max_value() == 2.0f * n - 1);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_quantile(0.5) == Approx(n).margin(n * RANK_EPS_FOR_K_200));
SECTION("merge exact mode, lower k") {
kll_float_sketch sketch1(256, 0);
kll_float_sketch sketch2(128, 0);
const int n = 10000;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// rank error should not be affected by a merge with an empty sketch with lower k
const double rank_error_before_merge = sketch1.get_normalized_rank_error(true);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_normalized_rank_error(true) == rank_error_before_merge);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_n() == n);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_min_value() == 0.0f);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_max_value() == n - 1);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_quantile(0.5) == Approx(n / 2).margin(n / 2 * RANK_EPS_FOR_K_200));
// rank error should not be affected by a merge with a sketch in exact mode with lower k
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_normalized_rank_error(true) == rank_error_before_merge);
SECTION("merge min value from other") {
kll_float_sketch sketch1(200, 0);
kll_float_sketch sketch2(200, 0);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == 1.0f);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == 2.0f);
SECTION("merge min and max values from other") {
kll_float_sketch sketch1(200, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) sketch1.update(static_cast<float>(i));
kll_float_sketch sketch2(200, 0);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == 0.0f);
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == 999999.0f);
SECTION("sketch of ints") {
kll_sketch<int> sketch;
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sketch.get_quantile(0), std::runtime_error);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sketch.get_min_value(), std::runtime_error);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sketch.get_max_value(), std::runtime_error);
const int n = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sketch.update(i);
std::stringstream s(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
REQUIRE(static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()) == sketch.get_serialized_size_bytes());
auto sketch2 = kll_sketch<int>::deserialize(s);
REQUIRE(static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()) == sketch2.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE(s.tellg() == s.tellp());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_empty() == sketch.is_empty());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_estimation_mode() == sketch.is_estimation_mode());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_n() == sketch.get_n());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_num_retained() == sketch.get_num_retained());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == sketch.get_min_value());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == sketch.get_max_value());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(false) == sketch.get_normalized_rank_error(false));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(true) == sketch.get_normalized_rank_error(true));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_quantile(0.5) == sketch.get_quantile(0.5));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(0) == sketch.get_rank(0));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(n) == sketch.get_rank(n));
SECTION("sketch of strings stream") {
kll_string_sketch sketch1(200, 0);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sketch1.get_quantile(0), std::runtime_error);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sketch1.get_min_value(), std::runtime_error);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sketch1.get_max_value(), std::runtime_error);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_serialized_size_bytes() == 8);
const int n = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sketch1.update(std::to_string(i));
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_min_value() == std::string("0"));
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_max_value() == std::string("999"));
std::stringstream s(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
REQUIRE(static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()) == sketch1.get_serialized_size_bytes());
auto sketch2 = kll_string_sketch::deserialize(s, test_allocator<std::string>(0));
REQUIRE(static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()) == sketch2.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE(s.tellg() == s.tellp());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_empty() == sketch1.is_empty());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_estimation_mode() == sketch1.is_estimation_mode());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_n() == sketch1.get_n());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_num_retained() == sketch1.get_num_retained());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == sketch1.get_min_value());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == sketch1.get_max_value());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(false) == sketch1.get_normalized_rank_error(false));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(true) == sketch1.get_normalized_rank_error(true));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_quantile(0.5) == sketch1.get_quantile(0.5));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(std::to_string(0)) == sketch1.get_rank(std::to_string(0)));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(std::to_string(n)) == sketch1.get_rank(std::to_string(n)));
// to take a look using hexdump
//std::ofstream os("");
// debug print
SECTION("sketch of strings bytes") {
kll_string_sketch sketch1(200, 0);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sketch1.get_quantile(0), std::runtime_error);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sketch1.get_min_value(), std::runtime_error);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sketch1.get_max_value(), std::runtime_error);
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_serialized_size_bytes() == 8);
const int n = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sketch1.update(std::to_string(i));
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_min_value() == std::string("0"));
REQUIRE(sketch1.get_max_value() == std::string("999"));
auto bytes = sketch1.serialize();
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sketch1.get_serialized_size_bytes());
auto sketch2 = kll_string_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size(), serde<std::string>(), 0);
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sketch2.get_serialized_size_bytes());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_empty() == sketch1.is_empty());
REQUIRE(sketch2.is_estimation_mode() == sketch1.is_estimation_mode());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_n() == sketch1.get_n());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_num_retained() == sketch1.get_num_retained());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_min_value() == sketch1.get_min_value());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_max_value() == sketch1.get_max_value());
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(false) == sketch1.get_normalized_rank_error(false));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_normalized_rank_error(true) == sketch1.get_normalized_rank_error(true));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_quantile(0.5) == sketch1.get_quantile(0.5));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(std::to_string(0)) == sketch1.get_rank(std::to_string(0)));
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(std::to_string(n)) == sketch1.get_rank(std::to_string(n)));
SECTION("sketch of strings, single item, bytes") {
kll_string_sketch sketch1(200, 0);
auto bytes = sketch1.serialize();
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sketch1.get_serialized_size_bytes());
auto sketch2 = kll_string_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size(), serde<std::string>(), 0);
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == sketch2.get_serialized_size_bytes());
SECTION("copy") {
kll_sketch<int> sketch1;
const int n(1000);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sketch1.update(i);
// copy constructor
kll_sketch<int> sketch2(sketch1);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(i) == sketch1.get_rank(i));
// copy assignment
kll_sketch<int> sketch3;
sketch3 = sketch1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
REQUIRE(sketch3.get_rank(i) == sketch1.get_rank(i));
SECTION("move") {
kll_sketch<int> sketch1;
const int n(100);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sketch1.update(i);
// move constructor
kll_sketch<int> sketch2(std::move(sketch1));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
REQUIRE(sketch2.get_rank(i) == (double) i / n);
// move assignment
kll_sketch<int> sketch3;
sketch3 = std::move(sketch2);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
REQUIRE(sketch3.get_rank(i) == (double) i / n);
SECTION("max serialized size arithmetic type") {
REQUIRE(kll_sketch<float>::get_max_serialized_size_bytes(200, 10) == 1968);
REQUIRE(kll_sketch<float>::get_max_serialized_size_bytes(200, 100) == 2316);
REQUIRE(kll_sketch<float>::get_max_serialized_size_bytes(200, 1000) == 2440);
REQUIRE(kll_sketch<float>::get_max_serialized_size_bytes(200, 1000000) == 2800);
REQUIRE(kll_sketch<float>::get_max_serialized_size_bytes(200, 1000000000) == 3160);
SECTION("max serialized size non-arithmetic type") {
REQUIRE(kll_sketch<std::string>::get_max_serialized_size_bytes(200, 10, 4) == 1968);
REQUIRE(kll_sketch<std::string>::get_max_serialized_size_bytes(200, 100, 4) == 2316);
REQUIRE(kll_sketch<std::string>::get_max_serialized_size_bytes(200, 1000, 4) == 2440);
REQUIRE(kll_sketch<std::string>::get_max_serialized_size_bytes(200, 1000000, 4) == 2800);
REQUIRE(kll_sketch<std::string>::get_max_serialized_size_bytes(200, 1000000000, 4) == 3160);
SECTION("issue #236") {
kll_sketch<int8_t> kll;
auto blob = kll.serialize();
auto kll2 = kll_sketch<int8_t>::deserialize(, blob.size());
SECTION("sorted view") {
kll_sketch<int> kll;
{ // non-cumulative, using operator->
auto view = kll.get_sorted_view(false);
REQUIRE(view.size() == 3);
auto it = view.begin();
REQUIRE(it->first == 1);
REQUIRE(it->second == 1);
REQUIRE(it->first == 2);
REQUIRE(it->second == 1);
REQUIRE(it->first == 3);
REQUIRE(it->second == 1);
{ // cumulative, non-inclusive, using operator->
auto view = kll.get_sorted_view(true);
REQUIRE(view.size() == 3);
auto it = view.begin();
REQUIRE(it->first == 1);
REQUIRE(it->second == 0);
REQUIRE(it->first == 2);
REQUIRE(it->second == 1);
REQUIRE(it->first == 3);
REQUIRE(it->second == 2);
{ // cumulative, inclusive, using operator*
auto view = kll.get_sorted_view<true>(true);
REQUIRE(view.size() == 3);
auto it = view.begin();
REQUIRE((*it).first == 1);
REQUIRE((*it).second == 1);
REQUIRE((*it).first == 2);
REQUIRE((*it).second == 2);
REQUIRE((*it).first == 3);
REQUIRE((*it).second == 3);
SECTION("type conversion: empty") {
kll_sketch<double> kll_double;
kll_sketch<float> kll_float(kll_double);
REQUIRE(kll_float.get_k() == kll_double.get_k());
REQUIRE(kll_float.get_n() == 0);
REQUIRE(kll_float.get_num_retained() == 0);
SECTION("type conversion: over k") {
kll_sketch<double> kll_double;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) kll_double.update(static_cast<double>(i));
kll_sketch<float> kll_float(kll_double);
REQUIRE(kll_float.get_k() == kll_double.get_k());
REQUIRE(kll_float.get_n() == kll_double.get_n());
REQUIRE(kll_float.get_num_retained() == kll_double.get_num_retained());
auto sv_float = kll_float.get_sorted_view(false);
auto sv_double = kll_double.get_sorted_view(false);
auto sv_float_it = sv_float.begin();
auto sv_double_it = sv_double.begin();
while (sv_float_it != sv_float.end()) {
REQUIRE(sv_double_it != sv_double.end());
auto float_pair = *sv_float_it;
auto double_pair = *sv_double_it;
REQUIRE(float_pair.first == Approx(double_pair.first).margin(0.01));
REQUIRE(float_pair.second == double_pair.second);
REQUIRE(sv_double_it == sv_double.end());
class A {
int val;
A(int val): val(val) {}
int get_val() const { return val; }
struct less_A {
bool operator()(const A& a1, const A& a2) const { return a1.get_val() < a2.get_val(); }
class B {
int val;
explicit B(const A& a): val(a.get_val()) {}
int get_val() const { return val; }
struct less_B {
bool operator()(const B& b1, const B& b2) const { return b1.get_val() < b2.get_val(); }
SECTION("type conversion: custom types") {
kll_sketch<A, less_A> sa;
kll_sketch<B, less_B> sb(sa);
REQUIRE(sb.get_n() == 3);
// cleanup
REQUIRE(test_allocator_total_bytes == 0);
} /* namespace datasketches */