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import unittest
from datasketches import (vector_of_kll_ints_sketches,
import numpy as np
class VectorOfKllSketchesTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_vector_of_kll_floats_sketches_example(self):
k = 200
d = 3
n = 2 ** 20
# create a sketch and inject ~1 million N(0,1) points
kll = vector_of_kll_floats_sketches(k, d)
# Track the min/max for each sketch to test later
smin = np.zeros(d) + np.inf
smax = np.zeros(d) - np.inf
for i in range(0, n):
dat = np.random.randn(d)
smin = np.amin([smin, dat], axis=0)
smax = np.amax([smax, dat], axis=0)
# 0 should be near the median
np.testing.assert_allclose(0.5, kll.get_ranks(0.0), atol=0.025)
# the median should be near 0
np.testing.assert_allclose(0.0, kll.get_quantiles(0.5), atol=0.025)
# we also track the min/max independently from the rest of the data
# which lets us know the full observed data range
np.testing.assert_allclose(kll.get_min_values(), smin)
np.testing.assert_allclose(kll.get_max_values(), smax)
np.testing.assert_array_less(kll.get_min_values(), kll.get_quantiles(0.01)[:,0])
np.testing.assert_array_less(kll.get_quantiles(0.99)[:,0], kll.get_max_values())
# we can also extract a list of values at a time,
# here the values should give us something close to [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2].
# then get the CDF, which will return something close to
# the original values used in get_quantiles()
# finally, can check the normalized rank error bound
pts = kll.get_quantiles([0.0228, 0.1587, 0.5, 0.8413, 0.9772])
# use the mean pts for the CDF, include 1.0 at end to account for all probability mass
meanpts = np.mean(pts, axis=0)
cdf = kll.get_cdf(meanpts)
self.assertEqual(cdf.shape[0], pts.shape[0])
self.assertEqual(cdf.shape[1], pts.shape[1]+1)
# and a few basic queries about the sketch
self.assertTrue(np.all(kll.get_n() == n))
self.assertTrue(np.all(kll.get_num_retained() < n))
# we can combine sketches across all dimensions and get the reuslt
result = kll.collapse()
self.assertEqual(result.get_n(), d * n)
# merging a copy of itself will double the number of items the sketch has seen
kll_copy = vector_of_kll_floats_sketches(kll)
np.testing.assert_equal(kll.get_n(), 2*n)
# we can then serialize and reconstruct the sketch
kll_bytes = kll.serialize() # serializes each sketch as a list
new_kll = vector_of_kll_floats_sketches(k, d)
for s in range(len(kll_bytes)):
new_kll.deserialize(kll_bytes[s], s)
# everything should be exactly equal
np.testing.assert_equal(kll.get_num_retained(), new_kll.get_num_retained())
np.testing.assert_equal;(kll.get_min_values(), new_kll.get_min_values())
np.testing.assert_equal(kll.get_max_values(), new_kll.get_max_values())
np.testing.assert_equal(kll.get_quantiles(0.7), new_kll.get_quantiles(0.7))
np.testing.assert_equal(kll.get_ranks(0.0), new_kll.get_ranks(0.0))
def test_kll_ints_sketches(self):
# already tested floats and it's templatized, so just make sure it instantiates properly
k = 100
d = 5
kll = vector_of_kll_ints_sketches(k, d)
if __name__ == '__main__':