blob: e7544e4594461787685c8f5e7bce0598cad254e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// author Kevin Lang, Oath Research
#include "common.h"
#include "fm85.h"
#include "fm85Compression.h"
#include "fm85Util.h"
#include "u32Table.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <new>
U32 rowColFromTwoHashes (U64 hash0, U64 hash1, Short lgK) {
if (lgK > 26) throw std::logic_error("lgK > 26");
Long k = (1LL << lgK);
Short col = countLeadingZerosInUnsignedLong (hash1); // 0 <= col <= 64
if (col > 63) col = 63; // clip so that 0 <= col <= 63
Long row = hash0 & (k - 1);
U32 rowCol = (U32) ((row << 6) | col);
// To avoid the hash table's "empty" value, we change the row of the following pair.
// This case is extremely unlikely, but we might as well handle it.
if (rowCol == ALL32BITS) { rowCol ^= (1 << 6); }
return (rowCol);
Boolean fm85Initialized = 0;
// This is to support custom allocator and deallocator
void* (*fm85alloc)(size_t);
void (*fm85free)(void*);
// This stuff would be handled by Java's mechanism
// for initializing class variables.
void fm85Init (void) {
fm85InitAD(&malloc, &free);
// This is to support custom allocator and deallocator
void fm85InitAD (void* (*alloc)(size_t), void (*dealloc)(void*)) {
if (!fm85Initialized) {
fm85Initialized = 1;
fm85alloc = alloc;
fm85free = dealloc;
fillInvPow2Tab ();
fillKxpByteLookup ();
void fm85Clean (void) {
fm85Initialized = 0;
// The flavor is a function of K and C (the number of collected coupons).
enum flavorType determineFlavor (Short lgK, Long c) {
Long k = (1LL << lgK);
Long c2 = c << 1;
Long c8 = c << 3;
Long c32 = c << 5;
if (c == 0) return (EMPTY); // 0 == C < 1
if (c32 < 3*k) return (SPARSE); // 1 <= C < 3K/32
if (c2 < k) return (HYBRID); // 3K/32 <= C < K/2
if (c8 < 27 * k) return (PINNED); // K/2 <= C < 27K/8
else return (SLIDING); // 27K/8 <= C
// Note: the <= occurs with equality except SPARSE-vs-HYBRID for K = 2^4
enum flavorType determineSketchFlavor (FM85 * self) {
return (determineFlavor(self->lgK, self->numCoupons));
Short determineCorrectOffset (Short lgK, Long c) {
Long k = (1LL << lgK);
Long tmp = (c << 3) - 19 * k; // 8C - 19K
if (tmp < 0) return ((Short) 0);
return ((Short) (tmp >> (lgK + 3))); // tmp / 8K
FM85 * fm85Make (Short lgK) {
if (lgK < 4 || lgK > 26) throw std::invalid_argument("lgK must be between 4 and 26");
FM85 * self = (FM85 *) fm85alloc (sizeof(FM85));
if (self == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc();
self->lgK = lgK;
self->isCompressed = 0;
self->mergeFlag = 0;
self->numCoupons = 0LL;
self->windowOffset = 0;
self->slidingWindow = (U8 *) NULL;
self->surprisingValueTable = (u32Table *) NULL;
self->numCompressedSurprisingValues = 0;
self->compressedSurprisingValues = (U32 *) NULL;
self->csvLength = 0;
self->compressedWindow = (U32 *) NULL;
self->cwLength = 0;
self->firstInterestingColumn = 0;
Long k = (1LL << self->lgK);
self->kxp = ((double) k) * 1.0;
self->hipEstAccum = 0.0;
self->hipErrAccum = 0.0;
return (self);
FM85 * fm85Copy (FM85 * self) {
if (self == NULL) throw std::invalid_argument("self is null");
FM85 * newObj = (FM85 *) shallowCopy ((void *) self, sizeof(FM85));
if (self->surprisingValueTable != NULL) {
newObj->surprisingValueTable = u32TableCopy (self->surprisingValueTable);
if (self->slidingWindow != NULL) {
Long k = (1LL << self->lgK);
size_t theSize = k * sizeof(U8);
newObj->slidingWindow = (U8 *) shallowCopy ((void *) self->slidingWindow, theSize);
if (self->compressedSurprisingValues != NULL) {
size_t theSize = self->csvLength * sizeof(U32);
newObj->compressedSurprisingValues = (U32 *) shallowCopy ((void *) self->compressedSurprisingValues, theSize);
if (self->compressedWindow != NULL) {
size_t theSize = self->cwLength * sizeof(U32);
newObj->compressedWindow = (U32 *) shallowCopy ((void *) self->compressedWindow, theSize);
return (newObj);
void fm85Free (FM85 * self) {
if (self != NULL) {
if (self->surprisingValueTable != NULL) u32TableFree (self->surprisingValueTable);
if (self->slidingWindow != NULL) fm85free (self->slidingWindow);
if (self->compressedSurprisingValues != NULL) fm85free (self->compressedSurprisingValues);
if (self->compressedWindow != NULL) fm85free (self->compressedWindow);
fm85free (self);
// Warning: this is called in several places, including during the
// transitional moments during which sketch invariants involving
// flavor and offset are out of whack and in fact we are re-imposing
// them. Therefore it cannot rely on determineFlavor() or
// determineCorrectOffset(). Instead it interprets the low level data
// structures "as is".
// This produces a full-size k-by-64 bit matrix from any Live sketch.
U64 * bitMatrixOfSketch (FM85 * self) {
if (self->isCompressed != 0) throw std::logic_error("isCompressed != 0");
Long k = (1LL << self->lgK);
Short offset = self->windowOffset;
if (offset < 0 || offset > 56) throw std::logic_error("offset < 0 || offset > 56");
Long i = 0;
U64 * matrix = (U64 *) fm85alloc ((size_t) (k * sizeof(U64)));
if (matrix == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc();
// Fill the matrix with default rows in which the "early zone" is filled with ones.
// This is essential for the routine's O(k) time cost (as opposed to O(C)).
U64 defaultRow = (1ULL << offset) - 1;
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { matrix[i] = defaultRow; }
if (self->numCoupons == 0) {
return (matrix); // Returning a matrix of zeros rather than NULL.
U8 * window = self->slidingWindow;
if (window != NULL) { // In other words, we are in window mode, not sparse mode.
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { // set the window bits, trusting the sketch's current offset.
matrix[i] |= (((U64) window[i]) << offset);
u32Table * table = self->surprisingValueTable;
if (table == NULL) throw std::logic_error("table == NULL");
U32 * slots = table->slots;
Long numSlots = (1LL << table->lgSize);
for (i = 0; i < numSlots; i++) {
U32 rowCol = slots[i];
if (rowCol != ALL32BITS) {
Short col = (Short) (rowCol & 63);
Long row = (Long) (rowCol >> 6);
// Flip the specified matrix bit from its default value.
// In the "early" zone the bit changes from 1 to 0.
// In the "late" zone the bit changes from 0 to 1.
matrix[row] ^= (1ULL << col);
void promoteEmptyToSparse (FM85 * self) {
if (self->numCoupons != 0) throw std::logic_error("numCoupons != 0");
if (self->surprisingValueTable != NULL) throw std::logic_error("surprisingValueTable != NULL");
self->surprisingValueTable = u32TableMake (2, 6 + self->lgK);
// In terms of flavor, this promotes SPARSE to HYBRID.
void promoteSparseToWindowed (FM85 * self) {
Long k = (1LL << self->lgK);
Long c32 = self->numCoupons << 5;
if (!(c32 == 3 * k || (self->lgK == 4 && c32 > 3 * k))) throw std::logic_error("wrong c32");
Long i;
U8 * window = (U8 *) fm85alloc ((size_t) (k * sizeof(U8)));
if (window == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc();
bzero ((void *) window, (size_t) k); // zero the memory (because we will be OR'ing into it)
u32Table * newTable = u32TableMake (2, 6 + self->lgK);
u32Table * oldTable = self->surprisingValueTable;
U32 * oldSlots = oldTable->slots;
Long oldNumSlots = (1LL << oldTable->lgSize);
if (self->windowOffset != 0) throw std::logic_error("windowOffset != 0");
for (i = 0; i < oldNumSlots; i++) {
U32 rowCol = oldSlots[i];
if (rowCol != ALL32BITS) {
Short col = (Short) (rowCol & 63);
if (col < 8) {
Long row = (Long) (rowCol >> 6);
window[row] |= (1 << col);
else {
// cannot use u32TableMustInsert(), because it doesn't provide for growth
Boolean isNovel = u32TableMaybeInsert (newTable, rowCol);
if (isNovel != 1) throw std::logic_error("isNovel != 1");
// fprintf (stderr, "Number of surprising values dropped from %lld to %lld\n", oldTable->numItems, newTable->numItems);
if (self->slidingWindow != NULL) throw std::logic_error("slidingWindow != NULL");
self->slidingWindow = window;
self->surprisingValueTable = newTable;
u32TableFree (oldTable);
// The KXP register is a double with roughly 50 bits of precision, but
// it might need roughly 90 bits to track the value with perfect accuracy.
// Therefore we recalculate KXP occasionally from the sketch's full bitmatrix
// so that it will reflect changes that were previously outside the mantissa.
void refreshKXP (FM85 * self, U64 * bitMatrix) {
Long k = (1LL << self->lgK);
Long i;
Short j;
// for improved numerical accuracy, we separately sum the bytes of the U64's
double byteSums [8]; // allocating on the stack
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { byteSums[j] = 0.0; }
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
U64 word = bitMatrix[i];
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
U8 byte = word & 0xff;
byteSums[j] += kxpByteLookup[byte];
word >>= 8;
double total = 0.0;
for (j = 7; j >= 0; j--) { // the reverse order is important
double factor = invPow2Tab[8*j]; // pow (256.0, (-1.0 * ((double) j)));
total += factor * byteSums[j];
// fprintf (stderr, "%.3f\n", ((double) self->numCoupons) / k);
// fprintf (stderr, "%.19g\told value of KXP\n", self->kxp);
// fprintf (stderr, "%.19g\tnew value of KXP\n", total);
// fflush (stderr);
self->kxp = total;
// this moves the sliding window
void modifyOffset (FM85 * self, Short newOffset) {
if (newOffset < 0 || newOffset > 56) throw std::logic_error("newOffset < 0 || newOffset > 56");
if (newOffset != self->windowOffset + 1) throw std::logic_error("newOffset != windowOffset + 1");
if (newOffset != determineCorrectOffset (self->lgK, self->numCoupons)) throw std::logic_error("newOffset is wrong");
if (self->slidingWindow == NULL) throw std::logic_error("slidingWindow == NULL");
if (self->surprisingValueTable == NULL) throw std::logic_error("surprisingValueTable == NULL");
Long k = (1LL << self->lgK);
// Construct the full-sized bit matrix that corresponds to the sketch
U64 * bitMatrix = bitMatrixOfSketch (self);
if (bitMatrix == NULL) throw std::logic_error("bitMatrix == NULL");
// refresh the KXP register on every 8th window shift.
if ((newOffset & 0x7) == 0) { refreshKXP (self, bitMatrix); }
u32TableClear (self->surprisingValueTable); // the new number of surprises will be about the same
u32Table * table = self->surprisingValueTable;
U8 * window = self->slidingWindow;
U64 maskForClearingWindow = (0xffULL << newOffset) ^ ALL64BITS;
U64 maskForFlippingEarlyZone = (1ULL << newOffset) - 1;
U64 allSurprisesORed = 0;
Long i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
U64 pattern = bitMatrix[i];
window[i] = (U8) ((pattern >> newOffset) & 0xff);
pattern &= maskForClearingWindow;
// The following line converts surprising 0's to 1's in the "early zone",
// (and vice versa, which is essential for this procedure's O(k) time cost).
pattern ^= maskForFlippingEarlyZone;
allSurprisesORed |= pattern; // a cheap way to recalculate firstInterestingColumn
while (pattern != 0) {
Short col = countTrailingZerosInUnsignedLong (pattern);
pattern = pattern ^ (1ULL << col); // erase the 1.
U32 rowCol = (i << 6) | col;
Boolean isNovel = u32TableMaybeInsert (table, rowCol);
if (isNovel != 1) throw std::logic_error("isNovel != 1");
fm85free (bitMatrix);
self->windowOffset = newOffset;
self->firstInterestingColumn = countTrailingZerosInUnsignedLong (allSurprisesORed);
if (self->firstInterestingColumn > newOffset) self->firstInterestingColumn = newOffset; // corner case
// fprintf (stderr, "Changed the offset from %d to %d because C = %lld;",
// (int) self->windowOffset, (int) newOffset, self->numCoupons);
// fprintf (stderr, "\t[%d]\n", (int) self->firstInterestingColumn);
// fflush (stderr);
// Call this whenever a new coupon has been collected.
void updateHIP (FM85 * self, Short rowCol) {
Long k = (1LL << self->lgK);
Short col = (Short) (rowCol & 63);
double oneOverP = ((double) k) / self->kxp;
self->hipEstAccum += oneOverP;
self->hipErrAccum += ((oneOverP * oneOverP) - oneOverP);
self->kxp -= invPow2Tab[col+1]; // notice the "+1"
double getHIPEstimate (FM85 * self) {
if (self->mergeFlag != 0) throw std::logic_error("tried to get HIP estimate of merged sketch");
return (self->hipEstAccum);
void updateSparse (FM85 * self, U32 rowCol) {
Long k = (1LL << self->lgK);
Long c32pre = self->numCoupons << 5;
if (c32pre >= 3*k) throw std::logic_error("c32pre >= 3*k"); // C < 3K/32, in other words flavor == SPARSE
if (self->surprisingValueTable == NULL) throw std::logic_error("surprisingValueTable == NULL");
Boolean isNovel = u32TableMaybeInsert (self->surprisingValueTable, rowCol);
if (isNovel) {
self->numCoupons += 1;
updateHIP (self, rowCol);
Long c32post = self->numCoupons << 5;
if (c32post >= 3*k) { promoteSparseToWindowed (self); } // C >= 3K/32
// the flavor is HYBRID, PINNED, or SLIDING.
void updateWindowed (FM85 * self, U32 rowCol) {
if (self->windowOffset < 0 || self->windowOffset > 56) throw std::logic_error("windowOffset < 0 || windowOffset > 56");
Long k = (1LL << self->lgK);
Long c32pre = self->numCoupons << 5;
if (c32pre < 3*k) throw std::logic_error("c32pre < 3*k"); // C < 3K/32, in other words flavor >= HYBRID
Long c8pre = self->numCoupons << 3;
Long w8pre = ((Long) self->windowOffset) << 3;
if (c8pre >= (27 + w8pre) * k) throw std::logic_error("c8pre is wrong"); // C < (K * 27/8) + (K * windowOffset)
Boolean isNovel = 0;
Short col = (Short) (rowCol & 63);
if (col < self->windowOffset) { // track the surprising 0's "before" the window
isNovel = u32TableMaybeDelete (self->surprisingValueTable, rowCol); // inverted logic
else if (col < self->windowOffset + 8) { // track the 8 bits inside the window
if (col < self->windowOffset) throw std::logic_error("col < windowOffset");
Long row = (Long) (rowCol >> 6);
U8 oldBits = self->slidingWindow[row];
U8 newBits = oldBits | (1 << (col - self->windowOffset));
if (newBits != oldBits) {
self->slidingWindow[row] = newBits;
isNovel = 1;
else { // track the surprising 1's "after" the window
if (col < self->windowOffset + 8) throw std::logic_error("col < windowOffset + 8");
isNovel = u32TableMaybeInsert (self->surprisingValueTable, rowCol); // normal logic
if (isNovel) {
self->numCoupons += 1;
updateHIP (self, rowCol);
Long c8post = self->numCoupons << 3;
if (c8post >= (27 + w8pre) * k) {
modifyOffset (self, self->windowOffset + 1);
if (self->windowOffset < 1 || self->windowOffset > 56) throw std::logic_error("windowOffset < 1 || windowOffset > 56");
Long w8post = ((Long) self->windowOffset) << 3;
if (c8post >= (27 + w8post) * k) throw std::logic_error("c8pre is wrong"); // C < (K * 27/8) + (K * windowOffset)
void fm85RowColUpdate (FM85 * self, U32 rowCol) {
Short col = (Short) (rowCol & 63);
if (col < self->firstInterestingColumn) { return; } // important speed optimization
if (self->isCompressed) std::logic_error("Cannot update a compressed sketch");
Long c = self->numCoupons;
if (c == 0) { promoteEmptyToSparse (self); }
Long k = (1LL << self->lgK);
if ((c << 5) < 3*k) { updateSparse (self, rowCol); }
else { updateWindowed (self, rowCol); }
void fm85Update (FM85 * self, U64 hash0, U64 hash1) {
U32 rowCol = rowColFromTwoHashes (hash0, hash1, self->lgK);
fm85RowColUpdate (self, rowCol);